Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Cellular metabolism glucose metabolism 1 cellular metabolism glucose metabolism Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Metabolism Living organism requires a constant supply of energy and the creation and restoration of building materials. Metabolism - marches , in which a living organism uses and produces energy . A summary of all the reactions occurring in the body . 2 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Functions of metabolism •maintenance of energy (catabolic - degradation ) • synthesis of molecules (anabolic -storage ) • both processes are interdependent --- Energy Affinity 3 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Types of organisms by metabolism • by source of energy: • phototrophs (use of solar energy, for example green plants) • chemotrophs (oxidation of nutrients ) • by source of building material: • autotrophs (synthesized substances from anorg. sources) • heterotrophic (use org. substanes) 4 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů CO2 Small molecules Macromolecules Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids Energy O2 Metabolism of human 5 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • consistently receive nutrients with high enthalpy ( = energy ) and low entropy ( = complex and ordered structure ) • nutrients are converted to waste products with low enthalpies and entropies high (= simple structure ) • Gibbs energy released during these processes is maintained in the course of biochemical processes , ensuring highly organized cell structure • part of the energy is converted to a usable form of heat Organisms as open systems 6 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Energy in chemical reactions Gibbs free energy ( G  ) the maximum amount of useful energy that can be obtained for the reaction constant . pressure and temperature A+B  C+D ba dc BA DC RTGG ][][ ][][ ln0  During the conversion of nutrients into the waste substances are released Gibbs energy that keeps running biochemical processes and ensures a highly organized cellular structure. Unfortunately, you can not use all the released energy - part of it is always converted to a form unusable = heat. Gibbs energy (G ) can be defined as the maximum amount of useful energy that can be obtained in the reaction at constant pressure and temperature. For the reaction A + B → C + D , it can be 7 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů  G0´ (pH = 7, 0 25 oC) Biochemical processes  Steady-state ( dynamic equilibrium ) .  Reaction of the successive product of one reaction is the substrate for subsequent reactions .  Concentration do not meet the standard. With regard to the Gibbs energy in the body, we can distinguish two different types of processes : a) Exergonic processes b) endergonic processes Endergonic processes (G > 0) can take place only in coupling reactions with exergonic (G < 0) . The transfer of energy from one process to another takes place by means of energy-rich molecules - most often used ATP ( energy released in the particular process is transferred via phosphoryl groups -PO32to other substances) . 8 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Processes exergonic endergonic Endergonic reaction can take place only in coupling reactions with exergonic. Energy transfer from one process to another takes place by means of energy-rich molecules. The most commonly used is ATP. When coupling that transfers phosphoryl groups - PO3 2- other substances 9 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů -PO3 2- is by enzyme of kinase transported from ATP to glucose. Principles of coupling Go´ = +13,8 kJ/mol Go´ = -30,5 kJ/mol Example 1: Formation of glucosa-6-phosphate glucose + Pi  glucose-6-P + H2O Go´ = - 16,7 kJ/molglucose + ATP  glucose -6-P + ADP ATP + H2O  ADP + Pi 10 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů G 1 > 0pyruvate + HCO3 - oxalacetate Example 2: Carboxylation of pyruvate HCO3 - + ATP  ADP + -OCO-O-PO3 2- phosphocarbonate -OCO-O-PO3 2- + biotin  -OOC-biotine + Pi -OOC-biotin + pyruvate  oxalacetate biotin + ATP + HCO3 - → carboxybiotin + ADP + Pi carboxybiotin + pyruvate → biotin + oxalacetate G 2 < 0 G < 0 Partial reaction: ATP ADP + Pi 11 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů ATP + HCO3 -  ADP + -O -P-O-C-O- OO O phosphocarbonate N NH O S CO enzym C O OCarboxylate anion is activated by binding Pi and by biotin is transfer to pyruvate. Carboxylation of biotin 12 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The term " high energy compound" (also called " energy- rich compound " " Macroergic Compound " ) The compound to hydrolytic cleavage of its bonds provide approximately the same or greater energy than is G0´for ATP hydrolysis Most often, these functional derivatives of phosphoric acid . 