Pharmacognosy lab exercise 6 Drugs – cortex, wood, leaves Cinchonae cortex CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Cinchona pubescens (C. succirubra), C. calisaya, C. ledgeriana Rubiaceae , (Cinchona) §Cinchonae extractum fluidum normatum CzPh 2017 rost15 Cinchona_pubescens_p2jpg Cinchonae cortex CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: tubularly curled bark, externally grey-brown to brown, wrinkled and cracked, internal side brown-red, fracture from inner side is fibrous, outer side clean and smooth, aromatic odour, very bitter taste § §Content compounds: around 30 alkaloids, mainly quinine, quinidine, minor: cinchonine, cinchonidine § §Usage: isolation of alkaloids §quinine – direct effect on CNS - antipyretic, analgesic, antimalarial §quinidine - antiarrhythmic § rost15mk Související obrázek quinine Quinine increases the sensitivity of uterus to oxytocine – it should not be administered to pregnant women because it can induce abortion. Quinine is used as a standard for bitterness. Cinchonae cortex CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: surface cork, in cortex secretory cells (cellulae lactiferae), calcium oxalate sand cells, cells with starch, phloem fibers (with ruptures (infundibuliform pits)), medullar rays, sieve-tubes w w phloem fibers sand cell lactifer feloderm cork phloem fiber Cinchonae cortex CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w cork w phelloderm w sand cell w secretory cell w starch w phloem fiber w medullar rays w sieve-tubes w w C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\china.JPG Frangulae cortex CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Rhamnus frangula (Frangula alnus), Rhamnaceae, (Buckthorn) rost13 Rhamnus%20frangula%20'cultivar'%20-%203 Frangulae cortex CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: tubularly rolled, externally grey-brown, grayish transversal elongated lenticels, inner side smooth reddish brown, fibrous fracture, without odour, bitter-sweet taste § §Content compounds: w anthraquinone derivatives w w glucofrangulins A, B frangulins w glycosides §Usage: laxative § D:\atlas\images\rost13mk.jpg frangula-emodin (aglycone) Interactions: risk of hypokalemia when on digoxin medication, or diuretic medication Laxatives can cause loss of minerals such as kalium. Frangulae cortex CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: several layers of cork, under cork collenchyma (Absence of sclerified parenchyma), cells with starch, aggregates of calcium oxalate crystals, mucilage cavities (young bark), medullar rays, typical groups of thick phloem fibers, sieve -tubes § w w Frangulae cortex CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w cork w phelloderm w starch w mucilage cavity w druse w phloem fibers w medullar rays w w sieve-tubes w w krusina Quercus cortex CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Fagaceae, (oak) rost22 Q. robur Q. petraea Quercus cortex CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: tubullar pieces of cortex, externally smooth, shiny, silver-gray, inner side bright brown to reddish, with sharp ridges, typical odour, bitter astringent taste w §Content compounds: condensed tannins (catechins), phlobaphens, flavonoids w §Usage: astringent, haemostyptic, antidiarrhoic § D:\atlas\images\rost22mk.jpg catechin §Astringent compounds react with proteins in top layers of tissue, they form a membrane, which prevents the spread of infection and inflammation. Astringent compounds react also with proteins in the food, they form precipitates, if this happens in the bowels, such astringent compounds act antidiarrhoic (stool becomes less watery). Astringents also have vasoconstrictive effect. §Tannins can be converted into phlobaphens, red tannin pigments, which are insoluble in water. This conversion can happen by many ways: condensation, oxidation with air oxygen, heating, effects of acids and enzymes. Quercus cortex is used mainly to prepare so called “sitting baths” for treating hemorrhoids. Quercus cortex CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: cork, collenchyma, primary cortex separated from secondary by strip of sclereid cells, single sclereids (stone cells), phloem fibers, aggregates of calcium oxalate crystals, medullar rays, sieve-tubes, reinforcing slat from sclereids cork strip of sclereid cells sclereids reinforcing slat from sclereids Quercus cortex CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w cork w collenchyma w stone cells w mechanical strip w druses w medullar rays w phloem fibers w w reinforcing slat w w dub Juniperi lignum wMother plant: Juniperus communis, Cupressaceae, (Juniper) juniperus-communis Obrázok, na ktorom je strom, ovocie, kvet, jedlo Automaticky generovaný popis Juniperi lignum §Macroscopy: bright yellow to reddish wood, fibrous, aromatic odour and taste § § § § § § § § §Content compounds: essential oil (pinene, terpinene), resins w §Usage: