Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 1 Structure and function of proteins MYOGLOBIN, HEMOGLOBIN (heme proteins) Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 2 Reversible binding of a Protein to a Ligand: Oxygen-Binding Proteins  MYOGLOBIN, HEMOGLOBIN  Oxygen- poorly soluble in aqueous, diffusion ineffective-few millimeters  No AA bind O2  Evolution- proteins –transport and store oxygen  Hemoproteins (heme, reversible binding of oxygen)  Heme- Fe Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 3 Myoglobin- single binding site for O2  Transport O2 in muscle tissue  Globins  Protein ligand interaction can be described quantitatively Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 4 Saturation curve of myoglobin Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 5  Coordination of Heme in Hb/Mb  Coordination bond of Fe2+ - histidine F8 proximal (F helix  Partially to histidine E7 distal (in E helix). Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 6 Myoglobin x hemoglobin Myoglobin – hyperbolic binding curve for oxygen -oxygen-storage protein -Hemoglobin- multiple subunits- O2 binding sites -oxygen transport Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 7 Functions of hemoglobin and myoglobin Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 8 Hemoglobin  Structure of Hemoglobin  primary – AA  secondary (a helixes A-H)  Tertiary (space composition …)  a helixes, hydrophobic inside, hydrophilic outside, hydrophobic pocket - heme  Quartery (subunits) Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 9  Coordination of Heme in Hb/Mb  Coordination bond of Fe2+ - histidine F8 proximal (F helix  Partially to histidine E7 distal (in E helix). Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 10 Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 11 Quaternary structure, tetramer Human hemoglobin, two alpha(red) two beta(yellow) subunits, 4 heme groups 4 subunits - hydrophobic - electrostatic interactions Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 12 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 PercentO2saturation Partial pressure of oxygen (pO2, mmHg) Muscle in exercising Relaxing muscle Myoglobin Hemoglobin Artery [O2] Vein [O2] Environmental Oxygen Effects Binding Affinity AdaptedfromGarrett&Grisham(1999)Biochemistry(2e)p.480 SIGMOID S -SHAPE HYPERBOLIC Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 13 DEOXYHEMOGLOBIN OXYHEMOGLOBIN CONFORMATION OF T (TENSE, LOW AFFINITY) CONFORMATION OF R (RELAX, LOW AFFINITY) LUNG/BLOOD TISSUE/BLOOD Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 14 􀂙 Dioxygen binds cooperatively to hemoglobin! The binding of O2 to hemoglobin enhances the binding of additional O2 to the same hemoglobin (take advantage of high concentrations of O2 in the lungs; sigmoid curve ). Binding of O2 to Myoglobin is not cooperative; hyperbolic cure). 􀂙 Affinity of hemoglobin for O2 is pH dependent! H+ and CO2 promote the release of bound dioxygen (for instance in active tissues such as in muscles). Reciprocally, higher concentrations of O2 promote the release of CO2 (e.g. in the lungs). 􀂙 Dioxygen affinity of the tetrameric hemoglobin is regulated by 2,3-BiPhosphoGlycerate (lowered by the presence of BPG)! Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 15 Importance of 2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid (2,3Bisphosphoglycerate or 2,3-BPG, also known as 2,3diphosphoglycerate or 2,3-DPG) -glycolytic intermediate 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1,3-BPG). -2,3-BPG is present in human red blood cells at approximately 5 mmol/L. -It binds with greater affinity to deoxygenated hemoglobin (e.g. when the red cell is near respiring tissue) than it does to oxygenated hemoglobin (e.g., in the lungs) due to spatial changes: 2,3-BPG fits in the deoxygenated hemoglobin configuration), but not as well in the oxygenated -It interacts with deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits by decreasing their affinity for oxygen, so it allosterically promotes the release of the remaining oxygen molecules bound to the hemoglobin, thus enhancing the ability of RBCs to release oxygen near tissues that need it most. 2,3-BPG is thus an allosteric effector. Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 16 (R) relaxed state (T) tense state The Transportation of Blood Oxygen Hemoglobin Lung O2 Myoglobin Muscle Vein ArteryWhen environmental [O2] increases, Hb binds oxygen efficiently When environmental [O2] decreases, Hb releases oxygen to Mb Any one subunit receives an oxygen molecule will increase the oxygen-binding affinity of the others Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 17 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 PercentO2saturation Partial pressure of oxygen (pO2, mmHg) Muscle in exercising Relaxing muscle Myoglobin Hemoglobin Artery [O2] Vein [O2] Environmental Oxygen Effects Binding Affinity AdaptedfromGarrett&Grisham(1999)Biochemistry(2e)p.480 Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 18 ALLOSTERISM Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 19 Hemoglobin transport H+ and CO2  Products of cellular oxidation H+, CO2  From the tissues to lung and kidneys Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 20 The Bohr Effect  Most of the CO2 is transported as bicarbonate, which is formed within  red blood cells by the action of carbonic anhydrase:  CO2 + H2O HCO3− + H+  􀂙 The major portion of the Bohr Effect is due to the fact that  increasing p(CO2) causes a decreased red cell pH (acidosis).  􀂙 A secondary part of the Bohr Effect is due to the fact that CO2  reacts covalently with hemoglobin to form carbamino-hemoglobin  which has a reduced O2 affinity.  