Physiologic importance of lipids • Lipids: - Triacylglycerols (TAG) - Phospholipids (PL) - Free cholesterol (CH) and cholesteryl (CHE) - Free fatty acids (FFA) • Importace of lipids are - (1) an important source of energy (TAG)--adipose tissue (TAG) form in lean humans about 1/5 of body weight represents the supply of ca. 570000 kJ, enough for about 3 months a complete starvation - (2) The starting material for the formation of a variety of substances (CH) -- signaling molecules (steroids, prostaglandins, enzymes, cofactors) -- components of cell membranes (esp. Phospholipids and CH) -- formation of bile acids Disorders: hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP) / dyslipidemia - group of metabolic diseases characterized by increasing lipid and lipoproteins in the plasma due to --their increased synthesis -- reduced catabolism of particles --respectively. reduction of particulate matter (esp. HDL) many HLP is atherogenic - but beware! increased levels of atherogenic lipoproteins in the plasma may not be at all in relation to the amount of subcutaneous fat, thus HLP ≠ obesity! • Lipoproteins (concetration of lipoproteins in plasma is a result of the interaction of genetic factors with the external factors environment) Digestion and absorption of lipids Water insoluble lipids contained in the diet (TAG, CH, phospholipids) are mechanically emulsified by movements of the gastrointestinal tract and bile so that they reach the enzymes necessary for their absorption - TAG: intestine are digested by pancreatic lipase to free fatty acids and monoacylglycerol - PL: digested by pancreatic phospholipases - CH: cholesterol esters Pancreatic cholesteryl ester hydrolase to free CH incomplete absorption (~ 30-60%) together with bile acids, vitamins soluble in fats and other substances make up the. mixed micelles, which are either diffusion or incorporation and release from the membrane absorbed into enterocytes are undergoing re-re-esterification into TAG to resorbed lipids are added apolipoproteins and thus chylomicrons are formed they are released from enterocytes into lymph and then into the blood In plasma circulating lipids as part of lipoprotein (LP) Lipoproteins lipoproteins = macromolecular complexes (particles) consisting of - a protein (= apolipoproteins and enzymes), structural integrity, binding to receptors, lipid exchange lipidů- (CH, CHE, TAG, PL), the outer layer - PL, CH, core - CHE TAG, circulating lipoproteins: - (1) resulting from intestine- chylomicrons, HDL; - (2) formed in the liver: VLDL (very low density lipoproteins), IDL (intermediate density lipoproteins), LDL (low density lipoproteins), HDL (high density lipoproteins) - (3) incurred in circulation: Lp (a) - the Circus. LDL and apo-a (liver) composition (lipids and apolipoproteins) differs between lipoproteins - VLDL and chylomicrons are rich in TAG (TAG >>>> CH) - LDL and HDL conversely CH >>>> TAG Different lipoproteins have a different metabolic fate plasma normally contains: - <1% chylomicrons, - <10% VLDL - residue of LDL and HDL Apolipoproteins are part of the particles varies with its proportion and accordingly also the working of lipoproteins - Participates in the structure of the particles and allow the transport of lipids in an aqueous medium - Are enzyme cofactors of lipid metabolism - Particle mediate binding to specific cellular receptors - Participate in the exchange between lipid particles all particles that contain apoB (apoB-100, or apo B-48) are atherogenic - apoB-100 - binding to the LDL receptor apoB-48 - receptor binding chylomicrons "leftovers" apoC are cofactors LPL (lipoprotein lipase) - apoC-II enables and apoC-III inhibits - and thus affect the rate of hydrolysis of TAG apoE influences the uptake of lipoprotein or 'tails' livers apoA contributes to the structure of HDL, LCAT cofactor and binding to HDL receptor-reduced levels of apoA are atherogenic apo (a) with their considerable homology with plasminogen