diuretic, diaphoretic, derivans (irritant) § C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\124-2442_IMG.JPG Juniperi lignum §Microscopy: parenchymatic cells (spring and summer wood), vessels with lenticels, vessels, medullar rays §Radial section w w C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\juniper.JPG C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv6\juniper2.jpg vessels lenticells medullar rays Juniperi lignum §Microscopy: wtangential section w w C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\juniper.JPG C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv6\juniper5.jpg vessels medullar rays Spindle cells (storage) Juniperi lignum §Microscopy: wtransversal section w w C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\juniper.JPG vessels summer wood medullar rays spring wood C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv6\juniper4.jpg Alternation of summer and spring wood. Spring wood tracheids are bigger and have thinner walls. Tracheids of summer wood have thick walls and serve mechanical function. Sennae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Cassia senna syn. C. acutifolia, C. angustifolia, Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae), (Senna) §Sennae folii extractum siccum normatum CzPh 2017 rost25 Cassia.jpg Sennae folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: weak odour, taste firstly sweetish, later mucilaginous, bitter § §C. angustifolia – narrow lanceolate leaves, sessile, notched, yellow-green to brown-green § § • § §C. senna – wider, oval, integerrimum , finely pubescent, gray-green to brown green § § Sennae folium CzPh 2017 §Content compounds: dianthrone glycosides, flavonoids, bitter compounds, mucilage, tannins § w § § § § w §Usage: laxative §Interactions: risk of hypokalemia, treatment with digoxin, treatment with diuretics § Související obrázek §warnings: risk patients How to prepare a macerate: use warm or lukewarm water. When boiling water is used, also other irritants macerate into the tea and this can cause heavy diarrhea with painful cramps, the stool may also contain blood. The antraquinons act 8-12 hours after drinking the macerate (they need to pass to the large intestine). Advise patients to drink the tea in the evening, so the antraquinons act in the morning. Sennae folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: typical monofacial leaf with strong cuticle, wlayer of epidermal cells, mucilage cells, covering trichomes, stomata, palisade parenchyma, spongeous parenchyma with aggregates of calcium oxalate, vascular bundle main and secondary with sclaerenchymatic cells w w Kliknutím myší zavřete okno. Sennae folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w covering trichome w epidermis with cuticle w mucilage cell w palisade w w spongeous parenchyma w xylem w phloem w phloem fibers w palisades w epidermis w w collateral vascular bundle w C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\sena1.JPG MACROSCOPY Cinnamomi cortex CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Cinnamomum zeylanicum syn. C. verum, Lauraceae, (Ceylon Cinnamon) §Cinnamomi zeylanici corticis etheroleum CzPh 2017 § Image of Illustration of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Cinnamomi cortex CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: pieces of cortex tubularly curled, on the surface smooth, finely striated, yellow- brown, inner side more dark, longitudinally wrinkled, characteristic odour, taste warm spicy and sweetish § §Content compounds: essential oil (cinnamaldehyde up to 75%, eugenol), condensed tannins, diterpens, mucilage w §Usage: stomachic, additive to correct taste and smell C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\cinam1.JPG cinnamaldehyde Condurango cortex §Mother plant: Marsdenia condurango Asclepiadaceae, (Condurango) Condurango cortex §Macroscopy: tubularly curled bark, gray peridermis, inner side gray-brown, weakly bitter taste, a bit irritant, balsamic odour w w w w w w w w §Content compounds: bitter substances - condurango glycosides – ester glycosides of pregnane type (steroid) w §Usage: amare, stomachic, appetite stimulant tonic § conduran2 Rhammi purshianae cortex CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Rhamnus purshianus syn. Frangula purshiana, Rhammnaceae, (Cascara sagrada) wRhamni purshianae extractum siccum normatum CzPh 2017 alternativní popis obrázku chybí Rhammi purshianae cortex CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: pieces of bark, on the surface grey, often covered with mosses or lichens, inner side yellow-brown, without significant odour, bitter taste, irritating to vomit § § § § § § § §Content compounds: hydroxyanthraquinone derivatives (cascarosides), flavonoids, bitter substances w §Usage: laxative, mild cholagogue and choleretic § C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\rhamni.JPG Mechanismus účinku: stimulace motility, ovlivnění