nil 3.-y h 1 Lesson < --Jt^tfXiíř L ( Lectures on Kanji) ^.fr6T'$/rl? - 1 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 1 -) The ancient Chinese drew pictures of various things around them. These pictures have gradually been simplified and have taken on a square shape to make them easier to write. This is how the present Kanji characters were made. Each Kanji, therefore, carries a specific meaning. Look at the following picture. Guess the meanings of the Kanji characters below. . LU 2. J|| 3. ffl 4. tK 5. 0 6. n 7. A P 10. ^ — i — Lesson 1 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading). Picture —»- d8®$~ ^^ ffl E3 - Kanji 0 * lij JU m A p -R - PI 'KUN' Ü- o# *ří frt> U-t <*> <&i (*« 'ON' [MON] Meaning [NICHI] sun day [GETSU] moon month [MOKU] tree [BOKU] [SAN] mountain ( [SEN] ) river [DEN] rice field [JIN] man [NIN] person [KOU] mouth [SHA] car gate X ( ) reading is rarely used. When a single Kanji is used alone as a word, we usually read it by its 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) which gives its meaning. When Kanji are used together with other Kanji to make a word, we often read them by their 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading). Generally speaking, however, the way of reading Kanji should be decided according to each individual word. Lesson 1 J--y b 2 -m-Wt Jiz—Jl 1 : Make every Kanji the same size and put them in a square. a fc% JU—)U 2 '. Follow the basic stroke order. (1) Write from left to right. ľ (2) Write downward. W (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. — 2 ------3 (4) Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order. 123 llll (5) Draw a square in the following way. 1 2—, 3 (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. 1 2—, 3 4 5 ii n> n m a c.f. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. 12 3 4 ))/~)\/ 3 '. There are three basic ways to end a stroke. ® Stop _j^ Stretch (D Hook n Lesson 1 ü^ !/>&. *•;) (4) 1 n Fi a \^ B (O-) the sun, a day B Bf B (K% ■ l o ■ tß) Sunday B#(tC • ^í^/^Co • (í A.) Japan 3 B (*o • fr) the 3rd day n moon month -**■> (4) ) n JI H l(oí) the moon, a month 1 M (V^^b * ^"^) January MMB Ofo ■ i Ť • Vs) Monday 1 (^o)3Ô\H (Ifo) one month * tree **? (4) -— t t * - *(§) a tree **t(š • tff>) Japanese name *«B(Í>< • io ■ m Thursday ÜJ mountain *?t y-y (3) 1 X di i LllOá) a mountain lilT(^f • Lfz) Japanese name S±Li] (A • Ľ • £ A,) Mt. Fuji iAcUU (fr • S'Á,) a volcano Lesson 1 iH^ !/•>& 3= (fr<1"Ť) )l river frfo/-frt> (-b>) (3) ) )l J' JU (fr t>) a river t -í ;i/JI| (&v>£ ■ frfo) the Nile River S rice field (5) 1 niDFRffl ! BS (fc) Alí a rice field E+ Ot • � Japanese name lil 03 (-f1 í • /í) Japanese name 1 man ' \- person -> (2) J A A{Ü-t) man, a person B#A(K • liA • Z AS) a Japanese 3 A(£A- • Ľ AS) three people n mouth <*>/-<**) ^^ (3) \ n a □ (<*>) a mouth Hin (T? • <**>) an exit ADO'11) • C~h) an entrance AP(Ľ.A,' £Ť) population — 5 — Lesson 1 8H= v>& 3S (^<"to) IL car (7) \ n H S E || $«l>l) a car f^ÍTrÁ. • Lf) a train ěíS$(L • ť-) • Ľp) a car, an automobile n gate (8) r r p f n n n - FMA,) agate ^PK-tírA • &/1) a speciality L — 6 — Lesson 1 2 — 2. J;*tiAL t* 9 (Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. * 2. ¥ 3. J? 4. f"! 5. B 6. A 7. U 8. LÜ 9. Jl| 10. ffl 11. AD 12. ÜJ ffl ^ I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. H Í 0 2. M M B 3. *|a 4. B* ť) ťl ti Oh -t< 5. #±dli3^15B -e-ťo Today is the 15th of March. ^0 iéz 6. i)ff)Xi±\hl\\^A,X'-fo That man over there is Mr. Yamakawa. 7. lillll § A.(± B^A'C'ťo Mr. Yamakawa is a Japanese. 8. $) <>i 9^ A!o 15. Monday 01 19. population 4. April 4 8. August 8 12. December 1 2 16. Thursday D33 Bf & < J: 9 0s' 20. a speciality It i C SA. ĽA, Z9 * A- í^ 22. Mr. Yamada 23. Miss Yamakawa 24. the Tone River íl I I I |^ ^ f J a Ľ IžA, UA ** fc* t fc #fc> — 9 Lesson 2 |£v {- a* m ii7h 1 -MTQttÜ L ( Lectures on Kanji) %.&*>?% tzE& - 2 - ( Kanji made from pictures -2-) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1- X 2- -k 3. & 4. £ s. Ť 6. ^ 7. ± 8- & 9. 5fe — 10 — Lesson 2 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Remember that each Kanji has its 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading). Picture Ě& - \^ - ^ et'/** o. I p d > -a y Kanji X :-yv777~ —*— -—C— ± -:£--*' Lži \0 - Í"* Í- <^W >±- 4 ft 'KUN' X> AT ^te o*, £A,& 'ON' Meaning tKA] fire [sun water [KIN] gold money metal [DO] ground earth soil [SHI] [JO] child woman female (ifc-Ä) [GAKU] study v>-|4 [SEI] SŠ [SEN] live birth foregoing previous Usually the 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading) of Kanji will be written using Katakana in a Kanji dictionary. Therefore, students are expected to learn Katakana as soon as possible after mastering Hiragana. — 11 Lesson 2 J--y h 2 ------------i&-Ü (1) a horizontal line t/^-t, o*, . — i. $■ (2) a vertical line ^fe o*> *?i ^, ; i) i Jj (3) a slanting line D-h Š frfa tu>. y<^ * & (4) a short hook o§ *T i fiv>. ^ >K f (5) a long hook £§; š #d ii% *U>. ^Q ft. <\U (6) a corner <*> ^i fcA,& b^L iu». O iL it ÍÄ (7) a dot and various short lines Ü- **< rt>fc -£v> *.<,>. \h ^£-3Í ^ 12 — Lesson 2 a» t>* 35 OK 17) t fire (4) \ \ • f X ■X(Z>) fire jJCÜJ 06» • £"A<) a volcano •XmUifr- i Ť • ÜO Tuesday ^iy? water *1* *-f (4) I i] K *. *(*f) water 7kffl(1-V> • X'A,) a rice field *BIB {t^ • ± Ô • ľf) Wednesday t . gold, money metal (8) / /v £v <Ž> ^ f fr t SäáK^fcO money áfcffl (^fa • /i) Japanese name £.{%k) gold &HB(ŠA- £? ■ tf) Friday i ground earth, soil o*, K (3) — *+ "ÍL ±(o*>) the ground ±ÍB(t!'J:v Of) Saturday ±?k (ť ■ (5X ) civil engineering 13 — Lesson 2 m* \,->fr < A, <£ ä *>3l (^ < -f ?) 1 child (3) -7 M 5- Ť(i)ffe a child &(.fcA,fc)WŤ(.r) a girl ÍCŤ^^(Ľ i • L • #*< ■ -£) a girl student £ - woman female (3) C k ■k &(£/,&) a woman £(Í3Á,&)<7)A (Ü- t) a woman ífcícW^ • Ľ-fc) she f study (Ü-Ä) jft/ifv-(8) \ \» \V ry ^ & Ť f áf^O^X • -tt\/->) a student ;fc^(ŕiv> • ás<) a university ^fäO^o -Ü) a school i live birth ■5-ÍrLÄ (5) 7 A- t * i t(v>)šž tolive £B)ftl£ tobeborn ftífe(-tí^ • -t^) a teacher ^£(^< • -£v>) a student — 14 — Lesson 2 9& V>* 35 W><1-ô) 19 fr previous foregoing (6) ) >- * it ž-k ft (3 š) ahead ftJI (-t^ • (fo) last month ft£(-£A --tírv») a teacher 20 ^ private fcfcfzL/t>Ťz< L) I %ĽÍĽX^{L ■ tyo • /iv> •;&*<) a private university — 15 — Lesson 2 2 — 2. <£<&ŕlA,Um> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. & 2. Ť 3. & A. 'X 5. * 6. á- 7. ± 3. J3 S B 9.*|B 10. * BI B 11. * S Xô Xi Xb Xi 12. & Bi B 13. ± BS H 14. B Bf B 15. ^ ífe 16. % ŠL ť> ť> ti H. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. C;ft.l±lljJII$A.Oi5:&'C~to 2. t^á-č/U *£<7f£^0 3. á5óD&<7)A!±^£-e-ťo 4. fÁla$feítitřiá*ř) ä-čA,,, 5. ü 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 8. a woman HI HI HI As< frfcL- -Ö-A •tři'' ?£ 18. Mr. Kaneda 19. Miss Tsuchida 20. a gold car ^ ^ i i (7) A>*t tí 1% tí $— (a calendar) > 2. P3 0 . "% " 0 o 0 o W " ° x3 ■> •> o O p S" ° ? \ ° o [, a a J Q ^ ( «r " o ° l*m\ O 0 0 ° U ■ n ° 0 ° \-~-~S o -| r\ ° 0 \§ŕy °( " K. o *■> Jy n /"n. í) t.0, Xr Q n 'X * * Ä ± 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [Questions] i. 2j!i2a!±{BJSH (UiiEiO -ei-^, 2. 2fll5B!±f5JBÍH-C-t^ 3. 2fll7HI±{ňjBiHri-^, 4. 2i3 21H(±MBlH-t-t^ 5. 2^23Bi±WllH-C*1-^, — 19 Lesson 3 ÍŤZ^ŽA, fr m Sani n. - y K 1 ----------at^Wifc U ( Lectures on Kanji) ái (Numbers) Abstract ideas like numbers are indicated with the fingers and other signs. Look at the following signs, "-o" is the Hiragana ending. Sign — Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning — D-t-o [ICHI] one H &fz-D [NI] two —. *o-o [SAN] three l-o-o [SHI] four [+- S"? - Cň3 - 0 "* lp -* 3_ - Í v^o-o [GO] five i 3+2 w * X; - A -* 7\ tf^"0 [ROKU] six )3+3 J'fcrr^ Hjz* - -bi - -t &&-° [SHICHI] seven V^_ 5+2 ^~- 4^+4/T\^ /^ - A *o-o [HACHI] eight S/lLp^ Tb "- /L - % C^»-o [KYUU] nine ě t)o one (thing) —^ (v^*) • á?o) January —A(ľ>t • ty) one (person) —^(v>-t> • faÁ,) one year two &ŤZ--0 (2) :(^/c)o two (things) In ((- • Ä5o) February ZZA(^/c-ty) two (people) —3p(lC • fa A,) two years 23 ;z ^ three *0-0 (3) — rr _.— H(&o)o three (things) = Ji(£A,-#io) March HB(*o • ?W the 3rd day H^(£A, • faA-) three years — 21 — Lesson 3 »3= <& <1--7) m four J; o-o -> J: A/J: (5) i n vi m ES H U o) o four (things) I0(io'*) the 4th day Kfl (t • ifii) April fflípU • taA,) four years i five \j\i-i a' (4) ■—■ r t Ž- S(v>o)o five (things) IHfr>o-á>) the 5th day 2J3(r-rt*o) May 2^(r-fcA,) five years / \ six (4) V -*- -X- 3- AC(tro)o six (things) *AB (tfV> • fr) the 6th day TaJI (5 < • tffo) June A^(ó< • te,0 six years 4r seven &&-0 ->■?-(2) — \1 -fc(£&)o seven (things) *-faH (&« • :#>) the 7th day -fc^(L-í)-/Ô*o) July -fc*P(L-lb-fcA,) seven years — 22 — Lesson 3 ss* VÄ < A, J; * * > 3 5 06» < 1" 7) A eight (2) y ;\ A(^o)o eight (things) *AHUd-;H the 8th day AJi (f±*> • 30*0) August A3M(±*> • faA,) eight years A, nine *i^ (2) ; ^L A(;;«)o nine (things) & H (£££>•#>) the 9th day XE (< • tffo) September ^W (Š * n • t>^ <) 900 + ten £J3 Vi-} Vi 7 -/v -y- (2) — -h + (tH) ten (things) +J! (Ľ * 3 • tfi) October + H(ti3-fr) thelOthday -H£(Uu>-9 • ía,0 10 years ¥ hundred t + ^Z-tf-v^ -tí-v* (6) -— -7- TTTTT-s' rwuc-o^o 200 HW(SA-y=><) 300 ÄKóo'^O 600 AW(lio-í»<) 800 — 23 — Lesson 3 iü^ v>& • ď) Chiba pref. HŤ(SA,-^A,) 3,000 3 ten thousand all, every /O (3) — "7 # —7jR(*> • SA • x/v) ten thousand yen ^H(tá^ • d <) all countries n circle yen jo (4) i n n R RUA,) a circle, yen WR(?>* < • X.Á,) 100 yen EŤR(r--ÍA-U) 5, 000 yen % year age 11 *v (6) ? J- kz ř= f. * íp(hL) a year, an age $l(tĽH) elder *^(š i • to. A.) last year Jfe^c (?> • to.A,) next year Lesson 3 2 — 2. £.frtiA,L®ô (Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. (Read vertically from the right.) n I A -t; * 2 H - + rt, A -fc E - — - 2 S -i — — * i Lil — B n n ± *> n * w C9 ffl A R -h < 2 ■J Ail? — f± LU * ifc -t R c R li 2 /- H — li l± & + (i A ■*- -j I _ t ■t ^ n C 0 B — -t- ° i ŕ, tŕ m E -u- v> -t /\ H /s z^ A. -tŕ % o i-o i A A 1. ¥100 2. ¥6,900 3. ¥600 4. ¥17,000 5. 4 months 6. 8 years 7. Professor Yamada's age is 49. 8. This car costs ¥450,000. 9. That mountain is 2,000 meters high. 10. One year has 365 days. 1. the 3rd of March 2. the 24th of June 3. the year 1985 4.03-3469-8251 5. Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. 6. The 5th of May is Children's Day. 7. The population of this country is about 60,000,000. 8. The 7th of February is not Friday. — 25 — Lesson 3 2 — 3. 7ÍP§ ti A L HD 9 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. n. 12. 8. 5. i. 10. 1. Ž ^ ^ Ľ i* •5 to ^ O-< K o ■§ Ľ X. ^ ? n. < <- Ľ 3 15) 9 2. 4. 13. 9. ^ Ž 12. J: t; t> ^ Xf •ŕ < to ^ ^ *ř 4. < Á. L 0. ^ li 13. •o (,-. 5. t _. Ť ó. '— < Ľ •5 3. 6 < -ŕ ^ 14. 10. ^ i» u. A h fr < ^ 7. If ^ 14. -9 ^ L ■6 /. i. 8 n. ^ 4 (ä i ^ í. ^ ^ t o x> «p < to ^ 1* 9. -a-^ < í. 26 — Lesson 3 27. h t L -9 (D -tŕ Ic H Ľ *1 KU A 9 L # *>■ o i: ít t "C \± 1- •H" 0 ^ w> 9 l> < < Ľ Kt 9 to ^ 24. 21. 18. Ľ 9 t *> -9 £0 L "9 25. 22. 19. Ľ 9 li - l> # # -9 26. 23. 20. Ľ < 5 < 9 *' # -9 -9 *! ^ íf O CO i4> 15. -9 -9 tz 16. -9 17. ^ ä' -9 ¥20 ¥520 10 years three people the 1st of January the 4th of April the 7th of July the 10th of October 2. ¥300 6. ¥850 9. 100 years 3. ¥6,000 7. ¥47,000 10. one person 4. ¥80,000 11. two people 13. four people 16. the 2nd of February 19. the 5th of May 22. the 8th of August 25. November 14. one month 17. the 3rd of March 20. the 6th of June 23. the 9th of September 26. December My date of birth is the 27th of April 1965. — 27 — Lesson 3 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?)

