EFFECTS OF STRESS ON THE BODY Another a sped of u ruler standing the cnncept of stress is the effect that stress has on the body. Visualizing these abstract concepts in the tbrm of models is generally a helpful approach to enhance our understanding. Fig. 12 at temp ts to present t hese conozp Is in a model that is generally well acosp ted. ■ Infernal ■ l>fcmjJ Cr.ibsal cona. ■ Behavim ■ ValujeKlhelLefx ■ Attiturfc - if ryiiem r fear » Anoe-i Aimmonuc turvoia jjrJniuYzrion * Neuiutrcaisirtiner release Endocrine simufau.Yjn ■ I lorrn^>: -j'jji-i; Urea deivlopmetit Life KicuaUon events choTjmk itresscf e 1 Losti 1 Ki; larJrNU 1 Finances 1 Sicinerii. etc. Perception ]-Jnü[ih7fi3] arousal P!iysio]D£ical Negative eon sequences - Palpilaricinx - Dry nKwlh ' Diarrhea. ' AniLety * Mj-'peneiiFKin * Cumury !-jjti - 3Htii ■■ IVplic ulcer Stop Primiij pre-venticai 1 Efr«tiw c ran mini calkin L Regular ejiMcLie L ApprapriaLe e-aiin £ behavLarc 1 EL/licient time cnmafe-ment Sec Did an' prevention Relau alien Coping ndlb jiuieLf Tertiary prevention Treatrrrnt FlOLIRr] l.i StrcM- djOTicWprnent and. intervention. • Blood pressure rises • Heart rat increases \n\,:\\ increases • Stomach and intestina] moiilitv increases * Basal meubolic rate increases Cerebral cortex in the brain perceives stimulations as stressful Limbic system in brain stimulated iemotional arousal) 4 Hypothalamus and pituitary e ndocrine glands stimulated -----*■ Thyroid gland stimulated Adrenal gland jurtex outer, medulla—innen stimulated Sympathetic nervous system stimulated Hypertension Coronary heart disease Stroke Anxiety disorder Peptic ulcer FIGURE 1.3 Stir** p«vrhophv™>k>Ky