+++COURSEBOOK KEY Chapter 1 The University p. 11/ex. 2 1 - length; Standardní délka magisterského studia na univerzitě vet. a farm. věd v Brně je 6 let. 2 - on-site, distance, combined; Obvykle jsou k dispozici/existují formy studia: prezenční, dálkové nebo kombinované. 3 - admission, closure; Přijetí do doktorského studijního programu je podmíněno ukončením studia v magisterském studijním programu. 4 - enrolment; Uchazeči jsou oprávněni zapsat se do studia po obdržení potvrzení o přijetí ke studiu. 5 - teaching, examination, vacation; Každý semestr se ročník nebo blok skládá z období výuky, zkouškového období a období prázdnin. 6 - diploma, diploma supplement; Vysokoškolský diplom a dodatek k diplomu slouží jako doklady o ukončení studia a udělení akademického titulu. 7 - interrupted; Jednotlivci ztrácejí status studenta během období, kdy jsou studia přerušena/v období přerušení studia. 8 - abandon; Studia končí, když se student rozhodne zanechat studia. 9 - study, pay; Veřejné vysoké školy mohou zaplatit studijní poplatky spojené s přijetím. 10 - expulsion; Jedním z druhů sankcí ukládaných za disciplinární přestupek je vyloučení. p. 12/ex. 3 1. Study a master’s degree programme 2. Apply for an internship abroad 3. Defend a master’s thesis 4. Graduate from a doctoral degree programme 5. Interrupt one’s studies for two years 6. Get valuable work experience 7. Be familiar with the Study and Examination Regulation 8. Pay study-related fees 9. Show a student identity card 10. Attend/take all lectures and seminars 11. Enroll on studies at a foreign university p. 16/ex. 1 1 - is; 2 - hope; 3 - he’s waiting; 4 - I’m; 5 - are; 6 - enjoying; 7 - I’m beginning; 8 - thnk; 9 - I’m only staying; 10 - I’m going back; 11 - think; 12 - Here’s coming; 13 - It looks; 14 - I’m starving p. 16/ex. 2 1. Your knowledge of chemistry and biochemistry is improving. 2. On which article are your colleagues working out? 3. Students often take part in internships abroad. 4. Some students are always losing their student identity cards. 5. Do you sometimes borrow books from a university library? 6. Do you always leave the office so late? 7. How many foreign students live in the dormitory? 8. Who wants to study in a German-speaking country? 9. What examination do you think is the hardest in the first year? 10. The office hours of the study department never change during the academic year. Chapter 2 Formal Writing p. 21 Principles for CV: 1 Be clear…, 2 Concentrate on the essentials, 3 Always adapt, 4 Pay attention to the presentation, 5 Check your CV p. 23 Layout of the letter: 1c, 2a, 3f, 4d, 5k, 6j, 7i, 8h, 9b, 10e, 11g p. 26/1 CV headings + information: 1E, 2F, 3B, 4I, 5H, 6D, 7A, 8G, 9C p. 26/2 Choose the right word: 1c, 2a, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8a, 9b, 10b p. 27/4 Phrasal verbs: a) away, b) up, c) for, d) around, e) on, f) off Chapter 3 Chemistry 38/1 1 bonds, 2 charge, 3 solid, 4 volume, 5 matter, 6 deposit, 7 iron, 8 point 40/5 1a, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6c, 7d, 8b 46/1 test tube, beaker, flask, scales, bottle, mortar, crucible, goggles, bunsen burner, tripod 49/1 1 have been checking, 2 was passed, 3 started to, 4 has been working, 5 has recently published, 6 haven’t encountered, 7 forgot, 8 have been arguing, 9 did they send them, 10 have confused Chapter 4 Pharmacology 67/3 PA, PH, PA, PA, PH, PH, PA, PA, PA, PH, PH ,PH 69/6 eliminate, lower, inhibit, cause, block, treat, dampen, control 72/1 1 will focus 2 is going 3 is going 4 am going 5 will ever 6 am going 7 will you help me 8 will you do, i am 9 is going 10 will 72/2 A. Lecture about the circulation system starts at 8AM tomorrow. B. I’m going for an internship to America on holidays. C. Based on you request we will postpone the operation D. We have consultation hours tomorrow E. Hopefully you won’t get addicted to these analgesics F. He’s planning to open a private pharmacy G. Plane sets off exactly at noon tomorrow 73/3 1 have retired 2 will be studying 3 will be starting 4 will have gone 5 won’t be working 6 won’t have finished 7 will have been repaired 8 will be doing 73/4 a - will open, b - am meeting, c - isn’t coming, d - will have been, e - will feel, f - will have prepared, g - is making, h - are going to call, i - going, j - I’ll answer, k - will drive Chapter 5 Drug Dosage Forms 87/2 