Biochemistry-7-1-AA 1 Metabolism of AA Biochemistry-7-1-AA 2 Metabolism of proteins Sources of AA: a) Exogenic proteins- food b) Endogenic proteins c) AA biosynthesis of nonesential AA Biochemistry-7-1-AA 3 AA pool Sources: 1) Proteolysis of exogenic proteins from food 2) Proteolysis of tissue proteins 3) Synthesis of nonesential AA Using of pool of AA: 1) Synthesis of plasmatic and tissue protiens 2) Synthesis of specific. N compounds 3) Deamination + utilisation of C scelet Using of C scelet of AA: 1) Gluconeogenesis 2) Synthesis of FA and TAG 3) Metabolic fuel = oxidation in CAC to CO2 = profit of energy Biochemistry-7-1-AA 4 Degradation of proteins Exogenic protiens – in lumen GIT, proenzyme Stomach (pepsin, pepsinogen, activation by HCl Intestine - trypsin, chymotripsin, elastase, karboxypeptidase, aminopeptidase ect. Endogennic proteins in cells = intercelular degradation of proteins: a) lysozome , b) ubiqitin-proteasome Biochemistry-7-1-AA 5 Degradation of proteins Exogenic proteins  Lumen GIT  stomach – pepsin  intestine – pankreatic proteasis (trypsin, chymotrypsin ect.) Endogenní proteiny  Intracelular proteasis  Two systems: 1. Lyzosome 2. Ubiqitin-proteasome Biochemistry-7-1-AA 6 pepsine trypsine pepsinogen (activation by HCl) karboxypeptidase aminopeptidase AA – resorption to portal vein pH 1-2 chymotrypsin, elastasa Digestion of exogenic proteins Enzymes in GIT Biochemistry-7-1-AA 7 Endogenic proteins with different biological time life Protein Time life Ornithindekarboxylase RNA polymerasa I Prealbumin Laktátdehydrogenase Albumin IgG Kolagen Elastin 12 min 1,3 hor 2 days 4 days 19 days 23 days years Whole life (?) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 8 Lysozoms  Degradation of proteins  Independent on ATP  Nonspecific  Extracellular  endocellular Biochemistry-7-1-AA 9 Degradation of endogenic proteins in lysosoms  Independent on ATP, nonspecific  Extracelular and membrane proteins  Proteins with long half-life  Extracelular glycoproteins (firt digestion of sialic acids) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 10 Lyzosomal hydrolase cleave bond formed by condensation Hydrolase Type of bond Glucosidase Galactosidase Hyaluronidase Arylsulfatase Lysozym Kathepsin Kolagenase Elastase Ribonuclease Lipase Fosfatase Ceramidase glykosid glykosid glykosid sulphoester glykosid peptid peptid peptid phosphodiester ester phosphoester Amid Biochemistry-7-1-AA 11 Ubiqitin (UB) –labelled proteins for degradation in proteasome  Small proteins in al cells  C-terminus of UB bind to Lys of proteins - „kiss of death“  Bnding of UB to proteins 3 phases -3 enzymes E1, E2 a E3  Binding of UB to E1-SH require ATP  UB - polyubiquitination  Marked protiens is degradated in proteasome Biochemistry-7-1-AA 12 Labelling of proteins by UB E1 enzyme activated UB by ATP E2 ubikvitin conjugation enzyme E3 ubiqitin-protein ligase Biochemistry-7-1-AA 13 Proteasome  proteasome most exclusively used in mammals is the cytosolic 26S proteasome, which is about 2000 kilodaltons (kDa) in molecular mass containing one 20S protein subunit and two 19S regulatory cap subunits.  The core is hollow and provides an enclosed cavity in which proteins are degraded; openings at the two ends of the core allow the target protein to enter.  