Biotechnology of drugs - Application of biotechnology in pharmacy Doc. RNDr. Jan Hošek, Ph.D. Department of Molecular Pharmacy FaF MU Overview of basic biotechnological productions in pharmacy ➢ Enzymes ➢ Polysaccharides ➢ Steroids ➢ Antibiotics ➢ Antimycotics ➢ Vitamins ➢ Alkaloids ➢ Hormones ➢ Amino acids ➢ Cytokinins Two approaches ➢ Products obtained by classical techniques of microbial biotechnology ➢ Products of recombinant technologies Products of classical biotechnology of microorganisms The most common product = ENZYMES ➢ preparation of medicines – antibiotics, steroids, amino acids ➢ medicines – digestive, dissolving blood clots, etc. ➢ diagnostic purposes – part of detection kits Use of enzymes in pharmacy Output forms of the enzyme ➢ Enzyme preparation ➢ Enzyme in pure form ➢ Immobilized enzyme ➢ Immobilized cells Examples of enzymes I. Proteases ➢ trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin, chymosin ➢ papain, ficin, bromelain ➢ bacterial proteases (Bacillus) ➢ proteases produced by fungi (Aspergillus) Glukosidases ➢ α-amylase, β-amylase ➢ produced by bacteria (Bacillus) and fungi (Aspergillus) Medicine ➢facilitating the digestion of starch in dyspepsia ➢reduction of meteorism before surgery and in the postoperative period Food business ➢production of beer, alcoholic beverages, spirits ➢starch processing into glucose and maltose syrups and crystalline glucose ➢high fructose syrups Use of amylases Origin ➢ pancreas ➢ wheat germ ➢ Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus sp., yeast Application ➢ part of the digestive system ➢ food industry - cheese production They catalyze the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols Lipases Mechanisms ➢ hydrolysis of penicillin to 6-aminopenicillanic acid Origin ➢ Escherichia coli, Neurospora crassa, Torula sp., Rhodotorulla sp. Application ➢ production of semi-synthetic penicillins Hydrolases cleaving bonds other than C-N Penicilinacylase Examples of enzymes II. ➢ Cell products capable of inhibiting the growth of other cells at low concentrations ➢ The most common producers of G+ bacteria of the genus Streptomyces ➢ Preparation of new ATB by modification of known ATB, the so-called mutational synthesis new ATB Mutation of microorganism producing ATB + suitable precursor ANTIBIOTICS ➢ the physiological effect depends on the exact position of the substituents in the basic skeleton ➢ chemical synthesis is very demanding Biotransformation of steroids 1) Cultivation of the microorganism - increase in biomass 2) Addition of steroid, subsequent biotransformation 3) Isolation into an organic solvent 4) Purification by chromatography and crystallization STEROIDES O O 11α-hydroxylation Preparation of 11-a-progesterone Rhizopus nigricans, R. arrhizus, Aspergillus ochraceus 11β-hydroxylation Preparation of cortisol Curvularia lunata, Cunninghamella blakesleeana Examples of biotransformations I. 16a-hydroxylation Preparation of 16a-hydroxy-9a-fluoroprednisolone (triamcinolone) Streptomyces roseochromogenes dehydrogenation between C1-C2 Bacillus lensus, Arthrobacter simplex Preparation of prednisone, prednisolone, triamcinolone, 6-methylprednisolone, dexamethasone… O O Examples of biotransformations II. Sources Claviceps purpurea (growing on rye) Claviceps paspali (submerged cultivation) Sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea on rye Spores on sclerotium ERGOT ALKALOIDS essential animal nutritional factors Preparation ➢ chemical synthesis ➢ isolation from natural material ➢ microbial biosynthesis ➢ biotransformation VITAMINS Biotechnologically produced vitamins ➢ riboflavin (B2) ➢ cobalamin (B12) ➢ ascorbic acid (C) ➢ ergosterole (D2, D3) ➢ provitamin A ➢ provitamin D DOI: 10.1533/9780857093547.2.571 ➢ Chemical synthesis ➢ Isolation from natural sources ➢ Enzymatic transformations ▪ cultivation of MO containing the relevant enzyme ▪ cell separation ▪ a substrate intended for enzymatic conversion is added to the cells ➢ Biosynthetically - cultivation of microorganism - isolation of aminoacids from culture AMINOACIDS Naturally occurring bacteria - Corynebacterium - Brevibacterium - Micrococcus Recombinant strains - Escherichia coli - Serratia marcescens Recombinant drugs ➢ the leader is the USA (Food and Drug Administration) ➢ dozens of drugs, all protein-based ➢ hormones ➢ enzymes ➢ hematopoietic growth and coagulation factors ➢ cytokines and interferons ➢ antibodies