COMPOUNDS AFFECTING CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Activity of CNS is a result of two-way exciting or inhibiting affection of its single parts. Compounds affecting CNS are known from prehistoric times – today ones of the most utilized therapeutics (misuse to increase the feeling of wellness – euphoria, ecstasy). Therapeutics affecting mostly on specific receptors, which modulate synaptic transmission. COMPOUNDS AFFECTING CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANALGETICS • Analgesics – anodynes • Analgesics - antipyretics • SEDATIVES • PSYCHOPHARMACS • Neuroleptics • Psychostimulants • Psychodysleptics • ANTIPARKINSONICS • CENTRAL ANALEPTICS ANALGESIGS – ANODYNES (NARCOTIC ANALGESICS) Opiate alkaloids, especially morphine and its semisynthetic derivatives • Huge analgesic effect • Risk of euphoria and addiction • Narcotic effect of higher doses • Suppression of respiratory center and center for cough (antitussic) Analgesic effect show also polypeptides of animal origin • Encephalins • Endorphins §§ OPIUM §§ OPIUM CRUDUM (ČL 2002) – RAW OPIUM Contains at least 10,0 % of morphine counted for drug and at least 2,0 % of codeine dried at 100-105 0C Raw opium is used only as material for galenic preparation. It is not used independently! Year overall production cca 8.000 tons For medicinal purposes used approx. 400 tons/year. §§ OPIUM §§ OPII PULVIS NORMATUS (ČL 2009) – OPIUM POWDERED STANDARDIZED It is raw powdered opium dried at temperature no more than 70 0C Yellow-green to dark brown colored powder Containing: • morphine (C17H19NO3): 9,8 % to 10,2 % drug dried 4 h • codeine (C18H21NO3): at least 1,0 % at 100 to 105 0C If necessary, the contain is modified by addition of suitable additive at raw powdered opium. Material for preparation of galenic preparations. §§ OPIUM Source: Papaver somniferum L., poppy (Papaveraceae) • Annual cultivated plant • Whole plant (especially fruit) is rich in lactiferous ducts • Lots of variants – differ in color of flowers, seeds, shape and size of fruits, in content of alkaloids and in their spectrum • UN – permission for opium production: India, Turkey (formerly also Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, some parts of USSR) §§ OPIUM OPIUM – air dried milky latex, rapidly getting brown, distributed in pieces of darkbrown color with characteristic odor • Obtained by cutting of unripen fruits 1-2 weeks after falling of corolla leaves • From one capsule can be obtained 20-30 mg of opium Dried opium is hard, fragile, on the section grainy. At 37 0C becomes plastic and sticky MORPHINANE TYPE OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS • morphine • codeine • thebaine • 10-hydroxycodeine • 6-methylcodeine • neopine • pseudomorphine • salutaridine O N CH3 H 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A B C D BENZYLISOQUINOLINE TYPE OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS N • papaverine • laudanine • codamine • laudanosine • reticuline • somnipherine PHTALIDE-TETRAHYDROIQUINOLINE TYPE OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS O N CH3 O • noscapine (= narcotine) • narcotoline • narceine PROTOPINE TYPE OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS N H O • protopine • cryptopine • α-allocryptopine TETRAHYDROISOQUINOLINE TYPE OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS NH • hydrocotarnine RHOEADINE TYPE OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS N O • rhoeadine • papaverrubine SPECIFIC MECONIC ACID O O OH COOHHOOC OPIUM CONTAIN COMPOUNDS • more than 40 alkaloids, total content oscillates from 15 to 25 % • alkaloids in form of meconates, fumarates, lactates and sulphates • meconic acid 3 to 8 % • mucilages, pectins, sugars • resins, proteins • cautchuc • mineral compounds IMPORTANT OPIUM ALKALOIDS N CH3 OH R H H HO O R N OH H CH3 O N CH3 MeO MeO N MeO MeO OMe OMe O N O O CH3 OMe OMe MeO O 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A