Declensions: Latin nouns are divided into 5 groups, words within the same group have the same forms. These groups are called declensions. 1st declension: words having diphtong -ae in genitive 2nd declension: words having – i in genitive 3rd declension: words having -is in genitive 4th declension: words having -us in genitive 5th declension: words having -ei in genitive All nouns have one of the 3 genders: M= masculine, F= feminine, N = neutral The first case = subject – in the first position in a sentence The second case expresses the attribute, it always follows after another word, in English it is expressed using a preposition OF The fourth case is used asfter prepositions The sixth case is used after prepositions Some Latin prepositions go with form no 4, others go with form no 6 – we have to remember it Adjectives express qualities, they adopt the same forms as nouns, they are controlled by the nouns. In Latin a noun goes first, an adjective follows. 3 categories must be he same: gender, number, case. The noun determines these three categories. Aqua pura (pure water) – aqua= 1st case singular , feminine+ pura= 1st case singular, feminine Names of cases: 1st = nominative 2nd= genitive 4th = accusative 6th = ablative Prepositions going with case no 6: a, ab = away from e, ex = out of, out from cum = with pro = for de = down, about sine = without two prepositions – in + sub (under) may go with bot case no 4 + 6, but there is a difference in meaning: in lagoenam (case no 4) – direction: where to? = to a bottle in lagoena (case no 6) – place: where? = in a bottle sub scapulam (case no 4) – direction = something is penetrating under the scapula sub scapula (case no 6) – place = something is already placed under the scapula Ex. 1 p 13: Vesica fellea – gall bladder, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Vesica urinaria – urinary bladder, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Tibia sinistra – left shin bone, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Fibula extra – right calf bone, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Spina scapulae – the crest of the shoulder blade, 1st case sg,noun, 2nd case sg noun Vena cava – hollow vein, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Valvulae venarum – valves of veins, 1st case pl noun, 2nd case pl noun Glandula thyreoidea – thyroid gland, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Fascia lata – wide sheet of tissue covering the muscles, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Fractura complicata - complicated fracture, 1st case sg, noun + adjective Ruptura tunicae mucosae – rupture of mucous layer, 1st case sg noun, 2nd case sg noun, 2nd case sg adjective Aqua purificata – purified water - 1st case sg, noun + adjective Tinctura amara – bitter tincture - 1st case sg, noun + adjective Olla pastae – a cup of paste, 1st case sg, noun, 2nd case sg noun Lagoena aquae carminativae – a bottle of water agains flatulence, 1st case sg noun, 2nd case sg, noun, 2nd case sg adjective Scatula pulmonariae herbae – box of pulmonary herb, 1st case sg noun, 2nd case sg adjective, 2nd case sg noun Capsulae gelatinosae in scatula – gelly capsules in a box, 1st pl noun, 1st pl noun, in+6 – place, 6th sg noun Tabuletta obducta – coated tablet - 1st case sg, noun + adjective Lagoena mixturae – a bottle of mixture – 1st case sg, 2nd case sg Ad chartas ceratas – to waxed pieces of paper – ad+ 4th case pl noun+ adjective Capsulae gelatinosae in scatula – gelly capsules in a box, 1st case pl noun + adjective, in+6 , 6th case sg Valerianae guttae – valerian drops, 2nd case sg, 1st case pl noun