Biology - practical classes
Credit test
- ONLINE, questionnaire (ROPOT) in IS MUNI
- The topics of the questions are based on materials from all practical classes (accessible in the corresponding chapters of IO). CAVE!: The document "Fundamentals of spectrophotometry" was added to the first chapter; it is also included in the credit test!
- 20 questions
- Settings:
- Multiple-choice
answers, with one or more correct answers
- +2
points for a correct answer, -1 point for an incorrect answer, 0 points
for no answer
- Maximum
possible score: 40 points
- To pass,
students must achieve: 30 points (75%)
- Time: 25
minutes (the questionnaire is made available to students within the time
slot assigned to their seminar group), with a time limit of 75 seconds
per question.
- The test
is paginated, with 2 questions per page; once a page is submitted, it is
not possible to return to previous questions.
- Evaluation: Results are recorded in IS in the notes section (corresponding notebook): the information will indicate "Passed" or "Not Passed," and IS will also display the total points achieved.
Fulfillment of Exam Requirements
Exam dates will be announced in IS in a way that sets a requirement for students to meet certain conditions to register for the exam date (a so-called exam series with restrictions).These requirements are:
- 100%
attendance at laboratory exercises + submission of protocols (1 point)
- Successful
completion of the credit test (1 point)
The fulfillment of these conditions (total of all
points) is recorded in the auto-summary block "Fulfillment of Exam
The block will show a full score of 2 points (1
point for attendance and 1 point for the credit test).
If a student wants to verify what they earned
points for in the auto-summary block, they should check the individual notes
sections with evaluations. If the block contains the evaluation "Passed
*1," it means that 1 point was awarded for that task (requirement).