SD = 15.06) groups differed significantly on GPA [F(1,585) = 5.04, p = .02]. Analyses also re- vealed that the proportion of alexithymic and non-alexithymic individuals falling into the three different academic success groups were significantly different [v2 = 6.50, df = 2, p = .04]. For the non-alexithymic group, the proportions for unsuccessful, moderately successful, and successful were 12.3%, 71.1%, and 16.6% respectively; for the alexithymic group the proportions were 15.5%, 77.9%, and 6.5% respectively. For the sub-set of participants who completed the PANAS, the alexithymic (N = 48) and non-alexithymic (N = 332) groups were not significantly different on the positive or negative affect scales (p > .05). 1264 J.D.A. Parker et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 38 (2005) 1257­1267