B C D 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 3 = morphine R=OH codeine R=OCH3 thebaine papaverine noscapine PERCENTUAL CONTENT OF IMPORTANT ALKALOIDS IN OPIUM % MORPHINE 3 to 23 in average 13 CODEINE 0,2 3 1,3 THEBAINE 0,2 1,3 0,5 PAPAVERINE 0,5 1,3 1 NOSCAPINE 2 10 5 OTHER SOURCES OF OPIUM ALKALOIDS Matured dried fruits without seeds (empty poppy heads) 1823 – pharmacist Tiloy from Dijon – poppy is a source of morphine 1934 – Hungarian pharmacist János Kabay applied a patent of industrial procedure Drug is formed from matured dried capsules of Papaver somniferum deseeded (Papaveris fructus maturi sine semine), or more often poppy hay (Papaveris stramentum), formed from capsules without seeds and maximal 10 cm long residue of stem. Capsules contain alkaloids, with spectrum similar to opium, prevalent is morphine. Its contain fluctuates between 0,1 to 1 %. Present time: isolation from poppy hay represents approx. ¼ of world morphine consumption. PAPAVERIS FRUCTUS MATURI SINE SEMINE OPIUM ALKALOIDS - UTILIZATION Morphine was the first described alkaloid, discovered by pharmacist Sertürner in 1806. Absolute structure resolved after 164 years. It is prepared via isolation from opium or poppy hay only. It is used as strong analgesic – anodyne / high risk of addiction • to suppress pain of malignant tumors, post-surgery, after serious injury, heart attack and pulmonary embolism • sometimes surgery pre-medication. • In combination with atropine (spasmolytics) is used for suppression of pain in kidney and gallbladder colics. Morphine is approx. from 90 % used for preparation of semi synthetic derivatives • methylmorphine (CODEINE), ethylmorphine (DIOLAN), morpholinoethylmorphine = folcodine (NEOCODIN) • antagonists of morphine, for example NALORFINE. Heroine – diacetylmorphine – strong analgesic, rapidly penetrates into CNS, where is hydrolyzed to morphine. In therapy it is not used, triggers strong addiction. It is misused as narcotic substance. OPIUM ALKALOIDS - UTILIZATION Codeine – central affecting antitusic, lowers bronchial secretion. A part of analgesic mixtures. Natural occurrence in opium does not cover the requirement, therefore it is prepared from morphine via semisynthetic route (less from thebaine). In organism is from 10-15 % demethylated to morphine and can trigger the addiction when used repeatedly. Thebaine is starting reagent for preparation of CODEINE, hydrocodon (VICODIN), non-addictive analgesic butorphanol, addictive oxycodon (DINARKON, OXYCONTIN), which is in mixture with scopolamine and ephedrine part of BENARCOS injections – premedication before anesthesia. From thebaine is derived allyloxycodon = NALOXON, antagonist of morphine Papaverine belongs to spasmolytics, lowers tonus of smooth muscles by direct action on cells. Opium isolations do not cover utilization, therefore it is prepared via synthesis. Spasmolytic effect of papaverine is predominantly demonstrated on gastrointestinal tract, it lowers tonus of smooth muscles of cardiovascular system and respiratory and urinary tract. Noscapine (formerly narcotine) – long time waste product of opium processing. Nowadays central antitusic with parallel papaverine relaxation effect. It does not trigger addiction and therefore is used instead of codeine in antitusics and analgesics. OPIUM ALKALOIDS IN PHARMACOPEA §§ OPIUM CRUDUM §§ OPII PULVIS NORMATUS §§ MORPHINI HYDROCHLORIDUM TRIHYDRICUM §§ MORPHINI SULFAS PENTAHYDRICUS §§† CODEINI PHOSPHAS HEMIHYDRICUS §§† CODEINI PHOSPHAS SESQUIHYDRICUS §§† CODEINUM MONOHYDRICUM † PAPAVERINI HYDROCHLORIDUM NOSCAPINUM NOSCAPINI HYDROCHLORIDUM MONOHYDRICUM Law n. 167/1998 Sb., about addictive compounds and about changes of some other corresponding laws Narcotics and psychotropic substances are according to this law compounds listed in supplement n. 1 to 7 of this law Law 167/1998 Sb. Changes also the handling with precursors (supplement n. 9) and adjuvants (supplement 10 