and their derivatives ➢ vaccines ➢ other products Types of recombinant drugs different biological effects amino acid sequence alteration changes in pharmacokinetics broader treatment approaches Recombinant hormones y. 1979 - Goeddel et al. - production of insulin and somatotropin by Escherichia coli y. 1982 (28.10.) - insulin - the first clinically used recombinant hormone (USA) (Humulin-R, Eli Lilly and Genentech) y. 1985 - somatotropin Recombinant hormones were the first Lispro (HUMALOG) ➢ reversed order of lysine and proline at positions B28 and B29 ➢ production in Escherichia coli ➢ short-acting insulin Aspart (NOVORAPID) ➢ substitution of proline with aspartic acid in position B28 ➢ Saccharomyces cerevisiae ➢ short-acting insulin Insulin analogs Glargin (LANTUS) ➢ addition of 2 arginines to the C-terminus of chain B and substitution of glycine for asparagine at A21 ➢ Escherichia coli ➢ prolonged effect Detemir ➢ removal of threonine at B30 and acylation (myristic acid) of lysine at position B29 ➢ prolonged effect Other types of insulin ➢ faster and more regular absorption from the subcutaneous tissue ➢ they best mimic prandial secretion ➢ treatment of patients from 3 years of age ➢ shorter biological effect - lower risk of hypoglycemia Advantages over human short-acting insulins A polypeptide hormone (29 AA) Effects ➢ glycogenolytic ➢ hyperglycemic ➢ relaxation of GIT smooth muscle Preparation ➢ Escherichia coli ➢ Saccharomyces cerevisiae Indication ➢ hypoglycemia ➢ radiological examination – inhibition of GIT movement Glucagon A species-specific polypeptide (191 AA) Effects ➢ growth stimulation ➢ increases proteosynthesis ➢ reduces proteocatabolism Indication ➢ growth disorders Preparation ➢ Escherichia coli (since the late 1980s) Somatotropin follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Two subunits – alfa (92 AA), beta (111 AA) Production ➢ CHO cells Indication ➢ anovulatory cycles ➢ amenorrhea ➢ disorders of spermatogenesis Folitropin Preparation of medicines ➢ antibiotics, steroides, aminoacids Drugs ➢ digestive (dissolving blood clots, treating leukemia) Diagnostic and R&D purposes ➢ Taq polymerase ➢ Restriction endonucleases Recombinant enzymes Epoetin α (165 AA, glycosylated) Effects stimulation of blood cell formation Preparation mammalian cells Indication treatment of anemia Hematopoietic and growth factors Interferons α, β, γ Interleukin IL-2 Effects immunomodulating effects Preparation Escherichia coli Indication cancer therapy Cytokines and interferons Antibodies DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00495 There are several production strategies ➢ Methods of reverse genetics ➢ Recombinant subunit vaccines ➢ Production of "virus-like" particles ➢ DNA and RNA vaccines ➢ Vaccines based on viral vectors Recombinant vaccines sheep Polly ➢ blood clotting factor IX ➢ treatment of hemophilia goats ➢ antithrombin III ➢ prevents the formation of blood clots ➢ GTC Biotherapeutics, USA cows ➢ human lactoferrin ➢ Pharming, Netherlands Transgenic animals News of 2024 • Production of human pro/insulin in cow milk Biotechnology Journal, Volume: 19, Issue: 3, First published: 12 March 2024, DOI: (10.1002/biot.202300307) Schematic of the lentiviral vector constructed for mammary gland-specific human insulin expression and restriction map analysis. (A) Schematic of the lentiviral vector constructed. (B) The restriction map for the vector, L- ladder 1 kb plus (Life Technologies < Waltham, MA); Vconstructed vector digested with BamHI, ClaI, and XhoI restriction enzymes. The fragment of the hINS gene was generated by cleavage of the BamHI and XhoI enzymes, while BamHI and ClaI generated the fragment of the β-casein promoter, and the ClaI and XhoI enzymes generated the fragment from the original vector pLenti6.2-GW/EmGFP (7.833 kb). The size of the β-casein promoter used was 5.335 kb and the human proinsulin gene fragment was 1.193 kb. Transgene analysis. (A) Photo of the transgenic calf. (B) PCR analysis of the transgene: 1- DNA ladder, 2- transgenic calf, 3- non-transgenic cow, 4- lentiviral vector constructed. (C) Nonmodified bovine fibroblasts at 5 days incubated with 8 μg mL−1 blasticidin. (D) Fibroblasts from the transgenic calf at 8 days incubated with 8 μg mL−1 blasticidin. Isolation and purification of recombinant products Biotechnology products for therapeutic use must be precisely specified, especially when intended for parenteral