R—NH2 + CO2 R—NH—COO− + H+  The bound carbamates form salt bridges that stabilize the T-form!  (The Tense-form of hemoglobin possesses a lower O2 affinity). a decrease in blood pH or an increase in blood CO2 concentration will result in hemoglobin proteins releasing their loads of oxygen and a decrease in carbon dioxide or increase in pH will result in hemoglobin picking up more oxygen. Since carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an increase in CO2 results in a decrease in blood pH. Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 21 Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 22 Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 23 Types of Hb  Fetal Hb (HbF small increase affinity in comparison to HbA)  HbA1c – glycosylation  HbA1c reference value:  men 140-180 g/l ; 8,1-11,2 mmol/l  women: 120-160 g/l ; 7,4-9,8 mmol/l Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 24 Hemoglobin- transport oxygen in bood  Erythrocytes (red blood cells, 6-9um in diameter)  Precursor stem cells- hemocystoblast – maturation- large amount of hemoglobin, lose their nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmatic reticulum  120 days survivor Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 25 Glycosylated hemoglobin is the form of hemoglobin to which glucose is bound. The binding of glucose to amino acids in the hemoglobin takes place spontaneously (without the help of an enzyme) in many proteins, and is not known to serve a useful purpose. However, the binding to hemoglobin does serve as a record for average blood glucose levels over the lifetime of red cells, which is approximately 120 days. The levels of glycosylated hemoglobin are therefore measured in order to monitor the long-term control of the chronic disease of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Poor control of T2DM results in high levels of glycosylated hemoglobin in the red blood cells. The normal reference range is approximately 4– 5.9 %. Though difficult to obtain, values less than 7% are recommended for people with T2DM. Levels greater than 9% are associated with poor control of the glycosylated hemoglobin, and levels greater than 12% are associated with very poor control. Diabetics who keep their glycosylated hemoglobin levels close to 7% have a much better chance of avoiding the complications that may accompany diabetes (than those whose levels are 8% or higher).[61] In addition, increased glycosylation of hemoglobin increases its affinity for oxygen, therefore preventing its release at the tissue and inducing a level of hypoxia in extreme cases.[62] Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 26 Role in disease Hemoglobinopathies  Genetic diseases (mutation in globin chain)  Altered rate of Hb production (thalassemias) Sickle cell hemoglobin HbS (mutation) Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 27 Hemoglobin je jen jedním z proteinů patřících do velké skupiny zvané hemové proteiny (hemoproteiny). Do této skupiny dále patří, např.: myoglobin (vazba a depozice kyslíku ve svalech) cytochromy (přenašeče elektronů v elektron-transportním řetězci mitochondrií) katalázy a peroxidázy (rozklad a tvorba H2O2) cytochrom P450 (hydroxylační systém/enzym) Jejich společným znakem je to, že ve své molekule obsahují hem (cyklický tetrapyrrol). Hemoproteins Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 28 Hemoproteins protoporfirin His- residue- heme coordination, oxygen on the other site Fe2+--Fe3+, heme iron – higher affinity for CO (carbon monooxide), - NO (nitric..) TOXIC to aerobic metabolism -Blood: different color- oxygen rich- bright red arterial blood -- dark purple oxygen depleted venous blood Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 29 Other hemoproteins Catalysis •Cytochrome P450s •cytochrome c oxidase •peroxidases •Electron transfer/transport •cyctochrome a •Cytochrome b •cytochrome c The cytochrome P450 superfamily (officially abbreviated as CYP) is a large and diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances. The substrates of CYP enzymes include metabolic intermediates such as lipids and steroidal hormones, as well as xenobiotic substances such as drugs and other toxic chemicals. CYPs are the major enzymes involved in drug metabolism and bioactivation, accounting for about 75% of the total number of different metabolic reactions.[1] The most common reaction catalyzed by cytochromes P450 is a monooxygenase reaction, e.g., insertion of one atom of oxygen into an organic substrate (RH) while the other oxygen atom is reduced to water: RH + O2 + NADPH + H+ → ROH + H2O + NADP+ Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) belong to the superfamily of proteins containing a heme cofactor and, therefore, are hemoproteins. CYPs use a variety of small and large molecules as substrates in enzymatic reactions. Often, they form part of multi-component electron transfer chains, called P450-containing systems. The letter in P450 represents the word pigment as these enzymes are red because of their heme group. The number 450 reflects wavelength of the absorption maximum of the enzyme when it is in the reduced state and complexed with CO. Biochemsitry-2-3-HbM-en 30 Peroxidases (EC number 1.11.1.x) are a large family of enzymes that typically catalyze a reaction of the form: ROOR' + electron donor (2 e-) + 2H+ → ROH + R'OH For many of these enzymes the optimal substrate is hydrogen peroxide, but others are more active with organic hydroperoxides such as lipid peroxides. Peroxidases can contain a heme cofactor in their active sites, or alternately redox-active cysteine or selenocysteine residues.