THE SCREEN A Child's Mind EHE CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE; \ Bcrein play \>y DeWitt Rnrfppn t riirpctŕrt! toy G-untíier v. >Yitaeh and Robert prniiiicpd by Val Lewton ídľ RKO Radio I Pictures. At the Rial to. rena......, .............* <. . - Simcjne Simon Oliver Reed.....+ ..^*..........Kent Smith vlico Reed..................Jane Randolph. \my Roed.....♦♦.♦.,-..........Ahn carter 3arbara~................. .EUzaneth Russell tffae Cullansn - -. r *..............Eve ilEircii fulla Farren. ,, T.....,......... Julia Dean 3d*vard....... H............... .Sir Lancelot Donald..........................Jo« Davis ^ois. T____,.*.-,,.«* *»♦. .... Ju wiita Alvarez , In a film called "The Curse of 'Jhe Cat People'* you would hardly yepect to find a quite wistful and appealing little story of a small £irľs fantasies* Yet that is surprisingly the substance of the new tenant on the Rial to" s screen and pou could have knocked us over with a snowball when we saw it in diat usually lurid place. True, its, ÍKO producers have injected some íorror elements and have tried to oretend that it is a sequel to their ľCat People" of a year or so back, put actually it makes a rare departure Tom the ordinary run of fiorror films and emerges as an addly touching- study of the working of a sensitive child's mind. í The story is very simple. A lit-fle girl is inclined to dream; her nind creates all sorts of fancies, örtlich upsets her daddy no en á. But when she builds up an imagi-lary playmate who was actually ler daddy1 s former vife—a lady who had disturbing- traffic with the /cat people" in that former filmte gets mad and punishes his laughter. Thereupon she runs iway. There is a frantic chase in £ snowstorm. Then everything >;urns out all right* It is too bad that commercial considerations should have necessitated horror in this iiim, for it is best when its producers are creating the unworldly disposition of a hhild. And little Ann Carter in ie main role of the youngster is Remarkably good. Kent Smith and : Tane Randolph are pleasant as her parents and Simone Simon plays -Oie beautiful, lady quite nicely,; iyhilé Julia Dean is likely as a curious crone. The whole conception :ind- c on a tru ctí on of this picture indicates an imaginative approach.! its chief fault is that it is cursed jvith a flavor and some of the claptrap from that "Cat People" film. Et»r íícUr Jlork Simcs Copyright © The New York Times Originally published March 4, 1944