CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Diseases of cardiovascular system (CVS) belong to most serious worldwide health problems. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is in prevalence caused by atherosclerosis of coronary arteries (ischemia is local disorder of blood supply, atherosclerosis is a form of hardening of coronary arteries) ischó – hold; haima – blood Chronic cardiac insufficiency Hypertension (high blood pressure) is most often occurring CVS disease of adult persons (≥ 20 % of inhabitants) • accelerates development of atherosclerosis • accelerates IHD • induces brain vascular disorders Diseases of blood vessels – most often, varicose veins at cca 15 % of population above 18 years, mainly women • Venous inflammations approx. 2 % of population (complications – streptococcal and fungal infections) CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Activity of Health Care PREVENTION THERAPY CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES PREVENTION Affection of risk factors • Change of lifestyle • High level of blood cholesterol • High blood pressure • Addiction to cigarettes smoking („paper tube filled with weed, which possesses from one side fire and from opposite lunatic“) • Sedentary way of life („kinetic crises“) • Overeating • Diabetes • Excessive stress CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES THERAPY To hit the certain level of disease which shows very complex character – therefore in maximal rate to use complex approach to therapy • Drugs affecting heart - cardiotonics - antidysrytmics (antiarhytmics) • Drugs affecting blood vessels - vasodilatants - vasoconstringents • Antihypertensives • Venopharmacs • Drugs affecting hyperlipoproteinemia • Sedatives DRUGS AFFECTING HEART Heart action is possible therapeutically affect by drugs targeting: • directly heart muscle • cardiac conduction system • coronary arteries • CNS • VNS Traditional division • Cardiotonics • Antidysrytmics (antiarhytmics) DRUGS AFFECTING HEART CARDIOTONICS • Increase tonus of decompenzed myocardium • Increase the force of contraction • Improve energetic balance • Show indirect diuretic effect • In therapeutic doses do not affect healthy heart DRUGS AFFECTING HEART cardiotonics Cardioactive glycosides • Native biogenic compounds • Products of their hydrolysis • Semisyntethic analogues Present especially in plants of family • Scrophulariaceae – Digitalis spp. • Apocynaceae – Strophantus spp., Nerium oleander, Thevetia spp. • Liliaceae – Convallaria majalis, Urginea maritima • Ranunculaceae – Adonis vernalis, Helleborus niger • Brassicaceae – Erysimum spp., Cheiranthus spp. CLASSIFICATION OF CARDIOACTIVE GLYCOSIDES O O CH3 OH H H CH3 H H OH O CH3 OH H CH3 OH O A B C D1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 cyklopentanoperhydrophenanthrene 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 C23 cardenolide C24 bufadienolide Relationship with sterols, sex hormons, hormons of adrenal gland, with bile acids and steroidal saponins CARDENOLIDES O O OH O O OH A B C A B C anelation C/D-cis (active) C/D-trans (non-active) D D CARDENOLIDES C23 type; Digitalis, Strophanthus O O CH3 OH H H CH3 H H OH 18 19 20 21 22 23 card-20(22)-enolide 17 14 Structure activity conditions 1. at C17 α,β-unsatturated γ-lactone (butenolide) ring β-oriented 2. hydroxyl group at C3 β-oriented 3. hydroxyl group at C14 β-oriented 4. anelation of rings A,B – cis 5. anelation of rings C,D - cis BUFADIENOLIDY C24 typ Scilla, Buffo Structure activity conditions 1. at C17 α-pyrone lactone (cumaline) ring β-oriented 2. hydroxyl group at C3 β-oriented 3. hydroxyl group at C14 β-oriented 4. anelation of rings A,B – cis 5. anelation of rings C,D - cis O CH3 OH H CH3 OH O 24 20 21 22 23 bufa-20,22-dienolide Cardiotonics OH O O O O O H O H OH O OH OH O OH OH OH O O OH OH O Pregnolone Progesterone 5ß-pregnandione 5ß-pregnanolone 5ß-hydroxypregnanolone C2 C3 digitoxigenine hellebrigenine SUGAR COMPONENTS OF CARDIOACTIVNE GLYCOSIDES CH2OH CHO CH3 CHO CH3 CHO CH2 CH3 CHO CH3 CHO MeO CH2 CH3 CHO OMe CH3 CHO OMe CH2 CH3 CHO MeO CH2 CH3 CHO OMe CH2 CH3 CHO OMe D-glucose L-rhamnose D-fucose D-digitalose D-digitoxose D-diginose D-sarmentose L-oleandrose D-cymarose L-thevetose L-cerberose SUGAR COMPONENTS OF CARDIOACTIVNE GLYCOSIDES O CH2OH OH OH OH H,OH O CH3 OH OH OH H,OH O CH3 OH OH OMe H,OH O CH3 OH OMe H,OH O CH3 OH OH H,OH O CH3 OH OMe H,OH O CH3 OH OH OMe H,OH O CH3 OH OMe H,OH D-glucose L-rhamnose D-digitalose L-oleandrose D-digitoxose D-cymarose L-thevetosa D-sarmentose Influence on myocardium by effect on membrane bounded Na+, K+-ATPase connected