5. Regulation of gene expression- in prokaryotes Molecular biology Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D brazdovam@pharm.muni.cz 5_regulace_2020FaF 1 Gene expression - the formation of proteins or RNA products Usually, only a small portion of the genes present in a cell are expressed at a given time Gene expression is regulated differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Level of regulation: • transcription • mRNA stability • translation • post-translation modification 5_regulace_2020FaF 2 Gene expression is regulated differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes TEST In prokaryotic cells, the control of gene expression is mostly at the transcriptional level. • Prokaryotic organisms are single-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus, and their DNA therefore floats freely in the cell cytoplasm. • To synthesize a protein, the processes of transcription and translation occur almost simultaneously. When the resulting protein is no longer needed, transcription stops. As a result, the primary method to control what type of protein and how much of each protein is expressed in a prokaryotic cell is the regulation of DNA transcription. • All of the subsequent steps occur automatically. When more protein is required, more transcription occurs. Therefore, in prokaryotic cells, the control of gene expression is mostly at the transcriptional level. 5_regulace_2020FaF 3 provide plastic metabolism: prepare maximum growth and reproduction under a variety of conditions 4 The only circular DNA in a cell DNA is not complexed with histones The nucleus is not separated from the cytoplasm Gene transcripts do not contain introns Translation and transcription take place simultaneously Basic features of gene expression in prokaryotes NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 311. Simpler regulatory mechanisms than eukaryotes Regulation takes place at the level of transcription initiation 5_regulace_2020FaF 4 mechanisms by which gene expression is rapidly turned on or off in response to changes in the environment provide metabolism plasticity: achieving maximum growth and reproduction under a variety of conditions pre-programmed cascades of gene expression the stimulus affects the expression of a certain gene, the product of which affects the expression of a set of other genes, their products another, etc. 1. Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes: -the only type of RNA polymerase -yet turning genes on and off as needed -rapidly changing environmental conditions -signals to start and stop transcription in the form of small molecule substrates -mediating signal transduction to the promoter by the protein 2. Transcription attenuation 3. Riboswitches - altered secondary structure of mRNA 4. Alternative sigma factors 5_regulace_2020FaF 5 Regulation gene expression in prokaryotes TEST Constitutive expression stable (continuous) expression of genes that encode cell components necessary for the maintenance of normal-operational-cellular functions Eg. expression of genes for rRNA, tRNA, ribosome proteins, RNA polymerases, proteins involved in proteosynthesis, enzymes catalyzing operational functions constitutive genes are thus expressed in most cells 5_regulace_2020FaF 6 Constitutive, inducible and repressible gene expression Inducible / repressible expression gene expression is increased or decreased as needed refers to (inducible / repressible) genes whose products are only needed under certain conditions the synthesis of these genes is under the control of special regulatory systems constitutive expression of these genes would mean an unnecessary energy load on the cell (evolutionary advantage) 5_regulace_2020FaF 7 Constitutive, inducible and repressible gene expression 5_regulace_2020FaF 8 Use of different energy sources in bacteria several hydrocarbons are usable (eg glucose, sucrose, galactose, arabinose, lactose) -if available, E. coli prefers the use of glucose - in the presence of lactose and in the absence of glucose, E. coli cells adapt rapidly: initiates the synthesis of two enzymes: β-galactosidase and β-galactoside permease β-galactoside permease transports lactose into the cell β-galactosidase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose in the absence of lactose in the environment, E. coli cells do not synthesize these enzymes TEST Induction of genes for the use of lactose • expression of both genes is rapidly induced in the absence of glucose and in the presence of lactose • The process of turning on gene expression by a substance delivered to the environment in which a cell grows is called induction • the genes whose expression is thus regulated are called inducible • induction occurs at the level of transcription and changes the number of molecules of the respective proteins (not the activity of already existing proteins) • typical inducible enzymes are enzymes involved in catabolic (degradation) pathways Repression of genes for tryptophan synthesis • bacteria can synthesize