< r>-C-f7K 5. /<^-t (a banana) l±, — % (v>olä"A.) < ^'C-t/j^ 6. š* Ť1) (a cucumber) f±, — ^ < hX~irfr0 7. F-7 1- (a tomato) li, — ov> < řjt-fr, 8. ĽA,ĽX (a carrot) li, —*^< rrCl'^,, 10. Ťf7 (a cabbage) l±, — ov> < Cj~C'-fů\, — 28 — Lesson 3 Í1 ■ ■? {JM (Japanese Noodle Shop) t Ä> S £ fl ^ 5E 0 it o JÖ S, Ä Ý Ť ■f-Ť ta £ •f-i e, # ť h- Ý-7 •f" T ť ■f-ô iiX «x «X «X ť ES EB JT. "i ..I- rt. E B •g W H w "Rf + H H H H H R H & *) -?" (f thin buckwheat noodles served on a bamboo tray Ô t'A- thick white noodles served on a bamboo tray ^It- noodles in hot soup §ofa~ noodles with fried bean curd, served in hot soup (^ o fa means 'a fox' and it is believed that fried bean curd is the favorite food of the fox.) fZ )fo § — noodles with bits of deep-fried tempura batter, served in hot soup (fz)fo.& means'a badger.') M JU bíÄ) ~ noodles with an egg, served in hot soup (^ Ä means 'moon-viewing.') 3i ("CA,) -Kf)~ noodles with some fried vegetables and prawns, served in hot soup uSí^TV* L- ± 1 I-----------M^Olttü L (Lectures on Kanji) š Z--5 !!-§•#>6 T# fcjlt^ ( Kanji made from signs) Abstract ideas which are impossible to illustrate are indicated with the help of points and lines. Look at the followings. Sign — Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning * -_£_-» JL - J^ U [JOU] above up ~7~" - -r- - -p - ~f Ltz [GE] under P I down £% ^^^ctl-» tfi %fr [CHUU] middle IT I inside L - 4- - ^ - ^C ££-£1^ [DAI] big - o - /J n - /j\ *,V>-§V> [SHOU] small o o J n _i root origin "^jp*" book IE» - h£ - ^P - ^ (£^-lf) [HAN] half "^P** - Sjj^ -, J] - ^ ft-ttž [FUN] divide [HUN] 'V-v-r'V QvJ ^X\ -* 7~3 -* tJ ^h [RYOKUJ power 30 — Lesson 4 J-- 7h2 -35BÍiO>£SAJÍÍ=ř (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . )$&(D1?%i?Ťc ( Kanji Writings) 9& V>& 33 (tKÝ?) 36 ÍL above, on up, superior ■5 x./í)-^Ä/cOiä--Ž v a ^ í>-řfž (3) ] h ÍL ±(-)x.) above, on ±(áč>);óíá to go up, to rise ±(** (4) \ n C3 t Ť(&ťp) inside Ť'k(*>*Ť • LA) the center — HŤ(v»-ř> • {Ct, • L*-5) all day long 31 — Lesson 4 im V>* 3l (fr~ great 94 (3) — r*L ;fc(i3*3)šv> = :*:š& big :*#(ŕiv> • íô*<) a university A^O (fcv> • -třo) & important * AA (Ü t &) an adult >h small, little i. z/a (3) J 'J ) a brook, a stream /J^ß(L ± o • t5s~o • £7) a primary school */hA(£ £**>) a child ^ root, origin " true, main 4 t * > (5) —- M t M / ^ ÜJ#(^i • fct) Japanese ame : (5) \ ^/ U i£ ¥ ¥(&jW(Í halfway, middle ^5Hl±A, • ÄA,) half ^MF(I±A.- iL) halfayear HB#^(£ A, • C ■ t±A.) 3:30 — 32 — Lesson 4 Ä* v»& < A- ± A * > H $ (^. division, part /• minute fr-tt* T>/--f> (4) J /v y7v ^ fr{b)\jZ> to divide fr (b) fr & to understand 25Hi* •-£»A-) five minutes i\fr{.hr> • -KA-) six minutes ^7 power, force ability *>^i> V a? u* (2) "7 ÍJ ÍJ(*>^íj) power í)^(t) š • 5Ô?<) dynamics mui^- 0 i < ) one's real ability >fsr what (7) / í r r ¥ \» M Í5J(£Ľ) what WteW-Ctfro What is it? •ifJAC^A, • tCA-) how many people {BJ^(&A- • faA.) what year — 33 — Lesson 4 2 — 2. 9. /h£l> 10. 5M»£ 11. 53"ft ž 12. ^ 13. ±f: 14. 4^ 15. -bS- 16. #£ li . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. ztMinso^-etfro B*m?>*x-to 3. o < x.(D±{Ci5#^?ž) I) i-ta There is some money on the desk. 4. ÍWtHC/hSl^ďA^ái) l)íto There is a small bag in the car. 5. ^V^-Ťž-^žj-Lířltž LtZo We divided a big cake in two. 7. ^ÍÍRľB#M«-e-r^o A.fl#s+»-ef„ Ľ Ľ 8. ±<0 tT0 K). K/i >'/j — 34 ..... Lesson 4 2-3. ##ti/lLf*9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. 91 on Üfr in under Ltz 2. W////////A faf large *>»-9 middle small 3. big D^ *.-* 4. what 5. what book 6. a small university 7. power (D £ ^ 8. to understand 9. five minutes 10. to divide it in two fr*)Žt tf £ fr .ä^ ÍÍÁ* .&A* fo — 35 — Lesson 4 I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. inside 2. water power 3. heat power 4. half past nine tit-' tu V) ±< fr t) £< < Ľ <±A, 5. what time 6. for counting long slender objects n ~\ ■\ 7. a Japanese 8. up train 9. down train 10. an adult *) *) C \ÍK UK 11. a primary school ©I? <ŤZ Sit ti 12. a junior high school fô 8 X 13. middle of July 14. a half, 1/2 O (7) 15. one third, 1/3 Li. #o 6* 16. three quarters, 3/4 C -SíA- U*. 5 A- -!í/v. U 5 17. all day long (7) je /u -££A/ $ K U"% U A Ľ !<)> •") 18. Mr. Yamamoto's specialty is dynamics. (± re-r., ^S it -t^ í^ "di />'<< Lesson 4 U-3T^3;Tfr rtsr^ (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) iS <|RT*ÔäÍÍ (Kanji at a station) > West Gate <- íii P -» AP =it □ AP T ͱJP North Gate IUP AP South Gate ma Subway «T« AP <- □ as p -» East Gate 1 1 1 1 ttí □ j^tn Entrance Exit kíl ticket gate — 37 Lesson 4 ±9fiE$ up train I I I , , I I , H ~* MM ^a------o— L-o------O-^ ^O-------U~^ Jŕ— A platform H i r~ ~i r i <- —o-------o— —o------o— —o------1>— T 011$ down train [Questions] What is the meaning of the following Kanji? i. mi (^>jo) 2. mn (-CC*.) 3. AP (^9 <"*,) 4. ±1) (<0íä- (?) 5. T f) (<ŕiO) 6. JjCP (tWLC*>) 7. MP ÜCLC*>) 8. *p (ě7tc*>) 9. fSP (*£*<"*>) 10. flbTifc (í,*to) — 38 Lesson 5 K5H| y h 1 -51^0) fi& b ( Lectures on Kanji) ( Kanji made from a combination of the meanings) What does the Kanji H j mean? It means 'the sun.' What does the Kanji ' Jf j mean? It means 'the moon.' Then, what do you think the Kanji Ejrjj means? It means 'bright'! Some Kanji are made by combining rather simple characters. Now, guess the meaning of the following Kanji. 1. {ýfC 2. fä. 3. ^ 4. #f 5. {£ 6. J§ 7. F$ 8. jfC Look at the following examples and see how each character was combined and made into a new meaning. Combination 0 + n sun moon A + * man tree A + * man origin & + Ť woman child Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning f^J áó^-S^ [MEI] bright both the sun and the moon are 'bright' $C ^-f-tr [KYUU] rest a man is 'resting' beside a tree $f. frhtz [TAI] the body the origin of a man is 'the body' £ř -t- š [KOU] love, like a woman 'loves' a child — 39 Lesson 5 Combination Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning ffl + 13 rice field power * + * tree tree ^ fc t i [DAN) a man, male 'a man' is powerful in the rice field $C li^L [RIN] a wood two trees make 'a wood' a grove tree tree tree ^ 4*3 [SHIN] a forest three trees make 'a forest' a 'Ungle P^ + H gate sun \b] *Wi [KAN] between the sun can be seen 'between' the doors 'X + ffl fire field M i±7Í::lt a cultivated field burn up the field and make 'a cultivated field' UJ + £" mountain stone %=i ^*> [GAN] a rock a big stone in the mountain is 'a rock' ■JÍT Most Kanji were transmitted from China, however, there are some Kanji that originated in Japan. For example, 'JJjOifclt), $}{Ufzh) < (to work), Ifrf (t -j If) (a mountain pass) are of Japanese origin. Therefore, they do not have 'ON YOMI' (Chinese Reading). Many Kanji used to express the names of fish and plant are of Japanese origin, e.g. )§(/.;e>)(a cod) Hj^toLKa sardine) — 40 — Lesson 5 2-7h 2 -SBagfcDtti*,^ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . &&& as (/Kto) 46 Bfl bright light &-ít& (8) I n r B Bj Bfl 0flB^ H (äb ?W h V > bright, cheerful ^(*)lt& (dawn) to break 47 ^ rest (6) / { r 4ttf'^ ft^iOtr to rest, to be absent fó:(^"t")A. a break, a holiday tfcBíš^T • Co) a holiday 48 #J b0dy (7) / í r it # 4M£ ifcifrhfz) a body ftttíi^'^O physical exercises ifctiitz^^ • *3 i <) physical strength — 41 — Lesson 5 m<ž i/i* 3S (^<"f-5) & love, like favorite ■f-< (6) L k Í r tfw *3 ÍF(1")š& favorite £r(1~)^tlá to be loved f man male atz. v> i-> (7) \ n m ff) ffl 9 7 1 v3 ■f 7 H(iíti) a man íl (HtZ). jungle (12) ~~~ + * * * f r # #- It k h. ■t, &(*>*)) a forest +DUEI (o ") ■ fz) Japanese name S£#(L^ • •) k) woods and forests — 42 Lesson 5 m& V>& 35 (tí»<ýô) fi\ between interval Ž (12) i ľ r P P1 n H Fl n Pni Pfl ffl ffi(M^rz) between K(í) £-§■(&) d to be on time -^(v^-ř, • fa A • ^A) a year B#FÍ (U • ^Á,) time m& V^ i ŕ * ft ft] ftnftfljtex® iH(lifctt) cultivated field ffliHOt • life) fields of rice and crops Ä* V»* <Á.J:A í>35 (36>fa **> (8) 1 0- 04 Üi J* f 0-> S^fo) a rock Slllí^í? •-^i) a rocky mountain S5 (#^ • -ŕ š) rocks and stones — 43 — 2 — 2. <£vLHJ>9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. # 2. & 3. ft 4. J§ 5. g 6. 'jffl 8. HJ3£!/> 9. £fě 10. ft^Žl" 11. !§& 12 li. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. fi.fiftW^írš'CÝo I like physical exercise. 2. ^J-^-^Eťk^-^Ě. male students and female students 3. H^At&OA men and women 4. ^fc^GDFrltJIItf5* ľ| íf0 There is a river between the forests. 5. B^žv^OtfCft*! Lfz0 We took a rest in a light forest. 6. *<7)/jN£v>lijiT--B|K<"ib^/Hl^ í-To It takes about one hour to that small mountain. 7. gfflS/UiBEa^A-e-f-o Mr. Iwata is a cheerful man. 8. UjcD-LKÍH^Ž) ^Oi-fo There are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. 7. m nm — 44 — Lesson 5 2-3. #£ ŕlA U W> 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji, 1. a tree X 2 = a wood X 2 = 7h 2. a tree X3 = a forest X 3 A *- 3. woman + child = like i>»3 4. rice field + power = a man ý^LlHlilě m] t ft = [f 5. sun + moon = light ŤZ *>ir>h fit Z 6. man + tree = to rest t n = m áv> a t & =iä **-*- 7. gate + sun = between 8. body's power = physical strength BS i ■ j b a = as Í (D\fJ =\% j] é K b^tz frhti *>frt> tz^ *)£< 9. fire + field = cultivated field 10. mountain + stone = a rock ^ t $ = ■m o 11. a boy lifclt 12. man and woman Ltr i^fr 77 (7) £ = 3- 77 | X *t; fzK L Ťžfv Ci 45 — Lesson 5 H. Fill in the b anks with an appropriate Kanji. 1 . for one minute 2 . for two hours 3 . for three days — ^ '9' -:-. H# m ■zr- 6 f?) l>-3 *S^ A^ C Ľ fr A. Äi * > j4> ^ 4. for four weeks 5 . for five months 6. for six years is JS ttfl % ^ ň Rf/ /\ /__ '■if J^ b HD "5 *^ - (f o A^ /j< t^ frA, 7 . forests and woods 8 . a holiday 9. an inactive volcano 1+ 1* l^ *^ t W5 to í »■) A> i'h. 10. physical exercises ll. I like cheerful pi'oplo. w -&|i±|ffr)|£ H^M&H^t fcV> 0< frfcL .fe/j» t>£ 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. lvvatn, *<*>PH*>[Al£ *> \±W\f4\$ /v t tiíz Vt :u t>i. TS ©Ht?to Ofr fc Hi Lesson 5 lINIillllllllllllE /Ja ^ Sun. 0 Mon C f I Tue. C + 0 1 Wed Thu. Fri. Sat. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^< LKD9IIIIIIIIII Review L. 1 — 5 BJ!^7jC^:É:±LÍI A í ic D $ H f 4 HŤ>5R±TŤ^ ^ ^ ÍJ Í5Í li # & IB tt # Ír H M I. Make 5 sentences by using the Kanji above. H . Fill in the blanks with an approriate Kanji. Lesson 5 HI. Read the following story. miUtt¥<0^£.X°t0 mittfclŠX'to +ň%BKi"tfrhžÍlfZo MMBfr f3^lS0ít•0$lgWí'9X-ü-<^i;i^ Li-To miHM'árfMŽX-to 9ňMO±m.B ^Ltzhlim^VcE-tUi^^ t LŤza i'5^)i.":ř'M^sLitv> ěiLtZo ^T^ifeticT^ife^HA-foTL/Co íÍ7t*>l±yi-|ll?AcO'l''-ei/^í Ltz0 gffl£/U±B#AWS<7)AT-to -BíP^Cíb^abžv^-CA^^ŕí^^í i L/-;,, Ý LT, /hä^JI|(7)-ib^štLV'-CL/;„ *-BPi5 (-tírA-íiA.) speciality #W (fci/^O physical exercises BIB (iiff) day of the week ~ln (CT) ~ a laiiK»iiK*' -áWšt't Hike- t£« (-£AL *»-")) last week ^ktz^ô We V'/bl/^fr various ~fo ~ for each —B#Fb] (^>', U/;•/.. I (or (me hour ~»*,^''llľ •'•'^ l: l/:Av. 6. -1?A,.£T* (all together) MA.<->.\ U„/'/K 7. T^^-SA^umii/w,,.)-: rHfr".. *«.,/■ k Lesson 6 «6R| 3.-y b 1 -•/l^ťDíäÍE U ( Lectures on Kanji) XtřhT^Ťz :MŠr - 3 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 3 -) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. >-/>,_^_a_-^—^ Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1. IS 2. ft 3. Tfc 4. & 5. J 8. M 9. if 10. g 6- ^ 7. Ä — 49 — Lesson 6 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMI* (Chinese reading). Picture — Kanji .KUN. .0N, Meaning <^> ~* Qv - f=) - g tó [MOKU] eye í) "* ^ "* ^ -* ~% ** [JU * ^p -* ^ T [SHU] hand í" ~" T_" X> "" ^ * L [S0KU] le§ ** [u] rain y\T~* YT "* ^ m [CHIKU] bamboo # 2- 5Í£. M, S4 - 7K - ^F -* [MAI] rice [BEI] America ^^ X - Ps - M M» ([BAD) shellfish Jmi " ' A3 ^yfo ^ Ž5 ^5 <"L [SEKI] stone "" m. — ^ v>t [SHI] thread I rlňlturí (í i—y h 2 -!RA&0)t(äA)3!í (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . m^OfrŽfttz ( Kanji Writings) il^ v-»* 3=. (fr) an eye §±(40- 9 x.) one's superiors l^c(í) < ■ Ľ) a table of contents 57 % ear (6) ' rr?%% T""'; ■T 5 (<&■&■) an ear ÍFÄÍ4- (Ľ • ľf • fr) study of the nose and ears (otorhinology) 58 f hand T Vi (4) s <* £^ * f í (T) a hand iiffiiT • 1rb.) a letter * ±i (Ľ t o • f) £ skillful * Tí K • £) & unskillful — 51 — Lesson 6 m* V>& < A, £ * * V 3 5 (tK I" Ť) 3l leg, pair suffice *:-* (7) \ n a T ? í Í £(& L) a leg JEg.(fc) 1) h to be enough —,5.(1- •-?•<) two pairs S rain ab* •} (8) ■^* l~~ n ff] ffl f] Ěft * M(í)*) rain HK(o -Xk) rainy weather Tí bamboo (6) ; h \ V V" ťr 1t(£lt) a bamboo ttifclt) W-ŕ a bamboo shoot ftffl (fc It • /i) Japanese name * rice (for America) M (6) \ \/ U- f * * #(£<*) rice m%\ Ť^C*) * í • 'O'») Central America '•< • .- O U.S.A. Lesson 6 ťr íHÍ V">& . *>35 (tK1"ô) 63 shellfish (7) l n R ň @ S ^ ß. (tH>) a shellfish MOSM^e, a shell 64 S stone (5) - TTfilŘ Iži^L) a stone ííJII (vjL • #*£>) Japanese name SvŮ (-£ i • *$>) petroleum, oil Ífc5(*•-££) a fossil 65 S thread string (6) < £ & *fr& jfc(^fc) thread ^&0t • ^t) woollen yarn 53 Lesson 6 2 — 2. cfc^flAL* 0 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 11 2. 5 3. S 4. -Jg. 5. * 6. % 7. # 8. it 9. M 10. * 12. B*A!i*^^^i1-o li. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. miš<7)7®^&fr\,*Í LfZo Si 2. 3 X 5"J * (± cf* lz h *) i "to Costa Rica is in Central America. 3. U^-liTv-ffrttitoZfr^t-fo Japan buys oil from Arabia. 4. M^i L/_-() I bought a pair of shoes and 1 pairs of socks. 54 — 2 — 3. frŽtlAĽ&ô (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. har ids a ad legs 2. a rainy day 3. a shell 4. rice CO ri* í 55 Lesson 6 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a purpose 2. a table of contents 3. a letter 4. a stamp to >k lí üö i>< x% 5. skillful í>< Ľ 6. unskillful X ififr to X ft ft 7. an assistant 8. shortage SO Ľ i. ň -f 9. a heavy rain ^ fc * Ľ i b* A •£< 10. a light rain 11. rain water 12. America 13. North America 14. South America 15. Central America it 16. thread fi< ^ľ> UK ^i^ 17. Ishikawa Prefecture % ľi i^l **> i-^ 18. Mr. Takeda — 56 — Lesson 6 UoTi^STfr t£*t# (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) UA,*l' < A^feö)^!^ (Kanji used in Japanese family names) > The following Kanji are commonly used in Japanese family names. ffl Uj )\\ * * 4» ± T * /Jn & S 1Ť # $ ^ (tí h a village) |gj (W a field) See the following Japanese family names. i. HŤ 2. LÜffl 3. Oi^s; 4. LÜT 5. *T 6. Tf^t 7. Ýtffl 8. +t± - 9. **t 10. ŤLU 11. ŤJII 12. (pif 13. Jl|± 14. ±M 15. ±ffl (fcfcrt») (*?ttz) (*ifct) (VÍLfc) (lOLt) (b tí h) (tíhtz) (tíhfrfr) tefrttb) {t£frtft>) (&5ÔM75) 16. # i7. /h# is. /hiii 19. /J\JI| 20. /Jn|J 21. 