13 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The high-energy/macroergic phosphate compound the rest contain phosphoric acid . linked most often :  anhydride ,  amide,  enol esters bond. (esters of phos. Acid are not macroergic) 14 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Univerzal phosphate high-energic compound is ATP Provides energy in reactions: ATP + H2O  ADP + Pi  G0´ = -30,5 kJ/mol ATP + H2O  AMP + PPi  G0´ = -32,0 kJ/mol reaction must be enzyme-catalyzed Similarly, provide energy: GTP, UTP a CTP 15 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Another high-energy phosphate compounds These substances are formed during the metabolism. Their reactions with ADP may give ATP = substrate phosphorylation Compound  G0 (kJ/mol) type of compounds phosphoenolpyruvate -62 enolester Carbamoyl-P -52 mixed anhydride 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate -50 mixed anhydride phosphokreatin -43 amide 16 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The energy- rich compounds can also be thioesters ( e.g. , an acyl group linked to coenzyme A)  G0 = -31,0 kJ/mol 17 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů How to get high- energy compound by metabolism? „burning nutrients “ • nutrients in the diet (lipids and carbohydrates, proteins partially ) contain carbon atoms with a low oxidation state • are sequentially dehydrogenated to various intermediates, in which decarboxylation reactions cleave CO2 • electrons and hydrogen atoms are transferred to the redox cofactors (NADH, FADH2 ) and transported to the respiratory chain 18 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Macroergic compounds NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 75. 19 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The above- mentioned energy compounds in metabolism resulting from the combustion of nutrients. The nutrients contained in food can be divided into lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. These compounds contain a carbon with a low degree of oxidation . The main reactions in the combustion of nutrient oxidation, which takes the form of the dehydrogenation . Sequential dehydrogenation rise to various intermediates , releasing CO2 , electrons and hydrogen ( H). Hydrogen along with electrons are transferred to the oxidation-reduction cofactors and transported to the respiratory chain. 20 NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 75. Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů •during degradation of the nutrients may also be formed directly high energy compound, or ATP providing subsequent substrate phosphorylation • reoxidation of the energy released is used to generate ATP 21 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Formation of ATP in cells • Majority of formation of ATP aerobic phosphorylation = direct reaction between Pi and ADP ADP + Pi  ATP catalyzed ATP-synthase - the use of energy produced by oxidation of NADH a FADH2 - Occurs in coupling in respiratory chain 22 the use of energy produced by oxidation Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • Other possibilities of formation of ATP transport -PO3 2- from high energetic rich compound to ADP SUBSTRATE PHOSPHORYLATION 23 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Examples of substrate phosphorylation Reaction of glycolysis NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 84-85. 24 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Citrate cycle thiokinase Muscle: ADP ATP kreatinkinase NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 153, 234. 25 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů ATP in cells  Life time of ATP in cell cca 2 min  They must be constantly replenished  Instant ATP content in the body is about 100 g per day, daily is produced 60-70 kg  Adenylatekinase keep balance between ATP, ADP and AMP ATP + ADP 2 ADP  In health cell ratio [ATP]/[ADP] = 5-200 Energetic charge of cell: when drops to zero , the cell die          AMPADPATP ADPATP    2 1 26 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů •Metabolism is regulated at several levels • regulation of enzyme activity ( allosteric effects product inhibition , substrate availability ) • covalent modification enzymes ( phosphorylation ) • regulation of the synthesis of enzymes • compartmentalization and organ specialization • hormonal regulation 27 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Different metabolic pathways are affected by the condition of the body • condition after eating x starvation •Rest x severe physical strain • rest x Stress • physiological state xdisease 28 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Metabolisms glucose in cells Metabolism of carbohydrates 29 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Sources of glucose in the diet  Glucose can be taken from food :  a) free  b ) chemically bonded  Free glucose gain eg . From grapes (glucose = dextrose ) and other fruits ( resp. Fruit juices ) and honey.  May be chemically bound glucose in polysaccharides and disaccharides .  The main sources of glucose in food is starch. It is a polysaccharide composed glucose subunits. We distinguish its two parts :  a) a linear amylose =  b ) branched amylopectin = NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 76. 30  In addition to its structure, these two also differ in their biological effect . This difference describes variable called the glycemic index. The glycemic index is related to the speed at which there is an increase in blood glucose the lower the index , thus the food is "better" (glucose is released from the more slowly , resulting in smaller demands on the pancreas and insulin production ) .  Starch sources are, for example . Potatoes ( the main source of our food ) , as well as bread, rice , pasta , corn and others. An important source of starch are also the pulses , which have the advantage that they contain lots of straight-chain amylose ( from the glucose is cleaved more slowly ), and hence have a low glycemic index.  Other sources of glucose, in addition to the polysaccharides are disaccharides :  a) sucrose  b ) Lactose  c ) maltose  From the food can also receive free fructose . Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 31 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Entry of glucose into cells glucose transporters transmembrane proteins facilitating transport of glucose into cells - type GLUT (1-14)* or SGLT** * glucose transporter ** sodium-coupled glucose transporter Glucose molecules are highly polar , they can not diffuse through hydrophobic lipid bilayer membrane (hydrogen bonds between the OH groups and water ) 32 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů GLUT 1-GLUT 14, similarities:  500 AK, 12 transmembrane helixes mechanism: facilitated diffusion through a membrane ( extends over the concentration gradient does not require energy ) 33 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Why are so many types of carriers ? • different affinity for glucose • They can be regulated in different ways • They occur in various tissues 34 35 Glucose Transport • Na+-Independent Facilitated Diffusion Glucose Transporters (GLUT 1-14) With concentration gradient Energy Independent • Na+-Monosaccharide Cotransporter: Against concentration gradient Energy dependent Carrier-mediated (SGLT) Coupled to Na+ transport Small intestine, renal tubules & choroid plexus 36 Glucose Transporters • Tissue-specific expression pattern GLUT-1 RBCs and brain GLUT-2 Liver, kidney & pancreas GLUT-3 Neurons GLUT-4 Adipose tissue & skeletal muscle GLUT-5 Small intestine & testes GLUT-7 Liver (ER-membrane) • Functions: GLUT-1, 3 & 4 Glucose uptake from blood GLUT-2 Blood & cells (either direction) GLUT-5 Fructose transport 37 Glucose Transport: Facilitated Diffusion Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glucose transport via GLUT Facilitated diffusion mechanism NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 78 38 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 78 39 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 78 40 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Receptor type GLUT 4 are regulated by insulin Intracellular membrane vesicles are " sleeping " glukosovými transporters. If insulin is not binding to the receptor , glucose can not enter into the cell . NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 78 41 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů After binding to the insulin receptor vesicles with membrane transporters move NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 78 42 Binding of insulin to the receptor Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glucose transporters penetrate into the membrane , glucose transport into the cell can begin. NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 78 43 Glucose transport into cells Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glucose transport into the cells of the intestinal mucosa and ledviných tubules ( SGLT ) Mechanism: co-transport with sodium Secondary active transport •at two specific sites linked glucose transporter and Na + • their transport runs in parallel ( without energy consumption) • Na + is subsequently pumped from the cell ATPase ( ATP consumption ) • Glucose is subsequently transported out of the cell via GLUT2 44 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Mucous membrane of small intestine cells ( enterocytes ) The mechanism of glucose cotransport of Na + Lumen of the small intestine NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 79 45 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů After binding of Na + and glucose transporter changes the conformation and glucose and Na + enter the cell NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 79 46 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Na + and glucose are transported to the cell NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 79 47 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů At the opposite pole of the cell ( serosal side ) is Na + over Na + / K + -ATPase is transported out of the cell ( active transport ) NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 69 48 49 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů cell Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glucose is the serosal side of the enterocyte transported out of the cell via GLUT -2 ( passive transport ) NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 79 51 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů glucose + ATP glucose-6-P + ADP Glucose metabolism in cells Enzymes hexokinase or glucokinase Formation of glucose-6- phosphate after the entry of glucose into the cell : 52 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Significance of the formation of glucose-6 -P for further glucose metabolism phosphorylation glucose glucose ATP ADP glucose-6-P Hexokinase, (glucokinase) Catalyzes the reverse reaction of glucose-6 - P phosphatase It is only in the liver ( and kidneys ) 53 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů •The conversion of glucose to Glc -6-P in the cell allows additional supply of glucose along a concentration gradient • Once phosphorylated glucose can not have a cell out ( trap glucose ) • Only the liver ( and kidneys ) can be converted Glc -6-P back to glucose and send that back to the blood Consequences: SODERBERG, Tim. ChemWiki: The Dynamic Chemistry E-textbook. Dostupné z: ological_Emphasis/Chapter__3%3A_Conformations_and_Stereochemistry/Sectio n_3.2%3A_Conformations_of_cyclic_organic_molecules 54 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glucose concentration and the rate of phosphorylation of glucokinase and