Biotechnology of drugs – Introduction Doc. RNDr. Jan Hošek, Ph.D. Department of Molecular Pharmacy FaF MU Syllabus of lectures 2025 1st week 17.2. Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology, status, historical milestones; The cell as a biotechnologist's tool, the function of the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, post-translational processes, chaperones Doc. Hošek 2nd week 24.2. Basics of genetic engineering I - principles of how to obtain a recombinant gene, vectors Doc. Hošek 3rd week 3.3. Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering II - preparation of genes for cloning, host cells, transformation, selection and identification of transformants Doc. Hošek 4th week 10.3. Expression of recombinant proteins in prokaryotic cells and yeast Doc. Bartoš 5th week 17.3. Expression of recombinant proteins in eukaryotic cells - insect cells and baculoviruses, mammalian cells and adenoviruses Doc. Hošek 6th week 24.3. Classic biotechnological procedures in pharmacy Doc. Bartoš 7th week 31.3. Biotechnological process - definition of the term, stages of the biotechnological process, raw materials for the biotechnological process, fermenters and bioreactors, methods of product purification Doc. Bartoš 8th week 7.4. Genetic engineering in higher plants - plant genome structure, vectors, expression cassettes Doc. Bartoš 9th week 14.4. Plant biotechnology - methods of transformation and identification of transgenic plants, molecular farming Doc. Bartoš 10th week 21.4. Easter 11th week 28.4. Examples of classical and recombinant biotechnology products in pharmaceuticals, cytokines as tools in the fight against infections and in tumor therapy, hormones, enzymes, antibodies and their derivatives Doc. Hošek 12th week 5.5. Gene and cell therapy, tissue engineering, genomics and proteomics in pharmacy Doc. Hošek 13th week 12.5. Application of genetic engineering and plant biotechnology in pharmacy, medicine and food industry, issues of dealing with genetically modified organisms Doc. Bartoš 14th week 19.5. Preparation of recombinant vaccines Biology (1st year) Microbiology (2nd year) Molecular biology (2nd year) Biochemistry (2nd year) Patobiochemistry (2nd year) Methods of molecular biology (3rd year) Biotechnology of drugs (3rd year) Biotechnology of drugs - practical classes (3rd year) Knowledge-flow of biology subjects on DMP Recommended literature ➢ Essential Cell Biology – Alberts et al., 1998 ➢ Pharmaceutical biotechnology – Crommelin et al. 2013 ➢ Biotechnology Foundations, 2nd Edition – Jack O´Grady, 2019 ( What is BIOTECHNOLOGY? Processes using living organisms or their components to produce or modify products; breeding of animals, plants and microorganisms for specific uses (commercial application and benefit to mankind). Biotechnology Molecular biology Genetics Microbiology Biochemistry Chemistry Bioengineering Enzymology Prof. Drobník The nature of biotechnology is intrinsically linked to the application of biology, i.e with industry, and thus also with commerce.. Therefore, it is necessary to operate it in such a way that people benefit from its results as much as possible, which is not possible without a commercial outcome. For that reason, the quality of scientific work in biotechnology should be measured by patents rather than the impact factor of publications. Biotechnological outputs • Food and beverage production • Production of materials and fuels • Production of drugs and medical materials Biopharmaceuticals Biopharmaceuticals are drugs or potential drugs obtained by other than the classical route of synthetic chemistry (including combinatorial chemistry) or drugs originally obtained by isolation from plant (biological) material.(Beneš, 2007, Chem. Listy 101, 18−24) • Creation using genetic engineering and recombinant technologies • Therapeutic proteins, DNA or RNA, antibodies, parts or whole cells, drug conjugates with proteins or natural polymers,... Biopharmaceuticals – according to AI A biopharmaceutical is a medicinal product that is produced or obtained using biotechnological methods, typically involving living cell systems such as bacteria, yeast, mammalian cells, or genetically modified organisms. Unlike traditional chemical drugs, which are synthesized through chemical reactions, biopharmaceuticals are products of biological processes, making their structure and production more complex. Key Characteristics of Biopharmaceuticals: • Biological origin – produced by living cells or organisms. • High molecular weight and complex structure – often composed of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, or polysaccharides. • Specific mechanisms of action – due to their biological nature, they can precisely target biological processes in the body. • Sensitivity to environmental conditions – biopharmaceuticals are often thermolabile and require special storage and administration conditions. Examples of Biopharmaceuticals: • Monoclonal antibodies (e.g., trastuzumab – Herceptin, adalimumab – Humira) used in cancer treatment, autoimmune diseases, etc. • Recombinant proteins (e.g., insulin, erythropoietin, growth hormone). • Vaccines – biologically produced immunization agents (e.g., mRNA vaccines for COVID-19). • Gene therapy – nucleic acid-based drugs (e.g., Zolgensma for SMA treatment). • Biosimilars – biotechnological analogs of original biopharmaceuticals after patent expiration. Biopharmaceuticals represent a revolution in modern medicine, enabling personalized treatments and targeted therapies for many serious diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and autoimmune conditions. Classification of biotechnology • Classic microbial technology • Enzyme technologies • Use of animal and plant cells • Gene technology • Pharmaceutical biotechnology Pharmaceutical biotechnology According to European Association of Pharma Biotechnology (EAPB) …is the science that covers all the technologies necessary to create, manufacture and register biotechnological drugs. Is it really science? 1) Existence of the subject of research 2) Central theory 3) Existence of methodological approaches 4) Institutionalization 5) Own journal Subject of pharmaceutical biotechnology • The subject of studying pharmaceutical biotechnology is medicine created by a specific (biotechnological) procedure - using organisms, living cells or their components. • It requires a specific approach in all stages of production - own design, development and finally production. • Medicines created through biotechnological procedures are subject to a special registration regime, as they are products of genetically modified organisms. Central theory of pharmaceutical biotechnology ➢ common evolutionary origin of organisms ➢ the universality of the genetic code across living systems ➢ similarity of transcription and translation apparatuses Substances biologically active in one organism can be produced in any other organism.. 1) The recombinant product (although not produced in its original organism) is functionally identical or at least very similar to the "original". 2) A biopharmaceutical product can be appropriately modified by a biotechnologist to have special properties that allow it to perform a specific function in the target organism. Methodical approach of pharmaceutical biotechnology Diversity of sources = wide spectrum of methods • Drug development = molecular biology, genetics and genetic engineering • Purification and characterization of products = biochemistry, analytical chemistry • Drug Development = Biochemistry, Enzyme Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Drug Technology and Pharmacology • Drug registration = applied pharmacy • Drug production = classic microbiology, genetics The specifics of the methodical approach COMPLEXITY Example of recombinant protein production Gene isolation Cloning into production cells Clone characterization Recombinant protein production Product separation and purification Characterization and chemical definition Clinical trials Administrative registration process Postclinical trials Specific methodological approaches • Gene therapy • DNA/RNA vaccines • siRNA-based drugs DOI:10.1038/aps.2017.2 Scientific societies The European Association of Pharma Biotechnology, EAPB The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Europäische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharma Biotechnologie (EAPB) Research institutions • Foreign: – The North Carolina Central University, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Law Institute ( facilities/bpli) – Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Martin-Luther-University Halle, Germany (https://www.pharmazie.uni- • Czech: – PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s. ( – Biopharm – Výzkumný ústav biofarmacie a veterinárních léčiv, a.s., Jílové u Prahy, Česká republika ( Journals • According to WoS, 170 journals in the BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY category (February 2024) • Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ( pharmaceutical-biotechnology/) A brief history of biotechnology • Initial period to 1850 • The Era of Pasteur • The era of industrial biotechnology • The era of new biotechnologies • Transgenic organisms Biotechnology in prehistoric times… • empirical use of wild microorganisms to prepare fermented products • in Mesopotamia by the Sumerians in the 7th millennium BC – beer production • about 4,000 years BC the use of yeast to ferment bread dough in ancient Egypt • about 4,000 years BC preservation of milk by fermentation in ancient China – production of cheese, wine, vinegar The beginnings of pharmaceutical biotechnology • The discovery of vaccination – Edward Jenner 1796 – first vaccination against smallpox Difficult beginnings of vaccination… Engraving by Jamese Gillraye (1802) The