acts as a competitive inhibitor of plasminogen (an enzyme dissolving fibrin, i.e. blood clot), however, without its catalytic activity, and an increased risk of thrombosis Lipid transport • postprandial phase – digestion of lipids from the diet • fasting state – delivery of lipids to the tissues in need FA FA FA FA FA FA perifer cell perifer cell storage Lipoprotein lipase Tissue CH TAG transport • chylomikrone formed in enterocytes provide TAG for muscle (=energy substrate) and adipose tissues (= storage) • FFA are released from lipoprotein’s TAG; – by LPL (enzyme bound to endothelium of blood vessels esp. in adipose tissue, muscles, myocardium), – by hepatic lipase in hepatocytes • FFA are utilised by either β-oxidation to provide immediate energy (glycerol is used for gluconeogenesis in liver) or for re-synthesis of TAG for storage • storage TAG (adipose tissue) can provide FFA upon hydrolysis by hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) • above mentioned processes are regulated by hormones: – inzulin activates LPL and inhibits HSL, – catecholamines and glucocorticoids activate HSL • chylomicrons deprived of dietary TAG form chylomikron remnants carrying remaining dietary cholesterol; remnants are taken up by liver, – binding to the receptor for chylomicron remnants via apoB-48 • liver form VLDLs from:– (1) TAG synthesized de novo from acetyl-Co A from surplus of saccharides (after replenishing the liver glycogen), – (2) remaining dietary TAG s CH, – (3) remaining circulating FFA, – (4) de novo synthesized CH • VLDLs circulate and are - similarly to chylomicrons - source of TAG for peripheral tissues (LPL), gradually transforming into IDL and LDL • PPARα regulated genes: • - Activation of fatty acid oxidation • - Reduction of plasma TAG levels • - Reduction of plasma level of CH Cholesterol (CH) CH transport – to the periphery Overview of CH metabolism Insuline has important efect on: fat metabolism, especially:- activation of LPL,- inhibition of HSL Inhibition of MK oxidation (+ ketogenesis) a formation of TAG and VLDL in the liver In diabetes due to a deficiency insulin (T1DM) or resistence (T2DM) this effect is missing, respectively. disorder and lipid metabolism - primarily TAG, - Secondarily also CH overproduction VLDL (and thus LDL) and increase catabolism HDL and secondarily further deterioration use of glucose because of metabolism of sugars and fats together closely related: competitions of Glc and MK at level intermediary metabolism diabetic dyslipidemia is therefore - atherogenic because it increases supply CH and worsens reverse transport CH - pro-diabetic, because it worsens sensitivity to insulin fat metabolism, especially. - activation of LPL - inhibition of HSL Inhibition of MK oxidation (+ ketogenesis) a formation of TAG and VLDL in the liver In diabetes due fat metabolism, especially. - activation of LPL - inhibition of HSL Inhibition of MK oxidation (+ ketogenesis) a formation of TAG and VLDL in the liver In diabetes fat metabolism, especially. - activation of LPL - inhibition of HSL Inhibition of MK oxidation (+ ketogenesis) a formation of TAG and VLDL in the liver In diabete Abetalipoproteinemia- AR rare hereditary DMP, completely lacking lipoprotein particles containing ApoB (chylomicrons, VLDL), the overall level of CHOL and TAG are low, fat malabsorption, steatorrhoea, stunted growth later formed retinitis pigmentosa and cerebellar Ataxia is typical acanthocytosis (stratum erythrocytes) deficit of fat-soluble vitamins, impaired cortisol lipids accumulate in the epithelium, gut - vakuoalizace, the body lacks essential MK (linoleic acid) Analfalipoproteinemie (Tangier disease) decreased levels of HDL and ApoA-I, also lower LDL and total CHOL, HDL does not pass ApoCII → just VLDL, CHOL esters accumulation in tissues, yellowish enlarged tonsils, hepatosplenomegaly and corneal infiltration, higher incidence of the AT Familial hypolipoproteinemia associated with longevity, probably