hexokinase NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 81 55 56 glucokinase X HEXOKINASe Characteristic Hexokinase glucokinase location specify inhibition Affinity to Glc inductive KM (mmol/l) Most tissues broad (hexoses) Glc-6-P high no 0,1 Hepatocytes Islet cells (pancreas) narrow (glucose) no inhibition low insulin 10 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • phosphorylation in cells other than hepatic ( hexokinase ) takes place only if the glucose to be metabolized • phosphorylation of glucokinase in the liver occurs at a sufficient supply of glucose in the liver ( after meal ) • at lower concentrations it hexokinase 57 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Role glukokinasy v pankreatu  glucokinase in the pancreatic cells - sensor in blood glucose  At elevated blood glucose levels , glucose enters into cells of the pancreas ( GLUT2 ) and is phosphorylated by glucokinase  Another glucose metabolism mediated insulin release from cells  58 59 Transformation of Glc-6P in cell and significance pathway significance glycolysis Synthesis of glycogen Pentose cycle Synthesis of Glc derivates Energy, transformation of acetylCoA to FA Storage of Glc Source of pentose, source of NADPH Synthesis of glycoprotein's and proteoglycans 60 GLYCOLYSIS  Glycolysis occurs in almost every living cell.  It occurs in cytosol.  It was the first metabolic sequence to be studied.  Most of the work done in 1930s by the German biochemist G. Embden Meyerhof Warburg.  That is why it is also called Embden-Meyerhof pathway.  It is a Greek word.  Glykos  sweet  Lysis  loosing  Glycolysis  loosing or splitting of glucose Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glycolysis Glykos (sugar) lysis (cleavage) • Meaning : energy yield , production of other substances , including metabolism, galactose and fructose • In virtually all cells • Location: cytoplasm • Reversible enzyme- catalyzed reactions • Three reactions are irreversible aerobic glycolysis oxygen , pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA anaerobic glycolysis in the absence of oxygen , pyruvate is converted into lactate 61 62 Stages of Glycolysis Three stages 63 Glycolysis: 1 64 Glycolysis: 2 65 Glycolysis: 3 66 Glucose phosphorylation: step 1 67 Induced fit in hexokinase Conformation changes on binding glucose, the two lobes of the enzyme come together and surround the substrate 68 Hexokinase Glucokinase 69 Hexokinase Glucokinase Site Most tissues Hepatocytes Islet cells (pancreas) Kinetics Low Km (0.1mmol/l) Low Vmax High Km (1mmol/l) High Vmax Regulation G-6-phosphate F-6-phosphate Insulin: Induction Function Low glucose conc. High glucose conc. Glucose sensor 70 glucokinase X HEXOKINASe Characteristic Hexokinase glucokinase location specify inhibition Affinity to Glc inductive KM (mmol/l) Most tissues broad (hexoses) Glc-6-P high no 0,1 Hepatocytes Islet cells (pancreas) narrow (glucose) no inhibition low insulin 10 71 72 Difference between hexokinase and glucokinase  Hexokinase:  Its function is to make sure there is enough glc for the tissues, even in the presence of low blood glc concentrations, by phosphorylating all the glc concentration gradient between the blood and the intracellular environment.  Glucokinase:  Its function is to remove glc from the blood following a meal.  Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase are 3 regulatory enzymes of glycolysis. 73 Hexokinase vs glucokinase  Liver has an additional enzyme, glucokinase, that phosphorylate only glc 1. Glucokinase has a high Km, because it phosphorylates glc only when its concentration is high. This occurs during the brief period after consumption of a carbohydrate rich meal, when high glc are delivered by portal vein. 2. Glucokinase has a high Vmax, allowing the liver to remove effectively this flood of glc from the portal blood. So this prevents extreme hyperglycemia after meals. 74 SUMMARY Hexokinase Glucokinase Tissue dist all liver Km low high Vmax low high Substrate D-glc and other D-glc only Inhibition by G-6-P Yes no 75 More about HK  Hexokinase, like adenylate kinase and all other kinases, requires Mg (or Mn) for activity.  Hexokinase is also one of the induced-fit model enzymes.  It has two lobes that move towards each other when Glc is bound!  Substrate-induced cleft closing is a general feature of kinases.  Other kinases (Pyruvate kinase, phosphoglycerate kinase and PFK) also contain clefts between lobes that close when substrate is bound. Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Formation of Glc-6-P: cleavage of glycogen (without ATP) NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 82. 76 77 Formation of fructose-6-phosphate: step 2 by phosphoglucose isomerase Conversion of an aldose to a ketose 78 2. ISOMERIZATION OF G-6-P  The isomerization of G-6-P (an aldose sugar) to F-6-P (a ketose sugar) is catalyzed by phosphoglucose isomerase. The reaction is readily reversible, is NOT a rate limiting or regulated step. 79 3. PHOSPHORYLATION OF F-6-P  Irreversible phosphorylation reaction catalyzed by PFK (phosphofructokinase) is the most important control point of glycolysis.  Within the cell, the PFK reaction is the rate-limiting step in the glycolytic breakdown of glc. It is controlled by the concentrations of the substrates ATP and F-6-P 80 by phosphofructokinase (PFK): an allosteric enzyme that regulates the phace of glycolysis. 81 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 3. Formation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate The rate of reaction is determinative of the rate of glycolysis whole NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 82. 