with sodium pump ◼ provides quiescent potential in excitable cells. ◼ inhibition of this enzyme - following depolarization of membrane and further processes 1. Mechanical effect of sodium pump inhibition: • Decrease of sodium concentration triggers influx of Ca2+ into cell and it also increase deliberation of Ca2+ from cell internal storage • High level of Ca2+ causes action myosin + actin • Strengthened contraction • Improvement of ventricular function, limitation of pathological feedback mechanisms • Vasodilatation, decrease of peripheral resistance 2. Electrophysiological effect: ◼ Indirect ◼ Stimulation of nervus vagus ◼ Senzibilization of baroreceptores ◼ Negative chronotropic effect ◼ Direct ◼ Change of action potential, Ca accumulation ◼ Possibility of rise of extrasystols ◼ Bigeminia and trigeminia CARDIOACTIVNE GLYCOSIDES Intoxication: ◼ Extracardial symptoms: nonspecific, nausea and vomiting, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, colored vision, neuropsychic disorders. ◼ Cardiac symptoms: Slowering of conductivity - AV block I.-III. Of grade. Increasing of automacy is manifested often by tachycardia, nodal tachykardia and ventricular tachyarhytmia (bigeminia, trigeminia). ◼ Inhibition of sodium pump affects all excitable tissues including CNS, striated muscles and GIT. Depolarization and spontaneous activity in neurons and muscular fibers is started. Digoxine Digitoxine Strophantine Absorption from GIT 40-100% 90-100% 0 Binding to plasmatic proteins 20-30% > 90% < 5 % t0,5 40 h 4-6 days 21 h Enterohepat. circulation 6,8 26 0 Penetration through placenta + + - DIGITALIS LANATAE FOLIUM WOOLY FOXGLOVE LEAVES Digitalis lanata Ehrh., woolly foxglove, Grecian foxglove (Scrophulariaceae/Plantaginaceae). Biennial herb, for pharmaceutical purposes cultivated as oneyear winter-crop. Drug: lanceolated integerrimus leaf, immediately after harvest dried up to 60 0C. CC: approx. 1 % of mixture of more than 60 glycosides; half of them are lanatosides A and C, furthermore B, D and E; minor glycosides. Lanatosides possess acetyled hydroxyl at C-3 of third molecule of digitoxose. Usage: material for isolation of digoxine, digitoxine and lanatoside C. Cardiotonic for treatment of cardiac insufficiency. Digitoxine/digoxine also as antidysrytmic. Digitalis lanata EHRH. (Scrophulariaceae/Plantaginaceae) MAIN GLYCOSIDES DIGITALIS LANATA OR1 O OH R2 OH digitoxigenine R1=R2= H gitoxigenine R1=OH, R2= H gitaloxigenine R1=O-CHO, R2=H digoxigenine R1=H, R2=OH diginatigenine R1=R2=OH 12 16 SUGAR PART AGLYCONE =============================================================== DIGITOXIGENINE GITOXIGENINE GITALOXIGENINE DIGOXIGENINE DIGINATIGENINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glc-Dx(Ac)-Dx-Dx- lanatoside A lanatoside B lanatoside E lanatoside C lanatoside D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dx(Ac)-Dx-Dx- acetyldigitoxine acetylgitoxine acetylgitaloxine acetyldigoxine acetyldiginatine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dx-Dx-Dx- digitoxine gitoxine gitaloxine digoxine diginatine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glc = glukose; Dx = digitoxose; Dx(Ac) = 3-acetyldigitoxose DIGOXINUM – DIGOXINE (ČL 2005) O O O O O O O OH CH3 CH3 O OH CH3 OH CH3 CH3 OH OH H H H H H OH H Dx Dx digoxigenineDx digoxine DIGOXINE • The mostly often used foxglove preparation • Possibility of elevation of plasmatic concentration • Control of plasmatic level • High intra-individual differences in pharmacokinetics • Should be set in range of 0,5-0,8 ng/ml • For this the dose 0,125 to 0,25 mg per die is enough • Importance of pharmacogenomics for estimation of dose (phenotypes TT, CC, CT) MINOR CONTENT COMPOUNDS OF DIGITALIS LANATA O O OHH H OH O Glc Glc Gal Gal Xyl O O H H O OH Glc Gal Gal Xyl digitonine gitonine STEROIDAL SAPONINS O CH CH3 O R' RO OH OH CO CH3 O Dx Dx Dx O Dl H COOH CH3 12 20 diginine diginose H digitalonine digitalose H digofoleine diginose OH R R' digipurpurine digipronine DERIVATIVES OF PREGNANE DIGITANOLY DIGITALIS PURPUREAE FOLIUM (ČL 2002) Common foxglove leaves Digitalis purpurea L., common foxglove (Scrophulariaceae/Plantaginaceae); Europe, North America. Biennial plant, for pharmaceutical purposes is cultivated. Drug: leaves dried up to 60 0C CC: ČL demands at least 0,3 % of cardenolides, calculated as digitoxine. More than 30 cardenolides. Further content compounds steroid saponins, flavonoids, anthraquinones, mucilage Usage: material for isolation of digitoxine and further cardenolides, used for preparation of semisynthetic derivatives. Cardiotonic for treatment cardiac insufficiency. Digitoxine