Era of Pasteur • Louise Pasteur (1822 – 1895) - assumes that fermentation is caused by living microorganisms; discovery of heat sterilization - pasteurization; vaccine research based on killed pathogens (anthrax, rabies) • Eduard Buchner (1860 – 1917) – demonstrated fermentation using yeast cell-free extract - basics of enzymology The era of industrial biotechnology • Chaim Weizmann (1874 – 1952) – the first industrial production of acetone from corn starch using a pure culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum • Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) – discovery of the fungus Penicillinum notatum and its antibacterial activity (1928) – Howard Florey, Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley (1940) – description of the isolation of pure penicillin and its industrial production – the first biotechnological product J.Tramper,Y.Zhu,Modern Biotechnology–Panaceaornew Pandora’sbox? The era of new biotechnologies I. • 70s‘ – discovery of restriction endonucleases  creation of recombinant DNA  basics of genetic engineering (Paul Berg, Herbert W. Boyer, Stanley N. Cohen) • 1972/3 – transfer of foreign DNA into a bacterium  the first transgenic organism • recombinant technology – targeted genetic modification information – GMOs – production of proteins in modified form The era of new biotechnologies II. • 1980 - Cohen and Boyer obtain the first US patent for cloning and creation of genetically modified microorganisms • 1982 - The FDA approved the first drug produced by biotechnology techniques, a human insulin, Humulin®, produced by genetically modified bacteria Human Insulin: From Gene to Drug Human insulin chains are made by recombinant DNA technology and then combined to produce the widely used drug. The era of new biotechnologies III. • 1975 – discovery of hybridomas (César Milstein and Georges J. F. Köhler) – cells created by the fusion of B-cells and myeloid cells  mass production of monoclonal antibodies © Brandlee86~commonswiki © Biological Industries Transgenic organisms • Development since the 1970s (1972 – viruses, 1973 – bacteria, 1974 – claw, 1974 – mouse, 1983 – tobacco, 1985 – cow, 2000 – rice) • Animals – production of human proteins (e.g. anticoagulant protein in goat milk) – disease models (knock-out and knock-in organisms) • Plants – more resistant to herbicides, immune to harmful insects; modified appearance (bigger fruits, flowers)… – higher production of biologically active substances (e.g. vitamin A in rice) doi:10.1186/1471-2407-12-21 set-72157626241604366 Modern milestones • 1978 Human insulin is produced for the first time • 1980 US Supreme Court - patent protection of a biotech product • 1982 The FDA approved the first biotechnologically prepared drug – human insulin • 1983 PCR technique discovered • 1986 Recombinant human hepatitis B vaccine The first field tests of a transgenic plant – tobacco • 1997 The first animal cloned from an adult cell - Dolly the sheep • 2004 FDA approves first anti-angiogenic cancer drug, Avastin (bevacizumab) Industrial application of biotechnology Biotechnology in industry means → appropriate addition of chemical technology → expanding the range of manufacturable substances • Substances that can only be produced by chemical synthesis • Substances that can only be produced using biotechnology • Substances that can be produced by chemical technology and biotechnology Advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology Advantages • Cheap raw material base • Lower energy consumption • Higher speed of biochemical events Disadvantages • High R&D and initial investment costs • Little efficiency • Low concentration of the substances involved • Still unclear risks Considerations in choosing between synthesis and biotechnological manufacturing • technical feasibility of the biotechnological process • current price of raw materials • ease of isolation of the final product and its purity • the possibility of obtaining useful by-products • success in terms of speed of commercialization, etc. Main areas of use of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry • Natural metabolites • Biosynthesis; all the information needed for such production can be found in the genome of the cell • e.g. ATB, vitamines etc. • Substances prepared by biocatalysis • Biotransformation • e.g. steroid compounds • Human proteins and polypeptides • Gene manipulation 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi, SECOND EDITION DOI: 10.1186/1475-2859-12-95 Examples of the use of biotechnology in medicine and pharmacy • Amino acids, vitamins (riboflavin B2, pyridoxine B6, vitamin B12, biotin H, β-carotene, astaxanthin, etc.), polysaccharides (dextran, xanthans, pullulan, etc.) • Medicines (antibiotics, steroids, antifungals, ergot alkaloids...) • Monoclonal antibodies, vaccines • Interferons, interleukins • Hormones - human growth hormone, FSH, insulin • Production