82 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Principles of regulation phosphofructokinase allosteric inhibition of ATP and citrate allosteric activation of AMP , ADP and hepatic fructose 2,6 - bisphosphate - * ( * Fru - 2,6- Bispo arises under hormonal control ) What are allosteric enzymes ? 83 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Properties of enzymes which limit the rate of reaction • slowest enzyme pathway • operating at Vmax ( the only way to increase the speed of response is to add more enzyme - no more substrate). The rate of reaction is independent of [S]. • the reaction is irreversible ( the reaction takes place in the opposite direction , it is necessary the action of a different enzyme). Other enzymes tracks may be reversible. 84 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The regulatory effect of fructose -2,6- biP in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver 2,6-biP is allosteric efector Phosphofructokinase fructosa 1,6-bisphosphatase (glycolysis ) ( gluconeogenesis ) Activation Inhibition Formation of fructose-2,6-biP  Stimulation of fructosa-6P  inhibition glucagon 85 86 Cleavage of six-carbon sugar: step 4 87 5. ISOMERIZATION OF DIHYDROXYACETONE-P  Triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) catalyzes the reversible interconversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.  X-ray crystallographic and other studies showed that Glu 165 plays the role of a general acid-base catalyst.  TIM has 8 parallel beta and 8 alpha helices (a barrel). This structure is also found in  Aldolase  Enolase  Pyruvate kinase 88 Salvage of three-carbon fragment: step 5 89 5. ISOMERIZATION OF DIHYDROXYACETONE-P  Triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) catalyzes the reversible interconversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.  X-ray crystallographic and other studies showed that Glu 165 plays the role of a general acid-base catalyst.  TIM has 8 parallel beta and 8 alpha helices (a barrel). This structure is also found in  Aldolase  Enolase  Pyruvate kinase 90 6. OXIDATION OF GLYCERALDEHYDE 3-P.  Because there is only a limited amount of NAD+ in the cell, the NADH formed in this reaction must be reoxidized back to NAD+ for glycolysis to continue. Two major mechanisms for oxidizing NADH are  The NADH-linked conversion of pyruvate to lactate  Oxidation by the respiratory chain.  The high energy P group at carbon of 1,3-bisPG conserves much of the free energy produced by the oxidation of Glycerate-3-P 91 Formation of 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate: step 6 Done in two steps 92 Two-process reaction Aldehyde Acid 93 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Active site configuration 94 7: FORMATION OF ATP FROM 1,3-BisPGLYCERATE AND ADP  This step is a substrate-level phosphorylation in which the production of a high-energy P is coupled to the conversion of substrate to product, instead of resulting from oxidative phosphorylation. The energy trapped in this new high-energy P will be used to make ATP in the next reaction of glycolysis. The formation of ATP by P group transfer from a substrate such as 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate is referred to as a substrate-level phosphorylation. Unlike most other kinases, this reaction is reversible.  2 mols 1,3biPGlycerate  2ATP replaces the 2ATP consumed earlier with the formation of G-6-P and fructose 1,6bisP. 95 Formation of ATP from 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate: step 7 High phosphoryltransfer potential Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 7. Formation of 3-phosphoglycerate and ATP Formation of ATP on the principle of substrate phosphorylation : 1.3 BPG is a high energy compound ( mixed anhydride ) , Energy released during the transmission PO32- is utilized to synthesize ATP NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 84. 96 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The formation of 2,3- bisfosfoglycerátu - side road in erythrocytes Binding to Hb NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 84. 97 98 Rearrangement: step 8 99 An enol phosphate is formed: step 9 Dehydration elevates the transfer potential of the phosphoryl group, which traps the molecule in an unstable enol form Enol: molecule with hydroxyl group next to double bond Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů enolase (inhibition F- - arrest of glycolysis by taking a blood sample ) 9. Formation of fosfoenolpyruvate NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 84. 100 101 Formation of Pyruvate & ATP: step 10 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 9. Formation of pyruvate pyruvate kinase activation of fructose -1,6- BISP hormonally regulated glucagon ( inactivation ) ATP (substrate phosphorylation ) NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 85. 102 103 Maintaining Redox Balance NAD+ must be regenerated for glycolysis to proceed Glycolysis is similar in all cells, the fate of pyruvate is variable Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Conversion of pyruvate NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 85. 104 TEST PYRUVATE pyruvate oxalacetate only microorganism Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Conversion of pyruvate 1) During anaerobic glycolysis, pyruvate is reduced to lactate 2 ) During aerobic glycolysis ( under air ) followed by oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate , which is then converted to acetyl-CoA . 