U6 notes 1/61 The fourth cerebral chamber, 3 parts of the hip bone, 4 limbs/extremities, 3 heads, 20 milky teeth, 1 molar tooth, 33 vertebras of the spine/vertebral column, 4 heart cavities, 2 aspects of the liver, the first and second fissure/groove, the 3rd metacarpal bone, 12 nerves of the head, 5 senses, 7 cervical vertebras, biceps muscle, the fifth finger in other words the smallest, 2 grams of bitter almond extract, by three powders per day, dose of 8 tablets, 25 drops of stomachic tincture, 1 spoon of syrop, 11 grams of wool fat with water. 3/61,62 Duae phalanges, secunda phalanx F Tria unguenta, tertium unguentum N Quttuor cava, quartum cavum N Quinque digiti, quintus digitus M Sex cellulae, sexta cellula F Septem costae, septima costa F Octo dentes, octavus dens M Novem cochlearia, nonum cochlear N Decem tabulettae, decima tabuletta F Undecim injectiones, undecima injectio F Duodecim nervi, duodecimus nervus M 4/62 Triginta doses perorales Tria cochlearia sirupi dulcis Quinque expeditiones originales tablettarum (pl) Centum centigrammata aquae destillatae Ducentae guttae extracti amygdalae/amygdalarum Mille milligrammata solutionis