also as antidysrytmic. MAIN GLYCOSIDES OF DIGITALIS PURPUREA O OR OH OH 16 R = H digitoxigenine R = OH gitoxigenine R = OCHO gitaloxigenine SUGAR PART AGLYCON ========================================================================= DIGITOXIGENINE GITOXIGENINE GITALOXIGENINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glc-Dx-Dx-Dx- purpureaglycoside A purpureaglycoside B glucogitaloxigenine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dx-Dx-Dx- digitoxine gitoxine gitaloxine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gl-Dl- glucoodoroside H digitalinum verum glucoverodoxine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dl- odoroside H strospeside verodoxine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PURPUREAGLYKOSIDE AAND DIGITOXINE (ČL 2005) O O O O O O O O OH CH3 CH3 O O CH3 OH CH3 CH3 OH OH OH OH OH OH H H H H H D-Glc Dx Dx digitoxigenine purpureaglycoside A enzyme H+ digitoxigenine Dx digitoxine MINOR CONTENT COMPOUNDS OF DIGITALIS PURPUREA O OOH RO OH OH luteoline R = H luteoline-7-glucoside R = Glc O O OH CH3 OMe O O CH3 OMe digitoluteine 3-methylalizarine-1-methylether 1-methoxy-2-methylantraquinone MAIN GLYCOSIDES OF DIGITALIS PURPUREA AND DIGITALIS LANATA O O OH OH OOH O OH OH O O OH OH OH Digitalis lanata Ehrh. lanatoside A lanatoside B lanatoside C desacetyllanatoside A desacetyllanatoside B desacetyllanatoside C acetyldigitoxine acetylgitoxine acetyldigoxine lanatosidaseOH- OH- OHenzyme enzyme purpureaglykosid A purpureaglykosid B OH- OH- OHdigitoxine gitoxine digoxine H+ H+ H+ digitoxigenine gitoxigenine digoxigenine digitoxine gitoxine gitaligenine purpureaglycoside A desacetyllanatoside A gitalinepurpureaglykoside B desacetyllanatoside B Digitalis purpurea L. enzyme enzyme H+ OUABAINE (STROPHANTIN-G) Strophanthi semen Strophanthus gratus BAILL. (Apocynaceae), climbing liane of tropic Africa. Fruit – follicle conaining many seeds. Acokanthera ouabaio – tree, from which was firstly isolated • Seeds contain up to 8 % of cardenolides, up to 35 % of oil, proteins • Extracts from seeds → arrow poisons ++ Ouabainum octahydricum ČL 2002 STROPHANTHIN-g injections • Fastly acting crdiotonic • Low accumulation OUABAINE (STROPHANTINE-G) O O OH CH3 OHOH OH OH OO CH3 OH OH OH OUABAINE (G-STROPHANTINE) L-rhamnose Strophanthi kombé and Strophanthi hispidi semen (up to 10 % of cardenolides expressed as K-strophantine) O O O O O OH CH3 OH O O OH OH O OH OH OH OH OH CH3 CH3 OHC D-Glc D-cymarose strophantidineD-Glc k-strophantoside k-strophantine- cymarine SARMENTOGENINE – steroide with OH at C-11 suitable for semisynthetic preparation of corticoids Strophanthi sarmentosi DC. var. senegambiae semen O CH3 OH HCH3 HOH H O OH Sarmentogenine - aglycone of sarmentocymarine (3,5,11)-3,11,14-trihydroxy-card-20(22)-enolide  Adonidis vernalis herba – pheasant's eye herba Adonis vernalis L. – pheasant's eye (Ranunculaceae). Perennial herb native to Europe, Asia and North America. Leaves divided into narrow short line- like sections. Flowers (April, May) Ø 4 cm lemon-like yellow colour, shiny. Drug: up to 60 0C dried flowering haulm CC: 0,2-0,25 % of cardenolides with prevalence of adonitoxine; furthermore 20 minor glycosides. Antibacterial 2,6- dimethoxybenzoquinone Usage: Cardiotonic with sedative and diuretic effect Content compounds of Adonis vernalis L. O O OMeMeO 2,6-dimethoxybenzoquinone O CH3 OH OH OH OH O CH O OH O O ADONITOXINE Convallariae herba – Lily of the Valley herba Convallaria majalis L., Lily of the Valley (Liliaceae) Perennial plant of Europe, Asia and North America Lanceolated leaves and white smelling flowers (V-VI) formatting unilateral cluster Drug: herb harvested during flowering period CC: 0,2-0,3 % of mixture of 30 cardenolides, mainly convallatoxine and convalatoxol. Further compounds – GIT irritating saponins Usage: Reserve cardiotonic with diuretic effect Comment: flowers contain up to 0,45 % of cardenolides Cardenolides of Convallariae herba O O CH3 OH R2 OH OR1 convallatoxine -Rha -CHO convalloside -Rha-Glc -CHO convallatoxol -Rha R1 R2 -CH2OH Oleandri folium – oleander leaves Nerium oleander L., oleander (Apocynaceae). Shrub or low tree native in Mediterranean. Drug: dried, lanceolated, leathery, integerrimus leaves, harvested in VII-VIII during flowering period. CC: cardenolides derived from oleandrigenine, digitoxigenine and oleagenine. Main component is oleandrine. Usage: highly effective cardiotonic with diuretic effect. Slow elimination (1 -2 weeks) Comment: some glycosides of oleander show antimitotic activity. OLEANDRINE O O OCOCH3 CH3 OH CH3 O H O CH3 OH OMe Thevetiae semen –thevetia seed