U8 HWK correction, ex1/34 Intestine, kidney, eye, brain, the suture of he palate (!!! The correct form in Latin in genitive is palati!), stop of breathing, unsufficient breathing, the system of vessels, chewing muscle, the parotid gland, infectious inflammation of the parotid gland, the lobe of the liver, infectious inflammation of the liver, the mucous layer of the ureter, symptoms of the inflammation of the tomach, coma /uncousciousness because of a head trauma/injury, solution for narcosis, remedy against acute bronchitis, signs of anaemia, bleeding of an unknown reason. Remedy against diarrhoe, ophthalmic water, stomachic remedies. Ex.2/34 Apnoe congenita, remedium contra haemorrhagiam, vitrum aquae ophthalmicae, symptomata diabetae, comatis, encephalitidis, emesis post operationem, trauma encephali, carcinoma coli, emesis post narcosim.