administration. doi: 10.1002/0471140864.ps0601s80 crystallization, evaporation, drying, lyophilization liquid culture treatment of culture fluid adjustment of pH, heating, addition of substances causing coagulation of proteins and cells cell separation centrifugation or filtration product in fluid (extracellular) product in cells (intracellular) product isolation precipitation, extraction, chromatography cell disintegration Enzymatic chemical physical separation of cell walls produkt final product adjustments centrifugation or filtration Isolation and purification of products Differential centrifugation of E. coli cell lysates. Cells are broken with a French press or by lysozyme treatment. Insoluble (inclusion body) proteins, from either the cytoplasm or periplasm, are located in the low-speed pellet, which is subjected to preextraction to remove outer membrane and peptidoglycan material. Inclusion bodies are extracted from washed pellets with strong protein denaturants such as guanidine·HCl. The solubilized protein, which is denatured and reduced (free sulfhydryl residues), is either directly folded and oxidized (disulfide bonds formed) or purified before folding. Soluble proteins (from the periplasm and cytoplasm) are located in the low-speed and high-speed supernatants. The latter can be used directly for chromatography, whereas the former requires clarification by other techniques such as ammonium sulfate fractionation or membrane filtration. Curr Protoc Protein Sci. 2015; 80: 6.1.1–6.1.35. Published online 2015 Apr 1. doi: 10.1002/0471140864.ps0601s80 Localization of secreted and periplasmic proteins in E. coli. Periplasmic protein produced via a secretion vector can leak into the medium and be recovered by centrifugation (supernatant, S1) or filtration. Washing cells with an isotonic solution such as lightly buffered 0.15 M NaCl or 0.25 M sucrose can also release protein (S2). The compartmentalized periplasmic proteins are released by isotonic shock treatment by directly suspending normal cell paste or plasmolyzed cell paste into hypotonic medium. Plasmolyzed cell paste is derived by suspending cells in hypertonic medium and then pelleting. (In hypertonic medium the cell contracts, separating the inner membrane from the cell wall, and is said to be osmotically sensitized.) The hypertonic wash often releases protein (P1). The supernatant from shocked cells (P2) will contain constitutive E. coli proteins and the recombinant product. Osmotically sensitized cells can also be treated with lysozyme to fragment the outer membrane, thus releasing periplasmic proteins (P3).The pellet from the lysozyme treatment contains spheroplasts (cells with fragmented outer membranes), which are easily disrupted by detergents, sonication, or hypotonic shock to release cytoplasmic proteins. Purification of soluble proteins from bacterial cell and other cell lysates. Abbreviations for ion-exchange resins are as follows: CM, carboxymethyl; DEAE, diethylaminoethyl; Q, quaternary ammonium; S, methyl sulfonate. The order of preference for the stages of ion-exchange (2) and other methods (3) is based on the author’s opinion and does not necessarily represent a consensus view. On the other hand, the use of a DEAE-based matrix at an early stage (1) is common practice. Affinity methods (see text and Chapter 9) can be performed at any stage following clarification of the lysate. Folding and purification of inclusion body proteins from E. coli. The protein is extracted with protein denaturants such as guanidine·HCl (Gu·HCl), urea, or an organic acid. The reductant dithiothreitol (DTT) is included to prevent artificial disulfide bond formation (especially intermolecular bonds). The denatured protein can be purified by various methods and then folded, or it can be directly folded. Typically, some purification (e.g., gel filtration in Gu·HCl) prior to folding is recommended as it often results in higher folding yields. Protein folding and oxidation are carried out concurrently. Disulfide bond formation is catalyzed by lowmolecular-weight thiol/disulfide pairs such as reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione. GSH/GSSG ratios of 5:1 to 10:1 are normally used, which are similar to those found in vivo in the endoplasmic reticulum (Hwang et al., 1992). A cosolvent is included to maintain solubility during folding. Folded protein is purified if necessary (purification is