NON- PARAMETRICAL CHLORIDES SORTED Q-TEST 32.56 30.10 0.351428571 Ho: there is no outliers present 35.14 32.56 H1: there is outliers present 34.10 33.33 33.33 34.10 ALPHA 0.05 37.10 34.45 RANGE 7.00 34.45 35.12 Q CRITICAL 0.526 35.12 35.14 30.10 37.10 0.28000 "Since 0.351< 0.526, we accept Ho, there is no outliers present " N: 8 CONFIDENCE INTERVAL < 30.10 ; 35.14 > PARAMETRICAL GRUDDS'S TEST Ho: there is no outliers AVERAGE: 33.99 H1: there is outliers STAND.D: 2.073911074 Tmax: 1.500787589 Tmin : 1.874477671 CRITICAL VALUE : 2.126 "since 1.874 < 2.126, Ho is accepted, there is no outliers " STUDENT'S TEST MEAN: 33.99 STAND.D: 2.073911074 Sx: 0.733238292 D.O.F: 7 t: 2.364624252 CONFIDENCE INTERVAL: < 32.25366695 35.72133305 > Conclusion: the parametrical method is more suitable bacause the results are more accurate for this experiment.