Read nad translate Straight muscle, oblique muscles, suppository of glycerine, nasal septum/septum of the nose, the ventricle of the brain, cancer of the stomach, the right humerus, the left atrium the hard palate, ligaments of the carpus, mucosa of the large intestine, infectious diseases, rubella/German measles, chickenpox, rupture of the mucosa of the rectum. The leaf of birch, syrup of orange, a cup of yellow vaseline, extract of hypericum, purified cotton wool, wide ligament, the cavity of uterus, fracture of radius, danger in procrastination, under the sign of poison. EX 2 Ligamentum latum uteri, fractura digiti secundi, locus musculi profundi, post fracturam costae, cum digito fracto, ad cavum cranii, in vitro albo, cum glandula thyreoidea, rami nervi ophthalmici, fractura cerebri parvi, membrána interossea antebrachii. EX 3 Ramus dexter – sinister, cavum parvum – magnum, organum sanum – aegrotum, ligamentum latum – tenue, remedium compositum – simplex, musculus profundus – superficialis, nasus externus – internus, exctractum siccum – liquidum TRANSLATON Periculum rupturae digiti, extractum sirupi pro adultis, post rupturam ligamenti lati uteri, pillula sub lingua, aqua destillata in lagoena, rami nervorum, rubeola contagiosa, sub signo veneni, ligamentum uteri.