3 ) carboxylation of pyruvate (one of anaplerotic reaction of the citric acid cycle ) for energy arises oxaloacetate , which can be used in various orbits (conversion to aspartate , CC ). 4 ) transamination of pyruvate obtained Alanine - reaction involved glutamate ( Glu) and produces the 2-oxoglutarate (2- OG) . 5 ) Another possibility is the degradation of pyruvate alcohol microorganisms. In this reaction, ethanol is formed . 105 Fermentation  An anaerobic process beyond glycolysis.  In our body it is used to make NAD+ when there is not enough oxygen.  NAD+ must be regenerated from NADH or glycolysis will stop.  We’ll look at two types of fermentation:  Lactate and Ethanol. Lactate fermentation  Lactate  Produced by muscles when the body can’t supply enough oxygen.  pyruvate lactate  Anaerobic conversion of pyruvate to lactate permits regeneration of NAD+.  Body can then make more ATP - at a cost.  Creates an oxygen debt.  Body must take in extra O2 to oxidize lactate. NADH + H+ NAD+ Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The formation of lactate - anaerobic glycolysis meaning : Regeneration of NAD + consumed in the formation of 2,3- BisP - glycerate if not enough NAD + , not more glucose molecules to enter glycolysis NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 86. 108 Pyruvate lactate Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Lactate dehydrogenase ( LD ) Katalyzuje reakci v obou směrech Isoenzymes LD1 - LD5 Subunit H (heart) Subunit M (muscle) LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 86. 109 Pyruvate lactate Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • in the short term intensively working muscle 14 % • in erythrocytes ( have mitochondria) 25% • Skin 25 % • Brain 14 % • in intestinal cells 8 % The formation of lactate average of 1.3 mol / day ( 70 kg man ) The concentration of lactate in the blood : 1 mmol / l changes during intensive muscle work (up to 30 mmol / l) 110 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Cori cycle - removing lactate from tissues to the liver and utilization for gluconeogenesis LIVER glucose MUSCLE glucose pyruvate lactate BLOOD lactate pyruvate Coriovi – Nobel price 1947 LD LD 111 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Energy gain of glycolysis 1. direct profit ATP - substrate phosphorylation 2 ATP for on glucoseconsumption ATP gain ATP - + This gain is true for aerobic and anaerobic process. For anaerobic glycolysis is only profit of ATP . 112 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů - NADH reoxidation reaction of 5 (glyceraldehyd-P1,3-bisPglycerate) :  transmission with " shuttles " to the respiratory chain - profit reoxidace NADH - profit 2x 2-3 ATP 2. ATP further gains in aerobic glycolysis: - transmission of pyruvate to acetylCoA (2 NADH) 2x3 ATP - transmission of acetylCoA in CAC 2x12 ATP 113 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The overall balance of aerobic glycolysis Reaction profit ATP glucose 2 pyruvate (substrate phos.) 2 NADH  2NAD+ 2 4-6* After aerobic glycolysis pyruvate : * It depends on the type of the shuttle Further conversion of pyruvate : Reaction profit ATP 2 pyruvate  2 acetylCoA + 2 NADH 2 acetyl CoA  2 CO2 + 6 NADH + 2 FADH2 6* 2x 12 The total maximum gain of glycolysis 36-38 ATP * (2x NADH to RCh) 114 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Balance anaerobic glycolysis After anaerobic glycolysis pyruvate : Reaction profit ATP glukosa 2 x pyruvát (substrátová f.) 2 NADH  2NAD+ 2 0 Creation and consumption of NADH in anaerobic glycolysis Reaction profit/ loss NADH 2 glyceraldehyd-P  2 1,3-bisP-glycerát 2 pyruvát  2 laktát total +2 - 2 0 115 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • During anaerobic glycolysis , the net energy yield 2 ATP phosphorylation of substrate • it's just a small fraction of the energy stored in the molecule of glucose • but has a role in process when supply of oxygen is limited • tissue does not have mitochondria ( ERCS , leukocytes , ..) • it is necessary that lactate is saved for gluconeogenesis 116 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate • Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex CH3COCOOH + CoA-SH + NAD+ CH3COSCoA + CO2 + NADH + H+ Summary equation: acetyl-CoA matrix of mitochondria • Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA cofactors: thiamine pyrophosphate, lipoic acid, CoA, FAD, NAD+ 117 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 1. binding of pyruvate to thiamine pyrophospate Reactions 118 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 2. decarboxylation and acetyl transfer to lipoate lipoate 119 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 3. transfer of acetyl to Coenzyme A 120 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 4. re-oxidation of lipoate, transfer of hydrogen via FAD to NAD+ 121 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Gluconeogenesis • Glucose is not an essential nutrient. Human body can produce it through a series of reactions which are called gluconeogenesis (GNG) . • GNG is one of the factors that postresorption phase (starvation) is ensured the maintenance of blood glucose levels within the physiological range from 3.1 to 5.0 mmol / l . • Other factors are glycogenolysis (a major factor in postresorption phase) and consumption of carbohydrates (the main factor in the resorptive phase - phase after a meal) . NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 91 . 