most of the organic molecules necessary for their growth (amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, etc.) • eg in the E. coli genome there are 5 genes encoding enzymes involved in tryptophan biosynthesis • their expression is necessary in an environment lacking tryptophan (to ensure proteosynthesis) • in the environment with tryptophan the expression of these genes is unnecessary, regulatory mechanisms ensure their repression (attenuation) • in the absence of tryptophan, derepression occurs (expression of the relevant genes is switched on) • repression occurs at the transcriptional level • enzymes involved in anabolic (synthetic) processes are often repressible • repression is not the same as negative feedback (the product of the biosynthetic pathway inhibits the activity of the first enzyme of the pathway) Repression of genes for tryptophan synthesis Summary TEST • in prokaryotes, genes providing operational functions (rRNA, tRNA, ribosome proteins) are constitutively expressed; other genes are usually expressed depending on the need for their products • genes that encode enzymes of catabolic pathways are often expressed inducibly; only in the presence of appropriate substrates • the expression of genes encoding enzymes of anabolic (synthetic) pathways is usually switched off in the presence of the end product of this pathway; they are repressible • gene expression can be regulated at many levels, but regulation of transcription is most common Positive and negative regulation of gene expression • the cell has regulatory proteins that can induce or inhibit the expression of one or more genes • they are encoded by regulatory genes • positive regulatory mechanisms turn on the expression of structural genes • negative regulatory mechanisms turn off the expression of structural genes • in both cases inducible and repressible systems can be applied • regulatory proteins bind to DNA at a regulator protein binding site (RPBS) adjacent to the structural gene promoter • in positive regulatory systems, regulatory proteins are termed activators because, upon binding to RPBS, they activate the transcription of structural genes • in negative regulatory systems, regulatory proteins are called repressors because, after binding to RPBS, they repress the transcription of structural genes Activators and repressors Effector molecules • the binding of a regulatory protein to the RPBS site depends on the presence of effector molecules • effector molecules are usually small molecules (amino acids, sugars, etc.) • effector molecules involved in the induction of gene expression are termed inducers • effector molecules involved in the repression of gene expression are termed corepressors 5_regulace_2020FaF 15 Basic concepts • repressor is a protein encoded by regulatory genes that bind to DNA to stop transcription of an operon. • operator is a DNA sequence outside the operon to which a specific repressor protein regulating the functionality of a structural gene binds. • operon is a unit that coordinates and regulates gene activity in prokaryotes controlling protein synthesis. It contains regulatory elements and genes encoding proteins. • inducer is a compound that leads to the production of a larger amount of a given protein (enzyme) in a cell, by direct binding to the regulatory sequences of its gene. • promoter is the 5´-non-coding sequence of the gene to which RNA polymerase binds. • regulator: any substance that is involved in the regulation of molecular processes • regulatory protein: the self-entity involved in regulation usually binds to the promoter • allosteric effector: compound that leads to the production of conformation changes of protein • Activator protein that binds to prokaryotic operators to increase transcription • catabolite activator protein (CAP) protein that complexes with cAMP to bind to the promoter sequences of operons which control sugar processing when glucose is not available • inducible operon operon that can be activated or repressed depending on cellular needs and the surrounding environment • lac operon - operon in prokaryotic cells that encodes genes required for processing and intake of lactose• negative regulator- protein that prevents transcription • Operator- region of DNA outside of the promoter region that binds activators or repressors that control gene expression in prokaryotic cells • Operon- collection of genes involved in a pathway that are transcribed together as a single mRNA in prokaryotic cells • positive regulator- protein that increases transcription • Repressor- protein that binds to the operator of prokaryotic genes to prevent transcription • transcriptional start site- site at which transcription begins • trp operon- series of genes necessary to synthesize tryptophan in prokaryotic cells • Tryptophan- amino acid that can be synthesized by prokaryotic cells when necessary • - 5_regulace_2020FaF 16 Participants in gene expression regulation: regulator: any substance that is involved in the regulation of molecular