enzymes and pure enzymes for bioanalytical methods (immunoassay) • Gene therapy Biotechnology of drugs – Proteins, major biopharmaceutical Tertiary structure of proteins It is crucial for the creation of functional molecules – thermodynamically optimal conformation It includes the following processes: ➢ Creation of 3D conformation ➢ Addition of cofactors ➢ Modification by kinases or other protein-modifying enzymes Forces responsible for the 3D structure of proteins Primarily non-covalent interactions Ion binding Hydrogen bridge van der Waals force Hydrophobic interactions … is the most important for 3D creation Overview of steps in 3D protein formation nascent polypeptide chain Folding and cofactor binding (non-covalent interaction) Glycosylation, phosphorylation, acetylation (covalent interaction) Binding to others protein subunits mature functional protein PP OpenStax College - Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site. Why is knowledge of the formation of 3D protein structures important for a pharmacist? Understanding the very structure of proteins and the processes of its formation is important for drug design, because drugs often act at the level of the binding or allosteric site of enzymes. Where to study protein structures? Protein Sequence Database SWISS-PROT database established at the University of Geneva in 1986 Managed by the Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics(SIB) Database PDB (The Protein Databank) It archives and analyzes protein structures and complexes of informative biomacromolecules Contains automatically completed translations of gene sequences from EMBL ( ➢ an autonomous process requiring no additional factors or energy input ➢ Christian Anfinsen 1972 Nobel Prize ➢ tertiary structure after leaving the ribosome in vivo ➢ native conformation until the moment of degradation ➢ chaperones help protein folding Chaperones a chaperonines • chaperones (monomers 70 – 100 kDa) are proteins that help the covalent folding or unfolding and assembly or disassembly of other macromolecular structures (mainly Heat shock proteins – Hsp) • chaperonines (oligomers 800 kDa) are a class of molecular chaperones that provide favorable conditions for the correct folding of denatured proteins, thus preventing aggregation (e.g. GroEL, TRiC) • they do not provide steric information • they inhibit unproductive interactions • they are located in all compartments • protein packaging • conformational rearrangements Chemical chaperones • Small molecules that bind to misfolded proteins and stabilize them or ensure their proper folding • They stabilize poorly packed proteins, reduce aggregation, prevent unproductive interaction with other proteins • E.g. glycerol, trimethylamine N-oxide • Re-aggregation of inclusion bodies upon expression of recombinant proteins It is used, for example, for treatment of ➢ Amyloidosis transthyretin (Tafamidis) ➢ Cystic fibrosis ➢ and other diseases associated with protein packaging The result of folding = creation of an active conformation Alberts et al 2008: Figure 3-37a Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008) Formation of disulfide bridges in the cell • Part of the protein folding process • It takes place in the periplasmic space of prokaryotes and in the mitochondria and ER of eukaryotes J. Riemer et al., Science 324, 1284 -1287 (2009) Eukaryota Post-translational modification of proteins Some processes are co-translational, others truly post-translational The most common is glycosylation Modification changes the structure and biological activity of proteins Other post-translational modifications of proteins ➢ Most often glycosylation or phosphorylation ➢ In total, more than 300 types of covalent modifications of polypeptide chains have been described Modification of therapeutic proteins Modification type Importance Glycosylation  solubility, affects biological half-life or biological activity Carboxylation Important for the binding of some blood proteins to Ca2+ Hydroxylation Important for structural arrangement Sulphatation It affects the biological activity of neuropeptides and the proteolytic processing of polypeptides Amidation It affects biological activity and stability Glycosylation ➢ attachment of a sugar residue to a polypeptide chain ➢ it occurs mainly in extracellular proteins and proteins found on the surface of cells Glycosylation produces glycoproteins ➢ For some proteins, deglycosylation has no effect on biological activity ➢ Deglycosylated forms can be prepared by the action of glycosylation inhibitors, e.g. the antibiotic tunicamycin in the growth medium or by enzymatic degradation of the glycidic part of the preformed glycoprotein with glycosidase. ➢ Differential glycosylation causes problems in heterologous expression systems Effects of the glycidic part of glycoproteins ➢ Protein packaging ➢ Protein transport/targeting ➢ Ligand recognition/binding ➢ Biological