122  Glucose metabolism – and its amount in the blood – the influence of hormones.  Insulin, glucagon, adrenaline (instantaneous stress hormone) and cortisol (primary stress hormone). Basic information on individual hormones are given in table.  Gluconeogenesis - in the liver (to a small extent in the kidney), specifically in the cytosol of cells.  Glucose is synthesized from simpler non-sucrose substances :  lactate  pyruvate  glucogenic AA  glycerol Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 123 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Resorptive phase Postresorption phase, starvation Carbohydrates from food Glycogenolysis (liver) Gluconeogenesis (liver, kidney) 3,1-5,0 mmol/l Blood glucose levels 124 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Hormone Source Effect on Glc level in blood Insulin -cells of pancreas  Glucagon a-cells of pancreas  Adrenaline Cortisol Adrenal medulla Adrenal cortex   The main hormones in the metabolism of glucose 125 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The different reactions of glycolysis and GNG • For the synthesis of glucose are used enzymes and reactions of glycolysis - but not all , since three reactions of glycolysis are irreversible and need to be replaced . • These are the reactions: • 1 ) Glucose + ATP → glucose-6- phosphate + ADP • 2 ) fructose - 6-phosphate + ATP → fructose 1,6-bisphosphate + ADP • 3 ) PEP + ADP → pyruvate + ATP • These reactions cannot be carried out in reverse for a simple reason – the reverse reaction in neither of the cases releases enough energy to produce the products – e.g. substrate phosphorylation (originated by ATP) - reverse reaction is not possible because the cleavage of glucose-6 -phosphate does not provide enough energy needed for the synthesis of ATP. 126 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Gluconeogenesis - synthesis of glucose de novo • Organ : liver (kidney) • Location: cytoplasm of cells • Source for synthesis : a non-sugar substances • (lactate, pyruvate , glucogenic amino acids, glycerol) • enzymes of glycolysis , only 3 irreversible reactions are replaced by other enzymes 127 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 1. Glc + ATP  Glc-6-P + ADP (replaced by another enzyme) 2. Fru-6-P + ATP  Fru-1,6-bisP (replaced by another enzyme) 3. PEP + ADP  pyruvate + ATP (replaced by " bypass " ) Irreversible reactions of glycolysis (kinase reaction) 128 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů glucose Glc-6-P Fru-6-P Fru-1,6-bisP Glyceraldehyde-3- P Dihydroxyacetone-2-P 1,3-bis-P-glycerate 3-P-glycerate 2-P-glycerate phosphoenolpyru- vate pyruvate Irreversible reaction of glycolysis Glycolysis x gluconeogenesis 129 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Specific reactions of gluconeogenesis 1. Synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate Why does this reaction not occur in reverse?  Go = -61,9 kJ/mol ATP conversion to ADP does not provide enough energy for a reverse reaction ATPADP NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 242 . 130 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The emergence of phosphoenolpyruvate is divided into two stages : 1. the establishment of oxaloacetate decarboxylation to pyruvate * localization : liver and kidney mitochondria enzyme: pyruvate carboxylase Energy : consumption of 1 ATP 2. The conversion of oxalacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate localization : cytoplasm (mitochondria) enzyme: phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase Energy : consumption of 1 GTP * Note .: carboxylation of pyruvate is also anaplerotical reaction of the citric acid cycle 131 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů •dehydrogenation of malate (CAC) Other ways the formation of oxaloacetate in mitochondria •aspartate transamination NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 236. WikiSkripta: Aminotransferázy [online]. [cit. 2014-07-17]. Dostupné z: 132 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The mitochondrial membrane is not permeable to oxaloacetate . How to get oxalacetate from mitochondria to the cytoplasm ? It is transported in the form of malate or aspartate. Oxaloacetate formed in the mitochondrial matrix . The decarboxylation takes place partly in the cytoplasm : 133 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů pyruvát pyruvate laktát oxaloacetate glucogenic AA malate acetyl-CoA citrate fosfoenolpyruvát oxaloacetát Vznik fosfoenolpyruvátu schematicky a b c mitochondria cytoplasmpyruvate lactate alanine aspartate CC Synthesis and transport of oxaloacetate 134 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů pyruvate pyruvate oxaloacetate glucogenic AA malate acetyl- CoA citrate mitochondria cytoplasm phosphoenolpyruvate oxaloacetate a b c malate alanine lactate aspartate aspartate Synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate CC 135 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 1. Conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate • Carboxylation of pyruvate (matrix of mitochondria) a CarboxybiotinCH3 C=O COOH pyruvate carboxylase biotin Pyruvate Oxaloacetate NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 37. 