Competition on health care markets – differences from classical markets Organization of health services Competition on health care markets - according to levels of provided health services SYLLABUS of 3rd LECTURE 21. 10. 2019 PharmDr. Bc. Dana Mazankova, Ph.D. Specificity of supply in health care market Supply of health care is influenced by: - total amount of health care facilities in particular locality - concrete structure of these facilities - health insurance companies` attitude for making contracts with physicians and hospitals in particular locality Limited amount of health care facilities Pharmacies - supply is adequate Hospitals - supply is adequate - selection procedures - monopoly Another specifics of supply in health care market • physicians` / pharmacists` scientific knowledge and professional skills • „excessive services“ • excessive supply --- secondary demand for health care • demand induced by a supply Gatekeeping - supply of health care service by the physicians in a hospital should be realized only after recommendation the patient by a physician of primary care Formal absence of profit / gain motivation - public sector organizations: - benefit (= improving health care statut) All health care facilities must receive payment (money) from some „establishment“ for provided health care services Received payment according to ownership of health care facilities - statut of public hospitals - obtain money from heath insurance companies - hospitals owned by private holders - obtain money from heath insurance companies - hospitals owned by private holders („real“ private hospitals) - only direct payment from patients Absence of „above-standard“ definition - above-standard health care - definition of above-standard in non-health care areas Health care divided into 2 parts: 1. standard health care 2. above-standard health care - pharmacy system and selling drugs by pharmacists - reimbursement of expended drugs and health devices in a pharmacy from system of compulsory public health insurance - dental (stomatology) care - Rate Tariff of reimbursed and non-reimbursed dental servies Specificity of product in health care market • Uniform (homogenous) production Classical „competitive“ market • Non-uniform (nonhomogenous) production Market with health care Specificity of demand in health care market - imperfectly informed buyers (= patients) - patient`s „moral hazard“: Delegation of consumer sovereignity to physician - demand induced by a supply Need for health care – 2 parts: 1. Subjective need 2. Objective need → health care policy of state → create: DEMAND for health care - regulation of demand for health care aslo initated by physicians Specificity of payment in health care market • Consumers pay directlyClassical „competitive“ market • Consumers pay only part of costs directly Market with health care Organization of health services - general physicians (for children, for adults) - dentists - gynekologists - pharmacies - first aid - home care (home hospic care) 1. Primary care --- locality 2. Secundary care --- district - acute hospital care - ambulatory specialists (allergologist, orthopaedist, dermatologist, ophtalmologist, …) - special health institutes 3. Tertiary care --- region - hospitl care - bed health-social care (rest homes) - baths Competition on heath care markets 1. Primary care General physicians (for children, for adults), dentists, gynekologists - amount of providers is not overlarge - tools of non-price competition: Pharmacies - amount of pharmacies is not overlarge - 1. price competition - tools: - 2. non-price competition – tools: 2. Secundary care Ambulatory specialists (allergologist, orthopaedist, dermatologist, ophtalmologist, …) - amount of providers is overlarge - competetive manners: 1. tools of non-price competition: 2. tools of price competition: 3. Tertiary care Hospital care (hospitals) - competetive manners: 1. tools of non-price competition: 2. tools of price competition: