The Title of The Lecture: Orthodoxy. The Lecture Description. To introduce students into the Orthodox Christianity: its doctrine, practice and history, starting with the definition of the very concept of the Christian Church, its beginnings, the substance and the meaning of its institutions and sacraments and reaching its rich written heritage left by Eastern Fathers and Teachers of the Church (e.g. Origenes, St. Basil The Great, St. Gregory Nazianzen, St. John Chrysostome, etc.), as well as later authors. The lecture will be held in the Modern Greek language. The lecturing programme. 1. The introduction into the subject. The notion of the Church in Eastern Christianity. The beginnings and the formation of the Christian Church. The Church Great Schism and its influence upon the history. 2. The basic dogmata. The faith confession. Ecumenical Councils as the major authority for the Orthodox Church. 3. The sin and redemption. Prayer and sacraments as the way towards reconciliation and sanctity. 4. The church space and decoration. 5. The priesthood. The secular and regular clergy. The significance of this institution for the Church life. 6. The monasticism and the life in the monastery (the noviciate, rules and aim of the monastic life). 7. The annual and daily circle of the divine services. Two types of the annual circle and the calendar problem. The divine liturgy as the culmination of the daily circle. The holidays of the Orthodox Church. 8. The written tradition of the Orthodox Church, its Fathers and Teachers. 9. Continuation. 10. The most outstanding figures and saints in Orthodoxy. The form of evaluation. The lecture course will close by a written test (in the Modern Greek language). The bibliography. Sources: 1. The New Testament. 2. Origenes. Περὶ εὐχῆς. 3. St. Basil the Great. Εἰς τὴν εξαήμερον ὁμιλία. 4. St. Gregory Nazianzen. Λόγος Κ’. Περὶ δόγματος καὶ καταστάσεως ἐπισκόπων. 5. St. John Chrysostome. Λόγος εἰς τὸ ἅγιον πάσχα. 6. St. Maxime Confessor. Λόγος ἀσκητικός κατὰ πεῦσιν καὶ ἀπόκρισιν. 7. St. Symeon the New Theologian. Ὕμνοι. Monographies: 1. Vopatrný, Gorazd. Dědictví otců : osudy svaté pravoslavné víry na území bývalého Československa. V Praze : Knižní dílna Rubato, 1999 2. Modlitby pravoslavného křesťana. Praha : Ústřední církevní nakladatelství, 1953. 3. Aleš, Bohumír. Pravoslavná liturgika pro žáky škol národních a středních: učeb. pravoslavného náboženství. Praha: Pravoslavná církev v Československu, 1952. 4. Jakobson, Roman. Cyrilometodějské studie : [soubor statí z let 1945-1969]. Praha : Euroslavica, 1996, c1995. 5. Gorazd II., biskup, 1879-1942. Pravoslavný katechismus: Učeb. pravoslavného náboženství na n. a stř. šk. Praha : Exarchát moskevské patriarchie v Čs., 1950. 6. Πρωτοπάππας, Α. Το κίνημα των χουσιτών και η Κωνσταντινούπολη˙ κοινές ρίζες. Λευκωσία˙ Κέντρο Μελετών Ιεράς Μονής Κύκκου, 1999. 7. Špidlík, Tomáš. Spiritualita křesťanského Východu: Mnišství. Praha: Refugium, 2004.