or 11) Table I: Narcotic and psychotropic substances Supplement n. 1 – narcotics listed in pharmacopeia 1 (selection) „§§“ • Cocaini hydrochloridum • Morphini hydrochloridum trihydricum • Morphini sulfas pentahydricus • Opium crudum Supplement n. 2 - narcotics listed in pharmacopeia 2 (selection) „§§†“ • Codeinum in all forms (phosphas, hydrochloridum, monohydricum) • Ethylmorphini hydrochloridum dihydricum Law n. 167/1998 Sb., about addictive compounds and about changes of some other corresponding laws Supplement n. 9 – Precursors from pharmacopeia listed in table I (selection) „(§)†“ or „(§)††“ • Ephedrini hydrochloridum and other forms • Ergometrini maleas • Ergotamini tartras • Pseudoephedrini hydrochloridum Table II: Venena (poisons) Contains therapeutics strongly active (especially danger poisons), assigned in pharmacopeia with „††“ (selection) Atropini sulfas monohydricus Digitoxinum Table III: Separanda Contains strongly active substances and corrosives assigned in pharmacopeia with „†“ (selection) Belladonnae folium Papaverini hydrochloridum ANALGESICS OF PEPTIDE CHARACTER ENDOGENOUS OPIATES / OPIOID PEPTIDS 1973 – S. Snyder and C. Pert – isolation of opioid receptor 1975 – H. Kosterlitz aj. Hughes – isolation of first encephalin Propiomelanocortine – β-lipotropic hormon – fragmentation – High-molecular endorphins, low-molecular encephalins β-endorphine (aminoacids 61-91); 48× more effective than morphine α-endorphin (61-76) γ-endorphin (61-77) Met-encephalin Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met (61-65) Leu-encephalin Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu ANALGESICS OF PEPTIDE CHARACTER ENDOGENOUS OPIATES / OPIOID PEPTIDES Rtg structural analysis N H Gly O O NH2 OH Phe Met Leu N O OH OH H H CH3 morphine ANALGESICS OF PEPTIDE CHARACTER ENDOGENOUS OPIATES / OPIOID PEPTIDES KYOTORPHIN – Tyr-Arg – acting indirectly, increases secretion of opioid peptides CASOMORPHINS (EXORPHINS) – tetra-, penta-, hexa- and heptapeptides from milk; fragments of β-kaseine and α-lactalbumine ENDORPHINS • in brain, hypophysis, circulate in blood, excreted in urine • trigger morphine effects – analgesia, euphoria, respiratory suppression, spasms of smooth muscles • strong short-termed effect, strongly triggering euphoria • produce psychic and somatic addiction • Similarity of effect to neuroleptics – γ-endorphin „specific antischizophrenic neuroleptic ANALGESICS – ANTIPYRETICS CHARACTERISTICS: • effect mild analgesic • effect antipyretic • effect antiphlogistic Derivatives of salicylic acid Quinine Preparation from Aconitum napellus Snake products Potentiating of effect – caffeine in dosage up to 50 mg DERIVATIVES OF SALICYLIC ACID – HISTORY • 400 BC Hippokrates prescribed leaves and bark of willow to combat fever and pain • 1763 Journal of Royal Society in London – E. Stone – experiments confirmed hundred years of folk observation • 1828 Johann Büchner (Germany) isolated salicin from willow bark • 1853 Ch.F. Gerhardt (France) synthesized raw acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), effects were not studied • 1897 Felix Hoffmann (Germany) prepared pure ASA • 1899 Bayer trades ASA as ASPIRIN • 1950 L. Craven (USA) – ASA „dilutes blood“, recommends preventively against heart attack • 1971 Joh R. Vane (GB) – ASA inhibits COX (enzyme limiting production of prostaglandins – mechanism of antiphlogistic effect SALICIS CORTEX – WILLOW BARK (ČL 2009) Source: Salix species - willow (Salicaceae); S. purpurea, S. fragilis, S. daphnoides Dioecious shrubs or trees, in mild and subarctic areas Drug is formed by dried bark of young branches or its fragments, harvested in the spring. It possesses strong bitter taste. SALICIS CORTEX – WILLOW BARK CONTENT COMPOUNDS • At least 1,5 % of salicylic acid derivatives, counted as salicin • Catechine tannins • Hydroxyderivatives of cinnamic acid • Flavonoids (isosalipurposide, isoquercitrine, naringenine) SALICIS CORTEX – CONTENT