Thevetia neriifolia JUSSIEU, (Apocynaceae). Shrub or low tree native in Middle and South America. Drug: dried bright-yellow seeds, button-shaped CC: up to 10 % of cardenolides derived from digitoxigenine and canogenine. Main component is peruvoside. It is obtained from fermented seeds or by enzymatic hydrolysis of triglycoside thevetine A. Usage: peroraly active cardiotonic, easy dosage. Resorption from GIT about 50 %. Cardenolides of Thevetiae semen O O CH3 OH R2 O H O CH3 O OH OMe R1 peruvoside H CHO thevetine A -Glc-Glc CHO neriifoline H CH3 thevetin Be -Glc-Glc CH3 R1 R2 Erysimi herba – cardioactive glycosides O O OH CH3 C HO ODx OH R erysimine R = H erysimoside R = Glc Erysimi herba – Nať trýzele Source: Erysimum diffusum EHRH., trýzel rozvětvený (Brassicaceae). Biennial, 30-90 cm tall plant covered with grey trichomes. Leaves shortlined, integerrimus, yellow flowers in bunches. Drug: dried herb collected during flowering period. CC: 0,8-1,5 % of cardioactive glycosides. Usage: cardiotonic for treatment of rheumatic heart diseases and hypertension. UZARA, UZARAE RADIX Source: Gomphocarpus fruticosus – ostnoplod, Xysmalobium undulatum (Asclepiadaceae), r. Pachycarpus. Shrubs or low trees native in South Africa. Effect: • minute effect on heart muscle (1/100 of oubaine effect) • markedly spasmolytic effect on guts and uterus, decreases the gut motility Usage: antidiarrhoic, dysmenorrhoeic, enuresis O OH RO O H uzarigenine R = H uzarine R = -Glc-Glc uzaroside R = -Glc-Glc-Glc O OH RO O xysmalogenine R = H xysmalorine R = -Glc-Glc CARDIOTONICS OF SCILLOID (BUFO) TYPE O CO (CH2)6CO CH3 H CH3 OH O O O C O CH3 H H COOH NH C NH2 NH NHCH(CH2)3 bufotoxine = bufotaline-3-suberoylarginine Scillae albae bulbus – cibule mořská bílá Zdroj: Urginea maritima (L.) BAK., urginea mořská (Liliaceae). Coast of Mediterranean. Cultivated in Italy, USA and India. Harvested after withering the leaves up (VIII-IX). Transversal cuts, drying. Drug: dried, internal part of fleshy bulb. CC: 0,2-0,4 % of mixture of cca 15 glykosides. Main are glucoscillarene A and proscillaridine A (CARADRIN drg.); fructosans, sterols. Usage of proscillaridine A: • cardiotonic with effect faster than digitalis • very low accumulation • diuretic Scillae albae bulbus – bufadienolides O OH O O RhaGlcGlc glucoscillarene A scillarene A (majority) proscillaridine A scillarenine = scillaridine Scillae rubrae bulbus – cibule mořská červená Source: Urginea maritima var. rubra, urginea mořská červená. Occuerence: as white variety CC: scilliroside, scillirubroside and glycosides same as at white variety. Usage: rhodenticide (killing of rats), toxic is scilliroside. Acting on CNS. LD for adult rat is 0,3 mg. O OH O O Glc OCOCH3 OH scilliroside scillirosidine Hellebori nigri radix – kořen čemeřice černé Zdroj: Helleborus niger L. – čemeřice černá (Ranunculaceae). Perennial plant native in Europe. Ornamental „Christmas rose“. Drug: dried rgizome with roots. CC: 0,3 % of hellebrine (glucorhamnoside of hellebrigenine) – in exception of cumaline ring the same structure as strophantidine. Saponin helleborine. Usage: deglucohellebrine as cardiotonic Semisynthetic derivatives: • deglucohellebrigenine-acetate is the most active compound. • 3-(3-methylcrotonate)-hellebrigenine (Acrihellin). Hellebori nigri radix – bufadienolides O OH CH3 O O C RhaGlc OH HO hellebrine hellebrigenine desglucohellebrine (highly active) FURTHER EFFECTS OF CARDIOACTIVE GLYCOSIDES • in non-toxic concentration digitoxine and digoxine inhibit growth and induce apoptosis of different lines of human malignant cells, and do not affect normal proliferating cells • oleandrine, ouabaine and digoxine induce apoptosis at cancer cells of prostate gland independent on androgen in vitro ANTIDYSRYTMICS • Affect disorders of heart rate. • Affect in prevalence heart automacy, conductivity and often also excitability. Biogenic therapeutics – structurally different compounds Quinidine Ajmaline Sparteine Digitoxine Qinidini sulfas dihydricus – Quinidine sulphate dihydrate (ČL 2002) Source: Chinae cortex – Cinchona succirubra (Rubiaceae) Ppreparation: isolation, isomerisation of quinine Usage: Antidysrytmic • in general induce myocardial depression • slowering of excitement conduction, slowering of its formation • decreasing of contractility • decreasing of heart rate N MeO N H OH H CH2 H H 4 6´ 5 2 steric line (+) Ajmaline – Aimalinum (ČsL 4) Source: Rauwolfiae radix, Rauwolfia serpentina (Apocynaceae) Usage: Antidysrytmic separately or in combination • decreases conductivity • Used mainly during tachysystolic dysrytmias Comment: from ajmaline are prepared derivatives