3Ü 22. #$. 23. ^h 24. #Ť 25. HJII 26. jzfi 27. ^Clr 28. ft-ffl 29. ttŤ 30. itT U±^L) (d If* L) (fcjiŕfr) (33 W) (*•)) (*fa£) OMad) (^Lfrfr) (Í3±5V>L) (iä^Tttt) (fcttfc*) (fcltfcfr) (^ItLTt) 57 — UíBOfl fl jeti 11«« |ilinii(>tic changes as in the following. ju (frfr) +m {fz) -juh í>fc£) 41 (&#\) +JII (frfr) —Cfjjll (fcj&»#[fc) O Other common family names: Ex. $bp; (-j-íž) #_£ (i>o-5A) a name card used for business) Address Telephone Name of University and Department Name of Company L-Department and Section 58 Lesson 7 I£V&& fr ■ n.- y h 1 ->ltí»,£:?= (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . M¥(DfrŽfrtc ( Kanji Writings) m? V»* 35 (fri-fn) 66 4£ flower i±& * (7) —■ +- -H- r 4 f- ft ÍE(l"fc&) a flower TEA (li & • V) fireworks fäWtfA a vase 67 tf ^ tea * (9) ---• +- -W- r X it * -# ^ * J3^(*)t>) tea l^^JS(#c • $ -tA,) a coffee shop B3^3?(tC • tiA- • "řj-í») green tea f IS? (^ Ô • "í> ^) black tea 68 1*1 flesh, meat (6) I n l*l ft ŕi č] l*J((C<) meat ^Č3(Š> ■? • K <) beef Bl*l(tl9-(C<) chicken föföOc < • fcn) the body — 60 — I ■■«»•m , 69 70 Ä* v*& < A,3í (/K i ;>i £ pattern letter, sentence (■&&) 7*> (4 ) N >- y% ~X{&L) a sentence ~X^{&A ■ ŮH ) literature £Sßit (i, A, • -K ■ t i ô) the Ministry of Education IS letter character (6) \ 1 ŕ* !*• ? ? Í(Ľ-) a letter, a character "fcíU (A<) • Ľ0 a letter iH^C^A, • C) Kanji ~^(C) ...letters 71 & thing Í>W 7*7 *7 (8) ; A- Í * *' ft #7*Í7 J (í> £>) a thing KV^%)(35>V» • i><7)) shopping £« (*v> • ÍO) a living creature ffif» (K -to) a baggage 72 >L cattle, cow bull, ox H Ť~i7 (4) / h- h_ * cattle i9> Ô • (C * Ť ) cow's m ilk -T-FfeK^mô -CO beef — 61 — Lesson 7 73 m-h i/ »* < AJ:* :t>3 5 ŕ;ó> C dr- -n > i^9 horse Ô í -''f (10) 1 r n ff ^ % ft Ä Ä A M (o í) a horse JÍ*(lf • U) a carriage ÄäCtf- <0ě) horsepoi iver (h.p.) 74 i^J bird t 19 f" 3 ■> P9 fc- (11) .Ä(t 19) a bird Ě.Í(I±< • *> J: -5.) a swan 75 M^)ě.%(.b")) roast chicken IŕJfc (* • *> i "5) a wild bird 4 fish ft ft ft $*4 +" = (11) &($;$»£) fish &M(3jó»*-*) a fish shop i" % /»»\ -J—J____L J_____L «Wäft(ÍH) grilled fish £&(ŠA,-#*j:) a goldfish — 62 — Loason 2 — 2, cfc 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. Ŕ 2. ň 3. ÍE 4. í? 5. ,1 6. Of- 7. .& 8. SCŽ 9. á* 10. ^1*1 11. H«? 12. X íl. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. ní: 2. &š& 3. 4. st; 5. ÍEďXiC^E^v^ái^o I put some flowers in a vase. 6. iMIĚ^Mjfilifr^^íLrZo I bought some chicken at the butcher's. 7. ;fcij£"C.I<7);i|^::S;&r3V>ii'"0 I learn these Kanji at the university. 8. &!± B$^t5sÍ1Í Š-Cťo I like Japanese tea. 9. fávyplZ/bMrt^^íIro There are small birds in the forest. 10. H^Ált'Š.-^yfcfffíš'C'to Japanese people like fish and rice and so on. — 63 — Lesson 7 2 — 3. fr # flA, U 0 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. beef 2. a small bird 3. a horse carriage 4. a letter 5. literature 6. biology (=study of living creature) 7. Japanese tea -&A #< -trľ- iíO #< U (SA. *>?• 8. a goldfish 9. cherry blossoms 10. a sentence r i i ž The following Kanji are the name of the animals below. Match the Kanji with the pictures. & & m ■atz e ô íl II K ?L *** " ii Ooľ ?ž ta; v Losaon ssrI ZL - y N 1 |------------Jl^Oiift U ( Lectures on Kanji) fó&M : -^ V> H £S V> jfg H ^ l/i CK < £, ** *í, *>5 : Ä ^ Üt ^ IS ^ ^ ^ etc. %* i* t>5 li-p 2. Kanji + Lv> : fjf U^ 5^Lv^ JE Lv> H Lv> éfcí) fc® fcfc' óo< '[t U> etc. l^-S-A' 3. Kanji + others : ^ŠV> /J\$V> B^ál^ ^>&^ etc. **>• ^i* *a> 1-< The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present Affirmative : "S*/1 (old) frLWnew) ^ŠWbig) Present Negative •' "íí < & ť > liŕ L < & V > "A š < & Past Affirmative lí^ofc DÍL^o/t jzžfrotz Past Negative :£* *^o£# *ŕ Looter ý:žfriŕz^ŕ 튎-f become old newly buy write in a big character Adjective + Adj. : £& ;*:§ < tíjl3£V> old and cheap new and pretty big and bright [ftA. U * 9] Put the proper Hiragana endings to the following Kanji. M ^ % ^ ň < ^ M A ' Ír i /> - Looaon 2Z7h 2 -IŘAiKO^oAStí (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . :M&tř%ti>Ťc ( Kanji Writings) I* V>A 35 (^<1-T) 76 ; g new &£:?>-1>> v> (13) ■> >• t- íf ý $ . f t * ľ * P W #r l/f SH&fcib) LA'1 new í/ŕNKLA •-£A) a newspaper Sfí (LA • Ľp) a new car fr^ (LA • taA) a new year 77 £ old (5) — -)-•+- ** ■£(.$>£) v> old TS* (■&»*>• ti A.) ausedbook ■ť'é'SÍ'í) * 0 • Í • Li) a second-hand car 78 fe long eldest, chief (8) 1 r ř p J£. *** 'S g (£#)<» long Ä-9K*>±d • ÄKKfc-Ö*-?)) Nagano Prefecture ^g;(á5X • *> frA) id) the eldest son a president 69 — lnutími I) 79 V Ä iJí* u>* < AJ:* t>35 (^ (12) ; v- £: * * r *r *fi £5. ¥? fö *l fe(*L^)i/i short ÍB-Jti'/-/ • /-'b^l o- • i, . fe-AU^A, tlv^ a junior college I« (/^ • L • /i^) a short time 80 a rs] high expensive fzfr-\/-> ="y do) ň n ifb a re] I«rf iľ i+h;gí' eTXPenSÍVe W^-^) a high school mW^-a -I4U Japanese name S5ä(£-9-Ý<) high-speed 81 safe cheap *?ir-\/-> 7> (6) i r*"* t í í £(^-f)^ cheap £^(ábA,- LA,)1 -ž to be i rel evec ■5) -tfx 3 b argai safe n sale 82 it iw »u- r # #• [><->,» Ť-f (7) ÍMfc íä(í><)^ low fiä(TV> • £A.) a low temperature ftT(-CH •*)•*-* to fall, to go d go down 70 Uiiiisor )I^ t>*. < A,±* t^35 (^ < •)■ -) (13) aiz. dark < ) n H B Bs B" tf tf> B*- Bf b£ flfr 0^ Bg(<íb)v> dark H#Mí(í>A • Ľ^) a dark room many much (6) y V y 1 9? 99 #-(i5io)V'> many, much %'P(Ťz- L J: Ť) more or less #ifc(/c-Í"Ô) a large number t few little 1-i-L (4- 1 /) /h '> 4"(-t<)&^ few, little W(Lň • fcA.) a boy 4>Cti)L a little, a few 'P~k (L ± Ť • Ľ J:) a girl — 71 — Lesson 8 2 — 2. 5. #-V> 6. BfV> 7. i£v> 8. Mv> 9. fřU> 10. 'Pti^ 11. 9ää^ 12. ff$i:ŤÄ¥ 13. ^fi íl. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ftA»BíJ^Í:v>„ 2. $£>ŤI±HtV>-C-to It is dark in the forest. 3. $>(DAltZC0%i.±<7)¥§:X'-ro That man is the president of this junior college. 4. -?-£>íNrti#iJi.;ôsÄ^0 That boy has long arms and legs. Water flows from the higher place to the lower place. 6. /h¥%tb "ť^a^tŽiSÍJctífc^ a primary school, a junior high school, a senior high school and a university — 72 — I«noon 2 — 3. fr £ fl/u L 0 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a new year 2. an old car, a second-hand car -tlí tf L v> f = #ŕ -f á_ v^ f 4* í i až *fc?) iL LA- &A, 3. a president of the university 4. long # co <2 V^ 5. short 6. a lot of people 7. a few people ! ič K ^ •%. ifi 1 fcv^ 9. expensive meat t-3> V^ ^ 10. cheap fish de Ťzfr Ľ< ^-r **& X'u-I ^ 8. a dark forest 11. to go down é*) t^ fr H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a boy 2. a girl 3. (I) have a little money. >V m IAAÍL io Ví- ff \A'"- Ľ &> %>' L i ť taA, Lň Ci frto i"; — 73 — Lesson 8 '1. a high mountain (157 -■5 $h 7. a short string féŽ v> h \ *Ľ* l^£ 10. ancient writing 'X 13. the eldest son in &A 16. a junior college fzA, ßV 5. a cheap thing 6. a used book P % s * 8. for a long time AS (JA 9. new tea t v^ tew h^tz 11. a long sentence LA. i f? 12. a short sentence -£ "^ te Ä í i 9 A% fcA A A. 14. the eldest daughter 15. safe ^> & 17. a high school *A -tťA h -9 -9 — 74 — I tiUMui (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) >ft^-A (1) <ÍÍÉ> How to play (A) : "fr&tz" One person reads the letter cards. The others look for matching picture cards scattered on the table. When a pla finds the appropriate card, he gets to keep it. The one i collects the most cards is the winner. How to play (B) : " LA-it^l"^ Ľ f < " (Concentration) Put all the cards face down up on the table. Each per turns over two cards at a time in turn. If those cards match can keep the pair. The one who collects the most cards is winner. — 75 ~ Lesson 8 L í \ ?9 1 \ /h -h Ti 11 76 — t «a»oft I m 9 Il| J--V h 1 -531^0) li£ U (Lectures on Kanji) ÍtW)It^ -1 ( Kanji for Verbs - 1 -) Each Kanji has its own meaning. It can function as a noun, adjective, ve etc. in sentences. What do you think is the function of the following kanji ': fA fir Ý M rfAj and r$j are nouns. rS?j functions as an adjective a rKJ (to buy) as a verb. However, Kanji can not be used alone as an adje tive or a verb. Some Hiragana endings always follow and they are call 'OKURIGANA (inflectional endings)'. $r — StLv-- new U -* Kí / HV»Í-ť to buy Using the above four Kanji, let's make some sentences. &l±$ŤLv^£!v>Í Lfco I bought a new book. U.* 35 (#>V> • ifo) next month ífc H (?>• K*,)-*-* to visit Japai 'if return go (come) back jí»*.-* Ť (10) \ ) ŕ r «i3 ŕ & * # >f ífiH^x.) h to go/come back ilffiUKs • Í < )i~& to return to one's country — 79 — I.»niton 'I cat 35 (tX1^ ) (9) / A- ^ ^ ^ ^ -r £-f t &(£)-<£ to eat Ä^^tKtW) food &*(L±<-Ľ) a meal ^Ä^Ť-LiO a dinner drink CO-tr 'f > (12) / > /*• /C- $ £ ^ |_ í f r f? tt ifc(0)tr to drink fifcí^&tKfc íO) a beverage ŠWK^A. • L*) drinking I see, look , view Zh-k.h/h*-^h (7) 1 n n R s č Jl J^L(A-) ž to look at, to see "EtM,^ • 't A,) an opinion EUO-ärá to show JiftOtA. • Äo)tž to do sightseeing Br! hear h-Z.7Lh (14) ľ r 0 r H n n p-1 fA m m M M Pfi(^)< to hear, to listen to flfj (š) i x. Z> can be heard ífřílfl ( L- A, • -SA,) a newspaper — 80 — t oanoii && | v>* < A. ■ I ; l V \ » "i 1 "^í, read i-Ír Y'J (14) \ -*■ -i -í \-t -b J; J Ó í — -ž í •+ -ž í t$\ W%1 ll(i)tf to read Wi(£)&- reading Ulf (t" < ■ Li) reading books !%%(f < ■ L^) a reader "2p write a book, document ^- < V 3 (10) -1 ^=*- -s- §3- l: É: It ž: % f #(^)< to write ItlÉKL i • TÁ.) a book shop tf)l (Li • ť ň) calligraphy 5 -^L" talk li&L (13) \ -*• -ž- J. > .X r ó 0 5 S r Ír %%%% IS((±ft)t" to speak i(li^L) a story, a talk éBSW1*'1 • t>) conversation 'í'EUí ("C A, • t>) a telephone 96 *c? buy • 'S 7)»--7 ^'.-f (12) i > i i i 1 r~i n~ »| rtr WD OD I 0E i n no ne i ne g OB S ■sa _- 1 (75-) ô to buy R!$K7H> ' Í>W) shopping — 81 — Lesson 9 97 8k¥ k i/»* educate, teach religion f % < AJ:* t>3i (*<+?) ti L-X.S *3? (11) rí- fe i. (is L) x. ž to teach !c£(# i 9 • #^) a church *čW(š i 7 ■ V><)tž to educate fcuKŠJ:-} • Lo) a classroom 2 — 2. Íjc<^tlAL(* 9 (Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. tit 2. H< 3. *< 4. Mír 5. M ž 6. ÍT< 7. ifc£ 8. ifS 9. íf-5 10. fcíf 11. &^á 12. ÍSc£S 13. $-e ±^ fíší-to M. %n, Ea*äAás?Hži-o 15. fö£ Ä^<íi-3J\ &£ Ä-si-f^o 16. ŕVN"- h-CM^írLifo H . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ŠOŤ^fffflfciÄÄi Lčo 2. UJEB§At«K-r?BLito — 82 — 3. 5B#Ľ, Ť-ibKilf l)i-f-0 4. ^C0|ÍCŽ-fH*l§4lJCX.ä-ro 5. ^WtfJŽ-C^^SrA^í L£0 e. mtWĚtmiJiWž-c-to řťtriiiiijai-tí:^ 7. H^olírL^-X^í-IÍ^LŽI-o 8. ioííB?):£&;jjEA.-t-<£*$<>> 2-3. í § ft/u L m> 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to go 2. to go back 3. to come ~fa %) 4. to eat fr a 6. to see 7. to hear 8. to speak ŤZ 9. to read * i*& — 83 — Lesson 9 II. to do sightseeing I VI ■fi, HA, Ja-o 12 reading books 13 . a newspaper í f fc*< Li L K J&h ŕ 7? f H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. food 2. a drink s< $ * w 3. reading matter 4. shopping H *'j? T///y ,(3ö 5. a trip 6. a bank í>® J: 7. the 3rd line i>© M^ &© to go back to one's country ;/T ?í XT S 0 i £? 9. next week th ľ-ň SA, Éř.fc-5 » 10. next month 11. next year 12. a telephone % M % n Wíf m 5l> L k» Ť 13. a breakfast í) ľ« (f o 14. a lunch 15. a supper o}j X-A, b 16. a restaurant ŠH g 4í * f 1& JÄ 17. to visit for study 18. cherry blossom viewing OA, Li< ta< 19. education f 1" £ ft | $ rf »A. #< 20. to buy flowers 21. to drink Japanese tea ÍÍ9 V»< 4fc <3? if l^ít S 4V £ * tfc & t t li i i; ISA, 5-e - 84 — t »aiMtit botl^t^ T££f Ä1 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) JH^/r-A (2) <»H> See p. 75 to play (A): "^Ž fc" and (B):" LA,ttOÝO C * < 85 — t nemou !) * 3fc t- l\ NI ------------------- < n * < d —■--------------------------------------------------- Üf 1 e? 1 Ž> it < % I t; Ml x I <1«;_)-:iíx = g&(*>*9 • ti <) #(®7)ZliA, = ^Ä(k9>T • Li <) breakfast lunch supper fé&í^ • L i <) midnight snack — 87 — Lesson 10 2-7h 2 -iS+a<0£SAJÍÍ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . 8tí 0)* 3 # ( Kanji Writings) at* v>& <Á,i* í>35 (^<1"Ť) Ifl morning (12) ' *- f í Č I i 11) fninft §fl(&$) morning !HB(áĎ$'č» the morning sun «Ate*? • Li <) breakfast 98 99 100 Jh noon daytime (9) -n ■o r A ^ fr «V ßv f. ä(t>2>) noon, midday äíKOž • ta) a nap, a siesta fitft*^ • L i <) lunch SMü-h • ^1") * a lunch break Ä night i (8) \ .A- r r f # g_ Ä. féUž) night föÄ^-LiO a midnight meal ^•^(iA-^) tonight Lesson 1' 101 ^h- < a,** 4-: '3 5 (M f-)) night /■<> (12) I 1 fl 8 B7 ť- B? 0Ä b^ B* Bf B& B&OfA,) ni ?ht u^ 4ifc(-Á,- lí A,) tonighl ) supper, dinner 102 103 / evening (3 ) 7|7 ^(v^Ť)^ evening, last night ^ÄÍ^Ť • Li<) supper, dinnej * -b# (fc * • If fz) Star Festival ) 12 direction way, means frTzZ-irtz *■} (4 \ .i- .7 £ ~^J (frfc) how to ~ ~mfi(3 í • Ä**:) c/o Mr. Žlíityn • ftŤz) evening ^íi(lä^ • (id) a method 104 ä noon rf (4) / h- h^ * ŤHÍI (~ • -tf A-) morning, a.m. lE^ (L i 0 • Ž) high noon ^flUi* • Cľľ) afternoon, p.m. 89 Lesson 10 #ř v»* < A,Í* t>3 3 (^<Í"Ť) 10E t\ before, front previous í X. (9) \ */ .iZ. \ n n >*- "ň HU (i X.) before, front fí^M-třVl • li A) the first half —^fu (taA ■ íi) ~ years before 106 1k after, later back, behind U-5 n-> (9) ' '/ f í* ŕ Ír #í* .