Pharmacognosy lab exercise 7 Drugs – leaves, herbs Althaeae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Althaea officinalis, Malvaceae (marsh-mallow) altheae Související obrázek Althaeae folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaf grey-green, shortly leafstalked, oval to triangular cordate, 3–5 lobular, toothed, both sides densely grey and trichomous (tomentose), veins on lower side distinguished, without odour, mucilage taste w §Content compounds: mucilage, pectin, flavonoids w §Usage: mucilaginose, antitussic, antiphlogistic Výsledek obrázku pro folium althaeae Obsah obrázku interiér, stůl, hrníček, jídlo Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Obsah obrázku příroda, oheň, dort, narozeniny Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. marshmallows_in_bowl.JPG No marsh-mallow in these marshmallows! To roast or not to roast? Leaf of marshmallow contains less mucilages than root. Mucilage can alter the pharmacocinetics of other medicines which are administered in the same time (may delay their absorption). Althaeae folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: bifacial leaf, between epidermis cells are mucilage cells, palisade parenchyma, spongeous parenchyma with crystal aggregates and large mucilage cells, collateral vascular bundle, both skin layers with one-cell trichomes grouped in clusters/tussocks and scarce club-shaped glandular trichomes w Althaeae folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w covering trichome w upper epidermis w palisades w w spongeous parenchyma w crystal aggregate w w w mucilage cell w glandular trichome w wcollateral vascular bundle w w altlist Mucilage cells can be in the epidermis too. Boldo folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Peumus boldus, Monimiaceae (boldo) §Boldi folii extractum siccum CzPh 2017 Peumus_boldus3 rost6 Boldo folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: shortly leafstalked leaf, oval, fragile, tough, leather like, on the margin under winded, green-grey, upper side covered with small bumps, bottom side less bumpy, camphor-like odour, taste bitter and spicy § §Content compounds: alkaloids (boldine, sparteine), essential oil (ascaridole), flavonoids § §Usage: cholagogue, choleretic, diuretic rost6mak boldine Boldo folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: bifacial leaf, thick cuticle layer, bundles of covering trichomes, under epidermis hypodermal cells with mucilage in one row, reinforcing collenchyma, palisades, spongeous parenchyma with cells containing essential oil, collateral vascular bundle with sclerenchyma Obsah obrázku fotka, vsedě, jídlo Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. covering trichomes vascular bundle hypodermal cells cuticle palisade parenchyma spongeous parenchyma collenchyma boldo Boldo folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: wcovering trichome whypodermal cells wpalisades wcell with essential oil w wxylem wPhloem w wcollateral vascular bundle epidermis spongeous parenchyma collenchyma Theae folium §Mother plant: Thea sinensis syn. Camellia sinensis, Theaceae w(tea plant, tea-tree (do not confuse with Melaleuca alternifolia, the source of tea tree oil)) camellia-sinensis-1 rost27 Theae folium §Macroscopy: fresh leaves are leaf stalked, green, shiny, from lanceolate to oval shape with serrate margin, leaves of black tea are tubularly curled, black, aromatic odour, aromatic taste, astringent § § rost27mk Red tea = rooibos, Aspalathus linearis, (Fabaceae), also called bushtea Green tea is made from fresh dried leaves. Black tea is made from fermented leaves. The fermentation process is wrongly called fermentation – no fermentation occurs, only oxidation by an enzyme polyphenol oxidase. During this oxidation, constituents in the leaf are changed, so the resulting leaves contain also tea pigments theaflavine and thearubigine. White tea is made from buds and very young leaves (minimally processed). Yellow tea is made similarly as green tea, but it is oxidized for a short time. This produces more mellow taste and it removes the grassy smell of green tea. Red tea refers to rooibos tea, which is made from Aspalathus linearis. Theae folium §Content compounds: purine alkaloids (caffeine 1-5%), tannins, essential oils § §Usage: refreshing beverages, diuretic, obstipative, stimulans § §Interactions: influence on iron absorption caffeine theobromine theophylline Caffeine is one of the least addictive drugs. However, excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are: irritability, fatigue and dysphoria. They usually last for 2-3 days. The lethal dose of caffeine is approx. 