CENTRAL ANALEPTICS 1. Stimulating effect on CNS 2. Stimulating respiration and blood circulation 3. Higher doses – convulsions of central origin Therapeutic usage possess mainly methylderivatives of xanthine (purine bases) Other drugs/compounds usage is limited, because after stimulation usually comes suppression Chemically heterogeneous group N N N H N N N N N H NH N H N N H O O N N N H O O N CH3 CH3 NH N N O O N CH3 CH3 N N N O O N CH3 CH3 CH3 pyrimidine imidazol purine xanthine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 7 1 3 theophyline 3 7 1 3 7 theobromine caffeine METHYLDERIVATIVES OF XANTHINE – PURINE BASES N N N N R2 O R1 O R3 xanthine R1 = R2 = R3 = H caffeine R1 = R2 = R3 = CH3 theophyline R1 = R2 = CH3, R3 = H theobromine R1 = H, R2 = R3 = CH3 Theophyllinum - Theophyline (ČL 2005) Theobrominum - Theobromine (ČL 2005) Coffeinum - caffeine (ČL 2005) RELATIVE PHARMACOLOGIC EFFECT OF XANTHINE DERIVATIVES Effect caffeine theobromine theophyline Stimulation of CNS +++ ± + (cortex and subcortex) Stimulation of skeletal muscles ++ ± + Stimulation of heart muscle + ++ +++ Dilatation of coronary veins ± + ++ Relaxation of bronchial muscles + ++ +++ Stimulation of gastric secretion ++ ± ± Diuretic effect + ++ +++ DRUGS CONTAINING METHYLDERIVATIVES OF XANTHINE Coffeae semen – coffea seeds Theae folium – Tea leaves Colae semen – Cala seeds (ČL 2005) Cacao semen – Cacao seeds Mate folium – maté leaves (yerba maté) Guarana (Pasta guarana) - Guarana Coffae semen – Coffea seeds Source: Coffea arabica – Arabica coffee, C. liberica – K. liberijský, C. canephora var. robusta – K. mohutný and other species (Rubiaceae) Evergreen shrubs or small trees Fruit is egg-shaped double-capsuled drupe with diameter approx. 1,5 cm Producents: Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Guatemala, Ivory Cost, Ethiopia, Indonesia, India, countries of Arabic peninsula Drug: seed with removed pericarpium and testa, roasted at 200-250 0C CC: 0,4-2,5 % of caffeine, traces of theobromine and theophyline, 2-5 % of chlorogenic acid. During roasting are produced other artifact compounds. Usage: for caffeine isolation, febrile states during infectious diseases, alcohol intoxication. Beverages. THEAE FOLIUM – TEA LEAVES Source: Thea sinensis – tea plant (Theaceae). Cultivated, perennial, up to 2 m tall shrub, know in many varieties. Main producers: China, Kenya, Turkey, Vietnam, India, Ceylon, Japan, Indonesia. Harvest of terminal leaves from 3-years and older plants. Younger leaves are preferred for quality of essential oils and caffeine content. From one plant cca 250 g of fresh leaves can be obtained. Treatment: Green tea (China, Japan), black tea (India, Ceylon) Drug: dried leaves after fermentation CC: 1,5 to 4,5 % of caffeine (according to species and manufacturing process); 0,04 % of theobromine and theophyline; 10-25 % of catechine tannins (hybrids of hydrolysable and condensed tannins); 0,5-1 % of essential oil (250 components) mainly moterpenic aldehydes and alcohols, flavonoids Usage: tea infusion – mild astringent, antidiarrhoic, cosmetic, concentrated decoction – antidote for heavy metals, proteins and alkaloids intoxications Residues of tea harvest – for caffeine isolation. Beverages. THEAE FOLIUM – TEA LEAVES- HARVEST COLAE SEMEN – KOLA NUTS (ČL 2005) Source: Cola nitida – kola tree, C. acuminata – K. zašpičatělá (Sterculiaceae) Trees native to tropic Africa, cultivated in Brazil, at Jamaica, Java, Madagascar, in Cameroon and Togo Fruit is a capsule containing 3-6 seeds Drug: from rippen fruits obtained and sun-dried seminal germ CC: 1-3 % of caffeine, 0,1-0,2 % of theobromine, partially linked-up with tannins – so called colateins; 3-5 % of catechine tannins (produced during drying process, starch, fat Usage: galenic preparations with psychostimulation and diuretic effects Beverages. Coca-Cola contain cca 20 mg of caffeine in 100 ml Coca-Cola – 1886 PhMr. Pemberton