processes regulatory protein own entity involved in regulation, they mostly bind to the promoter allosteric effector low-molecular substance, which changes its binding to the regulatory protein and its affinity for the regulated region Types of regulators: positive regulator induces transcription, translation negative regulator stops transcription, translation 5_regulace_2020FaF 17 Activation by recruitment of RNA polymerase. (a) In the absence of both activator and repressor, RNA polymerase occasionally binds the promoter spontaneously and initiates a lowlevel (basal level) of transcription. (b) Binding of the repressor to the operator sequence blocks binding of RNA polymerase and so inhibits transcription. (c) Recruitment of RNA polymerase by the activator gives high levels of transcription. RNA polymerase is shown recruited in the closed complex (see Fig. 13-3). It then spontaneously isomerizes to the open complex and initiates transcription. If both the repressor and activator are present and functional, the action of the repressor typically overcomes that of the activator. (This case is not shown in the figure.) Allosteric effect: interaction of the effector with the regulatory protein RP E RP RO change in conformation of a regulatory protein creation or destruction of a binding site for the regulatory region 5_regulace_2020FaF ➢change in the conformation of the regulatory protein ➢destruction or creation of a binding site for the regulatory region ➢interaction of the effector with the regulatory protein Types of allosteric effectors: negative allosteric effector prevents binding of the regulatory protein to the regulatory region positive allosteric effector allows binding of the regulatory protein to the regulatory region http://teachmephysiology.com/basics/enzyme-activity/enzyme-inhibition/ 5_regulace_2020FaF 19 Types of regulatory proteins: negative their binding to the regulatory region prevents RNA polymerase from transcribing the transcription unit positive their binding to the regulatory region allows RNA polymerase to transcribe the transcription unit transcription activators ➢Síť regulačních vztahů: regulátor negativnípozitivní zastavuje transkripci navozuje transkripci molekulární efektory regulační proteiny pozitivní negativní pozitivní negativní vážou se na regulační proteiny vážou se na regulační oblast navozuje transkripci zastavuje transkripci umožňuje vazbu regulačního proteinu na regulační oblast zabraňuje vazbě regulačního proteinu na regulační oblast5_regulace_2020FaF 20 21 RNA polymerase regulation by repressor - negative control repressor is encoded by a regulatory gene After synthesis, the repressor diffuses to the promoter and binds in a region called the operator (usually part of the promoter) The repressor blocks RNA polymerase binding to the promoter mRNA synthesis does not occur NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 312. 5_regulace_2020FaF 21 regulatory gene REPRESOR 22 The repressor is controlled by two mechanisms Induction Corepression inductor is a small molecule that binds to a repressor, changes its conformation, and causes disconnection from the operator Transcription can begin Inducers: small molecules of nutrients or their metabolites repressor is not active unless the corepressor is attached to it. The repressorcorepressor complex binds to DNA and prevents RNA polymerase binding There is no transcription Corepressors: small molecules of nutrients or their metabolites 5_regulace_2020FaF 22 Inducible systems TEST Repressible systems 25 Operon theory Structural genes in bacteria are often grouped into operons NOVÁK, Jan. Biochemie I. Brno: Muni, 2009, s. 311. Operon •Includes structural genes for metabolically coupled proteins • The genes in the operon are usually expressed in a coordinated way (they are either all "off" or all "on") • The transcription product is polycistronic mRNA • Transcription is regulated by a single promoter •RNA polymerase is regulated - positively or negatively 5_regulace_2020FaF 25 Operon promotor gen A gen B gen C terminátor Poslední nukleotid terminátoru Startovací nukleotid AUG AUG AUG DNA RNA – primar transcript RNA polymerase TRANSKRIPCE • THE PROMOTOR MAY OVERLAPP WITH THE OPERATOR • The size of the individual regions does not correspond to reality, the genes are in fact much • larger than the regulatory regions operator REPRESOR gen A gen B gen C terminátor Operon regulation - positive and negative operon regulation: 5_regulace_2020FaF 26 1) Negative regulation of the operon: is the essence of enzyme induction and repression binding of the active repressor to the operator stops transcription 2) Positive regulation of the operon: is the essence of catabolic repression binding of CAP to a promoter in the presence of an inducer induces transcription 5_regulace_2020FaF 27 Operon regulation - positive and negative operon regulation: TEST Inducible operon •free repressor binds to the operator and thus sterically prevents RNA polymerase from initiating transcription of structural genes transcription turned off • by binding the inducer, the repressor is inactivated - it loses the ability to bind to the operator - transcription is switched on ➢Enzyme induction (negative regulation): most often refers to the induction of enzymes induced by inducers In general, genes, proteins, enzymes… ➢inducible enzymes ➢constitutive enzymes ➢their synthesis does not depend on the presence of an inducer ➢they are formed in the cell in a constant amount promotor operátor geny terminátor represor inducer-inactivates the repressor transkripce inactive complex 5_regulace_2020FaF 29 gene transcription takes place, induced enzymes are formed transkripce genů probíhá - tvoří se indukovatelné enzymy induktor - inactivation represor inaktivní komplex promotor operator geny terminator represorrepresor transkripce induktor 5_regulace_2020FaF 30 31 1) Example of induction Induction of the lac operon by lactose in E. coli Enzymes for glucose metabolism by glycolysis are constitutively produced in E. coli When lactose is added, the cells adapt and begin to produce other enzymes encoded by the lac operon Allolactose (an isomer of lactose formed spontaneously) serves as an inducer, binds to and inactivates the repressor. RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter and transcribe structural genes in the lac operon to produce polycistronic RNA, which encodes three other enzymes (β-galactosidase, permease, and transacetylase) * The process takes place when there is a lack of glucose in the cell 5_regulace_2020FaF 31 Repressible operon •free repressor cannot bind to operator - transcription enabled • the binding of the corepressor to the repressor restores the ability of the repressor to bind to the operator - transcription disabled 2) Enzyme repression: corepression -it most often concerns enzymes of biosynthetic pathways - the synthesis of these enzymes is suppressed by a specific metabolite of a given metabolic pathway, which accumulates in a critical amount and stops further synthesis - synthesis resumes as soon as the metabolite concentration falls below a critical value 5_regulace_2020FaF 33 Example of corepression Corepression of trp operon (tryptophan synthesis in E.coli) The genes for tryptophan synthesis enzymes (5 enzymes in total) are concentrated in the trp operon Tryptophan is a corepressor, it binds to an inactive repressor, it changes its conformation. The tryptophan-repressor complex inhibits operon transcription. 3. http://www.mun.ca/biology/scarr/bio4241_chapter13.htm 5_regulace_2020FaF 34 Corepression of trp operon (tryptophan synthesis in E.coli) The genes for tryptophan synthesis enzymes (5 enzymes in total) are concentrated in the trp operon Tryptophan is a corepressor, it binds to an inactive repressor, it changes its conformation. The tryptophan-repressor complex inhibits operon transcription. TEST represor gene transcription does not take place - corepressor synthesis stops promotor operator geny terminator corepressor – activatione represor represor 5_regulace_2020FaF 35 Lactose operon in E. coli: induction and catabolic repression The structural genes of the lac operon are transcribed only in the presence of lactose and in the absence of glucose Lac operon induction • the lac I gene encodes a repressor • in the absence of an inducer, the repressor binds to the lac operator and blocks the transcription of structural genes • the inducer is allolactose, which is formed from lactose by a bgalactosidase catalysed reaction • by binding of allolactose to the repressor, the repressor is released from the operator, the transcription of structural genes is thus switched on Reaction catalyzed by -galaktosidase 5_regulace_2020FaF 39 Structure of the lac operon • The lac operon contains three genes: lacZ, lacY, and lacA. These genes are transcribed as a single mRNA, under control of one promoter. • Genes in the lac operon specify proteins that help the cell utilize lactose. lacZ encodes an enzyme that splits lactose into monosaccharides (single-unit sugars) that can be fed into glycolysis. Similarly, lacY encodes a membrane-embedded transporter that helps bring lactose into the cell. • The lacZ gene encodes an enzyme called βgalactosidase, which is responsible for splitting lactose (a disaccharide) into readily usable glucose and galactose (monosaccharides). • The lacY gene encodes a membrane protein called lactose permease, which is a transmembrane "pump" that allows the cell to import lactose. • The lacA gene encodes an enzyme known as a transacetylase that attaches a particular chemical group to target molecules. It's not clear if this enzyme actually plays any role in lactose breakdown. In addition to the three genes, the lac operon also contains a number of regulatory DNA sequences. These are regions of DNA to which particular regulatory proteins can bind, controlling transcription of the operon. the promoter is the binding site for RNA polymerase, the enzyme that performs transcription. The operator is a negative regulatory site bound by