Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 1 Can the body form new triglycerides? Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 2 In the organism: • Synthesis of FA (excluding essential) • Synthesis of triglycerides Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 3 Synthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA Where does it takes place? especially in the liver, adipocytes, lactating mammary gland (not in the intestinal mucosa) When does it takes place? if enough of acetyl-CoA, which is not necessary to metabolize energy after a meal, when enough glucose, which is catabolized to acetyl-CoA ? Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 4 1. Transport of acetyl-CoA from the matrix into the cytoplasm 2. Formation of malonyl-CoA 3. A series of reactions of fatty acid synthase Synthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA (cytoplasm of cells) cellular localization : cytoplasm That synthesis of FA occurs in the cytoplasm may cause trouble. Most Ac-CoA in the body forms in mitochondria (oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate formed from starch, glucose, amino acids,...). It is therefore necessary to provide transport of Ac-CoA from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm. (+ formation of NADPH+H+) Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 5 Transport of acetyl-CoA from matrix to the cytoplasm in matrix acetyl-CoA is formed by an oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate (from glucose and amino acids) when does it occur? • acetyl-CoA does not pass freely through mitochondrial membrane • transport as citrate unless citrate is required in the citrate cycle Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 6 When is citrate not required for CC? If enough ATP Synthesis of fatty acids takes place if the cell has enough energy and enough acetyl-CoA Citrate needed in the TCA cycle if the cell has enough energy (glucose), and can thus build up a stock for a rainy day. The cell is in this state especially after a meal. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 7 Transport of citrate to the cytoplasm 8 Transport of citrate into the cytoplasm CYTOPLASM MATRIX oxalacetate + acetyl-CoA ADP + Pi ATP oxalacetate acetyl-CoA CoA citratecitrate pyruvate, FA Takes place when high concentrations of ATP – inhibition of isocitratedehydrogenase CoA isocitrate Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 9 Formation of malonyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA does not have sufficient energy to enter into synthetic reactions Carboxylation (cofactor = biotin) catalyzed by acetyl-CoA-carboxylase Biochemie-8-2lipidy 10 Synthesis of malonyl-CoA /1/72/F1.large.jpg Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 11 Fatty acid synthase • multienzyme complex with seven enzymatic activities • contains ACP (acyl carrier protein) to which it binds phosphopantetheine • mammalian dimeric form comprising two identical complexes • in parallel two molecules of fatty acids are formed Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 1212 enoylreductase hydratase oxoacylreductase ACP thioesterase 3-oxoacylsynthase acetyltransacylase malonyltransacylase oxoacylsynthase acetyltransacylase malonyltransacylase thioesterase ACP oxoacylreductase hydratase enoylreductase ACP ACP functional division of subunits Pan Pan Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 13 Pantothenic acid Phosphopantetheine is half of the structure of CoA -alanine cysteaminepantoic acidACP mmons/thumb/d/d8/Phosphopantetheine. svg/799px-Phosphopantetheine.svg.png Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 14 General FA synthesis reaction • acyl (acetyl in the first step) is bound to –SH of enzyme • malonyl bound to the Pan-SH CO-CH2-CH2-CH3 1 2 3 S Pan-S-CO-CH2-COOH NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 19 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 15 Acyl (acetyl in the first step) is transmitted to the malonyl-CoA, then beta-oxoacyl is formed, releasing CO2 CO-CH2-CH2-CH3CO-CH2 CO2 -oxoacyl CO-CH2-CH2-CH3 1 2 3 1 2 3 -CO-CH2-COOHPan-S Pan-S Cys-S NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 19 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 16 + 2 H -hydroxyacyl hydrogenation (NADPH) CO-CH2-CH2-CH3CO-CH2 