U5 NOTES Ordinal numerals – the last two numbers are made up by substracting from the bigger number: e.g. 28= duodetriginta (two away from 30) 29= undetriginta (one taken away from 30) We never substract from 100! 98= nonaginta octo 99= nonaginta novem Hundreds 200-900 are declined line declensions1+2 in plural: ducenti, ducentae, docenta = 200 Cardinal numerals are declined like decl. 1+2 primus, prima, primum Multiple numerals are declined like the 3rd declension, they behave like one form adjectives: Simplex+M,F,N, genitive = simplicis Numeral adverbs are not declined! Distributive numerals are declined like declensions 1+2 - we have to respect the gender of the object: Singuli pulveres = by one powder, singulae guttae= by one drop, singula unguenta= by one ointment 10=decem grammata unguenti 30= triginta tabulettae molles 29= undetriginta iniectiones intravenosae 21= viginti una guttae solutionis 100= centum glyceroli suppositoria/suppositoria glyceroli 1000= mille millilitra aquae destillatae 100= centum grammata spiritus