Each end of the core particle associates with a 19S regulatory subunit that contains multiple ATPase active sites and ubiquitin binding sites; it is this structure that recognizes polyubiquitinated proteins and transfers them to the catalytic core. Biochemistry-7-1-AA 14 Proteasome- degradation of proteins with short half-life, cyclins and other regulation proteins, transcription factors , damaged and misfolded proteins UB + short peptides Protein-UB AK cytosol peptidase Biochemistry-7-1-AA 15 3D structure of proteasome 28 homolog subunits Active sites - yellow Biochemistry-7-1-AA 16 Bortezomib is inhibitor proteasome atom bor –catalitic site (Thr) (myeloma) Syntetic tripeptid: COOH –boric acid Biochemistry-7-1-AA 17 Caspase proteolytic cascade  cysteine-aspartic proteases or cysteine-dependent aspartatedirected proteases are a family of cysteine proteases that play essential roles in apoptosis (programmed cell death), necrosis, and inflammation.[2]  Caspases are essential in cells for apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in development and most other stages of adult life, and have been termed "executioner" proteins for their roles in the cell.  Some caspases are also required in the immune system for the maturation of lymphocytes. Failure of apoptosis is one of the main contributions to tumour development and autoimmune diseases; this, coupled with the unwanted apoptosis that occurs with ischemia or Alzheimer's disease, has stimulated interest in caspases as potential therapeutic targets since they were discovered in the mid-1990s. Biochemistry-7-1-AA 18 Biological value BV  is a measure of the proportion of absorbed protein from a food which becomes incorporated into the proteins of the organism's body.  It summarises how readily the broken down protein can be used in protein synthesis in the cells of the organism. Proteins are the major source of nitrogen in food, unlike carbohydrates and fats. This method assumes protein is the only source of nitrogen and measures the proportion of this nitrogen absorbed by the body which is then excreted. The remainder must have been incorporated into the proteins of the organisms body. A ratio of nitrogen incorporated into the body over nitrogen absorbed gives a measure of protein 'usability' - the BV.  Unlike some measures of protein usability, biological value does not take into account how readily the protein can be digested and absorbed (largely by the small intestine). This is reflected in the experimental methods used to determine BV.  BV uses two similar scales:  The true percentage utilization (usually shown with a percent symbol).  The percentage utilization relative to a readily utilizable protein source, often egg (usually shown as unitless).  These two values will be similar but not identical.  The BV of a food varies greatly, and depends on a wide variety of factors. In particular the BV value of a food varies depending on its preparation and the recent diet of the organism. This makes reliable determination of BV difficult and of limited use — fasting prior to testing is universally required in order to make the values reliable.  BV is commonly used in nutrition science in many mammalian organisms, and is a relevant measure in humans.[1] It is a popular guideline in bodybuilding in protein choice.