and Asa Chandler CACAO SEMEN – COCOA BEANS Source: Theobroma cacao – cacao tree (Sterculiaceae) Caulifloral tree native to tropic Middle and South America; important part of tropical agriculture (Brazil, Ghana, Niger) Fruits are capsules containing 25-30 seeds in five lines Seeds are sun-fermentated (splitting of bitter substances, formation of fragrant compounds and dark pigmentation. After that follows roasting at 100-140 0C, which gives typical odor and smell Drug: fermentated and roasted germ, resp. its cotyledons CC: 1-2 % of theobromine, 0,05-0,2 % of caffeine, cca 50 % of fat, cca 5 % of tannins and starch Grinding between hot rollers – cacao mass, hydraulic pressing – Oleum cacao, residue is cacao powder Usage: testa for theobromine isolation; cacao powder – snacks; Oleum cacao – additive, chocolate manufacturing CACAO SEMEN – COCOA BEANS MATÉ FOLIUM – MATE LEAVES Source: Ilex paraguariensis – yerba mate (Aquifoliaceae). Tree native in South America, cultivated. Main producer Argentina Drug: bright-green skinny glossy leaves. Inactivation of enzymes – branches are drag out through flames without smoke – this makes their special odor. Than dried in driers. CC: 1-1,5 % of caffeine, 0,05-0,3 % of theobromine; cca 12 % of chlorogenic acid, essential oil, flavonoids Usage: Preparation of beverages with psychostimulating effects. For European people often too acrid and too „smoked“ GUARANA – PASTA GUARANA Source: Paullinia cupana – guarana (Sapindaceae). Climbing wine from Brazilian and Venezuelan rain forests. For usage is cultivated. Fruit is capsule. Seeds are after harvest dried and roasted. Drug: roasted grinded seeds formed (water + starch) sticks. CC: caffeine cca 5 %, catechine tannins to 25 %, starch, fat Usage: Stimulant and admixture to analgesic mixtures. In Europe used not so often, more at America to prepare refreshing beverages. CAMPHORA D – D-CAMPHOR (ČL 2002) CAMPHORA NATURALIS – NATURAL CAMPHOR SOURCE: Cinnamomum camphora – camphor laurel (Lauraceae). Burly tree, evergreen, native at east Asian coastal area. Cultivated in other tropic and subtropic countries (Florida, East Africa). For camphor production are used trees at least 50 years old, camphor is obtained by steam distillation. Usage: Central analeptic in form of intramuscular injections (obsolete now) Externally derivans, antipruriginose Production of celluloid and smokeless powder O O PICROTOXINE Source: Anamirta cocculus – fishberry (Menispermaceae); climbing wine native to India and Malaysia. Drug: fruits – drupes Ø 1 cm CC: to 1,5 % of picrotoxine Effect: Potent central analeptic, it is not used in clinics because of narrow therapeutic window. Used for water poaching – fishes convulsively swallow air O O O OH CH3 O C CH3 CH2 2 3 4 5 1 LOBELINE Source: Lobelia inflata – indian tobacco (Lobeliaceae). Biennial plant native to North America. In Europe cultivated. Drug: Herb cut and dried in flowering period. CC: 0,2-1 % of piperidine alkaloids; important is lobeline and isolobinine. Usage: Stimulant of respiratory center (today obsolete); component of antiasthmatic preparations (isolobinin triggers reflectoric bronchial secretion at mucose and support expectoration) R1 N R2 R3 CH3 lobeline, R1=O, R2=H,OH, R3=C6H5 isolobinine, R1=O, R2=H,OH, R3=C2H5 STRYCHNINE Source: Strychnos nux vomica – nux vomica (Loganiaceae); tree or shrub native to tropic India, Ceylon and northern areas of Australia; cultivated in Cameroon, Cambodia. Fruit = berry of apple size, inside 4-5 seeds. Drug: flatt seed, on the margin thickened, Ø 15-25 mm, rich in presence of surface trichomes. CC: 2,5-4 % of indol alkaloids, 90 % of strychnine and brucine. Oil, loganine. Usage: For isolation of strychnine and brucine and for preparation of Strychni tinctura – syn. Nucis vomicae tct. • To treat perception disorders • myopathic insufficiency of vocal cords • atonia of GIT • amare (bitter taste) N O H O H H H NH