Routes of administration Enteral (i.e. via gastrointestinal tract - oral, sublingual, rectal) 1 subl. tablets, 2 oral drops, 3 also: suppository Parenteral (i.e. outside gastrointestinal tract) 4 intravenous, 5 intramuscular, 6 subcutaneous, 7 inhalation Mucosal 8 mucosa adhesive tape, 9 eye drops, 10 nasal spray Skin 11 sunscreen, 12 cold sore patch, 13 antifungal powder 88/3 first column: auricular, gastroenteral, intrabursal, intracardiac,intradermal, intramuscular second column: intraocular, intraperitoneal, intravesical, nasal, ocular, oral 88/4 capsule, base, plaster, solution, crude, shell, suspend 89/6 one, funny, got, ear, out, this, think, aid Chapter 6 Prescription and OTC Drugs p. 108/ex. 1 1. The prescription could be invalid. 2. You were supposed to check for multi-drug interactions including alcohol, food, and supplements. 3. We had to ask for a full blood count. 4. Look at that strange stamp! The prescription must have been a fraud. 5. The patient may/could have suffered from minor side effects. 6. My colleague could treat grazes and other superficial injuries very well. 7. The results of the laboratory test can´t have been within normal limits. Chapter 7 Dietary Supplements 119/1 1. forces 2. work 3. fit 4. abundance 5. benefits 6. sure 7. partly-funded 8. engineered 9. impact 10. explains 11. tap 12. leads 13. conducted 120/2 nutrient, nutrition, nutritive/ nutritions, nutritional, nutraceutical, nutritionist 121/4 b,c,b,b,a,c,b,b 124/1 be designed is banned was found weren’t treated will be avoided are not expected to ingest are described be involved was informed p. 124/ ex. 2 1. The high quality beef cuts are really liked by customers. Actually, ’like’ is not used in passive voice, we can say …are really popular with customers 2. All protective clothing is always worn by the lab personnel. 3. This pharmacy belongs to a foreign company. - belong is not used in passive voice 4. Most of the necessary creams and emulsions were prepared by them. 5. Many herbaceous products in the Czech Republic had been checked. 6. Chamomile for biomedicine production is grown on their own farm. 7. Records of all patients and clients must be kept. 8. The absorption of the drops after oral administration will have to be improved. 9. The efficiency of the therapy might have been affected by many factors. 10. The commission will be notified of any new national rules by member states. Chapter 8 Medicinal plants p.139/ex. 3 1 study 2 traditional 3 effects 4 response 5 recruited 6 promising 7 expensive 8 dose 9 suffer 10 watchdog 11 against 12loss 13 failure p.144/ex. 1 a. will, first conditional; Pokud se tyto běžné příznaky objeví, pravděpodobně se při pokračující léčbě zlepší. OK b. would be, second conditional;oprava:is, zero cond. Pokud pacient není schopen užívat tablety, doporučuje se zahájit intravenózní léčba. c. would have been explained, third conditional; Pokud by pacientka otěhotněla během užívání léků, potencionální riziko pro plod by bylo vysvětleno. add ‘been’ d. had been, third conditional; oprava: were, 2nd cond , also: is, 1st.Pokud byla / je vynechána dávka těchto ATB, měla by se užít, jakmile si pacient vzpomene. e. occured, second conditional; Pokud by došlo k předávkování, pacient by měl být sledován kvůli známkám toxicity.OK f. don’t consume, zero conditional; Nekonzumuj heřmánkový čaj pokud máš alergie na ambrózii dokud to nemáš schválené od doktora. g. was/were (both are ok), second conditional; Být tebou bych nekonzumoval tolik heřmánkového čaje.OK h. can’t get, zero conditional; V případě, že nemůžete sehnat čerstvé nebo sušené bylinky, můžete si udělat obklad z bylinek v čajových sáčcích.OK i. hadn’t understood, third conditional; Pokud bych něčemu na etiketě bylinného doplňku nerozuměl, požádal bych lékárníka o vysvětlení.OK j. wouldn’t be, second conditional; Pokud byste chtěli hodně zhubnout, pití čaje by nestačilo.OK p.146/ex. 4 - the four options are understood as a) b) c) d) in the respective order 1a 2b 3c 4a 5b 6 c 7a 8b 9a 10 d Chapter 9 Human body p.159/ex. 4 1 anterior 2 posterior 3 superior 4 medial 5 superior 6 lateral 7 anterior 8 medial 9 proximal 10 distal 11 inferior 12 anterior 13 posterior 14 superior p.160/ex. 6 1b 2d 3a 4d 5d 6a 7b 1c 2a 3a 4c 5d p.167/ex. 2 1 much, many 2 many 3 much 4 much 5 many 6 a few 7 little 8 a little 9 a little 10 few