- Mht) after, later íž(dl-)ó behind, back ~ípíŽ(feA • O ~ years after fŽ^(- •? • li A) the last half 107 i every (6) > A- ' t 5 £ % ÄB(í V1-!;*)) everyday ftüKi v» • L* o) every week @Jf(iv> • Ifo/iv* • o#) every month 108 ig week (H) i r i n Fl n n ffl .ffl *W « it 3řiil(£>V> • L*-?) next week ii^(L# "5 • i o) the weekend 5fe3 (-£A. • L u> ■?) last week —üiW(V>o • L*-5 • j5»A0 a wee! C — 90 Lesson II 8t4= >/>* 3l (fr<-t0) b! luminary day of - the week 3Ú (18) i i 1 Fi B H1 if B3 B31 g* 0* B?* Bfa 0f0fBfBf Bj B§ J3 H B (Ifo • «t $ ■ m Monday íKH B (fr • J: í • ľf) Tuesday *HB (■t«'» • l ■? • ľ/) Wednesday «B (í> < • i. o ■ tT) Thursday 2 — 2 . ü &T-B*££Dc*i1-o 6. iO^;^«l:#:*lä55 5}-eto T^ 2 — 3 . Ht tlA U «b 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. morning 2. daytime 3. night PI K 0^ iL- = í? *S OS tí A. J; 3 5. every week 6. a.m. 7. p.m. TW\ MM WW il> Unto -* «X H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. supper n nn wvs íiHi< í»Hi< >ô ti< 92 toason U 5. midnight 6. last week 7. next week mf [mm líí 8. every wwk WW- 9. two weeks -ŕ A, L®*> 6>i» tm>i 10. everyday 11. every month ži> Ukuť 12. every year •^ #Ŕ7 C b KD 9 í1 A/ 13. every morning ¥ »I 17. behind h 'Kl 20. how to read -fr 23. how to speak tí L h l±Ö *fc Ír e &^ ^ £p *l> M 14. every night iuot/tfo 15. before % 8t *1^ t±*A. 18. the first half H'l f -tfA, i±a. 21. how to write 24. how to eat frtz % ft ŤZ frtz 16. after J? 7 4& ii 19. the last half *t m í ;5 ISA, 22. how to hear fint* tj *fc 25. how to see, a viewpoint f ^ * rfpfc — 93 — Lesson 10 Review L. 6—10 lilülNlü! I. %M (*V»L, Nouns) Ý g If ^ Ä í* 4^ M B ^ Jt m g m & ^ M U m '<& I. M&M Ot^i-? L, Adjectives) ff Ä I I I I I. KP (fU, Verbs) £ # 4 ÍT * i f t I I i ffl F. -?-CDf& (*«)*:, Others) ty ^ ■% jg Qf| ^ p% Make sentences using the following Kanji. e.g. n fí \% - ^k^mí^íi-^, i. Ifc % m 2. ^ a M 3. S Ä Ä 4. Sŕ Ije H 5. m m * 94 Lesson 1 I. Fill in the blanks as in the 1. * 2. /h 3. «Ť 4. * 5. M 6. Bf 7. # 8. & 9. IRJ 10. ÍĚ 11. £ 12. S bllowing example. ái^AiiÄ^SV íl . Write the 'ON' reading of the following Kanji and make a word, e.g. JS (h xd) -*■ ^-šk 1. £ ( 2. íiŕ ( 3. # ( 4. US ( 5. * ( 6. 'P ( 7. M ( 8. lír ( 95 Lesson 10 DI. Give an adjective of the opposite meaning. e.g. $: — Ä 1. Sŕ - 4. * 2. flt 5. # 3. §3 - 6. í& mmomm I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Hiragana. e.g. fr *it *?i--frí-f 1. Ä 6. m ■ ( ) 2. Sc 7. 8. 9. pTE ( ) 3. IS Ä ( ) 4. ± ( ) 5. ff ) 10. T ( ) íl. Complete sentences using the following Kanji as in the example. SfL £ ± T a K II fr m ff * & Ä IS e.g. kf~;V£ fkfrit o 1. fl/li'i o 5. «•£ 2. ft»* o 6. *íř-e 3. B$!§£ o 7. * 12 £ 13 tí 14 (0 15 16 •5 3 3 (Across) CD is % (clues) 1. a newspaper 2. a used car 3. next month 5. a university student 7. a Japanese 9. a president of the universil 12. to drink water 14. a gold thread 15. shopping 16. small fish $7 (Down) CD ý) if 1. a new car 2. Central American literatur 4. Monday 5. an adult 6. biology 8. to read a book 10. a long thread 11. to buy some flowers 13. a drink 14. a goldfish 16. a small bird 97 Lesson 11 siirI J.- y h 1 -'H^Oiä ( Lectures on Kanji) 3W - 1 - (the radicals -1 -) Most Kanji are formed by more than two components. The followings are the ways the components are formed. lKA (left) 2) o < 19 (right) 3) frA,tr <0 (top) 4) h L (the bottom) 5) tzfl (the upper left) 6) #> f x. (the enclosure) 7) (C ± 7 (lower left) lľ .1 are where the components express the meaning of the Kanji. We call these components "Bushu (the radicals)". The Kanji made from pictures (or their simplified forms) can be the radicals. ® human beings: A(0-^C-Ť-S-3-P-#(í) • J£-(D animals and plants : * • M • M • Ě. • M. • * ■ ft ' *-® nature : B • M ■ A ■ * (i ) ■ ± • ± • 5 • Uj • JU • H-© life and tool : ffl • P"J • * • Jf • Ä (í ) - ( ) are simplified forms There are many radicals which can not be used as Kanji by themselves. ;h.A.L» n \ Guess to which of the seven radical groups the following belong. m ■ m • a? • t» • m • # • m • m • m ■ m ■ m ■ ís. ■ %s • « • n 1) or 2) : Bf 3) or 4) : 7E 5) : 6) : 7) : Lesson 1) ^A(left) (fl: M ft Vf Ole vě rf ľl) The Kanji group with the meaning components located on the left is t largest of the seven groups. \ = A = man ^ = step ; = * = water Guess the meaning of the common components below. m Bf üft Bf ( b = B = ) ft IE fg 1% ( 5 = ľ = # *5C * ( í =*: ( 2) 0< ŕ) (right) The components which carry the meanings can be located on t right. n = = ax ^J^ = moon hit — 99 Lua.ion 11 ^L-y b 2 -m-t-mOŽ&AsmŤ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . -;i?& 35 0K1"-?) if make produce * (7) J , í i' r rtftft ffKo<)£ to make fp:£($< •-&A.) composition fppn($< • Ü-A) a piece of work Wjftit'o • £) action 111 swim (8) ** % / y ■;i S ftl & Í;1c(i3 <£) C to swim swimming 112 -;± 1 °" * (8) N \ N / }1 -;n -;rb •;* •A fŮ(í)^r)) oil VÍ $*(&.«£> • x.) an oil painting 5ÍŮ(-třš • *9>) petroleum — 100- l.niBun ?Ü* V>& 3 5 (/K + -V) ,3^ sea T& #4 (9) N * / ;t ft if (Ť*) the sea, the ocean iíí'Mrô*^ • Ä*^) oversea B^-M (Ľ • l^ ■ M») the Japan Sea řfckÍTH1 • 1""V>) sea water 114 / t rice wine 1 liquor 5 It v a. (10 X v ) / if -;n /Ti ^ f ň 5S ffi($lt) liquor H^?S(t- ■ tžA- - L») Japanese ffíMíř^-^) a liquor shop ilÍ(Í9 • L*) foreign liquors wii 115 í* wait hospitality Üb (9 / / / í r i+ <*■ ä \H\k mt)v to wait f#"šH[(ä *> • M» • Lo) a waiting ro ± 9 • /cV>)-f & to invite 116 #č school =ľ} (11 - i t ft PF #*fc iMc Wso ■ i T ) a school ÍŽK (d n ■ h ÍO) rofä£(^ ^ • i o • -tŕv») a high school student a school princi — 101 — Lesson 11 8tí !/»& 3~ (zK1"d) 117 A - time hour i: š v (10) 1 n n B 0" 0+ 0±- fe B%Bf f%(tš) time, when -H#Fb1 (Z • fr A.) one hour HBfU • Ľ) 4 o'clock *3#ft(t • ttV>) a watch, a clock 118 D say =r> (7) \ ^ ' \ n 5 WO'1)'? to say *fl(C:i -If) language, a word Win Of A, ■ CT) language íkTS(~ČA, • i*/v) a message 119 ft measure (9) s- >• >■ r > n > S tť B#tt(£ • ft^) a watch, a clock St® #imft(£^ • í=^ • lt) a thermometer (ítv > . ^ O? •6 to pian 120 ^E DD word language (*/L-S) n' (14) _i- .> ^ r i 5 a P ŽE 13 pi g pp B*ag(t: • läA, ■ r) Japan MŠ(x.^ • ~) English ese angu age *í &»( í>o rf*£ 0) a sto ry -102- Lessoi Ä* H& < A,±* *>a OK ■■)■ •; (1 cooked rice WA meal, food / s- A ^ % % fj 1 r fTfßft CIS (C" • HA.) cooked rice, meal = $ŠČ(4Ô L) a colloquial word used by male ^M$>? • tá A) supper 2 — 2. fjc 9 ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. \\.h 2. *c 3. m 4. m 5. m 6. t#o 7. ^k 8. IVíFnl 9. R#Ht 10. ff^ 11. B*m 12. rig 13. MK 14. 5VÍ 15. feg K. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. B^m-emc^métLtzo 3. vŤ-^s&ii-Ě^ftšš-e-to 4. ^Mlá.ÄtrMtÄÝLS-íľ-to soy bean soup T1 — 103 Lesson 11 6. *^W*ŠV>B#ftOTT-fflŤ^£ÍČ*>žto 7. z-;*-X*%ť*>tmtli7®í:m^ito soy sauce 2 — 3. it# tiA, U hř 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. oil 2. the sea 3. cooked rice 4. liquor 5. to make *■&£ oh- \xk jit o< 6. to swim 7. to wait 8. to say 9. Japanese language C O ** 0 10 tsi. . time 11 i . a schoo 12 . a watch i; (iA. 3f Ľ A>A, *!o ^ Ť i l-fl^ I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji 1.4 o'clock 2. 5 o'clock 3. 6 o'clock 4. 7 : 00 a.i =fc Ľ z- Ľ 3< Ľ i- -tfA. L*, Ľ —104- Lesson 5. 9 : 30 p.m. 6. one hour 7. what time ď -r < Ľ li A, l^ U frA, ÜA, Ľ 8. a primary school 9. a junior high school 10. a senior high sehe iň ři £? í k» -5 *! o £ •? 11. a school principal 12. composition 13. petroleum 19 íií 14. swimming S< -£A-15. Chinese language 16. linguistics= study c in 17. breakfast (colloquial —» formal) tfA. -* # < 18. lunch o?> *b OS 19. supper IÍA. 4»Hi< If A. ft L tfA. |±A, 10)-5 liA, Kb9 t±< — 105 — Lesson 11 i-yh 3 -Íjc<&#l ( Reading Material) Read the following passage and guess who is who in the picture below. tf\ *fa*mX'\<^tzi6£lrz0 Ztifrh, Mb LiiWZ^tiiLrzo #Ž^l±■MX■•■iiK§~t Ltzo *Ťktf~KMžX~tfrho llj^Č-Uágr^Srfíibi Lfz0 ZLXmti&i Ltz0 + -V > y" a camp, camping ^/:*it to fry L i •? fy soy sauce 7t1-ttT ! Help ž -f' first -S-ft^ŕb then ^tiit to add r __ t K t> i f to say, — 106 — LoTVSTfr "CŽSTfr ŽP'S'^ —A 1 (Games using radicals) ( I ) Combine the components and make a kanji ■&* 1. H + # = ^ ( t š ■ v ) 2. 7jC+Ě = 3. * + 3c = 4. -f +# = 5. Ä + ^ = 6. W + 5 + □ = ('-'V''' ) 7. A + * = 8. AL + TfC + fr = 9. 0. 7jC + ^ = 7^ + A = ( II ) Select the appropriate component from the right-hand box. 1. 1 4. \ \ 7. 1 2. 5. B I 3. < 6. □ a. 7fC b. nj c. Ě d. e.j£ f.M g.£ h. i.# j.+ k. S 1.' m. J=! n.£ o. & P- -107- l.oaaon 12 mi 211 I J.-7 h 1 -M^Ogä ( Lectures on Kanji) &_ L- Ht gfl# 2 - #A,ÜU^ &l> (the radicals - top, bottom) Some kanji can be divided in top and bottom. 3) frA,ts*) (top) 11111 Cfé ^ ^ ^) (^ ^ |c ig § ^) These common components carry these meanings. -"- = grass 'J"* = roof /^= man Guess the meaning of the common components below. ( • = M = ) ř=& *žf? ^fr- 4) & L (bottom) lili {% M 7C) (Ä) ^L= man's legs H = shell = money Guess the meaning of the following bottom components. f§ * £ -108- l.i)»«on a.-y h 2 -S5+-ÜÖ)t(iA3l^ (Basic Kanji! 2_i. ÍI^KDÍŽ^ (Kanji Writings) 122 iH^ V»* < A-J:^ *V3 5 (^ &■ % fc^SÍ/iO one's home li^íĽ^Ť ■ fc <) housing Ís&(Ľ.-fc<) my house 'if s£(š • £ Of & to go home 123 % guest customer *^ 9 o: N 1 \ r^> f f % %-%-% § (% »? O a guest, a customer ^?? (Ľ- ± Ô • § *? O a passenger 124 1! room ->7 (9 \ 1 ŕ? fr & * <% T t tí(ší 1 • L-3) a classroom tň(Lo- ^v>) indoor if ^SisOtA • § * 1 • Lo) an office, a seminar room — 109 — Lesson 12 ä* V>& < A,i* t >3 5 OK* l) 125 house *■ do) \ P ŕ? r^ r^ f ?• r ř* ^(^x) a house ±m(&&-*ř) a landlord mt&(fr-Z"<) a family 126 w superb (for England) (8) +- •H- ť" tt Ä. £ * iSH(x.V>-^<) England 3£fnSr&(x.V> • fc> ■ íOĚU^-r) English an English-Japa Ľ • X A,) nese diet ionary 127 medicine +f- V- tf 3) medicine IIKA-C-Í-5) eye lotion IBM ( < "t" i) • -t3) a chemist's shop ^^ (ío'ŽiO a pharmacy 128 ^ meeting association (6) y /^ ^ ^ /i>-2T Ji*^ tome,et &B(M>-*>) conversation #tt(:zH> -L*) a company — 110- Lesson m* l/^ < AJ:£. *>3 = OK t r (4) t now present t>ä n > / A /O- ^ 4-(v>i) now -^(^Á, • Ifo) this month 4-¥(i-i:L) this year *4"B(ž±Ô) today rŕfP 3 snow *9># -fe7 (11) ~ ~~ r—' rf- ^F- r- a5' m* f f f W (<$>%) snow ffSK^il • C(C) a snow country 3? cloud (12) ~~ ~~ r~ 1—" ŕf> čŕ r- ŕ^ ijIŤ Ŕ{p lijŤ réjŕ — íT Ä. m() a cloud ^Ľ electricity r^ rf7 řf- Řf* a^ SF i ff r f c %%(X"L-ží) electricity, an electric light HM (t? A • t)) a telephone WM(~Čk, • Ľp) an electric tr — 111 — Lesson 12 m$ V>* < A,i& í>35 0K1-Ť) k sell Ť-£ (7) *■"■* + •Jr i ŕ f I %{n)Z> to sell 7cJ£(«V-35 (■?) •) Sr (ÍÍ) a sales counter TT/v) a stand 2 — 2 . !?c o ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. fcsB 2. Sg 3. %m. 4. Ü 5. -%m 6. ^ 7. AT 8. £K 9. S 10. S 11. «IS 12. 4- 13. 7th li. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 4-fJK 4ifc, 4-EK 4SI, 4^, 4-^P 2. ^wt^«^.^^«^«^^ Lfc0 3. ášW^Mlä^ofcg^^-C-l-o —112 — Lesson 2 — 3 . ܧ tlA L W> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a house 2. one's home 3. a guest 4. a classroom 5. : 1 1 -3o j II 1>;L fz< ťe< 6. to meet 7. medicine 8. English n^ n re : i-5 L-o 9. snow 10. a cloui 11. a telephone 12. to sell i^ -* < * T^ t> I!. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. today 2. this week 3. this month 4. this year '.A, Lv3>7 Z K if O Z iL — 113 — Lusson 12 5. England (i. an English person 7 . conversation 8 . a company K m £.B k tt 11- z< 9. a chemist's It- z< shop 10 ĽA . eye lotion 11. to sell <-» to buy fi\m g f ifr ž G3- T £ <-c % tí T?A S 17. to go home X'A, L v & v> m = ě $ 18. an office m * % t ft A ž»i I/O 21. a family m * -&X U fc< ¥ rC- tv< Lo H|řc^ž= WM~Th t.-i rt-1 š fc< 19. a guest room 20. a stand m líV -CA -114- Loasoi 7h3 -Ie<&^ ( Reading Material) <{*#'#> (Postcard) it I T f C ^rW. 3 -T /fp o I* 9 i: § I* T £&£&*£#i «bet*] s i' i rt £ i- ft? í tfc^ifr í If IC J Ö^lit VOf^A ~t -í *N * i. '-. y7\ť>- 7. ,-- i. rCti^^ *1 ^rf rfL *?./£ i* Íl Ibaraki Pref. o<ííTU (L) ~City 1tBI(^ít-rw)3Ti(*>J:Ôi Takezono 3 — 1 ~ »( S i ) Mr., Mrs., Miss-Hokkaido for the first time a guest from ~ J;M±š<7)ofäiLiLfzfro 4. ^coAiiv>oý-f ^ŕ,di3^$iĽév^ L£t5\ 5. Z?>AltZ'b~ c.~) 7. C i- ffr H. Combine top and bottom and make a kanji. 3. 6. ľ B (a. í ^'6'i.. c./ ) (a.P<^&;&' c. 9. r- Ě& i (a.& b. í (£.>>"" ^(aľ'C-'b.H c. g) (a. H b. P (ŕij) MLíf^-^Ŕ. ^-5Í t s.s &ä #3 9. =7 10.-^zr ■116- Lessor mi3ii I n.-y h 1 -ilt^OiÜj ( Lectures on Kanji -5Í t HJ) (the radicals — upper left, enclosure) The meanings of some components are located on the upper left or on the closure. 5) -fzfli upper left) 6 ) ^ii( enclosure ) |j| (K H IB ffi (r m r^ — roof ^ = sickness F3 = corpse (or crouched bod P^= two doors |~~j = enclose |ZI= border In which location is the meaning component of the following Kanji? 1. % 2. fo 3. m 4. fŕ 5. n 6. 7. £ 8. ft 9. [H] 10. M H. £ 12- u ■117- Lesson 13 J.