Fruit: . yyn na fn/ia ,n^ivn *^p irn^K mn1 nriK ^na Barukh attah adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, bo-re p'ri ha-etz. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe who creates fruit of the tree. ŕ Upon eating fruit for the first time in a season, add: un*pi irnnu/ ,D^iyn -nba uti^k mrp nrm Tina IT r I • : fr v: t t I •; iv t" t - I t .rwn ]KJT^ «yam Barukh attah adonai eioheinu melekh ha-oJam, she-heheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higi'anu la-z'man ha-zeh. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, for granting us life, for sustaining us, and for helping us to reach this day. Food which grows in the ground: .rtKHNn ns Ki'ia ,D^ivn ^bp wribx mm nriK ^na Barukh attah adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, bo-re p'ri ha-adamah. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe who creates fruit of the ground. Other food and drink: j-g-ia mm ^arr^ ,nb'wr\ T\bp u^P'^n mm nrix ^na Barukh atíah adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, she-ha-kol nihyeh bi-d'varo. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe at whose word all things come into being. 715 BERAKHOT AND HOME RITUALS SR BERAKHOT BEFORE FOOD Bread: p nrfľ rcyiöfl ,nViyn T^n wrR« mm nriK -qna Barukh attah adonai eJoheinu meiekh ha-olam, ha-motzi lehem min ha-aretz. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth. Kood (other than bread) prepared from wheat, barley, rye, oals, or speit: .n'u'iTip ivr? Kin ^iyn ^n WTjb§ mm nriK ^na Barukh attah adonai eJoheinu melekh ha-olam, bo-re minei m'zonot. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe who creates various kinds of nourishment. Wine or grape juice: .■[San n? K-pa ^Viyn ^bp irn'Vŕ? mm nrm ^ma Barukh attah adonai eJoheinu melekh ha-oJam, bo-re p'ri ha-gafen. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe who creates fruit of the vine. BERAKHOT FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS 714 BIRKAT HA-MAZON SK BERAKHOT AFTER MEALS At a house of mourning, begin on page 775 On Shabbat, Holidays and other festive occasions: A Song of Ascent. When the Lord restored our exiles to Zion, it was like a dream. Then our mouths were filled with laughter, joyous song was on our tongues. Then it was said among the nations: "The Lord has done great things for them." Great things indeed He did for us; therefore we rejoiced. Restore us, Lord, as You return streams to Israel's desert soil. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joyous song. A tearful man will plant in sadness, bearing his sack of seed. But he will come home in gladness, bearing his sheaves of grain. PSALM 126 After a wedding meal, continue on page 771 When three or more adults have eaten together, one of them formally invites the others: Rabotai n'varekh. Friends, let us give thanks. The others respond, and the leader repeats: Y'hi shem Adonai m'vorakh me-attah v'ad olam. May God be praised, now and forever. 755 BERAKHOT AND HOME RITUALS BIRKAT HA-MAZON BERAKHOT AFTER MEALS f§i At a house of mourning, begin on page 774 On Shabbat, Holidays and other festive occasions: TK .D^rD u^n ii"V nn^-nij mm zw$ .ni^yttn mu/ mm Vnan ,n"ňn moiO tn; .nr\ nrňuŕ'ri irs pinti? tow .D'rmttf u^ri /uray nitoyf? mm b^iri .rV?K ay niu;^ nyi?i5 myn^D .