CO-CH2 CH-CH2-CH2-CH3 OH Other reactions take place in relation to fosfopantetein Pan-S Pan-S NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 20 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 1717 - H2O dehydratation ,-unsaturated acyl CO-CH2 CH-CH2-CH2-CH3 OH CO-CH CH-CH2-CH2-CH3 Pan-S Pan-S NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 20 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 18 saturated acyl longer by 2C another reaction with malonyl-CoA CO-CH2 CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3Pan-S + 2H hydrogenation (NADPH) CO-CH CH-CH2-CH2-CH3Pan-S NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 20 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 1919 Reactions at FA synthase complex collectively acetyl transacylase malonyl transacylase 1CH3C-SCoA O 1 CysSH CysS -C-CH3 O + + CoASH PanSH + -OOC-CH2C-SCoA Pan-S-C-CH2COO- O O 2 2 + CoASH Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 20 CO2 3-oxoacyl synthase 3-oxoacyl reductase hydratase •1 •2 •3 Pan-S-C-CH2COO- + Cys O 12 Pan-S-C-CH2-C-CH3 OO 2S-C-CH3 O OOO Pan-S-C-CH2- C-CH3 Pan-S-C-CH2- CH-CH3 OH + NADPH+H+ NADP+ 2 2 O Pan-S-C-CH2-CH-CH3 OH Pan-S-C-CH=CH-CH3 O + H2O 22 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 21 enoylreductase malonyl transacylase •4 + NADPH+H+ NADP+Pan-S-C-CH=CH-CH3 O Pan-S-C-CH2CH2-CH3 O 22 CysSH CysS-C-CH2CH2CH3 O Pan-S-C-CH2CH2-CH3 O + + PanSH 11 2 2 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 22 + 1 O CysS-C-CH2CH2CH3 2 O Pan-S-C-CH2COO- Pan-S-C-CH2-C-CH2-CH2-CH3 O O CO2 PanSH + -OOC-CH2C-SCoA Pan-S-C-CH2COOO O 2 2 + CoASH Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 23 Pan-S-palmitoyl Palmitát Pan-SH After passing through steps 1-4 sevenfold … Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 24 Balance of synthesis of palmitate (16 C) CH3CO-S-CoA + 7 HOOC-CH2CO-S-CoA + 14 NADPH + 14 H+ CH3 -(CH2)14 -COOH + 7 CO2 + 6 H2O + 8 CoASH + 14 NADP+ 7 CH3CO-S-CoA + 7 ATP + 7 CO2 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 25 Product of FA synthase in mammals 16:0 (palmitate) (main) 18:0 (stearate) (minor) NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 22 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 26 acetyl-CoA-carboxylase (formation of malonyl-CoA) Activation acetyl-CoA insulin Inhibition acyl-CoA glucagon adrenaline Regulation of the FA synthesis Hormonal regulation provided by insulin (increases the synthesis of FA in the cell if enough glucose - a lot of energy, we can create reserves) and glucagon (reduces the synthesis of FA - the cell has little glucose, can not synthesize FA, it is necessary to carry out their β-oxidation). Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 27 NADPH is required for the synthesis of FA Sources of NADPH Pentose cycle malate dehydrogenase malate  pyruvate + CO2 NADP+ NADPH Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 28 Summary: synthesis and degradation of fatty acids is carried out by two separate tracks I – insulin, G - glucagon -oxidation synthesis Localization mitochondria cytoplasm Acyl transporter CoA ACP Primary unit C2 C2 Redox cofactors NAD+, FAD NADPH Enzymes separately complex Hormonal regulation ratio I/G low ratio I/G high Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 29 Elongation and desaturation of FA • On FA synthase complex can be synthesized fatty acids with a maximum length of 18 C, all of which are saturated FA. • Our body needs for various processes more than 18 C FA and unsaturated FA. • To receive all via food would be very disadvantageous, therefore in our body are enzymes used for lengthening (elongation) and double bond formation (desaturation) of FA. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 30 Elongation of FA endoplazmatic reticulum – elongation by malonylCoA, cofactor NADPH mitochondria – reverse of -oxidation Elongation of FA is carried out on –COOH end Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 31 • Desaturation of fatty acids is a process which leads to the formation of double bonds. Human (and other animals) are equipped with only a limited number of enzymes (desaturases) that catalyze these reactions, namely Δ9, Δ6 and Δ5 desaturases. • Desaturation process begins by creating a double bond between the 9th and 10th carbon. We expect to desaturate (ie. dehydrogenation) uses a cofactor FAD and the double bond formed directly, but it is not, desaturation is somewhat more complicated. Desaturation 9, 6, 5 desaturases, plants also 12, 15 desaturases complexes of membrane-bound proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum of the liver cells Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 3232 Mechanism of desaturation of fatty acids O O 1 9 10 S CoA O S CoA OH H O H NADH + H+ H H2O NAD + + + S CoA O HH H2O+ Hydroxylation. Oxygen participates the hydroxylation, but only one atom gives rise to the the -OH group on 10th carbon. The second oxygen atom must be reduced to water, which is assisted by NADH + H+. Following dehydration, double bond is created. The resulting unsaturated FA has cis configuration. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 33 FAD FADH2 Fe 2+ Fe 3+NADH+H+ NAD+ Fe 2+ Fe 3+ CH2-CH2- O2 2H2O Cyt b5 1. hydroxylation: RCH2CH2R + O2 + AH2  RCH(OH)CH2R + H2O + A 2. dehydration: RCH(OH)CH2R  RCH=CHR + H2O -CH=CHMechanism of desaturation of fatty acids Fatty acids participate in all reactions in the form of acyl-CoA The double bond is thus formed by hydroxylation and dehydration. Hydroxylation is performed by oxygen. Its reduction again is somewhat more complicated than that illustrated in the scheme. The electrons needed for the reduction are transferred from NADH + H+ to FADH2 and then to the iron atoms. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 34 Desaturation of fatty acids The first step in the desaturation to form a double bond at the ninth carbon of stearic or palmitic acid. Most organisms have 9 desaturase. • Animals form a further double bond only in a region between an existing double bond and the carboxyl terminus (6, 5 desaturase) • Plants also have 12 and 15 desaturase (found in vegetable oils n-6 and a smaller amount of n-3 unsaturated FA) • 15 desaturase is located in particular in plants vegetating in cold water (algae, plankton) • The high content of n-3 unsaturated fatty acids in fat of fish (fish feed on plankton, which has the ability to synthesise n-3 fatty acids to a greater extent) Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 35 Desaturation of fatty acids 18 : 0 18 : 1 (9) 18 : 2 (9,12) 18 : 3 (9,12,15) n-3n-9 n-6 all organisms plants plants, mainly plankton linoleic acid linolenic acid Animals can synthesize more of the FA by combination of elongation and desaturation. They have, however, only available 6 and 5 desaturases. oleic acid Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 36 18 : 0 18 : 1 (9) 18 : 2 (9,12) 18 : 3 (9,12,15) n-3n-9 n-6 20:1 22:1 24:1 18:2 (6,9) 20:2 20:3 22:3 22:4 18:3 (6,9,12) 18:4 (6,9,12,15) 20:3 (8,11,14) 20:4(5,8,11,14) 22:4 (7,10,13,16) 22:5 (4,7,10,13,16) 20:4 (8,11,14,17) 20:5(5,8,11,14,17) 22:5 (7,10,13,16,19) plants plankton 6 desaturase elongase 5 desaturase elongase 6 desaturase elongase 5 desaturase elongase Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 37 Polyunsaturated FA n-3 and n-6 are necessary for the construction of membranes. Arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid are necessary for the synthesis of prostanoids. Linoleic and linolenic acids are essential for humans. Their food intake is required. The sources are vegetable oils and fish oil. Deficiency of polyunsaturated FA n-3 and n-6 in experimental animals induces disturbances in permeability of the skin, weight loss, accumulation of cholesterol. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 38 Triglycerides as energy reserves Triglycerides are the most effective means of saving energy They are stored without ties of water, while a gram of glycogen binds two grams of water 15 kg of fat is equivalent to 100 kg of hydrated glycogen compound Combustion heat (kJ/g) Glycogen TG 17 38 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 39 Synthesis of triglycerides glycerol-3P lysophosphatidate P CO CH2O CH2OCOR HSCoA A P ATP CHOH CH2OH PCH2O CHOH CH2OH CH2OH RCOSCoA HSCoA glycerol RCOSCoA 1. Synthesis of lysophosphatidate NAD + P CH2OH CO CH2O CH2O P CH2OCOR CHOH ER - liver, fat cells, intestinal mucosa NADH + H+ NADPH + H+ NADP * Does not take place in adipocytes dihydroxyacetone phosphate Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 40 RCOSCoA CH2O P CH2OCOR CHOH HSCoA