-y S 2 -m+-m«& a 5 0K1--9) 4Ě wide spacious í>%-^ ="> (5) "r í jS wide rť^frSA . i *\ u- i • rt-^riyN* • ,. u* im k u-v LíJ Hiroshima E(!>ó)£ width £&(-*>. -n a t-| ja a <,>_ 9 i_ <; j an advertisement '£ shop (8) T f ^ f ß % Šříí/ a,Shľľ •£ (L x • TX.) a book store JBÄCC^-i,./,) a store clerk */Ě(KA. • T/,) a main store degree frequency K (9) "f r r j* f $ a -«(V»t • ť) once ^-lt(ÍA-ŕ-) next time im S (i k (-e < • f) f) temj spee jerat d ure — 118 — I nn»on Ä* V»* 3í (/5»- rrrŕ ř P)%hJfa fiSÄ^i Ô • š) sickness #1^(0*J: "9 • V>A) a hospit ímAÍC'í 9 • ĽA-) a sick person t fatigue worn out (10) N 3- rrrr # # ß ^Ií 3E(oÄ»)tlž to be tired •K (o ^) ft tiredness i pain !/>£-$> (12) N ■*" r-rrfl ^ f Ä Ä Ä # fäi^tz)^ painful iffi(V^7t)Älh(t")žÔ a painkiller M (V»?t) tf to ache IM (i* • o ô) a headache f roof, shop house (9 —) -P rrčfr % r* 3. *M(tSA-Jf) a book shop M±(fc < • C J: Ô) the roof ŕOS (í; < • *?) a butcher — 119 — Losiiun 13 Ä* V><& 3; (^<1-t) D country (8) nnmmiíi m a H(<íC) a country #1-IIIA(/!>SV . ; < . ^;^) a foreigner SjZ^^Í^ < • <0 O • £V • 7)í<) a national university E turn round tt>--t (6) i n n pi Pi a 0(it))1- to turn — EI (V»o ■ M>) once @(it))ž to go round S trouble (7) n Pi ifi m 1*1 ®| i(Íí)S to fall into trouble ffllÉ(£A,- &Á,)& difficult Bfl open áb-itž (12) 1 ľ r F F1 Fl P n F-1 H M Hl fífl(í)) < to open RfJ&Í^)^1 • 75»V>)i"& to open a meeting H(tMô)< to open UJE(ri^5 ■ TA.)1~& to open a store — 120 — t u n no it 145 »t* V>& < A,±& ■Á-: 'W ; (/>•< I ) E close L-iöh/t-CZ, í (11) i r r F 01 nnnpir-flífl K (L) t h to close IS é Kv> • 7H>) 1" ž to close a meeting ?fi(.t)LZ> to close F!flJS(^V> ■ X A.)-f h to close a store 2 — 2. !!<& fiA U * 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. )2;^ 2. JM^ 3. -It 4. -0 5. H 6. fŕíA 7. Jfi 5. *M 9. J&ŕt-ä 10. 114 11. Bf] It á 12. ffifeá 13. %m íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. kM, MiL m&. iSM, 1*1 í 2. '^WIMI ►) i;*^'^ < S/vifof) i-to 3. Ý^feíoiifDŕíiiíií!]tmimmi&^x < /íe^0 4. iifrifa^frb, /Mí£co±niíaĽí)ŕjKĽtí-ší-to 5. HvmmfrX-ž i-ttA.frb. E f) i-To -121 — Lesson 13 6. Z#v> 7. IPltfififiíŕ^M-et-o feB^m+m^^X, WkSM^mt'Oi-fo 8. 5-u\±$LV)%ftťZ%.z_ZLŤzfrt>, l&KtLfzo ig*foA.x\ m^xmm^fíšiLfzo 10. l£$i±¥l±%Aű¥-Xlt&iO £-tí:Á-0 2 — 3. Wžti/oL®? (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. wide 2. painful 3. a shop 4. a country 5. to be tired 05 V * Ofc v> *-t+ <( - Ofr fo / 6- sickness 7 . a book store 8. to be in trouble ^ = S tfií ž Li TA, sa, f> ZÍ 9. once 10. to open 11. to close l = »tS aô S l »o *H> u*. if — 122 — I (inaor íl. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a butcher shop 2. a fish shop 3. a liquor shop C< K> Zfrtt K> Sfr f> 4. a chemist's shop 5. a main store-*—► a branch store 3d it") K> 6. a stand u a, -ca. 7. the roof L "CA- 5. next time tív -ca. 9. a hospital fc < Ľ ± Ť -A. ť Ptc t>*i 9 OA, 12. tiredness 10. a sick person 11. a headache tf±9 i: A- &fcá V* = Ofc ľ -3 9 13. to open the store 14. to close the store tl t h -r h O fr fro -ca- ^O -CA- 15. a foreigner 16. a foreign language 17. Hiroshima n fro -< ĽA- fro C< o^> — 123 — Lesson 13 ■3.-y h 3 -íäfo% ( Reading Material) *fätlX* ~ to get tired and ~ ~ very -tľ'í), ~ But - HiotľíLfc was closed <" Ť -tfA, by chance íl Ä (íoJi O a pharmacy r ~ j ie^i Lfc (someone) said, 1. ZíDAliéOitiLiLtZfro 2. ZCOAiiš^^ťiLxmníLtzfro .3. ZVAliš^o tZ^ftét Ltzfro 4. ^Jllit'ClĽÍ) f) ítK (a, b, c Which shop do we have to go in order to buy the items below? 1. 7tá r 8. -ttoH^ 15. .ft 1*1 2. x.A,r>°^> 9. <£*><£> 16. v -v > 7° 3. Eví 10. $"o L 17. v JL - X 4. >X-\k] 11. A"V'J > 18. fr-tfiSS 5. tf-;V 12. Lfc 19. & 6. * 13. $L* 20. 5 JV? 7 /■?> U.'/iS 21. in -125 — Lesson 14 SB14RI l-7h 1 •Jl^Olä ( Lectures on Kanji) U5ÍÍ 4— CCcfc -5— (the radicals — lower left) Some meaning components are located in the lower left. 7 ) Cn( lower left) (Ä 1 1 I I 1) J__= walk, way (the meaning components + the sound components) In some kanji a different component from the meaning component shows the'ON YOMI' (Chinese) reading of the kanji. tF B# If -">* B# (B sun + =£v) If (# hand + =£ v ) W Bf fl ^"^ HS (B sun + W*^) SI (If-fc-f clear +#- conflict) M # ^ -# M (A man + "BJ * ) # (""" grass + P]" * ) 1: (of * + ^ open mouth) 126 — LoBsor 2-7h 2 -IfH-EgüOtßAJII? (Basic Kanji 2 - 1 . >I^(7)»f ^ ( Kanji Writings) SŕP l/>& a 5 (^ < -f 9 146 it near recent *>^-v> *> (7: f- fr f tfr it jSK*./^)^ near Ä(*>^) < near iSßf (š ^ • t i) the neighborhood 147 Ú. far j^r^ remote (13 "-* + *. i * t i? ? * * ^ # 5# á í(iJ3H> far l&(x.A> • -?■<) a picnic &(££)< far 148 JÍ speedy (10 — T" n P * f * SÍ i* 3Í. i(li*) fast ÍÄ(-ž-< • W speed iSjÉ (-?"•( ■ Ťz'O) express delive: — 127 — l-OBBon 14 81* >/>Ä 35 (* late, slow j§£ij(*> • i <) 1"£ to come late M(fá<)tL& to delay ät way . street (12) \ -/ u- v- f It ÍÍ TÍ í 1í # & jt(A*)) a way, a street #jl((5 • t'-?) a footpath, a sidewalk ykM(~f V» • t*-)) waterworks ¥ü( Li • t"")) a roadway i blue (8) • + * 5t f f t f W(Ž>J3)V> blue -n¥(-Č^ • faA<) a young man flNťí!-(í> 33 • L/l • Cľ-9 ) a green light * fine clear up ti-ti (12) ] l 1 fl a B' B+ 0* fl*. Bf s* 8fr B* W((á)íT. fine weather H^O-třV» • TA,) fine weather Df(i±)tLS to clear up —128 — 153 WHŕ l/^A silent still J_____L í v (6 4- i-'Jŕ ## #(T • L) Todaiji Temple 155 # hold t-o v (9 E *-****• äft*^ -(í>)o to hold, to own Wim(ĽfOti to continue KíO^bftK&W) one's property Äŕí (il • í>) "^ a feeling +* / rr tc (*) ď f f ř 4*í ffift (K • 4 o) luggage, a package ffifli (Ľ • <í <) 0 Ť * to pack sčfóftl (T • K • í) -3) hand luggage 129 — Lesson 14 iH^ V'Ä 3? (fr 9 (Reading Exercises) . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. S^ 2. ifi/> 3. ÜV> 4. äl/> 5. W^ 6. 1MS& 7. BftLž 8. m -? 9. íf o ío. m n. * i2. m. 13. #ti Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. *it<75**lfc*í1-o 3. H/ó^LlJíO#tŕft:*ÍL^o — 130 — 6. ^w^BAwW^lia^Wv'-e-fo 7. ia<«^lcJSÄt:ff§iL^o 8. #ffl£A,lá&ÍŠMb-Cl-c 9. *L/jl±^*^í>BfttŽ-tŕL±d„ 10. Sŕ#ISwíS)taB#iIísiŤn-ei-^, 2 — 3 . í S ti A U W> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. near 2. far 3. fast 4. slow 5. blue v^ I |v> I lv> I |v* *>fr i *• (±^ *>--£ his 6. quiet 7. to sing 8. to hold 9. a package or 10. a way &S 9fc 11. to clear up fl h l- *o 12. a temple Xb 131 — Lesson 14 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a singer 2. the national anthem 3. hand luggage a> L k 4. speed ;•, * x c ť? 5. a rich person 6. a sidewalk 7. a roadway 8. the neighborhood 9. near 10. far 11. a picnic < < 12. fine weather 13. to come late 14. to delay ti h H nth ■tí-ľ« TA, *> Z{ *>•< 15. one's property 16. a young man 17. a quiet person *> ri*£ *® ■ti-l^ fctA. L-r' t>£ — 132 — l •■««mi I o.—y h 3 irc*^ ( Reading Mutortwi) Iv^SKiS1) í "to 'j- : v>v^'i-feo -r-1, ä < Mt £ í-f fro »fr-?:\ v^^i^-tľ-tio 'J-: b*1íLt, * WtMi (o < (f £ A.) Mt. Tsukuba t C % a place If o "t fr < to take (something) ®(i5 íi)«/-» heavy KfotíS tobring (something) [Lo&A.] 1. IIM^/^i^oÄÄĽŕrŠttfro 2. W*SA,liSt<í-Cff£i1-7J\, 3. W^ČAJiťiMŤšt-tfro 4. Ý^li^írti^-Ct^o 5. ťŤ LTttv^tiliffl i) í-tfro 6. W*^£^lÍMJ£tM£&oTfíšitfro — 133- Lesson 14 <^%:f% (Weather forecast) > ftp' ( Z čľ-<) 4tAW (Sŕsu.5 L* -3) — 134 — ■3.-y K 1 ->HÍ(DŠĚ ( Lectures on Kani AIHIIlIHSö) SSt? ( Kanji for human relationships) I . Personal pronouns he 'ifck she you (hearer) I (speake: 11 . Family members $-» &■ Ä' t U" #* 1 ^ Ä v «b" jí i j.- ŕ,-^ (Jätfä/v) (StíZfu) (tiíbih) m m @ V A til* «i; «u" T V ©. © #A — 135 — Lesson 15 There are two ways of addressing family members. Words in Group 1 are used when a speaker refers to his own family and words in Group 2 are used when he refers to someone else's family. But when one addresses his own father at home, he may use the word r£5C$ A,j in Group 2. 1. Speaker's family 2. Another's family father 5c(*>*>) ŽX(H)H mother #(tái±) elder brother Ä(í)l-) elder sister Ifäihtí) younger brother sfJ (£> t ô t) younger sister fefci^i) 7 fc) husband ±A(L* CÁ-) *(4Sofc) *5ff(/Ô>í>)£/v iä4i|i(tax.)£/v íl (ist Ť t) S/v fcfč(^í>7 t)$A C'±A(L*Ľ/v) wife *(*!<) S/v child Ť(d)f í> Jo-"ŕ(c:)SA ■136- -fg+EÜW^l^JÜ^ (Basic Kani H7h 2 2 _ 1 , -;^!fi(7)»ž^ ( Kanji Writings) 158 Ä* 1 V>& 3 5 (^ 7 • ĽX) a friend "MS( * vCn) friendship 159 í>C father / n 7 X ^ 7 (4 5Cih^ó) one's own father *fc5č(td)$/v father 5Ca.(^ib • &*?) male parent ■$C-ffl:(-^ • lí) parents 160 # mother £. a a « ä i±i± ** ■|:Jr(t±t±) one's own mother *i3l4t(^áb)$A. mother -BJ:fl(!±l± • fc^) female parent ®H (li* ■ Í <) one's motherland — 137 — Lesson 15 161 MT 5L n* elder brother f Ä.I B$ «»<-*-7) Ť3 7 (5) 52, ($>(-) one's elder brother 5S^(§ J: -9 • 7ÍfťO brothers * is H (K t >)$ A elder brother 3CÄ(.£> • ftť1) guardians 162 #t - elder sister í>fa -> (8) ( 4 t ť K ť" *fr *$ (L- on< i's el ) s der s ster sister s * í3ÍfU(fcx ) SA elder í sistei 163 % younger brother •»/ M i4 4 * fci-ji -tr-i (7) SMiäi: -) i) one's younger brother *5fäiL("C:- • L) a pupil, a disciple Ťí^íL-TV5) sons, children 164. tr . younger sister (8) ( i t *- *=■ *+ ^ *£ $i(H & -9 t) one's younger sister U$%{L ■ ÍV») sisters — 138- t u H n Oft il^ i^& < Ai* * / b! " (/K 1 ' Ŕ husband íďoÍ: 7/7' ; (•1 — ==- ŕ* £(£oi:) one's husband ~2cA(*k • CA) Madam-, Mrs £#§(•&>■? •-á^) a married couple wife (8 — ^7 ^=ř- -3- # Ý Ý Ibi) one's wife $M(&> -SV») husband and wife ~*-*(^ • S H Mr. &Mrs. - 'it he ^tt (t) frW" (8 s '/ í fl ríŕ &fa. fö(^ti) he fô(;Mi)íb they ÍS&W*« • ti.) she i chief, main lord, owner AL (! \ ^_ ll^í. ±(fc)& chief, main ff (t) *>±(í&L) an owner ÍA(L* • ĽA) a master, one's husband —139 — Lesson 15 il^ V-** 35 W><-fŤ) Tm& I deep, inside interior (12) / f 1*1 1*~l P\ P\ frl fr) féiiajfujl JÍL (33 < ) deep inside !!(£ <) SA other's wife, madam = ft$(i3 < • $ i) 2 — 2 . tje<& flA L Hb 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. je 2. m 3. ä 4. % 5. tt 6. m 7. ££*> 8. ffi 9. ÍĚ& 10. Í3ÍCSA 11. ia#$A 12. Ü5E.SA 13. fcftfiSA 14. USA 15. r±A 16. £i li. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 2. fficoisW§Ai±f:^±^-e-to 4. ÍS^COĚV^ÝÍto-C^tl-o — 140 — 5. iAliíEJ&^&^-e+o 6. giŤliíCííSí.atllCÍŤc.-C^i-to 8. lilffl5feir^#i:i3ía^äV>Lí LŤz0 I asked Mr. and Mrs. Yamada. 2-3. H£ tiA U tf> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a friend 2. he 3. she 4. father = & £ 5. mother = *3 6. elder brother 7. youngej $ ^ lilt ** 8. elder sister ■^ iai 10. husband D=CD fo0 fc List ĽA, - £ 9 11 younger Ľ ľ-sister . wi t e 1 fot 9 i: $ ^ o i *< — 141 — Lesson 15 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. brothers (and sisters) 2. parents 3. a married couple 4. sisters 5. guardians 6. a parents'association L it» 7. Mrs. Tanaka .£» It i» *£> If AH» ,£, m» AH» $ A (D £ ^ ft &a» ^ \zk tz rs.ii- fe< 8. Prof. Yamamoto's pupil 9. my father's friend í í>1 •ti■^ -t+l» X' L *,% <®ö \zh 10. main language 11. one's homeland 12. one's mother tongue % *>•* \1K -* (J* -< li' - < 3* — 142- t !Í ****** JL—y h 3 -fjcoLil: 1-a,t- ^t-fo ÍCti2^BÍfcí:<í:'3iL^o ^5ig&ír -c a, š i d L-cv^i-t^ í fiT^-e-f-^fb, H*ST? fcfaži* ^Lito Z^Z^ti o l2?Ť-3íf!kX\ ^»ŤiXÍ--; •ri,Z^iir0 3čii4\ *BĽ ^itfrb, mztíMtR tmt\,í< a.) ^íxof-ík-e-To *tz lA-e-r ^-el/»i■fc 5&S, SAi-řoriA^-řOT- :*r, ^coL*LA,£i: ») iL/t„ dW^Ai^fá-ř- -Xflí ri-ib-e-r^, r±Aí±iM^A-uŕ-x(±Lž-tŕÁ,0 143- Lesson 15 Review L. 11—15 N : m m ZM m W: M M M m &% je # m& (MOš. (í)i mf ^m mm mm m(&) ^ m 9 (-)jf (-)0 % m x m k m m m * m \& ±(A) m^ A : j£v* Éi^ |f^ Jäv> ü^ Ü^ jü^ v : ft£ h^ &<* ífo #^ ^gá a£*i& H§tt£ BUö£ 0* B£ í#o Hjftlá i. :©it a.Nŕtt muL^X'-to 2. ££'*>»§;-? B $0 (í.íit] 2."?!)" fc&*i L£<, 3. ií^Ii; (1.1IŠ 2.miS) ír^ltiLito 5. Ťt%CD (l.#íx 2.#=$) coífeífelCéV^iL^o 6. H*!fW (UM 2.fŕPR) rlxÄŽto 7. Hffl$Á,t±J:< ( 2.«:) tf^ŕ), mnito 8. ;<7)i5#l±^o<í, (l.BBfr .2.9*) -e-fo 9. +-JKC (1.3 2.») Tjí^f) ífo 10. (1.1EH 2.ÍE1) T-g^?E^Iv>iL/;a 11. (1.» 2.*) I±&£ t) 2o±T-to -144- t »»»K« u. -3^*5)____CT« wfi&p&SÉ&B-CAJi/ť.H»,, ftijit ít^t-t ttg^t ^fc^-r ^i)it 1. ě^Ť^B-CJfe^C 4ľ ' ■ itfc, 2. flrliO ±d H ■'? -, Tv^ž1-o 3. £tfV^ř>, Žťfr f7 ;- ž L i. ň o 4. 3i!Š;ôU<5h6>e>fcv>fre>, ^; f 'i íť. 5. kôHŽ^o< ľ? r -, To — 145 — Lesson 15 -& U í [ii*^ ísMt-com^-wv* h] <^/v> 4 : f3T ft; # f£ v : ŕtĎ M ľ$ * b : ^ st m m m BI t : Ifc 0 *•■ u m w. f: í# * : # # $ í •' & "'■■ í : fí m í# ÍJŽ f : % •» • 5* =£ =K. =4-ra • PJL RP PP B 1 * : £ä * : m • '(t i * Ä w <#>L> ^ ■' ?fc M '/Ž Ä ~: ^ £ ^ ^ % S ä: #§ ^: Ä ^ é? n: ľi M : Hl M : M -: í: Ä # 2j ± *: * 5: g ä: fŕ 'ň <£;fi> r: fc la m k: fkW r ■ Jn M M # : 0^ |# # r: M ä: #£ n: R pŔ| n: m ^ P! m m m m p: m m m i-: iš Ä it Ü g : it — 146 — I 161 I J-- y h 1 m^ď. MUM& lcf'^4 (smart) (handsome) (rich) L-r -t hi %%* #£* MW* IfA. i *9»l- LA.WO ±¥& T^ft *SJ* The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present affirmative Present negative Past affirmative Past negative ftfr-ej- quiet mWTrt kind ff^-C-L^ (Ľí) -C*L^ (Ľ*) -e L. — 147 — Lesson 16 Adjective + Noun : Ü*ftg|5M »&ft£ a quiet room a kind teacher Adjective + Verb : S^LfSt &V)ljMž-Z> to speak quietly to teach kindly Adjective + Adjective: fi/J^a^ ffiTe^SL^ quiet and light kind and gentle -fc You can make -& adjectives by adding -& to the English adjectives as follows. ;\y^-i, (handsome) ft X v - 1- (smart) ft 'J y f" (rich) ft T7 7^ (deluxe) ft [ftA U Ht> -5] Guess the meaning of the following adjectives. tfi-ř-f v^ft ^sJVv — ft — 148 — I ■»*»•!