^5 o^sks uiv^-rnji mm raitf K'nj K3 ,vip i^j? Ktpi ,ró:ľi ^ ^hn .nyjr nrn .rnto^K Kty'3 ,n3"i5 After a wedding meal, continue on page 770 When three or more adults have eaten together, one of them formally invites the others: •TI}} 'Otal The others respond, and the leader repeats: •o^y "»VI nnyip -ypn mm n# "»m BIRKAT HA-MAZON 754 If ten or more aduJts are present, the leader continues: Bi-r'shut rubotai, nVarekh Eioheinu she-akhaínu mi-shelo. With your consent, friends, let us praise our God, of whose food we have partaken. The others respond, and the leader repeals: Barukh Eioheinu she-akhaJnu mi-shelo u-v'tuvo hayinu. Praised be our God, of whose food we have partaken and by whose goodness we live. Leader and others: Barukh hu u-varukh sh'mo. Praised be He and praised be His name. Continue with "We praise You ..." on page 759 if fewer than ten adults are present, the leader continues: Bi-r'shüt rabotai, n'varekh she-akhalnu mi-shelo. With your consent, friends, let us praise the One of whose food we have partaken. The others respond, and the leader repeats: Barukh she-akhamu mi-shelo u-v'fuva hayinu. Praised be the One of whose food we have partaken and by whose goodness we live. Leader and others: Barukh hu u-varukh sh'mo. Praised be He and praised be His name. 757 BERAKHOT AND HOME RITUALS »~—---------------------------- - ---* r If ten or more aduits are present, the leader continues; .'iV^i? ^V?^ "T^i? Tl-53 /"niairwo The others respond, and the leader repeals: .iriri 131D31 "i^n "VpW ^F^ "t"1"1^ Leader and others: .m^^n^i raněna Con lin u e with nriKinn on page 758 if fewer than ten uduits are present, the leader continues: The others respond, and the leader repeats: .la^n morn i^n uV?$W ln? Leader and others: .iKHü-nrDiNin-nna BIRKAT HA-MAZON 756 We praise You, Lord our God, King of the universe who graciously sustains the whole world with kindness and compassion. You provide food for every creature, as Your love endures forever. Your great goodness has never failed us; may Your great glory always assure us nourishment. You sustain all life and You are good to all, providing all of Your creatures with food and sustenance. We praise You, Lord who sustains all life. Barukh attah Adonai, ha-zan et ha-kol. We thank You, Lord our God, for the pleasing, good, and spacious land which You gave to our ancestors and for liberating us from Egyptian bondage. We thank You for the covenant sealed in our flesh, for teaching us Your Torah and Your precepts, for the gift of life and compassion graciously granted us, for the food we have eaten, for the nourishment You provide us all of our days, whatever the season, whatever the time. On Hanukkah: We thank You for the miraculous deliverance, for the heroism, and for the triumphs in battle of our ancestors in other days, and in our time. In the days of Mattathias son of Yohanan. the Hasmonean kohen goduJ. and in the days of his sons, a cruel power rose against Israel, demanding that they abandon Your Torah and violate Your mitzvot. You, in great mercy, stood by Your people in time of trouble. You defended them, vindicated them, and avenged their wrongs. You delivered the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the corrupt into the hands of the pure in heart, the guilty into the hands of the innocent. You delivered the arrogant into the hands of those who were faithful to Your Torah. You have wrought great victories and miraculous deliverance for Your people Israel to this day. revealing Your glory and Your holiness to all the world. Then Your children came into Your shrine, cleansed Your Temple, purified Your sanctuary, and kindled lights in Your sacred courts. They set aside these eight days as a season for giving thanks and reciting praises to You. 759 BERAKHOT AND HOME RITUALS 1^3 nViyrrn^ ijn ,nVivn ^p irn'^ mm nnx ^nn r? ntpa-bs1? nr6 ID'13 Kin .npipnnrn ~ix?m jn? /mun "ism b$} /"!? "ion kV -ran ^injn imu;n .ripn nb'wb U ^k Kin '3 ,b\i*r! 'inly rnnys ,nyj nb^vb \m lib -i#n rninir'?:?1? I'm y?m ,b'2b rppni hzb orm^ .'ľbrrnis ]m ,mm nriK "inn .K"i3 rrnpn yiN irninK1? T\bnir\^ by wribx mn1 ,^b rrru ,am>3 vnra ^n'^K mm ^nřoňnuj bw ,nnrm nn'iu ■ I- s ■ I VI'.' " I" v: |T - : T T T by) ,i:ntopp ijönrni/ ^nna by) ^-ny rppn narp-im ipm in D"n by] ,uny-ňnitf ípgn by) .nnirahv) ^rnin ,T>nri «pi« Dj-igni ]\ nriKu/ pin n^px by) .lanajin^ .nyurbppi njr^ppi nv-^pp On Hanukkah: by) ,niyiwrin by) ,nni3?n by) „ifj-i^ri by) O'cnn by .run iniai nnn D'n',? wnntt^ ypyV ninnVnn rnnyipa ,vaai 1J'iKHfin ^n) pa ]in'v-]2 irrnnn w n-rasn^i ^lp-jin Drpaitfn'? ^toizr ^ny by nyunn iv no1?1? ,Drny nya Dn1? rnpy nuin ^nrna nnxi .