Hi-fcMJM APPENDIX Appendix to lesson 4 ■ 4.7 The verb jmenovat se The verb jmenovat se literally means "to name oneself", but we translate it as to be called. This verb is reflexive, which means that it is always accompanied by the reflexive pronoun se (jmenuju se, jmenuješ se, jmenuje se...). As you already know from the previous lesson, the reflexive pronoun se (or si, e.g. in the verb dát si) cannot go at the beginning of the sentence occupies the second logical position in the sentence (for more see p. 37, paragraph 6.4). Compare: Jak se jmenuješ? Jmenuju se Ema. Můj přítel se jmenuje John. "How yourself do you name?"What are you called? "I name myself Ema" I'm called Ema. "My friend himself names John" My friend's called John. ■ 4.2Jemu...(!et).Jeji...(let). Observe: Kolik ti je (let)? (informal address) "How many years is it to you?" How old are you? - Je mi 25 (let). "It is 25 (years) to me." I am 25 (years). Kolik vám je (let)? (formal address) "How many years is it to you?" How old are you? - Je mi 25 (let). "It is 25 (years) to me." I am 25 (years). Kolik mu je (let)? "How many years is it to him?" How old is he?-Jemu 22 (let). "It is 22 to him." He is 22. Kolik jí je (let)? "How many years is it to her?" How old is she? - Je jí 5 (let). "It is 5 to her." She is 5. The forms ti, vám, mi, mu, and jí are the personal pronouns in the dative. Compare: The nominative já ty on ona to my vy oni The dative mi ti mu jí mu nám vám jim Note: The forms mi/ti/mu/jf cannot go at the beginning of a sentence. ■ 4.3 Possessive pronouns: müj, moje... The possessive pronouns are: The nominative singular my your (informal} our you r (formal ig. or plural)} his her their Masculine můj tvůj náš váš jeho její jejich Feminine moje tvoje naše vaše Neutre moje tvoje naše vaše Note: The form of a pronoun does not depend on the gender of the person speaking, but it depends on the gender of the noun, with which it goes. Compare: A woman says: To je můj bratr. It's my brother. To je moje sestra. It's my sister. To je moje auto. It's my car. A man says: To je můj bratr. It's my brother. To je moje sestra. It's my sister. To je moje auto. It's my car. ■ 4.4 -ý and -i adjectives You already know from lesson 3 that depending on the nominative singular ending (the form which you will find in the dictionary) we can distinguish two types of adjective: a) Adjectives which end in -ý (-ý adjectives.). b) Adjectives which end in -Í (-Í adjectivesj. You can review the nominative sg. on page 20, paragr. 3.!. 26