1c, 2f, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6e POSSIBLE ANSWERS Am I allowed to, can, can’t, mustn’t, will be allowed to, could, can‘t 1C, 2P, 3C, 4P, 5C, 6P, 7C, 8P, 9C, 10P, 11C, 12P, 13C, 14P didn’t have to be, must be/must have been, can’t be/can’t have been, must be, must be, had to be, must have been imported, must have laid was/were, contained, opened, was/were, could be, had/could have have been have been make caught didn’t wait up hadn’t done 1 have to/must, 2 must/have to, 3 has to/will have to, 4 MUST, 5 having to, 6 should have, 7 must/have to/should, 8 will have to/must/should/have to, 9 have to/must, 10 should, 11 had to