Additional exercises week2 Revision: Wordformation Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. The word must be spelt correctly. Do not form new words using –ing. 1. This bachelor’s degree program concludes with the _______________ and successful defence of a bachelor’s thesis. (SUBMIT) 2. During their studies, students engage in practical _________________ in workplaces where they handle cosmetic products. (PLACE) 3. Through hands-on experience and dedicated study, students acquire ___________ in various fields of science and technology. (KNOW) 4. We will focus on the exciting ___________________ in skincare technology. (ADVANCE) 5. She dedicated her weekends to _________________ work at the local animal shelter. (VOLUNTEER) 6. The dermatologist provided a _________________ for specialized cosmetics to address the patient's specific skincare concerns. (PRESCRIBE) 7. The _______________ highlights the main points of a presentation. (CONCLUDE) Individual stages of presentation Read the parts of a presentation below and mark them 1 (Introduction), 2 (Body of the presentation), 3 Conclusion 1. Introduction 2. Body of the presentation 3. Conclusion Ø Postponing Ø Opening the main section Ø Summarizing the content Ø Referring back Ø Presenting the outline Ø Moving to a new point Ø Summarizing the main idea Ø Greetings Ø Interacting with the audience Ø Opening Ø Thanking the audience Ø Getting attention Ø Elaborating a point Ø Highlighting Ø Dealing with questions Ø Explaining terminology KEY Revision: Wordformation Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. The word must be spelt correctly. Do not form new words using –ing. 8. This bachelor’s degree program concludes with the _______________ and successful defence of a bachelor’s thesis. (SUBMIT) 9. During their studies, students engage in practical _________________ in workplaces where they handle cosmetic products. (PLACE) 10. Through hands-on experience and dedicated study, students acquire ___________ in various fields of science and technology. (KNOW) 11. We will focus on the exciting ___________________ in skincare technology. (ADVANCE) 12. She dedicated her weekends to _________________ work at the local animal shelter. (VOLUNTEER) 13. The dermatologist provided a _________________ for specialized cosmetics to address the patient's specific skincare concerns. (PRESCRIBE) 14. The _______________ highlights the main points of a presentation. (CONCLUDE) Answers: submission (SUBMIT), placement (PLACE), knowledge (KNOW), advancement (ADVANCE), voluntary (VOLUNTEER), prescription (PRESCIBE), conclusion (CONCLUDE) Individual stage of presentation Suggested answers 1. Introduction Ø Greetings Ø Getting attention Ø Opening Ø Presenting the outline 2. Body of the presentation Ø Opening the main section Ø Moving to a new point Ø Summarizing the main idea Ø Interacting with the audience Ø Elaborating a point Ø Postponing Ø Referring back Ø Highlighting Ø Explaining terminology 3. Conclusion Ø Summarizing the content Ø Thanking the audience Ø Dealing with questions