for the low incidence of myocardial infarction. It is still considered a rare genetic, abnormality, probably with autosomal dominant inheritance. LDL cholesterol levels are reduced below 5 th percentile threshold normal range. familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia It is a genetic lipoprotein abnormalities associated with the occurrence of longevity in the family (about 8 to 12 years compared to the average in the population); expected form of inheritance is autosomal dominant. Familial forms, however, be distinguished from forms obtained (secondary) eg. when you abuse alcohol or use contraceptive preparations or preparations based estrogens. The syndrome is characterized by significant increasing the HDL cholesterol-1 lipoprotein to ELFO), mild to moderate increase celkového (increased cholesterol in plasma and normal concentrations of S-triglycerides. Are multiplied HDL particles containing only ApoAI not containing particles as ApoAI and ApoAII [LPA I And II]. Abnormality is probably due to increased synthesis of apo AI. There is a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease induced atherosclerosis. Hypolipoproteinemia FA FA FA FA FA FA perifer cell perifer cell storage Lipoprotein lipase Tissue CH FA FA FA FA FA FA perifer cell perifer cell storage Lipoprotein lipase Tissue CH Hyperlipoproteinaemia Fredrickson(WHO) classification Type I Hyperlipoproteinemia Type I Lipoprotein lipase deficency Chylomicron Triacylglycerol Type IIa Hyperlipoproteinemia Most common Familial hypercholesterolemia Defective LDL receptors Plasma LDL & cholesterol level are elevated Type IIb Hyperlipoproteinemia Excess of apo-B ↑Pre-beta & beta (VLDL & LDL) ↑Total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL & TG Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia Abnormal apo-E ‘Broad beta' band (IDL) ↑Total cholesterol & TG Type IV Hyperlipoproteinemia Overproduction of VLDL Pre-beta (VLDL) ↑Triacylglycerol Type V Hyperlipoproteinemia Secondary to other causes Pre-beta (VLDL) plus chylomicrons ↑Total cholesterol & TG Eruptive xanthoma Eruptive xanthoma Palmar xanthoma Tendon xanthoma Abetalipoproteinemia- AR rare hereditary DMP, completely lacking lipoprotein particles containing ApoB (chylomicrons, VLDL), the overall level of CHOL and TAG are low, fat malabsorption, steatorrhoea, stunted growth later formed retinitis pigmentosa and cerebellar Ataxia is typical acanthocytosis (stratum erythrocytes) deficit of fat-soluble vitamins, impaired cortisol lipids accumulate in the epithelium, gut - vakuoalizace, the body lacks essential MK (linoleic acid) Analfalipoproteinemie (Tangier disease) decreased levels of HDL and ApoA-I, also lower LDL and total CHOL, HDL does not pass ApoCII → just VLDL, CHOL esters accumulation in tissues, yellowish enlarged tonsils, hepatosplenomegaly and corneal infiltration, higher incidence of the AT Familial hypolipoproteinemia associated with longevity, probably for the low incidence of myocardial infarction. It is still considered a rare genetic, abnormality, probably with autosomal dominant inheritance. LDL cholesterol levels are reduced below 5 th percentile threshold normal range. familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia It is a genetic lipoprotein abnormalities associated with the occurrence of longevity in the family (about 8 to 12 years compared to the average in the population); expected form of inheritance is autosomal dominant. Familial forms, however, be distinguished from forms obtained (secondary) eg. when you abuse alcohol or use contraceptive preparations or preparations based estrogens. The syndrome is characterized by significant increasing the HDL cholesterol-1 lipoprotein to ELFO), mild to moderate increase celkového (increased cholesterol in plasma and normal concentrations of S-triglycerides. Are multiplied HDL particles containing only ApoAI not containing particles as ApoAI and ApoAII [LPA I And II]. Abnormality