usually needed if the protein is directly folded). Gel filtration is a useful final step for removing aggregated and or misfolded protein. Preparation of washed pellets using lysozyme and the French press. Cells are broken with the French press with or without prior treatment with lysozyme. After low–speed centrifugation using a fixed-angle rotor, the contents of the centrifuge tubes have the characteristics shown. The contents of tubes A and B are labeled: s, supernatant; lp, loose pellet; ib, inclusion body protein; and c, unbroken cells and large cellular debris. The loose pellet material is derived from the outer cell wall and outer membrane (see text for further details). After washing the insoluble material (UNIT 6.3), the pellet should consist mainly of the inclusion body layer (tube C), and the supernatant should be fairly clear. ➢ Quality is usually expressed in terms of purity and reproducibility. ➢ The purity of pharmaceutical preparations is usually higher than 99% if they are administered parenterally. ➢ This also applies to protein therapeutics, for which the resulting purity is highly dependent on the purification process. Contaminating components ➢ Host organism ➢ Product ➢ Process Origin of contaminating components of protein pharmaceuticals ➢ Viruses ➢ Host proteins and DNA ➢ Glycosylation variants ➢ Variant N and C termini ➢ Endotoxins from Gram negative bacteria Contaminating components of the host organism ➢ Amino acid substitutions and deletions ➢ Protein denaturation ➢ Conformational isomers ➢ Dimers and aggregates ➢ Variants of disulfide bridges ➢ Deaminated proteins ➢ Protein fragments Contaminating components originating from the product ➢ Growth medium components ➢ Purification reagents ➢ Metals ➢ Materials of purification columns Contaminating components created within the process Category Method Example Virus inactivation Heat Pasteurization Radiation UV irradiation Dehydration Lyophilization Crosslinking substances, denaturation, decomposition β-propionolacton, formaldehyd, NaOH, org. solvents, detergents Neutralisation Specific antibodies Virus removal Chromatography Ion exchange, immunoaffinity Filtration nanofiltration Precipitation cryoprecipitation How to get rid of virus particles? Filtration through 15 nm membranes, which can capture even the smallest known non-enveloped viruses such as bovine parvovirus What is nanofiltration? ➢ Bacteria from cell cultures can be easily removed by filtration ➢ Work sterile, clean areas (air sterilization) ➢ Work under antibiotics, which are then difficult to remove !! Bacteria as a contaminating component Pyrogens – substances of different sizes with different structures ➢ Sensitive people - fever with fatal consequences ➢ Remove by ion exchange chromatography ➢ Hot air sterilization of instruments Mycoplasmas ➢ It changes the characteristics of metabolism, growth, cell lifespan, etc. ➢ Remove with gentamicin or ciprofloxacin What else does bacteria do? ➢ When mammalian cells are used, DNA fragments are present in the medium ➢ What is a safe level? ➢ The European Pharmacopoeia recommends that the amount of DNA in the final preparation of the therapeutic protein does not exceed 100 pg to 10 ng daily dose depending on the type of culture system Cellular DNA as a contaminating component ➢ "Foreign" proteins can be recognized as antigens → an immune response that the recombinant protein is not responsible for ➢ Sourced by host cell or medium ➢ Beware of recombinant protein variants! ➢ Detection of contaminating proteins immunologically Contaminating proteins Cell separation ➢ centrifugation ➢ filtration (drum rotary filters) Cell disintegration ➢ enzymatic: lysozyme ➢ chemical: alkali, detergents ➢ physical: osmotic shock, cell crushing with abrasives, ultrasound ➢ centrifugation ➢ filtration Separation of cell walls Isolation of the product from the liquid ➢ Extraction ➢ system of two immiscible solvents ➢ in protein isolation PEG and dextran or PEG and specific salts such as K3PO4 or NH4SO4 ➢ Precipitation ➢ salting out proteins NH4SO4 ➢ precipitation with organic solvents (EtOH, acetone, ...) ➢ Chromatographic methods (gel, ionex, bioaffinity, adsorption) ➢ Electromigration methods (electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, isotachophoresis) Final adjustments of the product Evaporation Drying ➢ vacuum evaporators ➢ beware of thermolabile substances ➢ for thermolabile