Form new words with the given meaning from the following expressions! Example: cerebrum – related to the brain: cerebralis Cerebrum related to the brain small brain hepar related to the liver inflammation of the liver nephros inflammation of the kidney non-inflammatory disease of the kidney spina related to the spine or thorn full of thorns provided with thorns vena small vein full of veins granum little grain full of little grains TASK 6: Using prefixes and suffixes, form new words from the given expressions! Example: cellula – pertaining to cell: cellularis – outside the cell: extracellularis inside the cell full of cells cellular inflammation flecto, flectere, flexi, flexum (= to bend) flexible flexibility flexing muscle performing flexing movements flexing towards the front flexing towards the back nascor, nasci, natus sum related to the act of being born related to the time of birth (= to be born) before the time of birth after the time of birth birth rate caput related to the head provided with heads small head