« IL--y h 2 -m+7\i!|(D£U/l,«*fl 2 _ 1 . j£:£tf)*g2ř ( Kanji Writings) 170 && TV V^Ä- origin, source base r TL <Á,J:& tys i í>fc ify 7CÄ(tfA • £) ft healthy, fine XB (t^/v • Co) New Year's Day 171 spirit, mind air, atmosphere r- 4z Hj 7\l % {■h- < -r -): (4) (6) miř(š • *>)*> a feeling 7^\,(TA • i) weather %ft(ž • Ä A) a mood, a state of mi ■&%{Xfi1 • ž) sickness 172 have, possess exist (*-*) 3.V (6 l-tt\tt íí ($>) 2) to exist, to have 3fn/j-(vH • f) i Oft powerful ;£%(*? • tó^)ft famous Pffidi • t3>Ť)1"* to possess — 149- Lesson 16 173 m^ % i/^ name, famous members 7 \9 f % £ iLíh t>a 5 ok?-?; 5 h 7 (6) ^flíí'fc -ix) a name %>řJr(£>^* • Li) famous places &*g(&-r-^) Nagoya ^(^•■S^) special products 174 parent kinship ť (16) f fn w f« s ?l IKAJ-^) a parent $(Lfc)Lv» intimate, friendly 5tm(*>t> ■ £*?) father fMJ(LA--ti-o)& kind 175 176 '*z ] cut, end ' moderate (4) •"" t *1 w "5J(š)ž to cut Í0#(ž o • "C) a postage stamp #Jíí(š o • &) a ticket :fc$J(7tv> • -tíro)& important € current, traffic convenience \£> (9) / , 1 r r f f ^ 1? Ä ßE(£&. < A,£Ä #'] profit proficient (š-<) U •/] s s 1 í * í *'l HMWi*) • é) š left-handed #$1(^7 -D)* advantageous f!iŤ(*) • L) interest flJfflC9 • X Ť)"f S to use * un-, in-not 7/7-(4 — 7" TT- 'ÍMŠĚÍ-S» • ^A,) & inconvenient ^jl(-S» • Ť k,) & unlucky ^(^••řOtS to lack of ^»JU>- LA,--tio)£ unkind * young (í — *" -H- y f f % % irCfr^)^ young žHfoÄ1)? youthfulness íŕ_:ÉÍ (fc>fr • & £>) a young man ¥ early lä-^-v» 7 7 ( 1 n "F S Jg_ f ■f-Oi^V» early -¥-(l±^) < early, soon •¥•§£] (■?"7 • *> i Ô) early morning — 151 — Lesson 16 wř V>& 35 (jK+Ť) >\t • busy (6) / j *- /» ť f- 'ft tt^Ý^L-V» busy #ttľ (/c • (řŤ) * very busy 2 — 2. Ijc 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. U 2. £ii& 3. £v> 4. -f-^ 5. ttLv> 6. Ťt%t£%7- 7. HíJJ&ífcífe. 8. ;pr£&J3# 9. fôfU** 10. ^ffi**¥ íl. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. icDftro^fíHiiffr-e-ř^o *ji utěšuj á-e l i i» 4. £*M<^£&^-*OJ£Mté:Í Lfco ffiOAlii-CfeSiö-CL^o — 152 — (••Mj 1 5. iOftližř^AlcAA^ífe*) í~fo This song is popular i»nmi»j| i people. | 6. fW < Ü § T, ft^fc ti %^T š ž L fco I got up early in ihn mol and went to the quit;t plnr< 7. iOš^xv^-ÍOÍli^íO^CÍD^^íO-U-to These pretty stamps are cious things for my yoi brother. 8. fZ.-e-f^\ iz^frh&^frh. 4? L?HIĚt*1~o 9. W. 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 2. famous 3. kind 4. unkind 1. healthy fc fc ifA, ž „ »v» LA, *o A ^A, *o 5. convenient 6. inconvenient 7. young 8. busy n* rr i ^A, 0 ). early 10- sickness 11. Nagoya 12. one's li-? Vi.0 & * -153- Lesson 16 li - Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. uneasy 2. advantageous 3.disadvantageous 4. to lack of % 5. intimate 6. a parent 7. a feeling & -fh 8. powerful U^ % Lit & fc^ ž ť) i9>9 ŕ) j. <; 9. a postage stamp 10. a ticket 11. important 12. to cut íf :-? T * ž 13. airmail 14. sea mail 15. mail 16. quick delivery f/L m im m\ ŕ£ ;= - -5 < í tfA, 17. a young woman 18. early morning 19. early time V> CO *>*> 20. famous products *? iii v> fct^ Ľ ä^ íôo áo —154 — t n**tM( I' J--y h 3 rLC'£(Í% iRjTTfroj (What is his job?) Various persons wrote about their own jobs. Read the following passage and guess what each job is. Choose from below. 1. 5fc± 2. v>L* 3. 7EM 4. &g 5. *S 6. ig, 7. i:# 8. ^a-ca,^ 9. ííľíH/x 10. *"-f K a: &wjmcu:grMfci!fcrM<£>£ A, ľ oi3gU:£v>-t^£M&ĚfcA,-c^tl-56>ř>, £i/^A,-c*-f0 * Adverbs of frequency : V>o í> always "tv» in most cases — 155 — Lesson 16 jSPoTi^Tfr Jrcžttfr <ím Sc T (In a Hospital) > 1 F 4. ^fm 5. F*3 6. 7. □ □ ^Sf □ □ 3. těrš-f- xK-ý X X 2. WŽŠ 1. r" J] a n 4, ■Sít (Ťít^tt) a reception «& (ĽtrLo) an office ÍJiíf »>tt) an accountant a pharmacy 5. FW (&V^) an internal medicine department a pediatrics 7. XT## ÍĽO» an ear and nose department 2 F i. 9m dt» a surgical department a nephrology department U > hV>fe. a X-ray room n. 3mm (-tirwtwt» an orthopedics department mm km ($/u^i:/v/j-) an obstetrics & gynecology department W¥c W/v» an ophthalmology department -156- I OaIS^-jb lH 3® ZB# fit -(AM)- Äľal im /-a uffl medicine for internal ii:.r ~ m. (t-) Mr. / Mrs. / Miss ~ ffl'iŽ U'jCB) directions for ~ day(s) every ~ hour(s) - -a bo*) nm u< ii) — packet(s) to be taken tablet(s), ~ capsule(s) — 157 — Lesson 17 I mum I J.— y h 1 -mrnnm i* a ô mom?? -2- &m%&t>fttm¥ ( Kanji carrying the meaning of "Movement") Below are listed many types of verbs which we will study. They carry the meaning of "movement." These verbs express a moving action with direction. ® is. 1 UŤT. © Memorize each of them with the particle. ft m Pi tf? £X*)it * tbž-f Tríľ^r tf ■ *)it o - & j-Mžti- — 158- bin * ig o i-r h*: -* i- / \ / @ •5- ^ *#žit ItU —159 — Lesson 17 JL-y b 2 -m-i-tm& < A,£* :*> '3 5 (*»<*?) 182 £ come/go out ■v-h ŤZ-t "> i 7 / v a. y - (5 ) I t f Lt ÍU to (~C) h to come out ítí ifz) ~t to put out itin ("C •<**>) an exit WtÜ (#>V • L*o)1"^ to go out 183 ŕ enter • put in ^-ftá (2) / H A(i±^)á to enter A(Htl& to put into A^O^*-9 •7lí<)"t"ži to enter a school 184 £ ride <7)-& V 3 $ íO-třS (9) / /_ ^_ ^P >" ^ áf f % t ■%( I n -V .v i r i (w) jŕ-P PH^ffl Pf (íä) 0 h to get off |S| {Á) h to fall (rain, snow, etc.) 186 reach, arrive wear •»/ iZ Y ¥ =é •f-Ť? ř- f if (o) < to arrive MM (k 7 • *)'P < ) i"■& to arrive Si (š) h to wear Sř!$5 (£•&£>) a kimono 187 (12 cross htz-i, t>Ťz--f r \ N N / •s J / t ■r-FiP&ß-A (15 :Š.{t>tz)h to cross j)*^(t • ^V>)-Í"ž to visit U.S.A. i&(í>fc)"t" to pass (something) 3Ü. pass commute fi í tiš-? (1 i É tá Iři il(fc£) & to pass £ä(-Ť -Oi) traffic ji (tf5 X) Ô to commute iif:(oŤ • Ä*<)1"ž to go to sc ■161 Lesson 17 Ä* H 3 S (^ < 1" •?) k run (7) — + ^t Ť*,* k. MUt L) h to run if (Ý9 • L*>) a runner # walk (8) l r- iv- Jfc. Ť *ř fc f $(í)ž)< towalk l$(U-lí)tž to progress ^ÍT#((ä • i -9 • Lí) a pedestrian ^JKíä-t"^) a pavement ih stop t-ih -> t-ibh (4) I h ih ih it (t) ž h to stop ilÍTlL (o -5 • i ô • f) * closed to traffic Ťlbí*) * Ť • Dtž to cancel, to discontinue íh move ■?r-< k^ 7 r-35>t (n) s ^. T" ff * s. íľ % t fl7 ÍA U(Ť"')< to move íffi(^ 7 • l? o )-$"%> to act, to behave Éfj$(L • i*? • Lf) a car SMÍOÍť^ • -£o) an animal — 162 — I iinnoii íl^ 193 m v^Ä work f r f f 3S (/X 11! í±£í>-< K* K* fé ^ 15 1t í #7 % (liŕzhX to work ^ÍÍ(6Ť • t"ô) labor Hř(*>3 • t"T • Ľ?) a laborer (13) 2 — 2. fjc&flAU m> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. xufrhx^t-to 2. ain^ffii-řo 3. m^mnt-t. 4. mífclľ) i To 5. 1 lBtlC^řciřšŽ L£0 6. a0*ffi<9i-to 7. #ü£#i:;£-f0 8. ^»3i-i-o 9. m^^Jti^í Lito 10. r^tf-x-Í^Klši-třA-o 11. JEtľ-íiv^-rv^í-ro 12. ^:^ĽA^Lá1-o D . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. mfrbmtffä-oX^íto 2. #£±ífr, 9?i/-*ŮL#)$LŤz 3. Wv^tj^^-cv^-To 4. *jf;#ár;-(;AtLT i k X- 4. to cross a street 5. to get on a bus 6. to get off a bus 19 £ ž ;W:: ž ax£ *) h k is b Ä o 7. A car stops. 8. A horse runs. 9. to walk on a street tf th & h * < < ž* t •5 t ti L &*> &'. -164- 10. a man+to move = to work + <= K ük 9Í «** Loanon I íl. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to pass in front of a book store 2. an animal £ *)ti- if ■? -So (SA- ^ **. fcfe 3. to discontinue 4. to wear a swimsuit 5. It rains -f h £LJ s 6. to attend a school -$h 7. to enter a scl -r. #0 Z\ô A>± oi *!< i; K» ť *s < to attend 9. an exit 10. an entrance 11. a pavement j£1~& Lw>o -trž *• N 12. a passenger 13. a train ticket 14. traffic lä if 9 3C ;«t-5ť?< ĽiŤbvitA- z.*) -o~> -165 — Lesson 17 i-7h 3 i<&^ 57C &<7>±mimíĹ*¥-C'ir0 ±šmfrXtc stzféfrbiJž^^XMfrCb^X-i-o" í« (tŤ^i) Tokyo «□ (*&*<"*,) south gate t *> i* T tľ on the way *m$. (•!< f) o) national ÍR (x. š) a station ÄJÍ^'X the highway bus ť — I i~ )l the terminal 5JF:?lI6 (lt/vž ) a bus stop Choose the correct one from the followings. 1.5 hours 15 minutes 4 minutes 2. M&Wi * 1.5 hours 15 minutes 4 minutes 3. JÜÄlR 1.5 hours »-g-ý-juh°—r± ¥ W5ĚSB 15 minutes 4 minutes ■166- l nrlíion $noTi^£T# T^íl"^ E ň h V- J: Ť t í <ílSS#ÍS (Road signs) > 1. M'Bf#Jl (£> Ť /i/v/íä ŕ"-) ) a pedestrian crossing 2. #fŕ#«®í«lt (iž^L^/iH/fA/ŠAL) No crossing for pedestrians 3. ěižifíuIíŤihió (Ľ. X ^ L * /o Ť ;i /ť) aô No passage for bicycles 4. «TŠtlh (-)iřo/ěÁ,L) No right turn 5. /iíTrSlt (S-tí-o/ě/vL) No left turn 6. -Slífit (^*>Ľ/-CL) Stop 7. ífcff (Ľi-^) Go slow 8. —Ä'ilfŕ (v^olřŤ/o^ CT) One way only 9. ilAÍČlt (LA(;*T/^/vL) No entry 10. S¥«lh ft*Ui/^L) No parking [Í^£V] o?(n|i(tŕj;UI, signs) Wjtlfclä, irc-r^o ±0) 1. íl ±^n> b. ▼ o® & v^v^&lflšfcS^L-C.&á Li Ť< ■167- Lesson 18 |&18k| 3--V h 1 -m^mz (Kanji carrying the meaning of "Position") Remember the following Kanji carrying the meaning of "Position." If w ž Ťz N S hts.Jf- WL it y\- outside ■168- I iinncin II =L-y h 2 -IS+AtlcDští/i/«* 2 _ 1 . )i^!(D*f ^ ( Kanji Writings) 194 se? v>A \ A^ J> ) r right 3-1 (5) ; f-r-)ót\ £ (* £*) the right ^ (A ^ • T) the right hand ítl (A ¥ • 50sfr) the right side ;££ (S ■ *5> T) right and left 195 %. left ŕ ŕ fc i O-fi») * (5) Ě(U-tzh) the left £*(!>£•)• "O the left hand ^flKO-fi1) • ifih) the left side 196 i east n f=i Ü-^'L h"? (8) Í JKCtWL) the east UOSÍČtÔ ' § i Ť) Tokyo JSP (M* L • <**>) the east gate [MUß: (ž6^ • 11) the Kanto region -169 — Lesson 18 m$ v>& 35 OK "t?) 197 s west •«M (6) ~~ \ ~~ r\ ýFj ť^ ž§ M (t L) the west HP (K L •<**>) the west gate Hříí-tí"^ • i -9) the Western countries F*IÍS(^A • $v>) the Kansai region 198 it north (5) . - ^ i i' it Ít(ŠŤz) the north ÜCU (šfz ■ <"*>) the north gate ^t*({5< • ^V>) North America Jfcŕ&iKläo • ?H> • t'l) Hokkaido 199 *| south (9) - -Í -ŕ ň ň ŕ) Ä Ä * Ä(*&*) the south !%□(*&*•<**>) the south gate **(&A • ^V1) South America IfIttöA • ff<) north and south 200 4 out, outer other, foreign f±T-t /Vifr Y (5) ' 0 7 ' H ?K W-i-Zt) outside illtfK^O a for eign cour try i «n f Of > • L SUI •gery ) to go c ut — 170 — LoňSon II iS^ V^& < Líh- t>3 i (A» -.-, ..«( 1 1 (4) ; 1*1 inner, within inside Ô*> TJ 1 n rift l*ffi (Ô *> • ^st>) inside ^1*1 (A» • &V>) one's own wife llrtCi < • &V>) the interior ňf4(&V> • ri») internal medicine *P department, part section, club (11) \ j* r, $■ i it n f P « «ř ~pß(-S) ~ department,— section, ~ club * nßS (^ • *?) a room SKH-S ' -&A,) a part, a section ■ff Q Station (14) \ r TT ff ff ! Ä Ä 1 ,1 r & %f $jR lR(x.ě) a station IRS (x. š • »^ A,) a station-employe SRÄ(x.š • *> i t) the Stationmaster 5j L shrine, company /r-i- assembling ■>t/->> (7) s ? í í *- *+ *t ěttf^V»' Lť) a company ͱS(ĽP • *> i Ô) the president tttlLí'i^) a society W±(ĽX • Cf) a Shinto shrine — 171 — Lesson 18 9& V>& az (fr institute (10) i 3 f F" r r f p &ik fäUiVt o • A,) a hospital X^Uifz^ • tf < ■ 1>A) XM(fc * ■) ■ V*A,)"t"£ to be in a hospital a graduate school 2 — 2. W.H\\h,\j Kb O ( Reading Exercises) I ■ Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. Éí 2. £J£ 3. m* 4. JÉMt 5. *ni = ?s^. 6. nt*i 7. iK 8. mm 9. #ll£ 10. étt 11. Wň 12. «il li. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. fcfDŠ-hm^frhM^fi Š Or c 3. S*^Ť*^f># < co S í£ífe^*á L/to 5. iSňĽtiv^v^^^i-ilrolí^^ŕ) íÝo — 172 — l.uHtiun I 6. éttl±#IISW^l3Ž)t}Í-to 7. -á^ti^fécOÉíI*]'/— ^VCÍ7Ťc§*ii"0 In winter we swim in our •>i,hrJoi*>( indoor pool. 8. ^áŕlS'íítáčf^-^A, § ± n LX^ito I am studying sociology in tl graduate school. 2-3. fcžftAb*? (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. right 2. left 3. the outside b-% ÜTi<0 . east 6. west MSL CL 9. a room 10. a station 1 ii it »ť 7. south /\ K> X.Š ?H> t f 4. the inside . north žfc 11. a company 12- a hospital If t Ť Wv li ■ Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. the left hand 2. the right leg 3. right and X>tľ0 X f* g *L $ H>5 — 173— Lesson 18 4. north and south, east and west 5. Southeast Asia 6. the northeast tÔ ŽÍU Ü/v ff< 7. North America 1. Central America t 7 iS< 9. South America !ž< ~u> 10. the Kansai and the Kanto region. 11. the Occident and the Orient mt n 12. Hokkaido 13. domestic 14. foreign 15. overseas (D co 16. a part 17. the department of literature 18. a tennis club 19. a newspaper company 20. the president of a company b/V Ä/V L f 21. a graduate school ťp í «t Ť 22. to be hospitalized "tá Ckh^ Wv 174- t f.l»#fl|* 7h3 WA< Oo*f»i£t%AT, tTT<0-ř + -h<7) »tťLil^^A^-C •: /::u • Ň ŽP t ^ ť il^á *? äffe rrtj w±t; r< ic_i, r<(;j <7)£K r {c (í/v r j « rr, t i/^i^fc&^T^iS^o rr, wtic(± íx_j ttíFv^T<^$i/>o rl*Ij t r**>j x. S j, Ýdíľt rt±v^j, -rco±Ľ rv>x.j iŕh^-t-fo r^£j t ""O'íťv (O rv^j OfKJĽii, frfzfrttfT) rfzj ŕ^H rtj *^(C*v^-Cj, Ý«±Ľ r£>ij tttštto Ztlfr r<Ľj W±ic rTá_,, -f-cofcí: ŕ) t" r(;Lj, J3*3«5 tc ^tzj tm^xlc;fc>)í1-^ŕ>, JlT <ŕiíu *~fc^Ťi-líř W»/.Ľ) the Kanji, that is -ÍT (š'J; d) a line ST, Now, T áěrífiS (-tifA.