the lac repressor protein. The operator overlaps with the promoter, and when the lac repressor is bound, RNA polymerase cannot bind to the promoter and start transcription. The CAP binding site is a positive regulatory site that is bound by catabolite activator protein (CAP). When CAP is bound to this site, it promotes transcription by helping RNA polymerase bind to the promoter. Catabolic repression • glucose prevents the induction of the lactose operon: this ensures the preferential use of glucose instead of less efficient energy sources • The lac promoter has two components • RNA polymerase binding site • catabolite activator protein (CAP) binding site • binding of the CAP to the promoter activates transcription of the lac operon • CAP binds to the promoter only in the presence of a sufficient level of cyclic AMP (cAMP) - cAMP functions as an effector molecule • the level of cAMP is under the control of glucose (glucose prevents the activation of adenylate cyclase, ie the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cAMP) Organization of the lac operon in the promoter-operator CAP positively regulates the lac operon, cAMP is an effector • In the presence of glucose • adenylate cyclase is inactive • cAMP levels are low • CAP cannot bind to a lac operon • the structural genes of the lac operon are not expressed • operator • In the absence of glucose • adenylate cyclase is active • cAMP levels are high • CAP / cAMP binds to the lac operon • the structural genes of the lac operon are expresse 5_regulace_2020FaF 42 Catabolite activator protein (CAP; also known as cAMP receptor protein, CRP) is a trans-acting transcriptional activator that exists as a homodimer in solution. ➢Enzyme induction: ➢2) Catabolic repression: ➢the substrate suppresses the synthesis of inducible enzymes even in the presence of an inducer ➢Example: Galactose suppresses β-galactosidase synthesis even in the presence of lactose as an inducer promotor operator genes terminator represor induktor inactivate represor RNA polymerase has a low affinity for the promoter - it does not bind and transcription occurs at a low frequency promotor operator genes terminator CAP-cAMP- complex increases the affinity of RNA polymerase for the promoter CAP transcription represor inactive affinity of RNA polymerase for promoter-binding transcription is ongoing 5_regulace_2020FaF 43 5_regulace_2020FaF 44 TEST ➢Regulation- lac operonu: https://www.slideshare.net/alokbharti18/regulation-of-gene-expression 5_regulace_2020FaF 45 1. 2. 5_regulace_2020FaF 46 Attenuation • Attenuation means the premature termination (interruption) of transcription by a change in the secondary structure of the mRNA. It occurs when a cell does not need a transcription product. Part of the operon is an area called the attenuator. • In prokaryotes, both transcription and translation take place at the same time. Imagine that behind the RNA polymerase, which produces mRNA for tryptophan synthesis proteins, the ribosome is already moving and forming these proteins. As RNA polymerase approaches the 5 'end of the transcript, many codons for tryptophan appear. • An example is the trp operon that produces tryptophan: 5_regulace_2020FaF 47 http://www.mun.ca/biology/desmid/brian/BIOL2060/BIOL2060-23/23_08.jpg5_regulace_2020FaF 48 Riboswitch: secondary structure of mRNA capable of binding any ligand Binding of the ligand to the mRNA changes its secondary structure - "on" or "off" gene expression http://www.umich.edu/~rnapeopl/WalterSummaryRiboswitch.htm 5_regulace_2020FaF 49 riboswitch is a regulatory segment of a messenger RNA molecule that binds a small molecule, resulting in a change in production of the proteins encoded by the mRNA.[Thus, an mRNA that contains a riboswitch is directly involved in regulating its own activity, in response to the concentrations of its effector molecule. The discovery that modern organisms use RNA to bind small molecules, and discriminate against closely related analogs, expanded the known natural capabilities of RNA beyond its ability to code for proteins, catalyze reactions, or to bind other RNA or protein macromolecules. Transkripce Translace TEST Prokaryotic RNA polymerase • It recognizes the promoters of all transcription units • Composed of 5 types of subunits • 2x α • 40 kDa - maintains the stability of the complex • 1x β • 155 kDa - Key for rNTP binding to enzyme • 1x β ‘ • 160 kDa - Key for template DNA template binding • 1x ω • 160 kDa - regulatory and stabilization roles • 1x σ • 85 kDa - the so-called σ-factor - Key for binding to the promoter - several "interchangeable" variants, each providing binding to a different type of promoter • The rate of polymerization is about 15-20 nt / s - depends on the presence of σ-factor, ribosomes and the like Alternative sigma factors: Sigma factor (σ factor) is required to initiate protein transcription in bacteria. It is a bacterial transcription initiation factor that allows specific binding of RNA polymerase (RNAP) to gene promoters. 5_regulace_2020FaF 50