body mass men women men women aritmet. mean 82 57 max 87 62 min 93 58 modus 74 71 median 68 49 variance 81 56 sample variance 80 60 stand. deviation. pop. 67 53 st. dev. sample 104 71 69 64 75 58 71 49 0.75 percentil 81 68 0.50 percentil 96 61 0.25 percentil 89 54 79 57 109 60 87 47 63 58 75 61 77 67 64 54 59 47 81 64 70 76 69 63 86 67 80 52 81 91 ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### "A new kind of insulin was tested 8 patients were given different amount of it and measured the sugar level decrease in blood: " amount of insulin (ug) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 decrease in sugar level (%) 8 12 30 20 55 58 44 65 ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### "Numerickou integrací zjistěte plochu pod přímkou, která prochází bodem [0,1] a [5,3]" "tj. plochu mezi touto přímkou a osou x na intervalu <1,5>"