prajmalinium and detajmium by the qurternization of N at position 4 N CH3 N OH OH Sparteinum sulfuricum – Sparteine sulphate Source: Sarothamnus scoparius – janovec metlatý. A semi shrub with trifoliate leaves and yellow flowers. Drug: dried flowering tips of branches; for alkaloid isolation harvested in the yearly spring. CC: 1 – 1,5 % of quinolizidine alkaloids with prevalent sparteine Usage: prophylaxis of atrial dysrythmias and sinus tachycardia Sarothamni flos – contains diuretic scoparoside – component of diuretic herbal teas. N N H H H H O O C Glc OH OH OH OMe sparteine scoparoside DRUGS AFFECTING BLOOD VESSELS VASODILATANTS • dilatate veins • eliminate vascular spasms, what makes better blood supplies of organs • some of them lower blood pressure VASOCONSTRINGENTS • reduce lumen of veins VENOPHARMACS • affect durability of vascular wall • affect metabolism of vascular wall VASODILATANTS Used for treatment of blood circulation disorders • coronary and brain blood vessels • muscular and skin blood vessels spasms atherosclerosis blood circulation disorders inflammatory processes VASODILATANTS 1. METHYLDERIVATIVES OF XANTHINE (theophylline, theobromine, aminophylline (complex of theophylline with ethylendiamine) OXYPHYLLIN 2. PAPAVERINE (dilatates big veins, into them can be directly administered; also for treatment of central and coronary blood circulation disorders - angina pectoris) PANERGON 3. DH-ERGOT ALKALOIDS (mainly dihydroergotoxine together with etophylline – cerebral vasodilatant, separately for peripheral circulation disorders) SECATOXIN, ERSILAN 4. KHELLINE – furanochromone derivative and VISNADINE – pyranocoumarin derivative (coronary vasodilatants and spasmolytics) 5. VINKAMINE (cerebral vasodilatant, affects cognotive functions) CAVINTON 6. GINKGO BILOBA content compounds (cerebral and peripheral vasodilatant) TEBOKAN 7. RAUBASINE = AJMALICINE, Rauwolfia serpentina – snake root (improves blood circulation during cerebral and peripheral disorders) LAMURAN Papaverine • Papaver somniferum Papaveraceae • Benzylisoquinoline alkaloid • Up to 1% in opium. • Releases smooth muscles tonus in internal organs • Effect on smooth muscles induce dilatation of veinds and improvement of blood supplies • Passes into mother milk, metabolized in liver, excreted by kidneys, biological halftime is 1-2 hours. • Indications: Gut, gallbladder colic, vascular spastic states (increased tonus of smooth muscles of veins), states during local insufficiency of blood supplies in tissue of eye, inner ear, spastic states during emboli N MeO MeO MeO MeO • Erectile impotency – non-specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase, increasing the level of cAMP and cGMP • Lead for semisynthetic derivatives Dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids ◼ DH-ergotoxine – hydergine ◼ sympatolytic, vazodilatant ◼ dilatation of veins in brain and extremities, improvement of blood supplies ◼ disorders of brain blood supplies, mild psychic disorders of older people ◼ disorders of function of peripheral blood vessels, troubles connected with high pressure (especially headaches and vertigoes). ◼ Ocular diseases (some disorders of blood supplies of retina and choroid). ◼ Meniér syndrome (disease characterized by vertigo, sounds in ears, nausea and vomitus) N N CH3 H H H O N H O N N O H R2 OH O R1 R1 R2 DH-ergocrystine iPr CH2Ph DH-ergocornine iPr iPr DH-α-ergocryptine iPr iBu DH-β-ergocryptine iPr secBu Secale cornum, Claviceps purpurea Clavicipitaceae Khelline and visnadine ◼ Ammi visnagae fructus, Ammi visnaga Apiaceae ◼ Khelline, visnagine – furanochromones ◼ Visnadine – pyranocoumarin ◼ Dilatation of coronary arterias – improvment of heart supplies ◼ Spasmolytic on smooth muscles – antagonist of Ca entry into cell ◼ Againsti psoriasis ◼ Indication ◼ Ischemic heard disease ◼ Mild forms of CHOPD ◼ Antispastic of GIT (gallbladder) and urinary tract O O OMe OMeO CH3 O O OMeO CH3 O O O O O O O Vincamine ◼ Vinacae herba, Vinca minor Apocynaceae ◼ Indol alkaloid of aspidospermine type ◼ Vinka contains about 50 alkaloids (vincamine, vincamidine, vincaminoreine, isovincamine, pervincine), 0,1-0,7 %. ◼ Drug decrease blood pressure, it is also used for suppression of irritation during dry caught, it acts also as sedative, it is used during diabetes. During hemorrhagic states. ◼ Vincamine: Voaconga and Crioceras ◼ Blood vessels dilatation ◼ Passes through BBB ◼ Improvement of supplies of brain by oxygen, ATP and glucose ◼ Redistribution of blood into ischemic parts ◼ Nootropic effect ◼ Produced from tabersonine (voakanga seeds) N OH H3 COOC H N H3 CH2 COOC H N N OO