COMPOUNDS CH2 OH O Glc CH2 OH OH Glc OH COOH CH2 O O C6H10O5 OH OC CH2OH O Glc OH O OH OH OOGlc CH2OH O C6 H10 O5 OH OC R OH C O R R +hydrolysis oxid. salicin saligenin salicylic acid salireposid isosalipurposid salicortin = salicylpopulin = H = populin = SALICIS CORTEX – WILLOW BARK INTERNAL USAGE Maceration (1,5 g/200 ml of water) • diseases from cold • Inflammatory diseases • Rheumatic disorders Problems of GIT triggered by tannins EXTERNALLY (9 g/200 ml of water) • astringent Individual intoleration on salicylates (urtica, spasms of bronchi) SPIRAEAE FLOS – FLOWER OF MEADOWSWEET Filipendula ulmaria L., Spiraea ulmaria L. – meadowsweet (Rosaceae) • perennial plant of moist places • harvest in VI – VII Drug – dried white-yellow flowers • Smells like oranges • Bitter acrid taste Usage • antiphlogistic, diuretic, folk medicine SPIRAEAE FLOS – FLOWER OF MEADOWSWEET OH COOCH3 OH CHO O O OH OH OH OH O-Glc CHO O O methylester of salicylic acid salicylaldehyde piperonal (= heliotropin) spiraeosid quercetin - 4'-O-glucosid DERIVATIVES OF SALICYLIC ACID Gaultheria procumbens – wintergreen Monotropa hypopitis – Dutchmen's pipe Betula lenta – sweet birch O - Glc - Xyl COOMe OH COOMe monotropitosid = gaultherin primverose H+ + Glc + Xyl methylester of salicylic acid DERIVATIVES OF SALICYLIC ACID OH COOMe O - Glc - Ara COOMe O - Glc - Xyl COOMe MeO O - Glc - Xyl COOMe OMe methylester of salicylic acid Senegae radix vicianose violutosid Violae tricoloris herba primverose primverose primulaverosid primverosid Primulae radix QUININE Sources: species of Cinchona; C. Succirubra C. calissaya (Rubiaceae) Drug: Chinae cortex – cinchona tree bark, contains at least 6,5 % of alkaloids quinine type (quinine, quinidine) QUININI HYDROCHLORIDUM DIHYDRICUM (ČL 2005) QUININI SULFAS DIHYDRICUS (ČL 2005) Prepared only by isolation from cinchona tree bark Effect analgesic • Effect antipyretic • Effect antiinflammatory • Prolongs and stimulates effect of other antipyretics • In combination (Harburn, Harbureta) for acute diseases of upper respiratory trackt of viral etiology with fever • Antimalaric N H OH H H N OH3C - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1' 2' 3' 4'5' 6' 7' 8' 8S, 9R ACONITINE Source: Aconitum napellus L. – Aconite Ranunculaceae Perennial plant, turnip-shaped tubers. Drug: tuber of dark-brown color, for pharm. Purposes is cultivated, harvest in autumn, when is content of aconitine the highest. Content compounds: 0,6 – 2 % diterpene ester alkaloids (aconitine, napeline), starch, tannins ACONITINE Usage: Narrow therapeutic width, The most potent alkaloid poison, LD 2-5 mg!! Externally • Inflammation of n. trigeminus • Chronic joint inflammations • arthritis uratica Internally • anestetic dolorosum (obsolete) Products of hydrolysis less active benzoylaconine 1/400, aconine 1/4000 O CH3 N OH O OH OMe OMe OH OMe O COCH3 C O 1 3 5 6 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 aconitine SNAKE POISONS Mixtures of compounds with different composition. Common characteristic – presence of hyaluronidase (fast penetration and absorption of poison into tissues) Naja tripudians – cobra (COBRATOXIN) Sterile lyophilized poison – ophiotoxin. Partially hydrolyses lecithine to lysocithine, which suppresses pain without disruption of neural transmission. Strictly subcutaneous injection (for tumores). Vipera ammodytes – horned viper (VIPERALGIN) Sterile lyophilized toxin, injections, component of external remedy with camphora and essential oils – analgesic, hyperemic for symptomatic treatment of rheumatism and neuralgias. ANTIMIGRAINICS Migraine – seizures of reversible pain mostly often one half of head (hemicrania), accompanied by vertigo, vision disorders, nausea Caused – increased release of neuromediator serotonin Antimigrainics – compounds inhibiting serotonin Ergotamini tartras (ČL 2005) (Secale cornutum) In combination with caffeine In prodromal state benefiting effect of caffeine vasodilatation