10 grams (100 cups of coffee). 3 cups of coffee (300 mg of caffeine) are considered a relatively safe dose. Caffeine stimulates medullary, vasomotor and respiratory centres, which leads to bradycardia, vasoconstriction and increased respiratory rate. In larger doses caffeine has diuretic effect. Mechanism of action: caffeine is an antagonist of adenosine on adenosine receptors. By blocking these receptors, caffeine accelerates nerve signaling, increases wakefulness and constricts the blood vessels in the brain. Blockade of this receptor in the heart leads to the accelerated „pounding“ of the heart after intake of caffeine (heart palpitations). Theae folium §Microscopy: bifacial leaf, upper epidermis, palisade parenchyma, spongeous parenchyma with crystal aggregates and asterosclereids (star-shaped sclerenchymatic cells), collateral vascular bundle with sclerenchyma sheath, lower epidermis with covering trichomes § w thea Theae folium §Microscopy: w epidermis w palisades w w spongeous parenchyma w crystal aggregate w trichome w w asterosclereid cell w wcollateral vascular bundle w w Trifolii fibrini folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Menyanthes trifoliata, Menyanthaceae wbog-bean, buckbean rost29 Trifolii fibrini folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaves trifoliate, lengthily leaf stalked, integerrimum or slightly toothed, upper side richly green, lower side lighter with a broad main vein, without odour, very bitter taste § §Content compounds: glycosidic bitter substances, tannins, flavonoids § §Usage: amare, stomachic, mild cholagogue rost29mk foliamentin mentiafolin Trifolii fibrini folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: thin cuticle, palisade parenchyma, typical spongeous parenchyma (aerenchyma - cells in a chain-like manner), vascular bundle collateral with sclerenchymatic fibers w trifolii Trifolii fibrini folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w epidermis w palisades w w xylem w w phloem w w aerenchyma w wcollateral vascular bundle w w Uvae ursi folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Ericaceae §Kinnikinnick, Pinemat manzanita, Bearberry rost30 Uvae ursi folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaf shiny, leather like, opposite oval, integerrimum (whole) with smooth underwinded blade, dark-green, on the reversed side brighter, netting veins, without odour, bitter taste – astringent – later sweetish § §Content compounds: phenolic glycosides (arbutine, methylarbutine), tannins, flavonoids w §Usage: desinficiens of urinary tract rost30mk arbutin Mechanism of action: arbutin hydrolysis to hydroquinone, which has antiseptic properties. Uvae ursi folium should not be taken for longer periods of time. High doses of hydroquinone are toxic. Uvae ursi folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: upper epidermis with anomocytic stomata (air ducts), thick cuticle, palisades, spongeous parenchyma, crystals of calcium oxalate, lower epidermis with stomata, collateral vascular bundle with collenchyma w uva Uvae ursi folium CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w epidermis w palisades w w w vessels w w sieve tubes w spongeous parenchyma w crystals w wCollateral vascular bundle w w MACROSCOPY Mate folium §Mother plant: Ilex paraguariensis, Aquifoliaceae §leaves and tops of branches treated by smoke of fire (Yerba maté) Ilex_paraguayiensis_p1 Ilex_paraguayiensis_p5 Treatment with smoke inactivates the enzymes, which could otherwise cause unwanted blackening of the drug. Mate folium §Macroscopy: fresh leaves oval-lanceolate, leatherlike, shiny, with numerous glandules, characteristic smoke