P CH2OCOR CHOCOR CH2O 2. Synthesis of phosphatidate lysophosphatidate phosphatidate usually unsaturated esterification to carbon 2 usually unsaturated Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 4141 P CH2OCOR CHOCOR CH2O Pi R RCOSCoA HSCoA CH2OCOR CHOCOR CH2OCOR PC (phosphatidylcholine), PE (phosphatidylethanolamine), PS (Phosphatidylserine ) PI (phosphatidylinositol), cardiolipin triglyceride 3. Synthesis of triglycerides Small intestine  CM Liver  VLDL adipose tissue  storage hydrolase CH2OCO CHOCOR CH2OH ER phosphatidate Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 42 Metabolism of phospholipids and glycolipids Among the main phospholipids belong : • phosphatidylcholine – PC • phosphatidylethanolamine – PE • phosphatidylserine – PS • phosphatidylinositol – PI • cardiolipin – CL Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 43 Biosynthesis of glycerophospholipids • Occurs in all cells except erythrocytes • Part of cell membranes • Some initial reactions are the same as in the synthesis of triglycerides Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 44 Localization of synthesis of phospholipids in cell Synthesis takes place on the phospholipid membranes of the smooth and rough ER Enzymes catalyzing the synthesis are integral membrane proteins with active centers facing the cytoplasm Newly synthesized phospholipids are built into the outer layer membranes By flippases they are transmitted to the inner layer ER membrane cytoplasm flippase Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 45 In the other membranes PLs are transmitted either by continuous diffusion between membranes or membrane vesicles In the cytoplasm PLs are transmitted using phospholipid transfer proteins The synthesis of phospholipids is based either on phosphatidate or 1,2-diacylglycerol Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 46 Synthesis of triglycerides and glycerophospholipids - following a joint reaction Pi PI, cardiolipin P CH2OCOR CHOCOR CH2O R RCOSCoA HSCoA CH2OCOR CHOCOR CH2OCOR PC,PE,PS triglyceride hydrolase CH2OCO CHOCOR CH2OH diglyceridephosphatiate Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 47 Glycerophospholipids Phosphatidylcholine – PC Phosphatidylethanolamine – PE Phosphatidylserin – PS Phosphatidylinositol – PI Cardiolipin - CL ures/images/phospholipid.jpg Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 48 1) Choline + ATP  Choline-P + ADP Activation of choline takes place in two steps CH2 N CH3 CH3 + CH3 P O O O CH2O- cholinephosphate Choline must be activated prior to the synthesis A) Synthesis of phosphatidylcholine Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 49 2) choline-P + CTP  CDP-choline + PPi PO O(CH3)3N-CH2-CH2-O P O- N NO NH2 CH2 OH OH O O OO + CDP-choline Compare with the activation of glucose in glycogen synthesis Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 50 3) Synthesis of activated choline of phosphatidylcholine and 1,2-diacylglycerol CDP-choline + 1,2-DG  phosphatidylcholine + CMP CH2-O-CO-R CH-O-CO-R O O- CH2-O-P-O-CH2-CH2-N(CH3)3 + Besides that we synthesize phosphatidylcholine, we accept it in food and store large part in the intestines Note the activation of choline by CTP, in carbohydrate metabolism glucose is activated by UDP. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 51 Functions A) Phosphatidylcholine (pulmonary surfactant) • Pulmonary surfactant generally is a mixture of phospholipids (90%) and protein (10%), the main phospholipid is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. • The task of pulmonary surfactant is to decrease surface tension at the surface of the alveoli. This makes them easier to open during aspiration (inhaling) and prevent "sticking" their walls (alveolar collapse) during expiratory (exhalation). Deprivation of human lung surfactant means experiencing respiratory distress. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 52 pulmonary surfactant main component is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine reduces the surface tension on the surface of alveoli, facilitates opening of the alveoli during aspiration lack of surfactant - respiratory distress The walls of the alveoli are covered with water molecules, during exhalation the walls go close to each other and bind due to attractive forces, then the expansion may prevent reuse Pulmonary surfactant eliminates these attractive forces Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 53 activation of ethanolamine ethanolamine + ATP  ethanolamine-P + ADP ethanolamine-P + CTP  CDP-ethanolamine + PPi B) Synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine Synthesis CDP-ethanolamine + 1,2-DG  phosphatidylethanolamine + CMP Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 54 N-methylation using S-adenosylmethionine  phosphatidylcholine (in the liver) C) Conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine - alternative route of synthesis of phosphatidylcholine CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH CH2O-P-O-CH2 -CH2-NH2 O O- Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 55 Choline in the diet No disorder has yet been defined related to lack of choline Choline deficiency in rats induced disorders structures ER membranes and fatty liver Choline is sometimes classified among the group B vitamins In the US, the recommended daily dose of choline is 500 mg Foods rich in choline: liver, meat, nuts, eggs Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 56 phosphatidylethanolamine + serine  phosphatidylserine + ethanolamine D) Biosynthesis of phosphatidylserine proceeds differently phosphatydylethanolamine may be produced by decarboxylation CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH CH2OPOCH2CHNH2 O COO OH - Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 57 E) biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol 1) Activation of phosphatidic acid phosphatidic acid + CTP  CDP-diacylglycerol + PPi P O N NO NH2 CH2 OH OH O O O-O- CH2-O-CO-R CH-O-CO-R CH2-O O P O CDP-diacylglycerol NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 29 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 58 CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH OH O CH2OPO OH OH OH OH OH 2) synthesis CDP-diacylglycerol + inositol  phosphatidylinositol Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 59 Synthesis of phosphatidylinositol phosphate PI + ATP PIP + ADP PIP + ATP PIP2 + ADP PIP2 + ATP PIP3 + ADP CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH OH O CH2OPO OH OH OH OH OH 4 5 3 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 60 CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH OH O CH2OPO OH OH OH OH OH CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH OH O CH2OPO OH OH OH OP OP PIP PIP2 PI ATP ADP ATP ADP Synthesis of phosphatidylinositol phosphate CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH OH O CH2OPO OH OH OH OH OP PIP3 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 61 • binding of certain mediators in the cytoplasmic membrane receptor activates phospholipase C • that catalyzes the cleavage of PIP (PIP2 and PIP3) to DG and IP2 (IP3 and IP4) • these products act as second messengers in the cell CH2O-CO-R R-CO-OCH OH O CH2OPO OH OH OH OP OP The role of PIPs in the transmission of signals across the cytoplasmic membrane Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 62 second messenger substance that is produced in the cell as a result of binding of the hormone or the neurotransmitter to a membrane receptor •mediates the effect of the hormone or mediator in cell • transmits information in a cell on other intracellular systems Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 63 In addition to the functions of the second messenger PI performs the function of phosphatidylinositol anchor • Phosphatidylinositol anchored in the membrane with bound polysaccharide chain. On this chain can then be bound proteins that need to communicate with the environment (e.g. alkaline phosphatase, acetylcholinesterase, antigens ...). That they are connected to the "PI anchor“ puts them above the surface of the membrane and thus can perform its functions (they are accessible to other enzymes, hormones) Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 64 Phosphatidylinositol anchor glycosylphosphatidylinositol structure on the cell surface polysaccharide chain is connected on phosphatidylinositol in membrane - binding of proteins (alkaline phosphatase, acetylcholinesterase, antigens ...) Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 65 Biosynthesis of cardiolipinu CDP-diacylglycerol + glycerol-3-P phosphatidylglycerol-3-P Pi phosphatidylglycerol CDP-diacylglycerol cardiolipin + CMP Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 66 O- CH2-O-CO-R CH-O-CO-R CH2-O O P O CH2 CH OH CH2OH phosphatidylglycerol O- CH2-O-CO-R CH-O-CO-R CH2-O O P O CH2 CH CH2 OH O- O O P CH2-O-CO-R CH-O-CO-R CH2O cardiolipin CDP-DAG CMP Biosynthesis of cardiolipinu (in detail) Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 67 With the biggest amount of cardiolipin? the inner mitochondrial membrane Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 68 Replacement of acyl groups at C-2 of phospholipids: diacylglycerols: on C-2 of oleic acid phospholipids: on C-2 of polyunsaturated acid (usually arachidic) The exchange takes place through transacylation reactions Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 69 meaning of glycerophospholipids • structural component of membranes • component of lipoproteins • special features source of polyunsaturated FA for synthesis and exchange "Anchoring proteins in membranes" Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 70 Modified phospholipids • plasmalogens • Platelet activating factor (PAF) glycerolphosphoether lipids NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 32 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 71 Plasmalogens nerve and muscle tissue (myocardium - 50% of phospholipids) mitochondrial lipids choline (heart) ethanolamine (myelin) serine CH2-O C CH2-O P OH O O X HOC O R CH=CH-R Alkenyl acyl Replacing acyl for alkyl (of alcohol) and desaturation Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 72 PAF (platelet activating factor) The main mediator of hypersensitivity, anaphylactic shock, acute inflammation. It is produced in leukocytes. alkyl acetyl aggregates platelets, acting as vasodilator and has a number of other physiological effects CH3 CH2-O C CH2-O P OH O O HOC O cholin CH2-R Acyl exchange for alkyl Replacing acyl for acetyl Increased solubility Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 7373 Cleavage of phospholipids - phospholipase Phospholipases are also used in remodeling of phospholipids A1 A2 several types D (in plants) C PI-system CH2 O C O CH CH2 O C OOP O O O........... A1 cleaves acyl at first carbon A2 cleaves acyl at second carbon, is used e.g. in remodeling of phospholipids (e.g. substitution of oleic acid for PUFA) and cleavage of PUFAs, which are then involved in the metabolism of eicosanoids C cleaves the bond between the phosphate and glycerol on third carbon; the phospholipase is used in phosphatidylinositol system (when an "IPs" of „PIPs") D cleaves phosphoester bond between the phosphate and the other structure attached to the phosphate (e.g. ethanolamine, choline, ...); phospholipase is featured only in plants Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 74 Sphingolipids - general structure binding of phosphate binding of choline 1 2 3 4 HO NH2 OH binding of fatty acid sphingosin Sphinx of Thebes Meaning: intercellular communication, antigenic determinants Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 75 Sphingomyelin Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 76 Sphingolipid biosynthesis • Biosynthesis of sphingosine (sphinganine) - summarily 16 C 1C3 C 18 C oxosphinganinepalmitate serine CO2 ++ oxosphinganine sphinganine NADPH+H+ NADP FAD FADH2 sphingosine Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 77 CH3 (CH2 )14 COS-CoA + CHCH2 OH COON H3 + CH3 (CH2 )1 4 COCHCH2 OH N H3 + 2CO + CoA-SH oxosphinganine Biosynthesis of sphingosine (sphingenine) 1. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 78 CH3 (CH2)12 CH2 CH2 + C CH CH2 OH O NH3 CH3 (CH2)12 CH2 CH2 + CH CH CH2 OH OH NH3 CH3 (CH2)12 CH CH CH CH CH2 OH OH NH3 + NADPH + H+ NADP FAD FADH2 oxosphinganine sphinganine sphingosine 2. 3. 4. Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 79 1. Connecting of FA activated by amide bond = ceramide 18 1 2 3 4 HO NH2 OH 2. Reaction with CDP-choline: CH2OH binds with phosphocholine = sphingomyelin Biosynthesis of sphingomyelin Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 80 N O OH H O O OH OH OH HO ceramid galaktosa O-glykosidová vazba glycosphingolipids - oligosaccharide component attached by O-glycosidic linkage to ceramide (via CH2OH of sphingosine) Galactosylceramide Cerebrosides: more molecules of monosaccharides attached via glycosidic linkage Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 81 N O OHO H O OH HO O CH2OH O OH O OH CH2OH O COO HN COCH3 OH HOCH2 CH OH CH OH Structure of ganglioside sialic acid is bound to the oligosaccharide Occurrence: mainly ganglion cell membranes Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 82 Synthesis of cerebrosides: ceramide + UDP-gal  ceramide-gal + UDP ……… + Binding of other UDP-monosaccharides Synthesis of sulphatides: sulfation of cerebrosides using PAPS Synthesis of gangliosides: ceramide + UDP-hexose + CMP-NeuAc (CMPN-acetylneuraminic acid) Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 83 Degradation of sphingoglycolipids and sphingosine • Takes place in lysosomes • Enzyme catalyzed hydrolytic reactions (galactosidase enzymes, hexosaminidase, gangliosidneuraminidase, glucocerebrosidase) • Each of the enzymes is specific for one monosaccharide which it eliminates a type of glycoside bond that is cleaved. • Lack of any of these enzymes leads to the accumulation of substrates in lysosomes - disease called sphigolipidosis • Sphingomyelin cleaved by sphigomyelinase to ceramide and fatty acid Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 84 Sphigolipidosis Lipid accumulation in the tissues due to congenital deficiency of degradative enzymes Mainly affected by CNS Examples: Tay-Sachs disease: hexoaminidase A deficiency, accumulation of GM2 ganglioside, mental retardation, blindness, hepatosplenomegaly, baby dying within 3 years of life Gaucher disease: reduction in activity beta-glucosidase at 10- 20%, the onset of adulthood, thrombocytopenia, splenomegaly, psychomotor disturbances, rigidity and half of the cases develop epilepsy Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 85 Lipid peroxidation is similar to the radical substitution of alkanes - we can distinguish three phases called initiation, propagation and termination. • At initiation (yellow-colored) molecule is a fatty acid radical is attacked, most often a hydroxyl radical. The radical attacks the most sensitive point of the fatty acid, which is -CH2- between two double bonds (see chart). Radical torn away from hydrogen, whereby the fatty acids creates radical, which is referred to as L •. In the thus formed radical reshuffle will double bonds (from isolated become conjugated, because we are talking about the creation of a conjugated diene). Conjugated diene is highly reactive and reacts with oxygen molecules to form lipoperoxylového radical LOO •. Lipoperoxylo radical is extremely reactive and can react with another molecule of the fatty acid to form the radical of the L • and of themselves create hydroperoxide LOOH. • This (the emergence of radical L •) to begin the process of propagation (orange-colored). • In propagation - producing free radicals until: two different radicals meet radical and antioxidant meet, which is most commonly tocopherol • If one of the above cases, we are talking about termination. NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, Metabolismus lipidů s. 38 Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 86 • The primary products of lipid peroxidation are hydroperoxides LOOH. Greater danger for the organism present the secondary products. They can attack other biomolecules (not only fatty acids), or are directly toxic to the organism (the most dangerous are dialdehydes, e.g. malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal). Biochemie-8-2-lipidy 87 Antioxidants • These are substances which prevent lipid peroxidation. We distinguish between: • preventive antioxidants (prevent the formation of free radicals and so do not even start lipid peroxidation) • catalase / peroxidases (decompose hydrogen peroxide and prevent its conversion to hydroxyl radicals) • superoxide dismutase (scavenges superoxide anion radical) • transferrin, ferritin, ceruloplasmin (substances which sequester ions of copper and iron, and do not allow them to enter the Fenton reaction) • antioxidants stopping promotion (these are substances that have the ability to react with radicals to form stable products, thereby preventing a chain reaction and must have a lipophilic character) • tocopherol (vitamin E) • carotenoids • ubiquinol (located on the mitochondrial membrane) • flavonoids