[2][3] Biochemistry-7-1-AA 19 Esencial and semiesencial AA  valin  leucin  isoleucin  threonin  phenylalanin  tryptofan  lysin  methionin Semiesencial AA • histidin, arginin -growth • alanin, glutamin, taurin - stress • cca 30 % met -cys • cca 50 % phe - tyr Biochemistry-7-1-AA 20 P O O OH OHH2N O carbamoyl phosphate COO- C R O CO2 - C CH2 O CO2 - Biochemistry-7-1-AA 21 Proteins NH3 glutamate glutamate + urea (excretion-urine) 2-oxoglutarate + glutamin proteolysis dehydrogenation + deamination Detoxication in lung Deamidation in kidney AA TA Detoxification in other tissues NH4 + (excretion in urine) NH4 + (excretion-urine) deamination kidney Catabolic pathway of AA/N Biochemistry-7-1-AA 22 3 Stages of AA Breakdown 1. Deamination: Amino group is converted to ammonia or transferred to form Asp 2. Incorporation of N from Asp and NH3 + into urea 3. Conversion of AA carbons into metabolic intermediates H2N O NH2 urea Biochemistry-7-1-AA 23 Transamination transport -NH2 group from 1 substrate to other  Most of AA (no Lys, Thr, Pro, His, Trp, Arg, Met)  Amino group- transport to keto group (2-oxo acid) (most 2-oxoglutarate)  cofactor - pyridoxalphosphate – Schiff base  reversible reaction  synthesis of AA Biochemistry-7-1-AA 24 General equation of transamination reaction CH2CH2COOH O CHOOC+R CH NH2 COOH Amino acid 2-oxoglutarate HOOC CH CH2CH2COOH NH2 +R C O COOH glutamate2-oxo acid aminotransferase pyridoxalphosphate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 25 Pyridoxalphosphate transfer -NH2 from AA to 2-oxo glutarate enzym kofaktor N CH2O H3C HO C OH P O O O Reactive group cofactor Enzyme- covalent bond, apoenzyme Lys Biochemistry-7-1-AA 26 1. phase transamination AA  oxo acid pyridoxal-P  pyridoxamin-P Schiff base CH NH2 COOHR R C COOH CH2 N R CH COOH CH N H2O R C O COOH CH2NH2 C OH - H2O AA pyridoxamin-Ppyridoxal-P Imino acid Oxo acid izomeration aldimin pyridoxal ketimin oxo A Biochemistry-7-1-AA 27 2. phase transamination 2-oxoglutarate  glutamate pyridoxamin-P  pyridoxal-P 2-oxoglutarate glutamate pyridoxamin-P pyridoxal-P C OH CH2NH2 - H2O H2O CH2 CH2 COOH CHOOC O CH2 CH2 COOH CHOOC N CH2 ketimin oxoA CH2 CH2 COOH CHHOOC N CH aldimin pyridoxal CH2 CH2 COOH CHHOOC NH2 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 28 The transaminase enzymes  are important in the production of various amino acids, and measuring the concentrations of various transaminases in the blood is important in the diagnosing and tracking many diseases. Transaminases require the coenzyme pyridoxal-phosphate, which is converted into pyridoxamine in the first phase of the reaction, when an amino acid is converted into a keto acid. Enzyme-bound pyridoxamine in turn reacts with pyruvate, oxaloacetate, or alpha-ketoglutarate, giving alanine, aspartic acid, or glutamic acid, respectively. Many transamination reactions occur in tissues, catalysed by transaminases specific for a particular amino/keto acid pair. The reactions are readily reversible, the direction being determined by which of the reactants are in excess. The specific enzymes are named from one of the reactant pairs, for example; the reaction between glutamic acid and pyruvic acid to make alpha ketoglutaric acid and alanine is called glutamic-pyruvic transaminase or GPT for short.  Tissue transaminase activities can be investigated by incubating a homogenate with various amino/keto acid pairs. Transamination is demonstrated if the corresponding new amino acid and keto acid are formed, as revealed by paper chromatography. Reversibility is demonstrated by using the complementary keto/amino acid pair as starting reactants. After chromatogram has been taken out of the solvent the chromatogram is then treated with ninhydrin to locate the spots.  Two important transaminase enzymes are AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT), the presence of elevated transaminases can be an indicator of liver damage. This discovery was made by Fernando De Ritis, Mario Coltorti and Giuseppe Giusti in 1955 at the University of Naples.