is probably due to increased synthesis of apo AI. There is a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease induced atherosclerosis. Hypolipoproteinemia Hypolipoproteinemia Abetalipoproteinemia • Defect in synthesis of apo-B Familial lipoprotein deficiency[Tangier disease] • Defect in synthesis of apo-A Abetalipoproteinemia • ↓Apo-B Defect • ↓CM VLDL, LDL ↓Synthesis • Fat soluble vitamins are not absorbed Malabsorption • Mental & physical retardation Leads to Familial α-lipoprotein deficiency[Tangier disease] Defect ABC-1 Decreased ↓↓HDL, A-I Risk of CAD Storage disorders cholesterol Wolman disease - rare AR deposition of cholesterol esters and triacylglycerols in the liver cells, kidney, adrenals, hematopoietic system and thin intestines. It is caused by the lack of lysosomal acid lipase., Accumulation of cholesterol esters in lysosomes of cells of the affected tissues hepatosplenomegaly, repeated vomiting, persistent diarrhea with steatorrhoea, bilateral adrenal calcification. fatal. Familiar deficit of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) It goes into making the deficit a key enzyme in cholesterol esterification. AR levels are elevated triglycerides and the level of cholesterol is variable; but lacking cholesterol esters (3-30% vs. 75-70%). Leads to lipid deposition in the cornea (opalescent) in glomerular membrane (proteinuria) in bone marrow and spleen (Sea Blue histiocytes) in erythrocytes (anemia) in the vascular wall (atheromas). They are changes in the plasma lipoproteins: triacylglycerolemie 2, 26-11, 3 mmol / l. Most classes have abnormal lipoprotein character Sphingolipidoses inborn errors of metabolism of membrane lipids (sphingolipids) - the accumulation of these lipids in the relevant bodies. Gangliosidosis - Norman-Landigova disease -mental retardation, degeneration of the nervous system, Tay-Sachs gangliosido- Gaucher disease, Scholzová disease, mental retardation, degeneration of the central and peripheral nervous system-Fabry disease Gaucher disease - defect lyzosomové B glucozocerebrosidase, glukózocerebrosid accumulate in the spleen, liver and bone marrow Niemanova and Pick disease –stogage sphingomyelin and cholesterol Disorders of β-oxidation of fatty acids beta-oxidation contributes significantly to ensuring the energy needs in a period of fasting; it is a direct source of energy for heart and muscle tissue and source of ketone bodies for about 20 CNSje known disorders are the most common AR inherited disorder include MCAD (Medium-Chain-acyl CoA dehydrogenase) and LCHAD (Long Chain 3-OH-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase) Fatty liver Excessive accumulation of fat in the liver parenchymal cells Liver is not a storage organ for fat Liver contains about 5% fat Fatty liver Accumulation of fat in the liver Fibrotic changes Cirrhosis FATTY LIVER: CAUSES DECREASED Secretion of VLDL INCREASED Hepatic TG synthesis Conditions that cause FATTY LIVER High fat diet Starvation Uncontrolled diabetes Alcoholism High cholesterol diet Dietary deficiency of Conditions that cause FATTY LIVER Lipotropic factors Essential fatty acids Essential amino acids Vitamin E and selenium Dietary deficiency of LIPOTROPIC FACTORS Substances that prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver Choline Methionine Betain Vitamin B12 Folic acid Regulation of the balance between lipid storage and mobilization in adipocytes • the balance (ratio between lipogenesis and lipolysis) is a product of continuous neurohumoral regulation reflecting feeding/fasting cycling and immediate • energy requirements of the body • 􀂃 (a) normal adipocytes in a fed • (postprandial) state • – glucose is taken up by adipocytes via • GLUT4 stimulated by insulin • – FFA are released from TAG rich • lipoproteins (mainly chylomicrons) by the • action of LPL stimulated by insulin • – surplus of glucose is the main source for • TAG production • 􀂃 (b) normal adipocytes in a fasted state