-á5) all ^-v a page [fcAfcV] Tš/c-ŕ-í- FO^Ľi^^, i£li, 3 ^OC i (ŕ^V < oáó tfro ±tJ^T, Žfcíi, Ž£á^íJt„^*ít-o Ex. #íl£ -175- Lesson 18 Ľ_.. fcnoTVSTfr -CŠŠttiHZ 3 < f$Ii £ #'L. (Looking for a room) > £'o L a magazine for information) SrííĽÍ, 2 A^V^ft-ISJSSr S^Lt < ŕi£t/\ Hffl C L tí ?_____/ §H15ip i" .. ■ ÍL 7.2^P3 1 »£# á: 3 *£# IK 8,ooon 4 ft X, h -f L-Sl|^„ ■ a ž J«I*i» i 2*fltt ^4^ 7,ooon 1 • «»J 7/<—h ■ ÍL 5^n 2 *£# 1« 5,ooon U 2« ■S IflSft 6 M ř / ««sil ? y's a y a____/ Ig6^ ÍAX10# iii7Tgß;*3^„ 1 í|it«fl ITjI'I.. —176- I nmum y 3 > [] a ferroconcrete apartment Iioiimo nf a better class. f ) ~\ —- ^> an apartment house jfcl 1% = fV^tl 2 5ř 12 minutes on foot. %.% (*?hh.) rent IJCáž (L š š A.) deposit ÍLáz! (ft^šA.) gift money HríJUř (^A, *) Í» administration fee H^ (Í>*7t)t9 .gJfC) nil) sunny ~ tt (Ľ i Ť) tatami mat ;£fjfl (if A, fr A,) the front door 'rcfle. (^ < L-°) a batn room -fÜPJf (^Ľi) a lavatory íf A (*>L<^;ft.) a closet K = äfft (fi^-'t'Z^) a kitchen LDK a living dining kitchen -fc Describe where you live using the words above. — 177 — Lesson 18 M m ŕti h X A *f BI va m P % n * M » A m # % ^ K tt Ä R HU <&A,t£V> 2. B* 4. mg 5. nmm 7. *a 9. gß* ii. ttft 12. iRfr 14. £fíí i7. 111*1 is. ňsi5 i9. ass 22. AP 23. ifcá? l/>*>tfA±CDfí (£-£) 1. « 2ÍT§ 3. fl-II 3ffi 6. Síi*j 4 Ír B 8. ASR 5fíi 10. étt i/>-ř,líA,é<7)fí (JL-T) 13. **Ä 2ÍTÍ 15. *#■ 3ít@ i6. tu a 4ff§ 20. Att 5ítb 2i. mx — 178 — |*19H I Limitou 19 JL-y h 1 -m$ Lť a new company unkind m- i± m i" C»i Li address ( polite ) iff Ä-M It A ě * Ť Ľ i a research institute a movie theatre mm-* ha, úh a* a musician a zoological garden ítlA, Ľ W> Ô] Divide the following words into meaningful units. e.g. ÄJ^HI = Ulit/ + IS a zoological garden animal garden 1. mwn = 4. **S = 2. ffwa = 5. *SffH = 3. *A% = 6. *S!§ = — 179 — Lesson 19 (Kanji for Places) — pJX (v3/va) : Wfíffi mm -ft (*^>": — S (vy) •JÉ W: •gl (^>) ■ít (-> + ) itA.§*d Ľ i) rv^o *9 ti) ib/t&^ti) ttfti) tt*» 5E")í§ *í£Ib SI** fŕPfltt MÍTͱ a research institute a stop an information bureau an office 9 /v i*") t i d) a playground -^ ^ * •? t i 9) a baseball ground ííŤLfCn) a parking lot LC*t If) one's place of work Ô •) If) a shop-counter t t i 3J>A,) ^:VV» < ä"A.) x. v >#*/.) tz^LfrA,) ttito) ttfto) »tA-Š»"? to) t o it A to) ^9«b<*>) ti <*A.*>) ti <-Sox.A.) t a,-£a t jp) *) i-9 t«) a library a gymnasium a movie theatre an embassy a museum a library an office a seminary room a laboratory a holiday resort a residential section a tourist resort a colony a zoological garden a botanical garden a newspaper company a travel agency -180- l nation IS ."y h 2- —m+iimš&A>:M* 2 _ i , ü?(D#§^ ( Kanji Writings) 206 W¥? w l/>* ground base + .* fr t-b <á,í& t y a ? (*' < -f i) v (6) *U ifeT (*> • fr) underground jfcH(*> -f) a map ük^(*> • 'iT) a locality, a district ±$ä(£ • *>) aland 207 iron /- Z> £r T V (13) f f $K"ťo) iron $^ü(-to • f Ť) a railroad 208 X craft, skill construction TI Xi§s(ž\l • ti Ô) a factory X^(;i -35*0 engineering ^ I« JÉTí*("lb ' * • to) a subway fÜ£(t • To) a private railroad 3? (3) XíK^Ô ' t) construction Ii(Cll • ?n) industry -181 — Lesson 19 m^ V^Ä 35 (-4» <-?-?) 209 0-0 place scene If ->* 9 -> (12) " ľ * ť *n ? ť iÄ ■$■ *%*ft$ i§Ir(lf • Li) a place £í§(<>6 • If) a square «HHlf • M>) a case Stt#(ô A-t'vCn)a playground 210 m diagram devise X r (7) i r in n m m D ÄBK*) -T) a map m*(b ■ L t) books ^yňMiXA, • é • ~ľ) a weather map 211 Wi mansion hall (16) / A /> $ ^ % f 1 f f r tr ff tp « Ä ff f 5 ÜSf!^ 'Lt' ^ a library *«*&(*<" • L • *A0 an embassy ®mmx.^ ■ it* • frA.) a movie theatre 212 '£ public official (4) / / N/zľ ^ 2fS(£-5 • X.A,) a par k to op ■&aĺ(Zô • ŕ) o) public en to the public — 182- l.oonou IS Ä* V>* :J< í (13) j ] nnnnn Jpj ffl ffl ffl SI Kl 11 i ÄSKC1-9 • X/O a park fjt/lKfc^ • Äo • x. A,) a zoo iKlilJÉ(k5>Ť • x. A. ■ "*b) an amusement park # dwell ■ inhabit "ý—tr v^jľ? (7) / í r r ÍŤY* ÖL ií tt("ť)tr to live ffiS(Ľ.i9> ? • A A) inhabitants ffißf (Ľ * ^ • L ±) an address ffi^S (Ľ * r> • tz O housing Srp piace ' 1 that which bZLh v 3 /--J 3 (8) ' -7 5 ŕ ŕy ff ŕf-ff] ffŕ Bfŕ(fciô) a place &#ŕ(fcV • ^£5) a kitchen Sf^SßfCttA, • š* Ô • f x) a research institute -tKT number '\jži order (12) y x \ // Ü- *# ^f^^&íŕ 1 #-§■ (lf^ ■ Cľ-5) a number 3c# (i Ť • tf AO a police box #!& (If A, • C*) a program -# (v>*> • If A,) the most, No.l — 183 — Lesson 19 m^ t/>& 35 (tKÝt) f call, naming [suffix] order ďy (5) \ P O CJ. Ý lS^(š • i*Ť) a sign, a symbol MtMLA • i*")) a traffic light lEIĚIHH"^ • h • \£L • i*ô) a telephone number 2 — 2. Bjc^tlAU Kb 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. ata 2. u§ 3. i%ffi 4. mmm 5. \m 6. H-t 7. ÍÉtf 8. £H 9. í&tfll 10. *í íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. *§, r0j f±#iK, rFťj í±io#-eto 3. ^i*>íiíi^<7)!)ícoiS:<íOffiíitfeřcttAt:-^fto 4. MJII ^ A.coSrŕU^H3lRf(i rlfIB3 TI l^ÄlOl-tj T;1-„ — 184 — LotMun 5. ^mnxmtnm^^m^hnt-to 6. -efiéŘf-CŤ-UtTWl) n *3#aS:I,-Cv»i-fo fl'l" <■* 2 — 3 . it£ ti A Ľ Hb 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a subway 2. land 3. a railroad 4. a factory *, *> TO t *) TO if •? :? Ľii 5. a park 6. a library 7. a place 8. an address Z.*> i/o t hi. frk (±* ti C«i> 9 bi 9. a number 10. a map m h r -5 % -f íl. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to live near the park 2. housing 3. inhabitant: fr t S C «í 9 £: < C t» 9 &/o — 185 — Lesson 19 4. a convenient place 5. a house number 6. a quiet place & tf*fc 7. Room No. 1 8. a sales counter 9. a car park 1 9 "* r' LO 5 « $*>? L-* C±5 10. an embassy 11. a movie theatre 12. a research institute m öt® ffl* ?u fco U ä^ zu tf frK ltA.eKi.-5 Ľ i 13 • a zo° 14. Tsukuba academic city 15. a neighbor & rt Iß Hr (7) fc*5 -So *A, o< (f #< ZA, t L ŽA, Ľ± u-t 16. a station square 17. a traffic light 18. a telephone number m ** tZ Ü-6 If LA, r 5 TVv fc tfA, r ť 19. industry 20. construction 21. a weather : map % 22. a public school 23. an extension lecture V" £■5 0-5 *s0 3-5 41* ■? *H> 3 9 Ž" — 186 — I o«m»it M n.- v S 3 wmffl a Read the following letter and find Miss Tanaka's new Iioum! in th<* mil below. Choose from A—F. mm] . ytžA,, an%xti\ sai«ot , síi-v^-eŤfeo £'C, ÍA(.i;V; iiO*HB(cÍŕLv^Ľi>o-LŽ L/c: (moved) o SŕU^lii&TSfcíOÄKfr ŕ,#^-c+53-Cŕ,v^-C\ fä.m%WiK&i)tt o UWfiaCli^É^T-VÍ- 1- ^V^V^Íg^IJíti.f,, fíľíHI? Ít*»TͧÍl-o íáO^coýIJT i; íi&H^í) o -C, 7K/ô57c ■?, ^&H»íĽ^t-cí>eav>-e-r o 4-)SíOH8iB(- :á5ÝOT;*f ■&A,fr0 v^oLiic&llřSAirL-C, ir M^Ä-<í Li' o fřL^fíšS ##li> 03(3428)5697-CŤ^f>, «'SIS LX < ŕ.í£v>0 fíotV>Ít» -Clá, iäŤc^,-C0 £id£í> BŤ UŤ ?,r-\- — 187 — Lesson 19 iftoTVSf *> Tžttiř © I i----ii a ?$(? £ Ö? í®> «ífe 1-----------: -\ 1 1 BSWt. •■ "^T® | ' — 188- Losnon li M ■tu. -«*=>«- f«4fc X it c ľcT^U) »^ E3 ffl v v vVv j!ß © •$í5.ffríL*W'H (íä/v Lo9) 3EKLC10 -AttKšxřŤ L* i) Ä 4t ü # i. 3. 5. WlfLiäU 7. 9. 11. - *. SIS ±lfe ->J 13. 15. 17. 19. 'ň m. MU 22. 24. 26. Ť H Hi T) 27. 29. 31. HIM 32. 34. xmmn 36. 38. 40. 42. tÍE(íäo7H>«h'-d) W-&(#>J3<> ŕ)) ft #cffl(*ž£)ft PlM(*^š")ft ^Mft(w£ťb§)iB ff.i(aiii Ť"-ÄK*>l£)!M- íÉ»ľ?S((;i/^%)ft #iií](L-rfc^)ft ftVlll(t^á)ft 20. H:í:(*£)ft Ä-ítí(í>j:Ťr)ft ■|lHtlll(fc^^Ž)ft ,r.iIK(fcotO)ft |iřii|l|(áí^^Í)ft^i<"-íb)ft m&(t < Li)ft #}£(x.£>4ô)ft ÍM[Äl(A<Í5^)ft -KKHi-ž^ŠOft AiK^M^ft ffiffi,ŕž(5Ô>rLÍ)ft s^(i/^T)ft LUffíOi;ó%)ft fšAU< L i) ft «5*(fc*,IQft W£JI|(>4-^";b)ft 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 'f;ín(M^)ft Wllft 21. fí,'rJ|-U)ft 23. iáfííL^ft • 25. áift(4-ŕ>)ft "ÄÍISlí'f k\UlfS- 28. tó«(LÍfa)ft 30. EuJUHtMLaOft R>ľ-(^)ft 33. 35. 37. 39. 41. 43. fFilK/j^ífe)!^ 'U'-íll(C-) *b)ft 190 — I M* < á.J:ä *>3 S (/;•< I'-')) (5) 218 t city market l/^-ib -> \ i n" Ť TlT(L) a city TtTíĚ ( L • *j i Ô ) a mayor 7tTj£(l-• ÄA.) a citizen r|íi§ (V-t, • (í/L • Ľ. i T ) a market 219 TB-r— town (7) l n m ffl ffl ffl- sT HT(i*}) a town TBT( Lfc ■ í h) downtown íľj'-jž (*> i Ť • ''b i -9 ) a town headman 220 ^ ■ village tíh y> (7) - t í í *-*+*? H (tíh) a village l?i~H(<7)7 • Ý/v) a farm village W&%»(tíb • ^< • (f) a village office -191- Lesson 20 Ä* H& 3l (^■<) a district Iß capital big city, Tokyo (H) """ -}* i ¥ í í a_í í7*í*p fW(fc • L) a big city IPé(fc • M>) an urban area ÄÄ$S(i-9 • š i Ť • t) Tokyo (metropolis) M administrative prefecture y (8) \ -*" r r f F ift Jít *.mt(&1S •$&•&) Osaka Prefecture fiCTOÍŠ i T • t ■ -i») BcJff (-ti:V"> • .£>) the government Kyoto Prefecture f prefecture (9) 1 n P H B a ■f #■ ft iflrOtA.) a prefecture ÜtItOj^ • *> i ť) a prefectural office —192 — I nimmt Í 225 8S* <^ä island f1 f» £ > 1 • ">>< i "> 5 h'? Ut)» $í (L á) an island #gj(S±/v- fco) a peninsula Äll(Lž • <*(C) an island nation 226 % capital í (8) X -r -fr -er Ť ř % Dixit vli?) Tokyo S»(S £ 0 ■ fc) Kyoto ig(ün'^li)tS to go up to Tokyo 227 I appearance ^ Mr., Mrs., Miss Si 3,> (14) - -• í í r ť ŕ WtftfMtm ~#(£i) Mr./Mrs./Miss tiŤ (i Ô • "í") appearance #4 (S i • §'i)& various • L§) mode, sty e — 193 — Lesson 20 2 — 2. lÍTÍfctiAb ($ 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. I. AT 2. E 3. BT 4. ft 5. Ä 6. BŤ# 7. ÍRÄ^ 8. Ik MÄO < [fTfí 9. BSISIff 10. Ujnjft II. fHSü: 12. ipA íl. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. B*(illMl:2)ff43!ÄĽI2:^-§ti-rv^o is divided into— 2. ífOíC»;:t±ŤítB3E, ff>*EÍ;i:-23cO|EiBľEBrtT, (#ŤrtT^ť260rfT^*4o 5. ««-§-£# (t «\ »mm%i±m>%£^0 — 194 — l.OMfUt $ i! 2 — 3. Ä t ti A U t* 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. ,1 1. a village 2. a town 3. a city 4. a ward 5. Kyoto l'ivf. ' ttt, **> < 6. Tokyo (metropolis) 7. Ibaraki Pref. %tm 9. a peninsula 10. Mr. Kimura It A, fc-5 i tíh Ži ě i 9 t ^ 8. Tsukuba City Trľ H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a mayor 2. a town headman 3. a village headman t %íň *> ÍLÍ~>b &*> %h *. t ň 4. the governor of Tokyo 5. the governor of a prefecture £n % h *> Ľ tf/v % U -195- Lesson 20 6. a ward office 7 . a city office 8 . a town o ffice # IK* < V< L-J: L *< Li ti >?< ti* 9. a village'office 10. the Tokyo Metropolitan 11. a prefectural office Government office Í5C. ff Jf Íf6 ^< If t *>kl lt^ *>kô 12. Hiroshima Pref. 13. Japan is an island nation. 14. Java Island i± xs-h Lt tt^ 15. Mr. Tanaka ic «A, 1i <"{z 16. a district t*> 17. a market it tlfr $t *> < P*, IÍ 18. downtown 19. Japanese government 20. the Izu Peninsula JK Lfc ** t: ISA, -»o A i> T «A, £•} 21. appearance, a state of affairs 22. various divisions %tz ±9 i" ž* řž < .sa, — 196 — l uumtH M iz>yh 3 ft*fl X^l<±, £lCffl# the back TÍH (If L * < )~Ťh to lodge, to take rooms ~ýi(iptz) care of—, c/o— — 197 — Lesson 20 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^< ÜHD^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Review L. 16~20 m nm) (am m)%t xm m m) m &m m m m mt f^ $ä I f I f E or #■ n m tľ^& #£& «£ m\\% Xíš.% v : £LU A^ iüä I^íjž ^< žgž 5Ě* ^< iL í* fJK ÍÍ< fttr ^Já ipž ŕut AtLž ih*í>£ I. ^ íO Cl t Íťc7) M^ŤIg ((± A. 7^ ^ ^ -T", opposite word) £#£4'Ž^o Ex. ± ~ ( T ) 1.2c ** 2. ^ o 3. M ** 4. ^b ~ 5. jl|^ <-> 6. féfljft o 7. IM1& ** (58) 8. Xh ** 9. fHá ~ 10. ÍĎ < o H. íi< <-» 12. Jp?^t « 13. sň «* 14. m-f <-> — 198 — I oason 2 Ex. 2rH£##íto £W W. fä # £tt í^P ^ BT fe mi fí< %h -k^h Ikts jl£ W< M1- p%tr »< «H 7CŽ> líc x. á ft£ ľ* c H^ £i if& Htt& ü#)& ífo ^Já m* Ah 3Ü& ISHá m< á£& SI& « #< itth fij< «< #íř fiíŕ — 199 — Lesson 20 ÜÄÖcO) Word Structure &tzi-r?ěfzZ.t\tliZ^ ^/bi^&ilíro&^ř^Ž)») ii% z\Z\X t> fc o £> 10(7jilíf:»S;P*t C t If «SÄ^A^X-t: < /c S v>0 ® Two Kanji of the opposite meaning : D ** D ££(£/, c jO -st* */MfcV L i Ť) - Aš^ t /J>$v> TÉJKliVííiV) — jéž^í: t S-9 i t (D Two kanji of the similar meaning '■ D ^ D 1f»(-dťŤ)1-ž - ft? + UK (D The former Kanji explains the latter Kanji ^ □ -*■ D «(LAX*) - SrL^$ ftŽtéi'-T'Lo) - «X.&SS (£=8&M) ® The former Kanji functions as the verb and the latter can be used with the particle r^XK ri-j> r£^ etc. !SS(š£<)1-£ A^(tc*d^<)-rž H0(^^-r^1-ž © -řWB Others 3aôá [ti A. L * ô ] o % i. c ) Wik ( 8. t ) #-il ( ) 2. ( ) a^ ( 9. c ) S* ( ) 3. C ) £» ( 10. [ ) m ( ) 4. ( ) ffiBf ( n. ( ] ÄÍI ( ) 5. ( ) fl-ffl ( ) 12. [ ) DcíS ( ) 6. ( ) £ír ( ) 13. ( ) h h ( ) 7. ( i mm ( ) 14. ( ) !%♦ ( ) — 200 — t ««MM ŕ! I «m I 3-~v h 1 )«^* Ť <%M> Noun the study of Japanese the practice of Kanji the study of literature <$m> Verb B#f&fcí&3ÉÍ~á to study Japanese to practice Kanji to study literature Some r-i-áj verbs, however, take different particles. a question to the teacher going to America for study marriage with him 3fc£fcÄH-r* to ask the teacher a question to go to America for study tefc>tet81-a to get married with hin — 201 — Lesson 21 Some r— -f ž j verbs are usually used without any particle in a sentence because they include a meaning which corresponds to N + V constructions as follows. T$ (IfL*) 1"á = $£7^ á A@ (ŕc*5>-9 c: <) -f á = üKA£ rüg (L*ou<) 1-s = S£tBá 3£B (kW;*,) -fž = H;£Má [ÄS] Choose the words which can be used as verbs with -1~S. [ ]^ft(tit^, a, watch) [ ]ŤGÄ(ífA,e, healthy) [ ] ÍÍHf (Ľ * T L «t , an address) [ C ]^^WJ< L*-5, learning) ŕ/. _ i'- [ Jllipn (íf/v£\ language) [ ^"]3\SL (.$»-?