[1][2][3] Biochemistry-7-1-AA 29 N of the most of AAs –transamination to glutamate Deamination associated with dehydrogenation of Glutamate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 30 Glutamic acid (abbreviated as Glu or E) is one of the 20-22 proteinogenic amino acids, and its codons are GAA and GAG. It is a non-essential amino acid. The carboxylate anions and salts of glutamic acid are known as glutamates. In neuroscience, glutamate is an important neurotransmitter that plays a key role in long-term potentiation and is important for learning and memory.[4] Biochemistry-7-1-AA 31 Deamination associated with dehydrogenation of Glutamate is reversible NAD(P)+ hlavní zdroj amoniaku v buňkách HOOC CH CH2CH2COOH NH2 CH2CH2COOH NH CHOOC - 2H H2O L-glutamate 2-iminoglutarate 2-oxoglutrate NH3 CH2CH2COOH O CHOOC+ GMD Mail source of ammonia in cells Biochemistry-7-1-AA 32 Glutamate dehydrogenase (GMD, GD, GDH)  cofactor NAD(P)+  GMD is reversible, dehydrogenation NAD+, hydrogenation NADPH+H+  2 steps:  dehydrogenation >CH-NH2 imino group >C=NH  hydrolysis iminogroup to oxo group and NH3 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 33 Cell localisation of AA transformation transamination (ALT)  glutamate NH3 glutamate Synthesis of urea mitochondria cytosol GMD Glu + NH3  Gln transamination (AST) cytosol Biochemistry-7-1-AA 34  Dehydrogenation deamination of glutamate in cells of many tissues  Bacterial degradation of proteins in large intestine NH3 difusion to vena portae blood  high concetration of NH3  remove by liver 2 sources of NH3 in organism Biochemistry-7-1-AA 35 Other sources of NH3 from other substrates  Deamination of adenine  Oxidation deamination of AA (H2O2)  Desaturation of His  Oxidation deamination of Lys  Dehydratation deamination of Ser  Oxidation deamination of biogenic amines Biochemistry-7-1-AA 36 Deamination of adenine N N N N NH2 Rib P N N N N OH Rib P H2O + NH3 adenosinemonoP inosinemonoP Biochemistry-7-1-AA 37 Oxidation deamination of some AA • glycin • degradation of D-AA • side product H2O2 H2O + ½ O2 R CH NH2 COOH FAD FADH2 R C COOH NH O2H2O2 katalase H2O R C COOH O NH3 iminoacid Biochemistry-7-1-AA 38 Oxidation deamination of biogennic amines R-COOH acid R CH2 NH2 FAD FADH2 H2O2 O2 R CH NH H2O R CH O NH3 Biogenic amine imine aldehyde monoaminoxidase Biochemistry-7-1-AA 39 Desaturation -deamination of His  No transamination  Histidine catabolism begins with release of the α-amino group catalyzed by histidase,  introducing a double bond into the molecule.  As a result, the deaminated product, urocanate, is not the usual αketo acid associated with loss of α-amino nitrogens. The end product of histidine catabolism is glutamate, making histidine one of the glucogenic amino acids. CH CH NH2 COOH H N N H CH CH COOH N N H - NH3 Urocanate Urocanic acid Biochemistry-7-1-AA 40  noenzymatic carbamylation of proteins (high concetration of urea in cells) í. Prot-NH2 + NH2-CO-NH2  NH3 + Prot-NH-CO-NH2  catabolismus pyrimidin base cytosin/uracil  NH3 + CO2 + β-alanin thymin  NH3 + CO2 + β-aminoisobutyrate  Synthesis of hem (4 porfobilinogen  4 NH3 + uroporfyrinogen) Other reaction with production of NH3 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 41 Hydrolysis of amid group of Gln in kidney NH4 + - urine (deamidation) Glutamine- non toxic form of NH3 glutaminase COOH CH CH2 H2N CH2 C O NH2 H2O COOH CH CH2 H2N CH2 C O OH + NH3 glutamine glutamate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 42 Patology- production of NH3  Bleeding to GIT  higher NH3 in blood  uroinfection – bacterial urease –catalysis