H Ginkgo folium – Jinanový list (ČL 2002) GINKGO FOLIUM Ginkgo biloba L. – jinan dvoulaločnatý (Ginkgoaceae) • dioecious gymnosperm tree • Leaves wide wedge bilobar, veil-shaped vasculature • Native to eastern Asia • Cultivated in Asia, Europe and USA • From leaves are prepared extracts with complex of active compounds - flavonoids - ginkgolides • Application peroral and parenteral • Usage during disorders of blood supplies of brain and peripheral parts, mainly atherosclerotic origin • Antiedematic effect Content compounds of Ginkgo folium - O O O OH OH R OH O OH OH O CH3 O C H2 OH OH OH H OCOC H CH O O O O O R2 H OH H CH3 C(CH3 )3 OH H CO H R1 O aglycone R=H, kaempferol R=OH, quercetine ginkgolide R1 R2 A H H B OH H C OH OH (diterpenes with 6 rings, 3 of them are lactones) O O O O O OH O CH3 CH3 CH3 0,2 % of gingkolides (diterpenes) 0,05 % of bilobalide (sesquiterpene) 2 % of flavonoid glykosides 2 % of biflavonoids Proanthocyanidines, triterpenes and further Pharmacologic effects: • Neuroprotective • Antioxidant, scavenger • Membranes stabilizing effect • Inhibitor of PAF • Inhibition of β-amyloid deposition into tissue (Alzheimer disease) • Protection against the age-dependent loss of acetylcholinergic and adrenergic receptors • Inhibition of cGMP phosphodiesterase • Relaxation of veins Standardized extracts: 24 % of flavonoids 6 % of terpenoids RAUBASINE (syn. AJMALICINE) Source: Rauwolfia serpentina (L.) BENTH. (Apocynaceae), especially roots of Chinese variety Characteristics: weakly basic monoterpenic indol alkaloid Usage: • Cerebrovascular vasodilatant • Blood supplies of peripheral tissues during varicose complex. • Disorders of ocular blood supplies. • Lamuran, Circolene, Isoarteril N H N O H H H CH3 C O OCH3 ANTIHYPERTENSIVES REMEDIES AGAINST INCREASED ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION – mostly often occurring cardiovascular disease of adult, but today described often also in children • It is one of main factors playing role in ethipathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its complications: - IHD - cerebrovascular incidents • Needs permanent treatment ANTIHYPERTENSIVES REMEDIES AGAINST INCREASED ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE • Alkaloids from Rauwolfiae radix – snake root, mainly reserpine • Alkaloids from Veratri albi radix – kořen kýchavíce bílé, protoveratrines A and B Antihypertensives – vasodilatants • Content ocmpounds from Crataegi folium cum flore – list hlohu s květem • Visci albi herba – nať jmelí (limited use becouse of side effects) Folk medicine • Oleae folium – olive leaves • Allii sativi bulbus – garlic bulbs RESERPINUM – RESERPINE (ČL 2002) Source: different species of Rauwolfia, especially Rauwolfia serpentina – snake root (Apocynaceae). Small shrub with evergreen leaves, white or pinkish flowers. For pharmaceutical purposes is cultivated. Main producers: India, Thailand. Drug: dried root - Rauwolfiae radix, bark is more rich on alkaloidal content than wood. CC: 1-2,5 % of mixture of more than 50 indol alkaloids. Reserpine is monoterpenic alkaloid of yohimbane type. Obtained only by isolation. Dosage: Antihypertensive 0,1 – 0,25 mg pro die Comment: also used mixture of alkaloids: reserpine, deserpidine, rescinnamine and syrosingopine RESERPINUM – RESERPINE (ČL 2002) MeO N H N H H H3 COOC H OMe O CO OMe OMe OMe Alkaloids of Rauwolfiae radix with antihypertensive effect N H N 18 11 H H H OOCCH3 R1 R2 OMe O CH3 H O CH3 OOC OMe OMe OMe OOC OMe OMe OMe C H OMe O OMe C H OOC CH3 reserpine deserpidine rescinnamine R1 R2 N N H HH H CH3 OOC OH N N O H HH H CH3 OOC CH3 N N H CH3 OH OH H N N H CH3 OH CH2 OH H N NH H CH3 OH O O O H H O Glukosa N N H HH R1 H R2CH3 OOC OMe Yohimbin •Sympatolytic (peripheral vasodilatation) •Erectile dysfunction Ajmalicine (raubasine) •Vasodilatation Reserpine Sarpagine •Sympatolytic (peripheral vasodilatation) Ajmaline •Antiarhytmic strictosidine Veratri albi radix – Kořen kýchavice bílé (ČsL 4) Zdroj: Veratrum album L. – kýchavice bílá (Liliaceae). Perennial plant, large elipsoid leaves with parallel nervature. Flowers in panicle (VII-VIII). Krkonoše, Nízké Tatry. Drug: dried cylindric rhisomes with numerous roots. Harvest in X. CC: 1-1,5 % of alkaloid mixture (type of cholestane, cevanine, jervanine, veratramine and solanidanine). Therapeutic importance possess only ester Cnor-D-homo-cevanines: protoveratrine A and protoveratrine B. Usage: antihypertensive, side effects, experimental compounds. Veratri extractum – veterinary medicine – stomachic, laxative Alkaloids possess insecticidal effect. Powdered root irritates to sneezing. Veratri albi radix – antihypertensive active alkaloids N OH CH3 COO H H OH OH CH3 OOC OOC O OH H OOC CH3 H H H C OH CH3 C H CH3 R CH3 C H CH3 C H2 CH3CH3 protoveratrine A, R = H protoveratrine B, R = OH Crataegi folium cum flore – Hlohový list s květem (ČL 2002) Crataegi fructus – Hlohový plod (ČL 2002) Source: different species of Crataegus – hloh, especially C. monogyna, C. laevigata or their hybrids Drug: whole or cut dried flowering tips of branches, collected in spring from white flowering shrubs with simple flowers. CC: • At least 1,5 % of flavonoids expressed as hyperoside (further more rutoside, quercetine, vitexine) • Epicatechine, procyanidine • Triterpenic acids (oleanolic, ursolic and crataegolic) • Adenosine Usageí: Antihypertensive, coronary vasodilatant in form of herbal teas or standardized extracts. Crataegi fructus – dried pseudofruit (pome). Contains at least 1,0 % of procyanidines (expressed as cyanidine chloride). Crataegi folium cum flore – content compounds O O O Gal OH OH OH OH O O OH R OH Glc O O OH OH OH OH O OH OH OH OH OH vitexine, R = OH vitexine-4'-rhamnoside, R = O - Rha hyperoside procyanidine O OH OH OH O Glc O OH OH OH O O Glc-Rha OHO OH OH OH O O Gal OH COOH OH OH OH OH O O OH OH OH COOH O OH OH OH O OH O OH OH OH O Effect: •Antiradical activity •Inhibition of phosphodiesterase •Increase of cAMP •Relaxation of smooth muscles •Lowering of blood pressure •Antiarhytmic effect, improvement of energetic bilance of heart •Improvemnt of oxygen supplies •Hepatoprotective •Prevention of neoplasia •Lowering of cholesterol level vitexine hyperoside rutine apigenine luteoline Chlorogenic acid Caffeic acid Visci albi herba – Nať jmelí Source: Viscum album L. – jmelí bílé (Loranthaceae). Dioecious epiphytic shrub with furcated branched stems, semiparazitic on woody plants. Thick leathery ingerrimus leaves and small flowers, fruit - pseudo berry. Drug: dried deciduous tips of young branches, yellow-green, without fruits CC: • Lectins – high molecular glycoproteins • Viscotoxins – proteins • Aminoacids (GABA, valin, arginin) • Flavonoids • Amines (choline, acetylcholine, tyramin, histamin) • Triterpenes (amyrine, lupeol, oleanolic acid) • Polysaccharides and cyclic sugars • Lignans Usage: • Antihypertensive (GABA, flavonoids) Cytotoxic (lectins – agglutination of human erythrocytes and toxic for tumor cells) Visci albi herba – content compounds O C H C H CH2OHGlc MeO MeO RO MeO MeO O O OR OMe OMe syringaresinol, R = H eleutheroside E, R = Glc syringine VENOPHARMACS – DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF VASCULAR DISEASES Vascular diseases – the most common diseases of blood circulation • Varixes • Vein inflammations • Decreased elasticity of veins • Increased permeability • Increased fragility • Local bleedings • Inflammations, oedemas Flavonoids as venopharmacs Rusznyák L. and Szent Györgyi (1936): „Vitamin P, flavonols as vitamins“. Pvitamins – antiPermeabile compounds. Flavonoids (cca 6000) – biologic activity differs in dependence on: • Oxidative degree of 2-phenyl-γ-benzopyrone • Different number and position of hydroxyl and methoxyl (and other substituent) groups • Different number, character and position of glykosidic residues Flavonoids used as venopharmacs: rutoside, quercitrine, hesperidine, diosmine and astragaline • normalize metabolism betwen blood and tissue – decrease permeability of capillary walls • decrease fragility of capillaries • inhibit hyaluronatelyase – decrease degradation of hyaluronidase, which cleavages proteoglycan component of intercellular cement and improve absorption of hematoms and oedemas. RUTOSIDE Source: Sophora japonica L. – Japanese Pagoda Tree (Fabaceae). Shrub or tree with green colored branches, and to Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust) similar leaves. Small pale yellow aromatic flowers in panicles. Producers: China, Japan. Drug – not full-blown flower buds Sophorae flos with content up to 20 % of rutoside. Semisynthetic derivative tris-β-hydroxy-ethyl = troxerutine, CILKANOL Usage: increased fragility and permeability of capillaries, lack of vitamin C (scorbut), hemorhagias, hypertension, alergies, varicosal complex, surface phlebitis, infection diseases Source: Fagopyrum sagittatum L. – buckwheat (Polygonaceae). One-year plant, for pharmaceutical purposes is cultivated. Drug: dried herb harvested during flowering period. OL: 1-2 % of rutoside, difficult isolation O O OH OH OH O OOH OH OH OH CH2 O O OH OH OH H CH3 glucose rhamnose rutinose rutoside quercetine VENOPHARMACS – DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF VASCULAR DISEASES FLAVONOIDS DIOSMINE (Folium