^.iin 'pnn on'13} rnpij ,nnöp:rni<; nnp_; .ajn-rii? m:n .nan-ni*; nan D'yip-n .nnint? -pa D'Knpi .nnsi/p -pa D'a-p, .D^n -pa ^i-n Dip rppy iV1 -ííni1"1 1P'?iľ "'I3 n,""l ^'R'líf T? IR-jSi r6'i-n njnitf^ rp|py ^řotí;' ^ay1?1 -IH^iya itfiißi /^a'ri-nw; ia?i ^n'a -pa-!'? jpja i«a p -inja .n;n n'Tna ivapTi -W1P- nl~i¥Cia nn; ip^ini .^ttHpn-nis; nnu] .^i-nn ^nitf'? bbrj1?! nnin'? i1?)* nain ■>n' nalnii/ 3IRKAT HA-MAZON ■MMtfHÉI On Purim: We thank You for the miraculous deliverance, for the heroism, and for the triumphs in battle of our ancestors in other days, and in our time. In the days of Mordecai and Esther, in Shushan, the capital of Persia, the wicked Haman rose up against all Jews and plotted their destruction. In a single day, the thirteenth of Adar, the twelfth month of the year, Haman planned to annihilate all Jews, young and old, and to permit the plunder of their property. You, in great mercy, thwarted his designs, frustrated his plot, and visted upon him the evil he planned to bring on others. Haman, together with his sons, suffered death on the gallows he had made for Mordecai. On Israel's Independence Day: We thank You for the miraculous deliverance, for the heroism, and for the triumphs in battle of our ancestors in other days, and in our time. In the days when Your children were returning to their borders, at the time of a people revived in its land as in days of old, the gates to the land of our ancestors were closed before those who were fleeing the sword. When enemies from within the land together with seven neighboring nations sought to annihilate Your people, You, in Your great mercy, stood by them in time of trouble. You defended them and vindicated them. You gave them the courage to meet their foes, to open the gates to those seeking refuge, and to free the land of its armed invaders. You delivered the many into the hands of the few, the guilty into the hands of the innocent. You have wrought great victories and miraculous deliverance for Your people Israel to this day, revealing Your glory and Your holiness to all the world. For all this we thank You and praise You, Lord our God. You shall be forever praised by every living thing. Thus is it written in the Torah: "When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall praise the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you." We praise You, Lord, for the land and for nourishment. Baruich attah Adonai, al ha-aretz v'al ha-mazon. 761 BERAKHOT AND HOME RITUALS On Purim: by) .nijnumn by\ ,n'nD?n by\ ,ipn$n by\ wmn by .pith i^nn nnn nn?>5 i^nuK1? rpti/y^ ninrten ,yip"V? V?0 Qn',[?yi "i>?¥#3 /irynn ]^w^ inpK] ^llp "^ unn ton ,^y-DW ^Hp1? "ity¥ n^'i^#a ,-iriK ova ^u/yi ,inyy,~riK rnpn cnnn "VPO"1-3 ni?K! •T'"1^ n^?^ ."nx -njo inlx i^pi óu/iťia \bmi nlnwrn ,'in:itfqra~nx nV^Vp] .yvn by vin On Israel's Independence Day: by) ^Imufpn by) ,nlTnaD "?¥] -IRISO ^V1 D^an by .rttn "jani ann n'pio ivnnx1? wpyyi ninn^n ,xrrg •'»•»a '"^ixa uy n^ipp nyn »n^iaa1? n"oa na1«/ wz Yixa tva-oxi ,a~in wbs ivpx ^a niax; yiK n.v,^ viaoa np. ,nnn_nN nai (aniT^ nya nr6 p"ipy tvTlp "vprna D"1?!!^ ony^ OpaVi ,ny^3 "ilnsjf? na^nx npm ,nvTfix .D^yp -pa d^I Dppp -VlKn T? ^'iKn- mxa:rnx uii^n .ní.n n'vna ipT"|En n^vu nyiu/n n^y b*c$n ^ipy1?1 ^niK n'g-nni T\b dhíd iíd^x ^rri'Vx nim ^ian byi n^Ki :mn33 n y J n^iv^ "vnn ,,n"t7D ^a ^nu/ Tinrv "i#n nn/ion yiKij ^y Ti^í? nin^riK rq-Qi ,riyníi7i .pnan by) yp.^n by ^m1 nnx ^ma. .