U1 notes Diphthongs: ae /e:/ -anaemia /ane:mija/ oe /e:/ in the middle, lagoena /lage:na/ a bottle oe /oe/ dyspnoe /dyspnoe/ shortness of breath eu /eu/ eupnoe /eupnoe/ normal breathing consonants: c /ts/ +e,i,y,ae/e:/ certus /tsertus/ certain, acidum /atsidum/ acid c /k/ in all other positions (+ other wovels, consonants, at the end) costa /kosta/ rib, cura /ku:ra/ cure, lac /lak/ milk ch /x Greek chi:/ chirurgia surgery gu+ vowel /gv/ sanguis /sangvis/ blood, lingua /lingva/ tongue qu+vowel /kv/ aqua /akva/ water s between 2 vowels or between l,r + vowel /z/ nasus /na:zus/ nose, bursa /burza/ pouch, little bag ti+vowel /tsi/ operatio /operatsijo:/ th /t, tch/ thorax /toraks/ chest rh /r/, ph /f/ rhaphe /rafe:/ suture