absorpce vody z lumen střeva a stimulace sekrece do lumen tračníku. Upozornění:způsob zpracování (dráždivé formy), režimová opatření,rizikové skupiny pacientů,nástup účinku Salicis cortex CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Salix alba, Salicaceae, also other species of genus Salix, (Willow) wSalicis corticis extractum siccum CzPh 2017 Salicis cortex CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: bark tubularly curled, elastic, surface smooth, shiny, without odour, bitter taste § §Content compounds: phenolic glycosides (salicin up to 10%, fragiline, populine), flavonoids, tannins, w §Usage: antipyretic, analgesic, antirheumatic, antiphlogistic C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\salicis1.JPG Obrázok, na ktorom je znak, obloha Automaticky generovaný popis salicin Quassiae lignum §Mother plant: Quassia amara, Simaroubaceae – Quassiae amarae lignum (Surinam quassia) §Picrasma excelsa, Simaroubaceae – Quassiae jamaycensae lignum (Jamaican quassia) Quassia_amara1 Obrázok, na ktorom je stôl, jedlo, textílie, kvet Automaticky generovaný popis Quassiae lignum §Macroscopy: whitish or yellowish wood, light and soft, easy to cut, no annual rings, without odour, bitter taste § § § § § § § § § §Content compounds: quassinoids (non-glycosidic bitter C20 or C25 compounds) w §Usage: bitter aperitif, tonic, insecticides, antimalarial C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\quassiae1.JPG Bucco folium §Mother plant: Barosma spp., Rutaceae, (Buchu) C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\barosma.jpg Bucco folium §Macroscopy: leather-like, tough leaves, yellow-green colour, yellow-green colour, serrated, glandulary pointed, aromatic odour and taste Folium bucco longa B. serratifolia – elipsoid longer leaves Folium bucco rotunda B. betulina – oval leaves A. Moolla, A.M. Viljoen / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 119 (2008) 413–419 Bucco folium § §Content compounds: essential oil (diosfenol), flavonoids (diosmin) § w w w w w §Usage: urinary desinficient, diuretic § diosfenol Juglandis folium §Mother plant: Juglans regia, Juglandaceae, (Walnut tree) Image of Illustration of Juglans regia Juglandis folium §Macroscopy: leather-like, dark green, shiny, without stalk, integerrimus, pleasant odour, bitter and astringent taste § §Content compounds: w gallo-tannins,, naphtoquinones (juglone), volatiles § §Usage: astringent, haemostatic, externally to treat frostbite § C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\juglandis.JPG juglone Brown pigment soluble in water is in roots, leaves and peel of walnuts. This pigment dyes skin to brown colour. Juglone is toxic to other plants (some plants are immune to it). It is detectable 8 m deep under the trunk of a walnut tree, or 27 meters away from it. Juglone has also fungicidal and antibiotic properties. Myrtilli folium wMother plant: Vaccinium myrtillus, Ericaceae (Vaccinioideae), (Blueberry) Image of Illustration of AIRELLE MYRTILLE Myrtilli folium §Macroscopy: egg-like leaves with serrated margin, non-shiny, bright green, without odour, astringent taste § §Content compounds: catechin tannins, flavonoids, glucokinins, organic acids, trace amounts of phenolic glycosides w §Usage: astringent, antiseptic, antidiabetic, diuretic C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\myrtili1.JPG catechin Lauri folium wMother plant: Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae, (Laurel) Image of Illustration of Laurus nobilis Lauri folium §Macroscopy: elongated, lanceolate, shiny, leather-like leaves, wavy margin, spicy odour, spicy bitterish taste § §Content compounds: w essential oil (cineol), tannins, isoquinoline alkaloids w §Usage: digestif, aromatic, spice § C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\lauri.JPG Obrázok, na ktorom je kreslenie Automaticky generovaný popis cineol Vitis ideaei folium §Mother plant: Vaccinium vitis ideae, Vacciniaceae (bearberry) l-Medicine/Images/Walcott/Vaccinium_vitis-idaea.jpg Obrázok, na ktorom je trávnik, jedlo, vonkajšie, kvet Automaticky generovaný popis Vitis ideaei folium §Macroscopy: leather-like leaves, opposite oval, integerrimus, on the face darker, without odour, bitter astringent taste w §Content compounds: phenolic glycosides (arbutin), condensed tannins, flavonoids w §Usage: astringent, urinary desinficient § C:\Renata\PRAKTIKA\obr\cv.6makr\vitis-idei1.JPG Image result for arbutin arbutin Olivae folium §Mother plant: Olea europea, Oleaceae, (Olive tree) Obrázok, na ktorom je kvet, sedenie, rastlina, stôl Automaticky generovaný popis Image result for olea europaea Olivae folium §Macroscopy: leather-like leaves, opposite, subsessile, entire, coriaceous, grayish-green upper side, whitish underside, bitter taste § §Content compounds: w secoiridoides (oleuropein), w triterpenes, flavonoids w §Usage: hypoglycemic, hypotensive, diuretic § Image result for oleuropein oleuropein