of hydrolysis of urea H2N-CO-NH2 + H2O  2 NH3 + CO2 NH3 + H2O  NH4 + + OHAlcalic urine (pH 8)  phosphate concrements Biochemistry-7-1-AA 43 Acidobazic properties of NH3 pKB (NH3) = 4,75 (weak base) NH3 + H2O  NH4 + + OHpKA (NH4 +) = 14 - 4,75 = 9,25 (very weak acid) At physiological pH ICT and ECT (7,40) : 98 % NH4 + 2 % NH3 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 44 NH4 + in body liquid Body liquid conc. NH4 + (mmol/l) Metabolic origin of NH4 + urine Saliva Portal blood Venous blood 10 – 40 2 – 3 0,1 – 0,3 < 0,03 deamidation Gln + deamition Glu in kidney Hydrolysis of urine in mouth microbe Decompose of proteins in large intestine, catabolismu Gln/Glu in enterocyte Catabolism of AA in tissues Biochemistry-7-1-AA 45 důležité při jaterním selhávání 1. nízkoproteinová dieta 2. alterace střevní mikroflóry  probiotika – živé mikrorganismy, podporují kvasné procesy na úkor hnilobných (laktobacily, bifidobakterie) – kefír, acidofilní mléko ...  prebiotika – nestravitelné složky potravy, které selektivně stimulují růst probiotik (oligofruktosa, inulin, vláknina)  střevní antibiotika – lokálně působící (neomycin, metronidazol), krajní řešení, krátkodobé Jak omezit vznik amoniaku v lidském těle? Biochemistry-7-1-AA 46  Detoxification of NH3  3 ways:  1) in urea cycle  2) formation of glutamine  3) formation of glutamate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 47 3 products of detoxification of NH3 Characteristic Urea Glutamine Glutamate importance Type of componds Reaction of synthesis Enzyme energy need Cell localisation Organ  diamide H2CO3 ureosynt. cycl 5 enzymes 3 ATP mitoch. + cytosol Only liver  γ-amid Glu Glu + NH3 Gln-syntetase 1 ATP Mitoch. liver, others  α-amino acid red. amination 2-OG GMD 1 NADPH+H+ Mitoch. (CNS) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 48 Production of Urea  Organisms can excrete excess N as  Ammonia (ammonotelic; e.g., aquatic animals)  Urea (ureotelic; terrestrial animals)  Synthesized in liver by urea cycle (discovered by Hans Krebs, before he elucidated the TCA)  Uric acid (uricotelic: birds, reptiles, dinosaurs?) NH ON H N H O H N O uric acid Biochemistry-7-1-AA 49 Synthesis of urea in liver 2 reaction in mitochondria Other reactions in cytosol Biochemistry-7-1-AA 50 NH3 CO2 2ATP 2ADP + P O C O P NH2 COOH NH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH NH2 OH2 HOOC CH2 CH NH2 COOH O NH2 C NH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH COOH NH2 NHCOOH CH NH C NH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH NH2 COOH CH2 COOH HOOC HC CH COOH NH NH2 C NH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH COOH NH2 OH2 O C NH2 NH2 fumarate arginine urea ornithine citrulline aspartate argininesuccinate Carbamoyl phosphate MATRIX MITOCHONDRIA CYTOPLAZM Biochemistry-7-1-AA 51 1. Carbamoylphosphate synthesis (matrix) CO2 NH4 + + 2 ATP 2 ADP + 1 P H2N O C O P O O O  carbamoylphsphatsynthetase, alloster. activator N- acetylglutamate  matrix mitochondria  2 mols ATP  Amid bond + hybrid anhydrid  Macroergic compound Biochemistry-7-1-AA 52 Carbamoyl is acyl carbamic acid H2N C O OH H2N C O Acid carbamic monoamid H2CO3 hypotetic carbamoyl Biochemistry-7-1-AA 53 2. Citrulline formation (matrix) CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH2 NH2 H2N O C O P O O O CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH NH2 C NH2 O HO P O O O citruline ornitine carbamoyl Biochemistry-7-1-AA 54 3. Argininosuccinate formation, NH2 in Asn (cytosol) citruline CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH NH2 C NH2 O CHCOOH CH2COOH H2N aspartate CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH NH2 C NH2 N CHCOOH CH2COOH H2O- argininosuccinate ATP AMP + PP Biochemistry-7-1-AA 55 4. Cleavage of argininosuccinate CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH NH2 C NH2 N CHCOOH CH2COOH argininosuccinate CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH NH2 C NH2 N H arginine C C COOH H H HOOC fumarate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 56 5. Hydrolysis of arginine gives urea CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH NH2 C NH2 N H arginine H2O CH2CH2CH2CHCOOH NH2 NH2 O C NH2 NH2 ornitine urea Biochemistry-7-1-AA 57 H2N C O NH2 Free NH3 aspartate Metabolic origin of N in urea molecule Biochemistry-7-1-AA 58 CO2 + NH4 + + aspartate  urea + fumarate + H2O + 2 H+ CO(NH2)2 + -OOC-CH=CH-COO- + H2O + 2 H+ Synthesis of urea in proton-productive action OOC CH NH3 CH2 COO CO2 + NH4 + + Biochemistry-7-1-AA 59 Urea is not electrolyt  Polar substance  very well soluble in water  Very well transported –membrane (hydrophilic canal)  Osmolarity of blood plasma: osmolarity  2 [Na+] + [glukose] + [urea] mmol/kg H2O  In liver  Excreted by urine – dependent on amount of proteins  330-600 mmol/d (20-35 g/d) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 60 Urea in blood plasma(2-8 mmol/l) Higher concentration  Defect of excretion (renal collapse)  Extensive catabolism of proteins (sepsis, burn, polytrauma, tumors, fever …) Lower concentration  Lack of proteins in food  Defects of production (liver collapse) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 61 Character Urea Uric acid Latine name Urea acidum uricum Catabolit AA A,G Behaviour n water Noelectrolyte Weak acid pH Neutra Weak acidic Solubility in water Reduction protertyi Good No bed yes (antioxidante) Body Liver Many tissues In cells mitoch. + cytosol Cytosol Concntration in plasma 2-8 mmol/l 150-400 μmol/l Excretion of urine 20-35 g/d 0,5-1 g/d % catabolic N 80-90 1-2 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 62 Regeneration of Aspartate  PRODUCTION transamination from oxalcetate (enzyme AST – aspartateminotransferase  OA- intermediate of CAC  Substrate for TA  Substrate for 2-oxoglutarate (one reaction of CAC) OA Asp Biochemistry-7-1-AA 63 Synthesis glutamine  Synthesis of Gln  needs 1 ATP.  In many cells, in mitochrondia  Transport form of NH3, Gln is transported to kidney—NH3 Glutamine, Ala – overrepresented AA in blood n postresorpted phasis Function, Role in organism: a) Source of energy for some cells (enterocyty, fibriblasty, lymfocyty, makrofágy) b) Source of N for synthesis (purines, aminosugers…) c) Source of glutamate 2. Way for detoxication of NH3 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 64 Synthesa glutamine glutaminsynthetase 2. way detoxication NH3 glutamine COOH CH CH2 H2N CH2 C O NH2 COOH CH CH2 H2N CH2 C O OH + NH3 glutamate ATP ADP + P - H2O Biochemistry-7-1-AA 65 Gln Glu 2-oxoglutarate NH3 NH3 H + H + NH4 + NH4 + urea glutamatedehydrogenaseglutaminase From glutamine in kidney release NH4 + urea (pH ~ 5) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 66 Glutamine and alanine has spetial importance  The most representative AA in postresorption stage, muscular tissue  Ala – significant substrate for gluconeogenesis  Synthesis Glutamine – detoxification of NH3  Glutamine break-up NH3 in tubular cells of kidney  Glutamine –exlusive source f energy for some cells (enterocyt, fibroblast, lymfocyt, makrophag)  Glutamine source of N for synthesis (purines, aminosugrs ...)  