

1. Introduction, the importance of studying pathobiochemistry. The scope and requirements for successfully completing the course exam and recommended literature. Understanding the regulation of metabolism. Biochemical communication. (Thu 22/02) 

2. Metabolism disorders, types and causes. Hereditary metabolic diseases. Enzymes, regulation of metabolism. Causes of cellular enzymes increased activity in the plasma. Clinically significant enzymes. (29/02) 

3. Amino acid metabolism and its disorders. Types of diseases and therapy. (07/03) 

4. The nucleic acid metabolism disorders of purine and pyrimidine. Hyperuricemia, orotacidurie, therapy. (14/03) 

5. Pathobiochemistry of carbohydrates, glucose metabolism, and its disorders. Glycemic control disorders. Pathobiochemistry of diabetes mellitus, types of DM. Disorders of glycogen metabolism, glycogenosis. (21/03) 

6. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Cholesterol, lipoproteins. Lipidoses, dyslipoproteinaemia. (28/03) 

7. Principles of metabolism regulations. Receptors. Biochemical communication. (04/04) 

8. Pathobiochemistry of inflammation. (11/04) Dr.Rotrekl

9. Blood, blood plasma proteins. Blood clotting, coagulopathy. Dysproteinaemias. Porphyrins. Biosynthesis, metabolism disorders. Porphyria, hemoglobinopathies. (18/04) Dr.Treml 

10. Tumor, tumor markers. Basic characteristics of tumor cells. Strategy laboratory tests. Requirements of ideal tumor marker. Tumor markers in common use. (25/04) 

11. Pathobiochemistry of arteriosclerosis. Ischemic heart failure - cardiac markers. (02/05) Mgr.Nykodýmová

12.  Xenobiotics and their effects on the body. Detoxification mechanism. Biological oxidation. The effects of free radicals on the organism. Lipoperoxidation antioxidants. (09/05) 

13. Urinalysis and analysis of the urinary sediment. (16/05) Mgr.Nykodýmová