activity ➢ Stability ➢ It regulates the biological half-life of the protein ➢ Immunogenicity Human gonadotropic hormone ➢ Highly glycosidated ➢ Removal of the glycidic moiety results in loss of biological activity, although the hormone still binds to its receptor, sometimes even with higher affinity Cell – a pharmaceutical biotechnologist's tool a small, membrane-bound unit filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of chemical compounds and endowed with the extraordinary ability to make copies of itself by growth and division Cell meaning • The cell serves as a source of starting materials, because only the cell is capable of creating new compounds that are useful as medicine. • Except in very exceptional situations, when we use only some of its parts for so-called in vitro translation, the cell is the factory where all biotechnological processes take place. Prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes What interests the biotechnologist about the cell • Everything related to protein formation and localization • Genophore • Endoplasmic reticulum • Golgi apparatus • Rough ER – is studded with ribosomes – is the site of protein formation • Smooth ER – Opening vesicles that carry newly formed protein and lipid molecules for intracellular transport – It forms a network of thin channels connected directly to the rough plasmatic reticulum – Enzymes catalyzing the transformation of lipids are bound to its membranes; in specialized cells also steroid hormones, arising from cholesterol Multiple curved membrane sheet, which forms closed sac - endoplasmic lumen (cisternal space) ➢ central role in the synthesis of lipids, proteins, steroids ➢ it facilitates the formation of the correct tertiary or quaternary structure of proteins ➢ transport system – distribution of proteins to the cytoplasm or organelles ➢ maintaining osmotic pressure ➢ chemical modification of proteins ▪ disulfide bridges are formed by oxidation of cysteine ​​pairs of side chains ▪ formation of glycoproteins by covalent attachment of a short oligosaccharide side chain – is completed in GA ▪ the oligosaccharide precursor is linked by an O- or N-bond to a protein molecule ▪ protein output is controlled = misfolded protein is retained by chaperone or degraded Detoxification enzymes Ca2+ Ca2+ cholesterol steroid hormones toxin - lipid toxin - water COO- COO- NH2 NH2 transmembrane protein misfolded enzymes of steroid synthesis Components of lipids synthesis orientation lumen ER ER membrane soluble protein Glykosylation S-S bridges chaperones SRP Sec61 translocator, SRP receptor growing bodies transport to GA Schematic representation of ER functions DOI: 10.1016/j.biocel.2011.10.012 Golgi apparatus (GA) • modification and sorting of proteins and lipids for secretion or for delivery to another organelle Described in 1898 by the Italian cytologist Camillo Golgi in nerve cells Golgi apparatus (GA) • Complex of cisternae and vesicles • Located close to nukleus and ER • Vesicles – sacs containing proteins produced in the rough ER deliver their contents to the cis face of the GA with which they fuse • Secretory vesicles – vesicles containing processed proteins and suffocating from the trans face of the GA from where they move to the plasma membrane where they excrete their contents into the extracellular environment GA functions • Transport and storage of differnt compounds • Posttranslation modification of proteins – The most common are glycosylation, phosphorylation, sulphatation, specific proteolysis • Synthesis of polysaccharides and immunoglobulins • Creation of secretory vesicles used during exocytosis • Production of materiál for cell wall • Creation and diferentiation of lysosomes • Reparation of cell surface • Creation of vacuols © 2009 Nature Publishing Group Xu, D. & Esko, J. D. A Golgi-on-achip for glycan synthesis. Nature Chemical Biology 5, 612–613 (2009) For the pharmaceutical biotechnologist, they are sources of genetic information and tools for gene manipulation Genophores • Nuclear chromosomes • Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA • Bacterial nucleoid • Plasmids Cell structure Metabolic event nucleus DNA biosynthesis, RNA biosynthesis and modification cytoplasm glycolysis, pentose cycle, biosynthesis of carbohydrates and fatty acids mitochondria respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation, citrate cycle, fatty acid degradation, aminoacid metabolism ribosomes protein biosynthesis Endoplasmic reticulum synthesis, modification and transport of some proteins, synthesis of cholesterol, phospholipids and triacylglycerols, detoxification Golgi apparatus modification, sorting, transport and excretion of some proteins lysosomes breaking down worn-out biomacromolecules and foreign structures peroxisomes oxidation to form hydrogen peroxide, photorespiration chloroplasts photosynthesis, fatty acid synthesis glyoxisomes glyoxylate cycle