Presentation Assessment Criteria

1. Preparedness        (audience analysis, notes, body language…) 5 (maybe some research)


2. Organisation          -title 5 – too general, too vague

- introduction – 4 – (structure was all right but wrong comments related to the attitude of the audience)

- purpose statement – 5 – (only topic, no purpose stated)

- main body

- key points – 5 – almost impossible to recognise them as such

- logical sequence -6 – no coherence or structure

- sing-posting language – 4 -
- ending – 5

- conclusion – 5 – was present but with no relation to what has been said

- closure – 6- none

                                   - timing – 6 - did not manage to say what he wanted or planned


3. Content                  - topic coverage 4 (unrelated topics included)            

- relevant to academic audience 2

- informative 4 (a lot information the audience surely knows)

- understandable 5 (no structure, too large scope of topics)

- interesting 5 (too chaotic to be interesting)

- entertaining 2 (an unintentional one man show)


4. Language               - appropriate to audience 2

- explanation of jargon 2
- voice  
- speed 2
- volume 1
- clarity 1
- intonation 2

- grammatical accuracy 4 (use of Czech words, wrong word order and other grammatical structures)

- correct pronunciation of key words 3


5. Body language       - eye contact 2

- use of notes 4 (they seemed to be ineffective but sometimes he managed to use them effectively)

- stance, enthusiasm – 5 – slightly arrogant attitude


6. Visuals                   - appropriate – 5- not really used (writing on the white board)

                                   - supportive – 6

- clear - 6

7. Questions               - handling of the discussion – 5 (one word sentences, impolite attitude to the audience)

                                   - clear, appropriate responses – 4 (some background knowledge but often presented in an unacceptable way)

8. Complex impression 6