^ irn BIKKAT HA-MAZON 760 Z9Z NOZVH-VH iVSÜia lul/šiAcl ti x^tk Stritt' &, Ň<^ d^L. ucti Lujia ňúl:' el ^ütln- ttlčL. I^iSl: luĎůia uta lůťct Äč^ct Litu- ÍELCt tLHL! XÉjdiCL EL ÍjQLCU' teiltet et í,clcu' ImAiAci LiÁátti Ür ŮftJSLu ••fojoj, loqujis uo puD 13J9Z1V lumi.qs "O ÜtÜÜELU 10!f>fnsuo UiÉLtl .-ifDUDtjSDH qsotj uo Cit UÁOUU ■•lonADifs "O ÜX UŮMU :i}DS3,juo L>J/n ÜuL/Jl .qsapoH qsojj UO tiijÁ^ta tita i/htuí, jařili' íjó^ňu í.atcu' ífil t^üäu t^Lúäta' ?rnn Onrigtyn 13a 'ľa-nKí man? nan -iinarrnK) (nnns^n ija-^a-'nKi niyn nan n-iinarrnK) .rnptíf.i riKin yiKrrnK Tiai Kin ,i>?rnn .iirťjKi nrpn* iru/to .'ľK-ito1 nann-riK Tia1 Kin ,inmn .nTiK1? nisten .131313 u\by paV! «in .Jiycpji At another's horne or at a parent's table: i?K) "nKi ,nin nian ■yya (n'm 'aK) -hk T1.31 Kin ,li?nnn ,. "ta-niji ny-irnio nrpa-nKi nn'iK ,n?n iron n'jya (irnin ) At one's own home: i tiki (lynrnKi/^a'nKi/ina/K-nKi) viik ti3! Kin ,l»p"in At a general gathering: i "nKi nnia-nKi orilK ,ik3 iiatpsrr'ľa-nK -\~q] Kin ,l)jrp_n an1? ntjtK-'ľa-nKí ny-|i nrnan irrňaK ianan?B> vna ,ub -iitfK-Va-riNi un'iN rianaa im u£a_ larňK i\-a] p ,Va ban "733 apjm ?W- .•jKiK -info] ,ni}bví BIRKAT HA-MAZON 766 May grace be invoked on high for them and for us, leading to enduring peace. May we receive blessings from the Lord, lovingkindness from the God of our deliverance. May we find grace and good favor before both God and mortals. OnShabbat: May the Merciful grant us a day of true Shabbat rest, reflecting the life of eternity. On Rosh Hodesh: May the Merciful renew this month for goodness and for blessing. On Festivals: May the Merciful grant us a day that is wholly good. OnSukkot; May the Merciful restore the glory of King David- On Rosh Hashanah: May the Merciful renew this year for goodness and for blessing. May the Merciful consider us worthy of the Messianic era and life in the world to come. He gives deliverance to His King, lovingkindness to His anointed, to David and to his descendants forevermore. May He who brings peace to His universe bring peace to us and to all the people Israel. And let us say: Amen. Revere the Lord, you His holy ones, for those who revere Him know no want. Scoffers may suffer starvation, but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Praise the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. He opens His hand and satisfies every living thing with favor. Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust the Lord is. I have been young and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous so forsaken that his children were begging for bread. May the Lord grant His people strength; may the Lord bless His people with peace. Adonai oz I'amo yiten, Adonai y'varekh et amo va-shaiom. After a wedding meal, continue on page 773 769 BERAKHOT AND HOME RITUALS BpV?^ rnp^n1? Knn# ,m3] u^yi nir1?^ naV; anisn Kn K^n^i ,ia^i ^ribtga njmi ,mm nra ro-n km H .D-iřa LT'nVis -»ry:? n'io ^un B OnShabbat: B .cpViyrt «nV nrmipi n3# i^>^ nv u^rui Kin ,])?rnn H| On Rosh Hodesh: B .n3int?i rniu1? run un.nrrnN; ir^y #i.rp ion ,]nqin H" On Festivals: B .niu 1^3^ Q1!1 i^TU? nth »iprjin B OnSukkot: B .n^pian th nsp nx wb w>p,i xm pornn K On Rosh Hashanah: B .nD'in1?] naiu1? nxin ruwrrnx ivby untr Kin ^nnnn 9| On Shabbat, Festivals, Hoi Ha-mo'ed, and Rosh isi Hodesh, and other specia) festive occasions, m| substitute the word in parentheses for the word IP which precedes it jf ^un .Kan aViyn ".n1?! rputon niniC7 last] Kin /inrjnn m ^V ivil^ "ill1? /in^ipV npn n^yi i^a nwu>i (Vn*>?) 1 ^¥1 i^y di^ n^I Kin ,T>ra'n>p:i niW nt£/y .nViv 1 -lüK n>?K] ^Kn^-^? I wi Dn^DS ."pkt»1? nionn ^k "a /i^np mn^nij ik-p 1 '? mn1"? mm .niu-1?? npm k'V mn* "•w-j'rn My.~\) | •T^ľ,n~t73t? yst^Kn ,tjj ní? nnia .inpn nViyb ^ ,niu I ^ .inuni? mni njm ^mn1? nun1 ntfK -gan ^ma * .Dr6 ufpni? iym nj^ pn* Ti^Kn k'1?") ^n^gj na ^n^n # .mWn layriK ^ny mn1 ,]rp iny1? t'iv mn1 After a wedding meal, continue on page 772 BIRKAT HA-MAZON 768