enzymes, plate (film) evaporators are most suitable ➢ removal of water and volatile substances from the product ➢ belt, hazel, drum, spray dryers ➢ fluid-current dryers (blowing the material with warm air) - common in the pharmaceutical industry Isoelectric focusing Two-dimensional electrophoresis ➢ Movement of proteins in a pH gradient after application of an electric field ➢ Proteins migrate to the so-called "isoelectric point" ➢ Separation by isoelectric focusing - based on electric charge ➢ Electrophoresis separation - based on size Chromatography ➢ Separation based on the different permeability of proteins filling chromatographic columns Protein separation methods Mass spectrometry Antibody detection ➢ Based on the ratio of mass to charge of ionized molecules (MALDI-TOF) ➢ Polyclonal antibodies ➢ Monoclonal antibodies ➢ Western blot ➢ Immunoprecipitation, immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry Protein identification methods ➢ It is a collective designation for a group of physicalchemical separation methods ➢ It is used for the separation and analysis of complex mixtures of substances ➢ In all types of chromatographic separation, the molecules of the analyzed substance are divided between the so-called stationary and mobile phase ➢ The separation is based on the different distribution of the components of the mixture between the mobile and stationary phases Chromatographic methods According to the purpose of use ➢ analytical chromatography ➢ preparative chromatography According to the physico-chemical principle ➢ adsorption chromatography ➢ partition chromatography ➢ ion exchange chromatography ➢ gel chromatography ➢ (bio)affinity chromatography Types of chromatographic methods I. According to the state of the mobile phase ➢ liquid chromatography ➢ gas chromatography According to the arrangement of the stationary phase ➢ column chromatography ➢ capillary chromatography ➢ thin layer chromatography (thin layer chromatography) ➢ paper chromatography Types of chromatographic methods II. ➢ biologically active substances form an extensive group of compounds with special functions ➢ changes in pH, ionic strength, concentration of metal ions, cofactors, etc. can result in a large effect on the isolated biologically active molecules ➢ in order not to lose their biological activity during isolation, it is necessary to use the mildest possible separation methods Chromatography ➢ low concentration of biologically active substances ➢ a mixture of many similar substances First stage of isolation = adsorption ➢ biospecific affinity chromatography ➢ at physiological pH values, most proteins are negatively charged → sorption to annex Another level of isolation ➢ gel chromatography ➢ electrophoretic methods Purification strategy – I. Isolation of a pure biologically active substance is most often achieved by a combination of several separation methods When choosing a purification scheme, care should be taken not to repeat methods based on the same separation principle Purification strategy – II. It is based on different adsorption of substances on the surface of the sorbent, forming the stationary phase ➢ Substances that are more strongly bound by sorption forces under the given conditions are adsorbed in individual sections more often and for longer than other substances ➢ Stationary phase sorbents differ in polarity or acidity ➢ non-polar - activated carbon, polar acidic silica gel (SiO2) ➢ polar - basic hydrated alumina or magnesium oxide ➢ Mobile phase - solvent mixtures (... chloroform, ethanol, ...) ➢ For gas adsorption chromatography, nitrogen or helium Adsorption chromatography It is based on the different solubility of the separated substances in two different liquids, i.e. on different values ​​of the partition coefficient (α = cm/cs) ➢ One of the liquids used is the mobile phase, the other is then anchored on some carrier and thus forms the stationary phase ➢ Higher value of α = stronger binding to the stationary component = slower flow through the column ➢ Normal phase = anchored stationary phase is water ➢ Inverted phase = anchored stationary phase consists of low polar organic liquids ➢ Carriers – SiO2, glass, polymers, starch, cellulose, etc. Partition chromatography ➢ the basis is the reversible exchange of ions between the mobile liquid and the stationary phase ➢ stationary phase ionexics (anex or katex) Ion exchange (ionex) chromatography