bucco, Cortex xanthoxylli) TOVENE, DAFLON, FLEBOSTEN, VENOTREX HESPERIDINE (fruits of Citrus spp. plants) HESPEROSIDE QUERCITRINE (Quercus tinctoria) ARIVEN O O Rha-GLc-O O OH CH3 O O Rha-GLc-O O OH CH3 O OH OH O OH OH O-Rha Xanthoxylli avicenae cortex, Rutaceae Bucco folium Rutaceae fructi Quercus tinctorie cortex diosmine hesperidine quercitrine antiinflammatory, antimutagenic and antioxidative properties Inhibition of prostaglandine and tromboxane – rheologic rapid metabolisation to aglycon inhibition of ACAT, HMG-CoA reductase antihistamine effect KVERCITRINUM Source: Quercus tinctoriae cortex ARIVEN O OOH OH OH OH O Rha quercitrine LEUKOCYANIDOL Source: Pini maritimae cortex – maritime pine; Cacao semen; Gossypii flos; Corylli avelanae fructus – common hazel fruit PYCNOGENOL O OH OH OH OHOH OH leucocyanidol ANTHOCYANOSIDES – MIXTURE Source: Myrtilli fructus hemeralopia, xerophtalmia DIFRAREL, MYRTOCYAN O O OH OH cukr OMe OMe OMe anthocyanosides + Hippocastani semen – horse chestnut seed Source: Aesculus hippocastanum L.– horse chestnut (Hippocastanaceae). Large tree with arched treetop. Fruit is rounded spinose capsule with 1-3 seeds with shiny brown testa. Drug: frsh or dried seeds. Dried bark. CC: Seeds contain at least 3 % o f mixture of triterpenic saponins, called as aescine (aglycons protoaescigenine and baringtogenol C). Usage: • decreases permeability of capillaries, suppresses development of oedemas • used also during vascular brain accidents, comotion, contusion, encephalitis YELLON, REPARIL, ANAVENOL In testa and bark described presence of aesculine (coumarin derivative) EVERCIL Hippocastani semen – content compounds 3 4 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 22 21 20 19 CH3 25 H H R 23 CH3 24 OH CH3 26 CH3 27 CH2 OH 28 H CH3CH3 OH OH OH O CH2OH OH OH OH O O OOH protoaescigenine, R = CH2OH barringtogenol C, R = CH3 aesculine O CH2OH OH OH OH OO CH2OH OH OH OH O O OH O H CH2OH CH2OH O O OH C O CH3 C O C C CH3 CH3 CH3 COOH aescin COMPOUNDS AFFECTING DYSLIPIDEMIA (DLP) [HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA (HLP)] Dyslipidemia – a panel of metabolic deviations leading to increase of proatherogenic, and procoagulative acting lipoproteins: DLP – risk factor of development of atherosclerosis and its complications DLP – in connection with pancreas, liver and billiard tract diseases DLP – increased number of low density lipoproteins (LDL), lipoproteins (a) Lp(a), triglycerides together with total cholesterol in serum, or decreased number of antiaterogenic high density lipoprotein (HDL) Prevention • strict diet with limited amount of animal fat • Increased energetic output • Biogenic compounds - cellulose, lignin, pectins, gums – high molecular plant compounds vegetables, fruits - heparinoids activating lipoprotein lipases, splitting non-atherogenic fatty acids COMPOUNDS AFFECTING DYSLIPIDEMIA • Biogenic compounds - continued - β-sitosterol lowers the level of blood cholesterol; it is used also for treatment of benign hyperplasia of prostate gland - soya lecithin = side product of oil manufacturing from soya seeds, it contains phosphatidylcholine - choleretics (cynarine and others) and compounds preventing resorption of bile acids - product blocking synthesis of cholesterol skeleton – inhibitors of enzyme 3-OH-3-Me-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) – statins - products blocking resorption of cholesterol and its esterification: inhibitors of acetylcoenzym-A-cholesterol acyltransferase - ACAT - development of inhibitors of squalene synthase, inhibiting last stage of chlesterol synthesis β-SITOSTEROL Source: slices of sugar beet, defatted soya seeds, oil from cereal sprouts. Plant sterols are absorbed by human in minimal rate. High doses considerable inhibit cholesterol absorption Usage: hypercholesterolemia, benign adenoma of prostate gland. OH R -sitosterol R = CH2-CH3 campesterol R = CH3 cholesterol R = H SOYA LECITHIN Source: side product of manufacturing of soya oil from soya seeds. Purified on ion exchangers. Yellowish hygroscopic mass containing 90-95 % of phosphatidylcholine. Linoleic acid content cca 70 %. Usage: lowering of cholesterol level. C H2 O P O CH CH2 OCO C17H34 C H2 C H2 N + CH3 CH3 CH3 O O OC O H32C17 phosphatidylcholin - CHOLERETICS Source: Cynara scolymus and others ◼ cynarin OH OH O O OH OH O O OH OH O OH Products of moulds – originally antimycotics MEVINOLIN Source: Aspergillus terreus • Lowers blood cholesterol about 18 – 34 % • blocks key enzyme reductase of 3-OH-3-Me-glytarylCoA (HMGCoA) which participates on cholesterol biosynthesis CH3 CH3 O CH3 CH3 H O OOH mevinolin