Pharmacognosy lab exercise 11 Drugs - seeds Strychni semen §Mother plant: Strychnos nux-vomica, Loganiaceae (Strychnaceae), Nux vomica, Poison Nut, Semen strychnos, Quaker Buttons Image:Koeh-266.jpg Strychni semen §Macroscopy: discoid seed, on the margin thicken, size 2,5 cm, greenish to grey-yellow colour, silky shiny, densely felt-like, without odour, very bitter taste § § §Content compounds: indole alkaloids - strychnin, brucin, bitter substances, choline, sugars, oil w w §Usage: analeptic § § strichni1 Image:Strychnine2.svg strychnin Strychni semen §Microscopy: epidermal cells pass to thick-walled trichomes nodular curved with club-like pointed base, nutritious layer with hardly pressed cells, endosperm with plasmodesma, with aleuronic grains and fat droplets § w strichnimikr1 Strychni semen §Microscopy: § § § § § w trichomes w w nutritious layer w w endosperm § § w strichni Strophanti semen §Mother plant: Strophantus gratus, Strophantus combé, Apocynaceae 25strof Strophanti semen §Macroscopy: seeds of spindle-like shape, pressed, sharpened, sharp-edged, without residue of awn, 2 cm length, yellow to brown-yellow, characteristic odour, persistent bitter taste § §Content compounds: cardioglycosides, saponins, proteases, choline, oil w §Usage: for isolation of cardioglycosides, cardiotonic strphanti vg.png k-strofantidin Strophanti semen §Microscopy: grainy cuticle, tangential prolonged epidermal cells, papilla-like trichomes, layer of pressed nutritious cells, endosperm, embryo § § w strophantimikr2 Strophanti semen §Microscopy: w trichome w nutritious layer w w w w endosperm w w w w w embryo § § w strophanti1 MACROSCOPY Colae semen CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Cola nitida, Cola acuminata, Cola vera, Malvaceae (Sterculioideae) Cola nut w 26kola1 Colae semen CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: seeds - embryo, testa is removed, posses 2 (C. vera) or 3-6 (C.acuminata) cotyledons, cola cotyledons are hard, externally smooth to roughly wrinkled, on the section grainy, externally dark brown, inside brighter, aromatic odour, nut-like bitterish taste § §Content compounds: purine alkaloids- caffein, theobromin, fixed on tannins w §Usage: roborant, stimulant, refreshing beverages § § cola1 caffein theobromin Colchici semen §Mother plant: Colchicum autumnale, Colchicaeae, autumn crocus, meadow saffron, naked lady § Colchicum-aut Colchici semen §Macroscopy: spherical, hard, in diameter cca 3 mm big, matte red to dark brown, fresh little bit sticky, wrinkled rough surface, without odour, sharp very bitter taste § §Content compounds: alkaloids - colchicine, demecolcine; oil, tannins, proteins w §Usage: antineoplastic, antiuratic colchicisem rhBH4 colchicine Lini semen CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Linum usitatissimum, Linaceae, Flax Linum_usitatissimum_plant Lini semen CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: seeds oval, concave sharpened, flattened, on the margin thin with concave edge, to 6 mm long, yellow-brown to brown-red, shiny, without odour, taste mucilaginous, oily § § §Content compounds: mucilage, drying oil, proteins, cyanogenic glycosides (linamarin) w w §Usage: emolient, mucilaginous, laxative, protective of mucous layers § § lini1 linamarin Ricini semen §Mother plant: Ricinus communis, Euphorbiaceae, Castor oil plant •Ricini oleum hydrogenatum CzPh 2017 •Ricini oleum raffinatum CzPh 2017 •Ricini oleum virginale CzPh 2017 § 30ricinus2 Ricinus communis - skočec obecný Ricini semen §Macroscopy: shiny seeds, grey-brown to red-brown stripped, oval, without odour, oily bitter taste § § §Content compounds: non-drying oil, lectines (ricin), alkaloid ricinine, lipases, mucilage-like compounds § w w §Usage: laxative, dermatic and cosmetic ricini ricinine Sinapis semen §Mother plant: Brassica nigra, Brassicaceae, Black Mustard § 33brasic Sinapis semen §Macroscopy: almost spherical seeds, pale to red-brown, when dry – fragile, without odour, oily taste – later acidish and spicy hot § §Content compounds: up to 35 % of oil, glucosinolate sinigrin, proteins, mucilage w §Usage: derivant § § sinapis1 sinigrin