Gendeh, Gurmil et al. “Exploration of pH-Gradient Ion-Exchange Chromatograp y High-Resolution Protein Separations in Biotechnology d Pr teomics.” (2012). Initial stage Sample loading Adsorption of target ElutionWash of colony product Course of ion exchange chromatography and-molecular-biology/ion-exchange-chromatography Separation of macromolecules based on the different size of individual substances on a porous stationary phase (gel filtration) ➢ agarose ➢ cross-linked dextran (Sephadex) ➢ polyacrylamide (BioGel P) ➢ cellulose (Cellufin) ➢ materials based on silica gel or porous glass Stationary phase - inert porous material saturated with liquid Gel chromatography In other words: it is based on the different permeability of the holes and hollow niches on the particles of the stationary phase for different sized particles of the partitioned mixture Gel chromatography When a mixture of substances passes through a porous stationary phase, it happens that ➢ small molecules are able to diffuse into the pores of the matrix and their movement is thus slowed down ➢ large molecules are not captured and pass through the matrix faster - the larger the molecule, the faster it passes out of the column ➢ Small molecules are also washed out of the column by successive washing of the mobile phase ➢ It is important that there are no bonds between the split solution and the matrix or denaturation of the split material Principle of gel chromatography Small molecules can "enter" inside Large molecules cannot "enter" inside Cross-linked gel particles Gel filtration chromatography-types/n-41 The principle of the isolation method is the interaction of the isolated protein with a ligand bound to a solid support based on the exceptional property of biologically active substances to form strong specific reversible complexes with other complex-forming compounds, so-called affinity ligands enzyme – substrate, cofactor – effector, antibody – antigen, hormone – receptor, etc. Ligand = a compound that forms a biospecific reversible complex with a given isolated substance Affinity (bioaffinity) chromatography Any compound that forms a biospecific reversible complex with the given isolated substance can be used as a ligand ➢ immobilized pyridine or adenine nucleotides ➢ dyes with an anthraquinone structure ➢ immobilized hemoglobin or casein for proteolytic enzymes ➢ it must contain a functional group that is covalently bound to a solid support ➢ it must have sufficient affinity for the isolated substance Ligands in affinity chromatography Protein identification methods Molecular weight determination method ➢ It divides proteins (peptides) according to the ratio of their mass and charge ➢ The molecule is first ionized using the MALDI or ESI (electrospray ionization) method ➢ The resulting ions are drawn into the analyzer by the electric field, where they are divided according to the ratio of mass and charge ➢ Computerized data processing follows Mass spectrometry matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight ➢ variant of mass spectrometry ➢ peptides are ionized and the mass-to-charge ratio is determined based on the time-of-flight to the detector ➢ Mw is calculated and is specific for each amino acid Princip of MALDI-TOF 1) There is no need to sequence the proteins 2) Just knowing the molecular weight is enough 1) Cannot analyze multimeric proteins 2) The AA sequence should be known Advantages and disadvantages ➢ Used to study translation results ➢ They arise as a reaction of the organism to an antigen The region of the antigen recognized by the antibody is called an epitope Antibodies as a basic detection and identification tool Linear ➢ Antibodies bind to them regardless of conformation ➢ They recognize, for example, denatured proteins Conformational ➢ Antibodies bind to them depending on the way the polypeptide chain is folded ➢ Antibodies specific for conformational epitopes will only react with proteins in the native conformation Epitopes ➢ Identification of polypeptides by antibodies after separation on denaturing PAGE (alkaline buffer = proteins acquire a negative charge ➢ Recognition does not take place in the gel, but after transferring the polypeptides to a membrane Imunoblotting Western blotting Immunoblotting result ➢ It is used to isolate specific proteins from protein mixtures using antibodies ➢ It is used to study interactions between proteins Immunoprecipitation