odour, astringent taste § §Content compounds: purine alkaloids (caffeine 0.5-2.1%), tannins § §Usage: refreshing beverages, stimulans mate caffeine Obsah obrázku hrníček, stůl, vsedě, káva Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Mate in a traditional calabash gourd Crataegi folium cum flore CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus laevigata (C. oxyacanthoides), Rosaceae (Common Hawthorn ) §Crataegi folii cum flore extractum fluidum quantificatum CzPh 2017 §Crataegi folii cum flore extractum siccum CzPh 2017 Crataegi folium cum flore CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: both species leaves on the face dark green, on the reversed side brighter with evident veins, bald or sporadically hairy, pleasant odour, weakly bitter taste w wC. oxyacanthoides – leaf oval, w3-5 lobular, narrowing to stalk, wbluntly to notched toothed w wC. monogyna – obovate and wdeeply lobed, sometimes almost wto the midrib, with the lobes wspreading at a wide angle § § § crataegi1 Crataegi folium cum flore CzPh 2017 §Content compounds: flavonoids (hyperoside, rutin, vitexine) proanthocyanidins, triterpene acids, purine bases § § § § § § § § §Usage: hypotonic, spasmolytic, antisclerotic, sedative tea mixtures hyperoside dimeric procyanidine B2 Type and content of flavonoids are different in flowers, in leaves, and between species. Flowers of C. monogyna and laevigata contain mainly hyperoside. Leaves of C. monogyna contain vitexin-rhamnoside and acetylated derivatives. Leaves of C. laevigata contain nonacetylated derivatives. Plantaginis folium CzPh 2017 wMother plant: Plantago lanceolata, Plantaginaceae (narrowleaf plantain) §Plantaginis sirupus CzPh 2009 §Plantaginis extractum fluidum CzPh 2009 Plantago_lanceolata Plantaginis folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaf lanceolate, narrowing to stalk, integerrimum, brown-green or grey-green, bald, veins parallel with 3-7 down located prominent veins, without odour, mucilaginous taste, bitter-salty § §Content compounds: iridoid glycoside aucubin, flavonoids, mucilage § §Usage: mucilaginose, expectorans, antiphlogistic § plantag2 aucubin When the drug is stored improperly, aucubine hydrolyses and forms brown and black pigments. These can cause brown or black colour of the stored drug. Ribes nigri folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Ribes nigrum, Grossulariaceae (blackcurrant) ribes-nigrum Ribes nigri folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaf stalked, palm-like, 3-5 lobular, serrated on the margin, dark-green, distinct characteristic odour, acidish mild astringent taste § § § § § § § § § § § § § §Content compounds: flavonoids, essential oil, tannins, vitamin C § §Usage: diuretic, diaphoretic, metabolic § ribes1 Herbs Drugs consist of stem, leaves and flowers Adonidis herba §Mother plant: Adonis vernalis, Ranunculaceae (Pheasant's Eye) 14ADONIS VERNALIS Adonidis herba §Macroscopy: rounded, grooved stem with sitting, smooth leaves and big shiny yellow flowers, without odour, bitter taste § §Content compounds: cardioactive glycosides (adonitoxin, cymarin = k-strophantidin + D-cymarose), flavonoids, saponins § §Usage: cardiotonic, diuretic, !poisonous plant! wBekhterev's infusion- mixture of the plant extracts with sodium bromide or codeine to treat heart diseases, panic disorder, dystonia and mild forms of epilepsy. w § § adonidis1 adonitoxin These cardenolides do not accumulate in the organism, they metabolize faster. Agrimoniae herba CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Agrimonia eupatoria, Rosaceae (Common Agrimony) agrimonia-eupatoria-3 Agrimoniae herba CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: branched stem, rounded, roughly hairy, green, leaves imparipinnate with serrated margin, on the face dark green, on the reversed side brighter, felt-like, flowers 5-membered, petals prolongated, gold-yellow, weak aromatic odour, taste slightly bitter, spicy, astringent w w w w w w w w w w w w w §Content compounds: catechine tannins, silicic acid, essential oil § §Usage: antiphlogistic, cholagogue, astringens (poorly healing wounds) § agrimoniae Alchemillae herba CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Alchemilla vulgaris, Rosaceae (lady's mantle) Alchemillae herba CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: stems and leaves richly green, hairy, leaves 7-9 palm-like lobular, without odour, bitter astringent taste § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §Content compounds: mixed tannins, bitter substances § §Usage: astringent, stomachic, dermatic, haemostyptic, gynecologic (folk medicine) § alchemilae1 Astringent for diarrhea with blood. Dermatic for septic cutaneous defects, ulcers. Centaurii herba CzPh 2017 wMother plant: Centaurium erythraea, C. majus, C. suffruticosum, wC. umbellatum, C. minus Gentianaceae (Centaury) 17Centaurium Centaurii herba CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: hollow stem, on the top branched, bald, green to brown, lanceolate leaves, integerrimum, dark green, flowers in cime-like dichasium, pinkish, without odour, very bitter taste § §Dichasium – type of determinate inflorescence, the development of the flower at the apex is followed by two new flower axes developing from buds opposite one another centauri Simple dichasium um.png Dichasium Dichasium - A cymose inflorescence with all branches below the terminal flower in regular opposite pairs. Centaurii herba CzPh 2017 §Content compounds: bitter substances (swertiamarin, sweroside, genciopicrine), flavonoids, essential oil § § § § § § § § §Usage: amare, stomachic, digestive, tonic Image result for swertiamarin swertiamarin Image result for gentiopicrin genciopicrine Centaurii herba has similar use as Gentianae radix – to stimulate appetite Herniariae herba §Mother plant: Herniaria glabra, Herniaria hirsuta, Caryophylaceae (Rupturewort) herniaria-glabra-1 Herniariae herba §Macroscopy: filamentous, richly branched stems, integerrimum leaves oval shaped, small flowers in underarms of leaves, characteristic odour, weak bitter taste § §Content compounds: acidic saponins, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins (umbelliferone, methylumbelliferone = herniarin) § §Usage: diuretic, spasmolytic, urodesinficient herniariae Image result for umbelliferone umbelliferone Image result for herniarin herniarin Saponins have haemolytic properties. Hyperici herba CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Hypericum perforatum, Hypericaceae (St. John´s Wort) §Hyperici herbae extractum siccum quantificatum CzPh 2017 20Hypericum_perforatum Hyperici herba CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: round stem with two longitudinal narrow slats, on the top branched, leaves oval, integerrimum, blade of leaves pointed, 5-membered flowers in cime-like dichasium, yellow, balsamic odour, bitter astringent taste § § hyperici1 Hyperici herba CzPh 2017 §Content compounds: dianthrone derivatives (hypericin), acylphloroglucinols (hyperforin), flavonoids, essential oil, tannins § §Usage: antidepressive, astringent, stomachic, cholagogue, sedative §!not a laxative! (although contains dianthrones) § §Interactions: induction of CYP450 isoenzymes => faster metabolization of medicines (p.o. contraceptives, antidepressants) => they can be ineffective w w Phototoxicity! (urticary can develop) wCzechia – stomachic herbal teas (Species stomachicae) often contain Hyperici herba hypericin Diantrones in Hyperici herba do not have laxative effect. Hyperforin is a prenylated derivative of phloroglucinol. Antidepressant effect usually needs 2-4 weeks of therapy to become observable. Phototoxicity after exposure to sunlight or UV radiation when using Hyperici herba. Hyssopi herba §Mother plant: Hyssopus officinalis, Lamiaceae (Hyssop) w hyssopus-officinalis-1 Hyssopi herba §Macroscopy: branched stem with narrow sitting lanceolate leaves, integerrimum, blue-purple flowers in verticiles in underarms of leaves, typical odour of camphora, sharp spicy taste § § § § § § § § § § § § §Content compounds: essential oil (pinens, ketone pinocamphone), tannins, flavonoids § §Usage: amare, carminative, expectorant, stomachic, diuretic hysherb The essential oil is neurotoxic. Neurotoxicity could be linked to the inhibitory action of ketones on cell respiration.