—^--!----— {^hHHH hIIIÍII^^IIIIIIIIIIÍII^I^ Appendix to lesson 2 ■ 2.1 The prepositions vedle + the genitive In the bubble on page 14, you can see the nominative sg. of nouns, e.g. obchod (shop), banka (bank), restaurace (restaurant) and kino (ci you already know from the first lesson, the nominative sg. is the dictionary form of the noun that you should remember. However, if you l after a preposition, you don't use the nominative. In this particular case, the preposition vedle (next to) is followed by the genitive singui endings. Compare: obchod (the nominative) - vedle obchodu (the genitive) banka (the nominative) - vedle banky (the genitive) restaurace (thenominative) - vedle restaurace (thegenitive) kino (the nominative) - vedle I (in (the genitive) See also page 70, paragraph hi. For an overview of (he genitive singular see page 66. ■ 2.2 Adverbs expressing direction or motion x adverbs expressing location In Czech, motion or direction to somewhere and location are expressed differently. On page 14 of the textbook you learnt how to say vi where something is, i.e. to express location. But when somebody tells you where to go then similar words can be used to express direction. Musíte jít nahoru. "You must goto up." Go up. x To je nahoře. It's up above. Musíte jít dolů. "You must go to down." Go down, x To je dole. It's down below. Musíte jít doprava. "You must go to the right." Go right, x To je vpravo. It's on the right. Musíte jít doleva. "You must go to the left." Go left, x To je vlevo. It's on the left. Musíte jít doprostřed. "You must go to the middle." Go to the middle, x To je uprostřed. It's in the middle. Direction or motion Location Question: Kam? Where to? Question: Kde? Where? Dynamic verbs: jit to go on foot, jet to go by vehicle, letět to fly... Static (= stationary) verbs: být to be, pracovat to work, studovat to study, bydlet to reside, žít to live, čekat to wait... sem here tarn there nahoru up, upwards dolů down, downwards doprava to the right doleva to the left doprostřed to the middle tady here tarn there nahoře up, above dole down, below vpravo/napravo on the right vlevo/nalevo on the left uprostřed in the middle ■ 2.3 Metro x metrem The forms autobusem by bus, vlakem by train tramvají by tram, metrem by metro, autem by car are in the instrumental sg. At this are recommended to learn these expressions by heart as phrases. Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Nominative sg. autobus, vlak tramvaj auto, metro Instrumental sg. autobusem, vlakem tramvají autem, metrem However, the word pěšky(on foot) is an adverb. Adverbs don't take endings, and therefore it doesn't change its form. Observe: Musíte jet tramvají číslo jedna. = Musíte jet jedničkou. Musíte jet autobusem číslo dva. = Musíte jet dvojkou. 16 (V