•< , shortage) [ ]Pn1ffl(<č>A/ÍV\ a problem) ]fltnS(T:'A-;fa, a telephone) ] Mt (#><>> L * , a company) l^-lti*)*? L, stoppage) ^(ř/i -9V»A, a hospital) v" ]!Lt/(itA~£o, sightseeing) Jfl-ittW^LifrO, going out) ]ÍSH(š i < , returning to one's country) -202 — ta>««iin % 3-—V K 2 »::+-*«>• IM«*.. 2-1.. 3tí<0##Ä' ( Kanji Writings) ■;-?a 228 Äí <& < ^ «t * íyj' (U) ' < ž Ž. í ř * r r «p ř &s fá a* & ', 1- ÜÜI OrU, • L w 7) Ý * to practice 229 f practice (11) T *] SI 531 51=] 23 ^ f í? ^J f K&íO? tolearn ^ {ifl < • L * d)"f ž to learn Wtf(Li9>d • fr^) a habit, a custom 230 n endeavor s& 35 (tKÝ?) dJ& force' J-**' strong (11) —i =» 5 r r 5> jft jô ^ 5t 5í 5É(oJ:)v> strong 3ÉP(š i Ť • *> i Ť) 1"£ to emphasize M(^'žiÔ)tž to study ířf . grind sharpen (9) r r í 5 F" P £f W W2u(ítA • 1 * ô)"í"ž to study, to research t9> T) "^~ •?> to study and train ^1 to carry to » extremity (šť-sbh) Ťií (7) \ i r^ ŕ* tfe F W^BÍ(itA • š * T • U i) a research institute W9v&( It A ■ š * ň ■ L f) a researcher ČJ7 stay detain t -Ä ž (10) ' C £ É-7 tir7 £77 w (Á 77 m £Í77 ffl ffl Äfflí^e ■ t*) a registered letter ^ (*) * d • /Ô? 01" 4 to study abroad — 204 — t»»»lM1 it) ........... . .. -. . 4 -£* to make inquiries iSfädi? • k/O"*-* to visit PKiV*) the question 237 238 te title theme yl (18 ) i i 1 F) S g. T' f * řMOIlíR l* II a ftílIKkA, • /cV) a question, a problem aSSKfo ' fcV*) atopic fôH(L» < • *^) homework ««(£<<> • *<<>) a title answer (12) ) >- k VI tf- ><•* f J* ^&Ý to answer an answer ilgí'^ • t Ť)"ť* to reply — 205 — Losson 21 fH^ V><& 3í OK-r-5) if lodging dwelling (n) s s ŕ-, ŕ- f f P tfřSfóíi, ítS(L*< • fii/>) homework Ü#(Lti>< • Ľp) a dormitory ÍS?ň(L* < • íi<)-f £ to stay 2 — 2. H<&$f H ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. ®&i-& 2. mfttz 3. im-tz> 4. m^-fh 5. m$-tz> 6. g*.* 7. § ^ 8. ?á^ 9. íss 10. mm íl. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 2. ±mĽAo-C, {n*Mfiltz„ 5. ZtDýzmťg^aLtf&U^X-tfe,, — 206 — Lo«»un 3 6. ^Y-iymi'g^x^ttfrh, % h x- -f i m^xmi t .h,. 7. *oAi±iSM^# J6V1 4ä a «s< -třV> L»< L- — 207 — Lesson 21 4. to learn English 5. to answer a question 6. nature £ n K l h tt x.l> 7. to practice Kanji 8. to study Japanese tá t tá 9. to study biology 1* 10. to stay 11. a custom tá íôts fl -tn> &-? *s< It A, S m-5 U«b< lí< Uüh-5 A^ IE. Write the following sentences using kanji. e.g. frtM %^oZ"<^c\r£ ^InĽCšŕo 5. Ľ*T7t< í>Á,*iwco^t:, z.Lť&<, -208 — Lesson n.-y h 3 -B£*4 y-A r20ö)ÄK. One person in a group gives a quiz and others have to find out ti answer within 20 questions. If they can get the right answer before using i 20 questions, they win. If they cannot, the one who gave the quiz wins. I must answer with 'Yes' or 'No' only. Now, read the following example que tions and answers, then guess the answer. There are 5 persons; the teache Tanaka, Furukawa, Mori and Ali. Ali gives the quiz. pfeife: ffl* TU -rfjil ru a* TU ■fijll TU # TU IS TU ft am *£ *jh ru a* TU TU Ba* # # TU ábáu*š<;fcu í-tír/U T<)žA,i)mmiitiLzto x.j -c 4-ge#7oiwRpg-ei-0 x.x., fA!±täž:A.fc' (almost) %ÜX"fa ÝtUi^fcA (bedclothes) tľ-t^0 faáfťí (when you sleep) oí>V>át*o V>V>x.o X-ŽlPp^/cít-třl-io IŤitmiXŤzIrh- — 209 — Lesson 21 7') : nv>Ä. EBť : Ý9t-tŔo áfJH : ŕztifrizbbiŕzAX-t-fro 7 V : Ý9o fe^^í LŤZo r u : i/^^x, *>#vj-fo EMU :*íi:4^'íL/:á>„ 7U : lii^o & : ž> ft £ li Ý ft^if š -C-tfro 7>, ;^^^ $,£ WŠ^Í^a-třA-lti*, •••„ m ■■»^■otzl^Ht ( ) -e L j: Ť o r v : iáv\ Ýo-e-fo i. ±£>yrAgxi±fä-ei-;4\, 2. fflŤSA^ £JI|£A,, ig£A,<7>f--A (team) l±^ <-om$LÍ LfzJ)\ *^xl±213^- vWTtcáš í) žto — 210 — Lesson £qoT^£T# ?#£*# Ôtf 4s- A 3 < 7 P -y ?iíÉ;) jfr^ (* • #*) |^ (xry • ist) *^*Jff%*0^fclf-t:••t-o !-I^-0^ib-C§^^í:if{±,/-cV^-CV^ (inmost cases ) b%%&X~%% & í Ý o 2f;g(/-ŕ > • j^) a book shop ^■fe(Ť> • <^%) golden color iiPJŕOf • v a) a place "jÉTÝ(-fcži • ^ y) a used book MÍ(Šo-7°) a ticket ty^iš -o • X) a stamp íátíí (í • íi) a name #M&(T • rt5"*) a letter k* + MS* -212- Lesson ; TW Í t if l±, Mh~H\Z O) uncooked food = (y+ • y) a square piece of fancy paper (for writing a poem on) = (V>5 • #*&■) colored paper §T = (Í7 • *) at present = (#> • Lfc) one's inferiors, one's subordinates —gj = (-Í -, •-t-f) all = (£>i: • š ft) a piece B^lnĽlf, ftfp (Í5 ~„ Japanese native words), iHIf (A^ACT, words Chinese origin) > il-Jfcli WsV^ŕ>v->.r, words of foreign origin) ^ab^ifo t'A^ IK(*U §PÍ&(=i"- ^>) 5 -f X (rice) *(<ži) ĚÍ&¥(7 • K 7 • ýt) *-(acar) ířSCfcír) MÍTOJ a • 3?) b 9 ^M travel) TtTíKv^ • |f) flrtKv • v a7) v-^r -y f (a market) ÍBM (*£"■*) SrSlt OJ a • # >) * Ť ;V (a hotel) gJÍKŤlt • t)0 ŽSt(vi • 'J 3 7 • v a) U v- h (a receipt) f}iR*0J 3 7 • VJ.7 • V3) ♦ [yn^ffltóTro&x.] l. SS 2. @* 3. &a 4. SK * [20»ff KWgxJ 1. ĚS(Li»'>) a homewo 2. 16ÜB -213 — Lesson 22 J--y h 2 -m--\--m& 35 W>>■ C) politics BcJf(-ti:^ • á) the goverment ffWcis'il • -tirv») administration 241 /a govern Í3$-*S/^Í3-1- f- (8) v X / CA /I CA /D /a řn(&&)"f to cure řn (fc £) aôá to govern Sfcfn^OtirV* . Ľ • fr) a politician $Jíá(ao^ • Ľ) name of an era 242 fé . control pass through (11) <. í í f í í F r- i8- * ^ M(^)S to pass through Hi^Ot1/5 • £V) economy HlíOt^ • x.V»)1"ž to manage — 214- Lesson Ä* , ---- ,-- 35 (fr<ť>) nV finish / /-) save i--i t (n) v % / ->-/ 1 'A í^fŕ*;* í£(1~)tr to finish älfér^Ot*'5 • £V • rtf<) economics JlíŽ^A • 5v>)-fž to pay back 1 career (14) " rrrr? jT /ft ^F J3* J5f jf- ^ g S£(ftš • L) history ^S(^< • ft š) one's educational ÄS#C9 • ft# • L±) one's personal history background OD history (5) 1 n P3 ** S^CĽ^O historical science H^£((; • MA, ■ L) ifift£(š^ • ti^ • L) modern history Japanese history -že n breed raise Zti-XZ> (8) \ "*" •ir ■ÍZ 1 í f t =# (-5-£) X h to bring up /Hr.iŕ> 11 #W(7tV> •!/><) physical exercises «' S (Š i -5 • W) education — 215 — Lesson 22 247 im v»* 35 OK-f?) K change -ization (Iř-lf*) A (4) i , í V K ■ft^W>-3Ôs<) chemistry iftC^ • M culture JSfťít (š A, • /2V • á») modernization ifríťfťtá to modernize 248 n reason - ration, logic (11) " T í í 2 jn jFijajf jf^ .- t/a(^0-(9) physics ftS(ř) i ô • t))tž to cook SŮC3 • k?) Ť) a reason it&ä^(*> • *) ■ #<) geography 249| $ branch division (9) y • 1 í # í- * ŕ- # Í4^(*■ • á*<) science ^4(ff • ^) surgery ig*» (š íVi'-Lj;) a textbook 250 * number >• some, several ^-r-x.2) (i3) \ •>/ ^ * # # r í 1 1 t «r Ä KMiS to count Sc(^-f) number SSt^r" (1~ T • tf? O mathematics ÍScA("f T • í-Á.) several people -216 — Lesson í i!^ V>& .^?<) medical science EÍK^ • L«) a doctor ISK(>''> • ^Ľ) a doctor's office 2 — 2 . H£-r0 2. #6l±4-—AWŤffcfcWT-C^i-í-o 3. ÄoSf4A^4íl3-Cňf4»ll#(:^ i) i L£0 — 217 — Lesson 22 7. iw^^iciü^gß, tscw^žik ®c?á^žB> üs^m a^gß*w?*z0 ío. §:^it)frW<^9xcmä^sí!íš-eto 11. Ä^-^íc-g^L-C, HtäcoíÍ?á*L-r^/;v^ 12. JtJII SAii&^HÍ^'b^MÄíiŕfŕPBÍi^fllK'^v^o 2-3. • £*$§ (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. politics 2. economics 3. history 4. education ■ts-o ľ it o sv ns t äí7i>< 5. culture 6. physics 7. chemistry 8. science JAK fr M-O <0 7Í> #< fr #< 9. mathematics 10. medical science 11. physical training -tô iiK o #< fco 0< — 218 — Lesson 2 I!. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. geography 2. government 3. a doctor 4. a figure *> n tfO Jr. o LP -r ô ľ 5. the Meiji Era 6. to rule over the country 7. reason mit £ *bh EÖ »O Ľ Ľ fc'O < Ľ *•£ t) <®ó 8. an academic career 9. to run a company 10. to change £ H-fá g? i- #< tlŠ ä>0- l/f It O *0 HI. Write the following sentences using kanji. ~-h * e.g. ĽtäA,« L^^-Cli, ^" < \z(D &L±^ i>oLj:l: — 219 — Lesson 22 J.- v h 3 *#*b "B3C <* Ž if U> i tili *M<7) TOUŽÍŠ (A t íl -f a sketch) "C "to itlfr^T« a.~k. »* tMWZftěi-to $í9M£4:^/T% tW/ifc (which shelf) HŽ>£;á\ 1.-17. 0 + >o>i>x.iby^T-¥ I 6. -ft ^ | 7. t)ä^ | 8. I ^ 16 14 X a np ^ ¥ 17 15 Ä «C W ft ^ io. g fé I ii. ífc té 12. S $ I 13. ÍÉ A n a. rS^M-ÄJtiSWPflMj b. OUí'y h-f-JKO^-Jl-j c. rK-ľ-7lSÍŽÍAP^ d. O* y n > Basic <7MÍ?jj e. r^$Lv^4>*£j f. rfŕLv^I§Í5:-#íO*íij g. rItE?j h. r->x-í ^xtfrW^Bj i. rAnalytical Chemistryj j. rAtomic Energyj k. rTrends in American Politicsj £&»#-§- -220- Lesson 2 SnoT^Žffr T£ST*» <*STÄSä«í> i i I±J|Cä%fz>#£Äolt ždi^-eíf-rriN» Jí ř(Li-tírš) books stationery '/^?. m(s'oL) magazines r(L/U*A,L£) new books AÄ^CL-A,^*^) humanities wlf^OfA^r^o ttéí^íĽp^V^^O social science - S^fr^íL-tfA^^O natural science ft^OMK) If^í^^O • ífÄíťtA,) languages • dictionaries ľSC^OKAJfV*) • Sfc#(£ iliŤ) literary arts • culture — 221- Index (jĽ.mm [*] 'It 16 13 [*] M>ŕi H 5 v>/t:-ip « 13 ■x-í v* 1 Ž)--9 12 J-ŕ — 3 -i--f ->% 1 £33 14 (/>*) TU 20 x* K 1 áb33-v> » 14 liO-O i 3 i> W $>-#*& ± 4 ^t * 6 x-y Ü 1 čb/ů^-ž v^ BJ! 5 <^i 12 x. y m 1 *-< H 13 v>& -51 m 15 ÍHtž ^ 5 Vi-tLŽ A 17 [fc] *-řtž m 13 <^;b s 5 33 * Ž)-if Ž ± 4 -ľ> Äfc 9 (*•?) * 1 &s n 10 ^> k 18 3333-^ £ 6 8 [•5] 33 33-^V> * Ä 1 abt & 10 -7 s 6 t? Ž) (c Ä 15 "7 £ 18 &< Ä 1 Ž>fa Sít 15 "9 X. _h 4 a < -tiž í£>-£ t~> VEÖ 11 9 33 & 7 Í3-^-9 ÍT ht> S 6 9 £"-^Ý i 17 Í3$-ÍS fé 2 h-h) w 16 dr-< © 17 a^-tbh fä 2 hh-< * 17 ■5 L * 7 33 L-X-ž S yy HS 8 9 L-5 & 10 33-?--i^ ry * 8 Ťfc m 14 iäot * 1 [l\l 9/C-9 m 14 atot j£ 1 •5*) ň 18 atz H ^ IS 22 9í m 7 33<ŕ>-£ ± 1 v»-ô H 11 Ť-ítLŽ ŠL 2 33^ H 1 v>x ^ 12 9* m 11 33J:-<" i* 1 Vi-šá 4 2 9-ž % 12 33-"9 ä T -f ? w 22 ->> uz? 12 33-os m 1 !,»-< ÍT 9 33-6-f » 1 i^L 5 6 33A,& -k — 223 — m^^< E«áŠÄÄ-^^&íä& #1ífSfeflB:lSÄ14?J?sWn5í = íSM-M-iS nil-^ Bi fSfln: A AAA V f> , T v ') V T T tV & í> *\ *s iu > > > > "V ^HlXIrMi-H i—I ^H (N! •(> -d- tv^ ^ V'^^^>K^^.?ľ'^•w',fl*-í-••t*'r^r^f1'^,^rl'-^rlHr1'1r1mmm••\mmmmmm •JA :a _> J J J ,A ,A ,A V ';a J _) -J .A ,A Y ÍA -A -A -A -A -A ?A ", *A -N -N -A -N *A T 'A 'A ^ ^ ^ '* r-H CT> CO CD OJ CO i—1 (M t-H i—I .—1 rH i—( -^t O r-1 CO : * H $K -aiaiaicoco s?^w ■H-^fc^WBBncniSBSte Hun t£ 4ü rf ^ ^ ^ ^ fS n íá^ fe S£ & tí ž£ H «S n]r M ^ U iT> *? * -s %/• -s/ V V V V íN A A A A A n n n "n "n "n "n n n n n n n n n n n *n n n 3UJ1K ^JK-K-íg«íE^^©*i!*i-^^í!Ř4}-«g*Emn5íH!te©#ílŘ t> {> í>-I>-t>'t>-t> . i , ,?+J tt 14 ^T) H 19 f-3 7 19 io tn-t a i7 v y # 20 fä 7 BT 20 ta-h a i7 [tzl 7 7 M * 13 Y 9 B# 11 aTE 9 9 £ 8 '7. m i7 tč\h M 19 Ťz ffl i o 5$»-ft;*, m i3 ti ^ 3 -fi H i oš h i t-ĽŽ SÜ 13 94 * 4 o< If 17 t-iž ± 17 9 4 # 5 o<-ž ŤF H £-iá g 21 94 ft H oí, ± 2 t-aoá ± 17 9 4 * 4 oi Ä 15 t-tbh © 21 ¥4 36 15 oi-i> a 2i ti> M 15 V4 S 21 © 8 [T] 11) & 7 99 %-• 12 r * 6 [&] fcit ft 6 ■Ť'f ffi 8 * £ 16 tz-t JE 6 Ť-f 35 15 ^ F*J 18 fz-t ŕti 17 f; « 19 &£-f- fé 22 tz-^Z> ■Ŕ 9 Tí» # 14 &£-£ íp 22 tzX-n M 16 ■e-ž ŕti 17 &^ cfj 4 Ťz- i) h JE 6 ■f-y E 13 (fc^-if) ¥ 4 9y fe 8 f y ffl 1 %tf-\*-> 9 y J§ 5 T> M 12 &&-o -t 3 [*] it] fBJ 4 ■ŕ H 14 h íS 17 i-> JS 5 ■f- ÍÉ 19 h El 19 1-y jS 18 ■f- ÍO 22 h f& 20 Ká, M 4 % Ť 3 K ± 2 -t>t>-£V> /Jv 4 K M 13 [£] *>34»-l/> Sfi 14 £v> S 21 ^ H 1 %frh * 4 h. S 18 r. ~ 3 1-9 ft 6 h. S 20 \z # 14 *>*> Ä 15 h. S 21 -9 03 7 f- + & 7 i-5 n 2i ÍZL H 18 fti' ir i7 K-} 3 14 -•ŕ B 1 f-a.7 pfj 4 K* flft i7 -a.7 A 17 f-j.7 g 10 K* m i7 — y A i -226- [Ä] ti-ft ž Bf 14 ij-n * >^y * 4 7> 7> tóL ± 15 ^y £ 11 -f y % [fe] /] [A] [O] e & 13 /\ m cd-čž ^ 17 (e) m 15 'W m £>*> & 10 £> h 1 ^■4 M ^c 2 ^-z> m (T)-ti Äfc 9 XI B 1 ^$>-&) It 11 í>e>-< 18 13 *7 At (If-(t ž) it 22 0-ž ž 10 *"^ * I1L-Ž M 17 0-6-v^ IA 13 *y- t> (tt-f-t) n 18 tf> m 16 *> * (li-f-ftž) ft 18 f±£ m 5 [<*] [S] í±£tt m 5 7 * 15 í m íi£e>-< m 17 7 x 15 W * >\+ A 3 7 * 16 W s ?\v- A 3 7 m 20 V-1" í* IÍ& ?e 7 7* 7> 4 ix hu i±£L m 9 7* ?F 16 it. í# i±^--r m 9 7* gp 18 i*> »i lili n 15 77 * 15 Ž-o í# (i-^-v» m 14 ÄTt-O __. 3 (i^-^) ^ íi^-v^ ¥ 16 7'7 m 7 it>-? n lä^L n 5 (A*) ä 7 tt>-Z> m (i-ft m 14 Ä-á Hr 17 ■?y ^ -227 — Index (JMS«) [*] h-X-h I 9 h% ÍJ 18 b-Z-fc-^ fe 8 fr-f * 2 *-£ S 13 h-^h M 9 **> ji 14 &0-0 _— 3 &&<& U 18 hb- ¥ 6 h-*?t\ fß 20 5 3? £ 16 *-£ M 9 [C] tfo-o 7^ 3 tíh fô 20 * g 6 *-f B^ 5 *1 £ 16 *Í>L £ 11 í? * 1 í í' a e &*> í# 14 í 7 % 7 fc-O 8 14 tfc ;$: 4 11 7É 16 í>o % 7 6 "J m 5 í > PI 1 ^> X 7 í > fô 21 [*] ■v ft 10 ^ t* 12 * M 13 ■Vi' H 12 ■f-f-v» Ä 8 •^■í-tf * 5 ^o-O A 3 ^<ŕ m 21 ^i Úi 1 [KD] ** M is x.*7 ^ 16 ■3-9 ft 18 ^ #10 #>§ g 12 [«fc] J; E 3 i ft 10 3? S io 3? tt 20 Í o-O 0 3 ■fc-tr lni 9 iS ft 10 J^ m 3 [ô] 9-Y % 9 [*J] 'J flj 16 'J S 22 V* ti 4 Do.? g 21 'Ja* ti i m l'* M 22 ^ SMI 21 [3] n* ^ 3 n-y- ^ 3 [t>] 7 m 9 fc>fr-v> m 16 fc-^S # 4 t>-frtlh % 4 fr-tt* # 4 t>ŕztz-& m 17 — 228 — & * * n s snttŤStŤ «To BBÍD51*10fli Íi53ířl2fli-CH*#Í 5is*t»*t > * - b *isi»6f, 57 #»*«. &i£**ís**»w-t > *■-äŕUfMWSiiíre-c, bbío63íč 7 a í i> « »■t >*-»»„ >** Bô n □ v ¥TX¥ť -f -ť t -X* w , ->• (BffiS!g*ň«±KS»T. Ba«54ípK B «SRHí^é H *3älSc#W *T„ 1SW554F 8 £ i I) 58í 7 fl í -C-ISlfS** *&»ifotci i)at'Mn *álífiH«-fc > * - H *Ig«6So ätifcfcWrífeftfK' y 9 -*■»»»» HR«« * 7 - B«SRflWľ'IH SrHT, ¥Ä 2 ¥ 4 J3 ± íl %■%.$■£X.!?-*®. 5#*9Ť Žt)S**®*4«íf-t v 1 - JpfflMÍ»» ssfcgt, aa«63ifl2J1 i t) UlJÜLsISÄW ?E9ŕH*ISR«-t ľ 9 - H *ž!ÍW«« SíWefb S*»¥500 BASIC KANJI BOOK VOL. 1 1989^4 fl 1 B 1989í? 9 H 8 B 1990íf 7/3 20B 1993^5 fl20B : 1 mmí :«i ««ff :* i SJ?žff :*6«iihíť ^íŕW *Äétt J=L A tt Ť102 *«»Ť«;BaE»BT 6-2 »Rr-J.-^Se;V2 F SIg 03-3472-2240 mm »ÄÄtt -í -t t* Ť 305 **»o < lfni?5X« 2-11-20 mtS 0298-51-2515 ©1989 Kano Chieko-Shimizu Yuri-Takenaka Hiroko-Ishii Eriko Printed in japan