Exam test structure: WRITTEN PART: 1. Fil in missing endings: Sanatio fractur- complicat- (fracturae complicatae) 2. Translate: E-L: coated pills in a box– (pillulae obductae in scatula) 3. Match the words: charta – paper 4. Analyse given words, determine the prefix, main part and suffix and translate. E.g. exsanguinatio: ex – out, sanguis – blood, -tio – result of and action : bleeding to death 5. Make compound words from the given parts with the given meaning: tachys + cardia – faster cardiac action: tachycardia 6. Write the following abbreviations in full and translate: M.F. sol. – misce fiat solutio –(mix, solution should be made) ORAL PART: Grammar analysiS based on the written part- e.g. change to plural, use the word after a preposition, give an expression with an oppposite meaning. 7. Read a medical prescription.