Example: Ice Cream Sales The local ice cream shop keeps track of how much ice cream they sell versus the temperature of that day for the last 12 days: Formulate a null hypothesis and verify it by Pearsons and Spearman coefficients Ho: there is no correlation H1: There is correlation Temperature (°C) Ice Cream Sales ($) rank t rank sales d d2 Spearman's law 14.2 215 11 11 0 0 16.4 325 9 10 -1 1 11.9 185 12 12 0 0 15.2 332 10 9 1 1 18.5 406 6 8 -2 4 22.1 522 4 3 1 1 19.4 412 5 6 -1 1 25.1 614 1 1 0 0 23.4 544 2 2 0 0 0.587 crit 18.1 421 7 5 2 4 22.6 445 3 4 -1 1 0.951048951 17.2 408 8 7 1 1 14 average 18.7 402.4 -4.5 -187.4 838.7 -2.3 -77.4 176.1 -6.8 217.4166667 -1473.0 Pearson's law -3.5 -70.4 244.6 -0.2 3.6 -0.6 3.4 119.6 409.6 0.7 9.6 6.9 6.4 211.6 1354.1 4.7 141.6 669.0 -0.6 18.6 -10.7 3.9 42.6 167.1 2.3 5.6 13.0 179.9 174756.7425 2394.994167 0.427151283 0.576 crit H0= is rejected. ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### age (yrs) price/1000 Kč Here is a pricelist of used 10 cars Skoda Felicia Combi 3 167 4 165 1. pressume normal distribution of the data 5 139 2. construct a simple regression model how the price depends on the age 6 149 3. evaluate quality of the model 7 119 4. estimate a price of a ten-year-old Felicia Combi 7 129 8 89 8 115 9 76 9 89 ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### "A new kind of insulin was developed. Its effect was tested as a drop of sugar level in blood 2 hours after the injection application. 8 Randomly selected patients were dozed with different insulin amounts. Results are in the table: " Prove a strong correlation and plot a graph of regression residuals! insuline amount (ug) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 sugar level drop (%) 8 12 30 20 55 58 44 65 ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### concentration signal 1 0.195 2 0.425 3 0.565 4 0.851 5 1.142 6 1.198 7 1.530 HOW TO FORCE Const a=0