136 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • Transport of oxaloacetate into cytoplasm in form of malate oxaloacetate malate NADH + H+ NAD+ oxalacetate malate NADH + H+ NAD+ cytoplasm mitochondria b 137 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů (*lecture Respiration – aspartate/malate shuttle). • Transport of oxaloacetate into cytoplasm in form of aspartate 138 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů • decarboxylation of oxaloacetate (PEP) participates in reversible reactions of glycolysis c NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 94. 139 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate from pyruvate or lactate requires 2 ATP Coupled carboxylation and subsequent decarboxylation enables the occurence of otherwise energetically unfavorable reaction. (also in the synthesis of fatty acids) 140 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Why is pyruvate carboxylation preferred instead of decarboxylation during GNG? Organisms is under the influence of glucagon Fatty acids are released from adipose tissue -oxidation of fatty acids takes place in liver Acetyl-CoA is present in liver Acetyl-CoA: inhibits pyruvatedehydrogenase activates pyruvatecarboxylase 141 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 2. Dephosphorylation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase Allosteric inhibition by AMP, activation by ATP Inhibition by fructose-2,6bisphosphate (glucagon downregulates its level) hydrolytic cleavage Second special reaction in GNG H2O NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 92. 142 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 3. Dephosphorylation of glucose-6-P The enzyme is located in liver and kidneys, not in muscles. Third special reaction in GNG Enzyme is localized in ER NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 92. 143 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Energetic requirements of GNG reaction ATP/glucose 2 pyruvate → 2 oxaloacetate -2 2 oxaloacetate → 2 phosphoenolpyruvate -2 (GTP) 2 3-phosphoglycerate → 2 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate -2 -6 ATP/glucose The source of energy is mainly -oxidation of FA 144 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů 2 pyruvate + 4 ATP + 2 GTP + 2 NADH + 2H+ glucose + 2 NAD+ + 4 ADP + 2 GDP + 6 Pi Summary equation of GNG -6 ATPConsumption: 145 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Lactate created in tissues, transported via blood into liver lactate + NAD+  pyruvate + NADH + H+ (cytoplasm) (Cori cycle) Substrates for GNG - origins 146 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glycerol • created in adipocytes during the cleavage of triacylglycerols • transported via blood to liver • liver (cytoplasm): glycerol + ATP  glycerol-3-P + ADP glycerol-3-P + NAD+  dihydroxyacetone-P + NADH + H+ What is the energy consumption for synthesis of 1 mol glucose from glycerol? 147 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glucogenic amino acids their metabolism yields pyruvate or other byproducts of citric acid cycle, which can be transformed to oxaloacetate Acetyl-CoA – it is not a direct source in gluconeogenesis !!! it is metabolised in CC to CO2 in animals, fatty acids are not transformed into glucose 148 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The most important glucogenic amino acid is alanine It is released form muscle where it is created by transamination from pyruvate, then it is transported into liver where it is trasformed back into pyruvate liver muscle glucose pyruvate lactate alanine lactate alanine pyruvate glucose amino acid 2-oxo acid glutamate 2-oxoglutarate 149 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Glukoneogenesis from lactate and glycerol requires NAD+ Sometimes during metabolism the NADH/NAD+ ratio can be high – glukoneogenesis does not take place NADH/NAD+ ratio rises e.g. during ethanol metabolism (alcohol dehydrogenase), therefore the intake of alcohol can inhibit gluconeogenesis  hypoglycemia 150 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů The main factors in gluconeogenesis regulation Availability of substrates. Regulation of irreversible reactions allosterically or by hormones. Allosteric effects are fast (immediate response) Hormones can influence GNG by: • direct effect by second messenger – activation or inhibition (fast) • regulation of synthesis by induction or repression (slow – hours to days) 151 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Enzyme Activator Inhibitor Hexokinase Glucose-6-phosphate Phosphofructokinase 5´AMP, fructose-6phosphate, fructose- 2,6-bisphosphate Citrate, ATP, glucagon Pyruvatekinase fructose-1,6- bisphosphate, insulin ATP, alanine, glucagon, noradrenalinw Pyruvatedehydrogena -se CoA, NAD+, insulin, ADP, pyruvate Acetyl-CoA, NADH, ATP Pyruvatecarboxylase Acetyl-CoA ADP Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase Glucagon ? Effects of activators and inhibitors on enzymes in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis 152 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Enzyme Inductor Repressor Glucokinase Insulin Glucagon Fosfofruktokinasa Insulin Glucagon Pyruvatekinase Insulin Glucagon Pyruvatecarboxylase Glucokorticoids Glucagon Adrenaline Insulin Phophoenolpyruvate carboxykinase Glucocorticoids Glucagon Adrenaline Insulin Glucose-6-phosphatase Glucocorticoids Glucagon Adrenaline Insulin Effects of hormones on enzymes in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis 153 Biochemie-6-2-metabolismus_sacharidů Gluconeogenesis in kidneys Kidneys can produce glucose by GNG They can release it into bloodstream – during postresorption phase, fasting or acidosis Substrates - lactate, glycerol a glutamine 154