Glutamine is source of glutamate (GSH, GABA, ornitine, prolin) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 67 67 Glucoso-alanine cycle Liver muscle glucose pyruvate alanine glucose pyruvate alanine transamination glycolysis transaminatio n gluconeogenesis transport by blood Biochemistry-7-1-AA 68 GMD r is reversibe reaction Dehydrogenation deamination glutamate Hydrogenation amination 2-oxoglutarate COOH CHH2N CH2 CH2 COOH NAD + NADH H + + COOH CHN CH2 CH2 COOH COOH CO CH2 CH2 COOH H2O NH3 Main NH3 formation in tissue 3. Way of detoxication of NH3 glutamát 2-iminoglutarate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 69 Synthesis of non essential AA Biochemistry-7-1-AA 70 Synthese of glycine 1. Reverse of transamination reaction 2. From Serine 3. From Choline CH2 NH2 COOH CH NH2 COOHCH2CH2HOOCC O COOHCH2CH2HOOC C O COOH H + + 2-oxoglutarate glyoxalate glutamate CH2 OH CH NH2 COOH + FH4 CH2 NH2 COOH + HOCH2 FH4 serine glycine Biochemistry-7-1-AA 71 Synthesis of Serine – from intermediate of glycolysis glukosa 3-P-glycerate 3-P-hydroxypyruvate 3-P-serin COOH CH OH CH2 O P NAD + COOH C CH2 O P O NADH H + COOH CH CH2 O P H2N transamination H2O COOH CH CH2 OH H2N glucose Biochemistry-7-1-AA 72 Synthesis of alanine from puruvate and glutamate (ALT reversion reaction) COOHCHH3C NH2 COOHCH3C O Glu 2-oxoglutarate ALT alanine pyruvate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 73 Synthesis of Aspartate from oxalacetate and glutamate (AST reverse reaction) AST production of Asp for synthesis of urea COOHCHCH2 NH2 CH2HOOC Asp oxalacetate AST COOHCCH2 O CH2HOOC glutamate 2-oxoglutarate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 74 Synthesis of proline is contrary of catabolism N COOH H H H - 2H proline N COOH pyrrolin-5-carboxylate aditioe H2O N C COOHO H H H glutamate-5-semialdehyde H2N HOOC COOH glutamate oxidation Biochemistry-7-1-AA 75 COOH CHH2N CH2 CH2 COOH NAD + NADH H + + COOH CHN CH2 CH2 COOH COOH CO CH2 CH2 COOH H2O NH3 Glutamate reduction amination of 2-oxoglutarate (GMD opposite reaction) L-glutamate 2-iminoglutarate 2-oxoglutarate Biochemistry-7-1-AA 76 Hydroxylation of esential Phe – non esential Tyr cofaktor tetrahydrobiopterine (BH4) is donor of 2 H atoms, H2O formation COOH CHH2N CH2 H + O O + BH4 COOH CHH2N CH2 OH + +H2O BH2 phenylalanine tyrosine Biochemistry-7-1-AA 77 Glutamine formation from glutamate and NH3 Similar Asn (asparagine) from Asp glutamine COOH CH CH2 H2N CH2 C O NH2 COOH CH CH2 H2N CH2 C O OH + NH3 glutamate ATP ADP + P - H2O Biochemistry-7-1-AA 78 Cysteine formation from degradation of methionine methionine CH NH2 COOHCH2 SH HOOC CH NH2 CH2CH2 SH homocysteine Condensation with serine HOOC CH NH2 CH2CH2 S CH2 CH NH2 COOH H2O cystathionine Realise of cysteine homoserine HOOC CH NH2 CH2CH2 OH Biochemistry-7-1-AA 79 Selenocysteine formation by cotranslation of serine and selenoposphate Serine-tRNA + selenophosphate  selenocysteine-tRNA + phosphate SelenoP from selenid and ATP Se2- + ATP + H2O  AMP + Pi + P O O OSeH COOHCH NH2 CH2 Se H Glutathionperoxidaea (2 GSH + H2O2  2 H2O + G-S-S-G) Dejodase of thyronine (thyroxin T4  trijodothyronin T3) Thioredoxin reduktase (ribose  deoxyribose) Biochemistry-7-1-AA 80 Biochemistry-7-1-AA 81 End Products Amino Acid Ketogenic Acetyl CoA Acetoacetic Acid Trp, Tyr, Thr, Ile, Leu, Lys, Phe Glucogenic Pyruvate Ala, Cys, Gly, Ser, Thr, Trp -ketoglutarate Arg, Glu, Gln, His, Pro, Succinyl-CoA Ile, Met, Val, Thr Fumarate Asp, Phe, Tyr Oxaloacetate Asp, Asn Blue: Glucogenic and ketogenic RED: ONLY Ketogenic