UNIT« 8 GRAMMAR The — T Form ■ Japanese verbs have several forms Japanese verbs have several conjugated forms. All the verbs presented so far have been in, or derived from, the — t~t form. Now we'll look at a new form, the — T form. ■ How to form the — T form Japanese verbs are divided into three classes according to their conjugations: Regular I, Regular II and Irregular. The - T forms of Regular II and Irregular verbs always end with — T: the - t ~f comes off and - T is added to the stem. The - T forms of Regular I verbs vary, as shown in the following chart. REGULAR 1 REGULAR II buy *n»*+ tf-oT eat fc-ci-f rc-iT wait i*,ii- ioT open *>ifi-r fcltT return, go home ^*'Ji-f ^ioT see At-r AT listen iii-r *\»T IRREGULAR write PUT i»i>T come Stir ÍT read JtAi-f Jt/CT to form a polite imperative. ex. il 9 a 7'í H < -» T < fi5 v >. "Please send a catalog." When one action is followed by another, the first clause is terminated by a verb in the — T form. In this type of sentence, the subject of the first and second clause must be the same. The — T form can be used to link up to three clauses, in which case the verbs of the first two end in the - T form. The - T form cannot be used if the moods and tenses of the clauses it combines are not the same. For example, the following two sentences cannot be connected using the — T form: 1. Statement: fc>/c L li i^.i'-i' 2íi' &'>t1~, "I have two tickets." 2. Suggestion: í> L tz i'oUl: x^tf'Ý Ai-t+X.!5\ "What do you say to seeing a movie together tomorrow?" Furthermore, if the first clause contains a motion verb like i>í it, Í ťt, or i'i. 'I £-f. the verb in the second clause must express an action that occurs in the location to which the subject went in the first clause. For example, S (D ň tfXÜfj: i^T, UZZ'liLí tz^t L tz ("Yesterday I went to Ginza and ate lunch [there]") is correct, but $tf> l í/Cíl: l»-»T. lo'fT UZZ' li.A,i tz^it L tz ("Yesterday I went to Ginza and ate lunch in Shibuya") is incorrect, since the act of eating took place in Shibuya, not Ginza. ■1 TALKING ABOUT PLANS >1 TARGET DIALOGUE Ms. Chan is talking with Ms. Sasaki about her sudden business trip. m ■■ iio0 •f- -ť y : * L tz liorfn^-jT li/Clíi^o*^« £'ji-t^b, íoíí^i: ^iíto f-+ > : I'-tfX "lOĽ^b Z* Z' 3ĽÍT'Tt„ ín>*'o í> t T" ífolf^LĽci: ^oT, í£-53X,rc í>^ii-0 *>íoT \±ZtzT<0 fa^lz-HiĽní AT. 1 Ľ co l>;ťít £-5*.Jt9l= 4**'J i-f. SS* :*?^»J4l/b. Tli. *í -5ltT. U-hIŤĽJ:9£ AT, K -5 * 4 7 1= >í**.')*-*-. Chan: Ms. Sasaki, do you have a moment? Sasaki: Yes, please (tell me what you want to talk about). Chan: There's a sales meeting in Hokkaido tomorrow, so I'm going to Sapporo. Sasaki: What time does the meeting start? Chan: It's from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. After the meeting, I'll go to the Sapporo branch office and meet Mr. Sato. The day after tomorrow, I'll see the chocolate factory in Hakodate and fly back to Tokyo on a 1:00 (p.m.) flight. Sasaki: I see. Well then, take care. ■ Ms. Chan is going to Sapporo tomorrow. The day after tomorrow she will see a chocolate factory and return to Tokyo. VOCABULARY Jtí U* IIo^niT-7 li/Clí^ ~ AtT \tztiX z ň Ľ i i ií oltT do you have a moment? good, all right (polite form of v»i »; used in interrogative sentences) Hokkaido (the northernmost of the main islands of Japan) sales, marketing after Sato (Surname) Hakodate (city in southern Hokkaido) factory, manufacturing plant take care 161 This expression is used to get the attention of someone who is in the midst of something r &&A£B€| WORD POWER i CD The - T form: KEY SENTENCES *^ÍO íii: n ť- Ý Li-f. JOT /^-^^-(T) &£-?- 97:s—T X ; Xí/Cli ^jt'J i l/c. Mr. Smith went to a bookstore yesterday and bought a dictionary. Mr. Smith will make copies before the meeting. Mr. Smith went home by taxi after yesterday's party. 9*1= ~ iii: EXERCISES' I. Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their — T forms. - i i~ FORM - T FORM - í "ť FORM - T FORM buy iK>i-t **oT *o.T iioT turn off eat open it L s-r It L T .......ÍV^T meet return, go home Ŕlti-f *ltT go v-*á-r ii M + Lá-f UT o It T AT ÍT LT write listen (to), ask drink read «Ait Jt: A i i" COAT ■ XLT come do 'irregular inflection . ^ II. Practice the - T /orm. Change the following verbs to their -T forms. ex. tz ■< t ~t -* tzv-ít —............................................................. 9. L í-r -*........ s. ť*, g á -t —............................................................. io. ^ í i -r —........ Jk III. Express a sequence of actions. Combine the sentences below as in the example. ex. J-M ^ií-to &< 'j if» — /-lit: T, ti< U i-t = 1. T>Cíí olti-t. KTÍ l*>á-f. 2. TX*?IÍX,r-j£ ííit. T/Cbř L i-r. 3. 9 t»T II/CS JtAit. Ixtf-h* "i-íit. T/C* u.t:-s (electric) light report IV. Ask and answer what one will do. In answering, express a sequence of actions. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined parts with the appropriate forms of the alternatives given. ex. A:#>l7c *£KÍ V.t^i)\ 1. A:........................................................................................................................................................................... B:........................................................................................................................................................................... (í'/Cí'T tfH«í,<7)£ L i-t. X^-ň'i Aá-f) 2. A:.......................................................................................................................................................................... B:.......................................................................................'............................................................'........................ V. Express a sequence of actions. Combine the sentences below as in the example. ex.i%K íi^/Ci-. yž:"iiAt /c<í-»ŕ/U\ 1. XHXÍ/Ci: iii'ÍL/:. i^Lii: ŕ-Xí L í L /:. 2. FTř áSI+i L Jt -H\. TX í £ cítili lH\ VI. Ask and answer what one did. In answering, express a sequence of actions. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined parts with the appropriate forms of the alternatives given. ex. A: ii \Z ľ j j L ft. 1. A:.......................................................................................................................................................................... B:........................................................................................................................................................................... '*>->iiL1gK i'ii-f. UJ< ž'J ž ľo ^»j'CT ixic L j: < ľý LŽ-fo 1........................................................................................................................................................................................................... (í^'i 3 e-í i í-r) 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ('«-ŕ-f -. 74 ^í tf^i-f) ex. 2. C Z' 7 ľ ^ŕ> ^--^x-^< fcij i-f0 ,j-jLA-p bZT 3........................................................................................................................................................................................................... (tf-^í\ u.t;-hr *^íi-r) 4........................................................................................................................................................................................................... . i I Z'K T. f-g J U- r- C Ť Ľ J: 1 £ J*ťt. 1 ť í í: (íi/:4. "t L Ý /:-<*-*") 2 í í í: ■f-f >: (f--,;-l-. iioJin^-jí) íiAfifS tf^it) CD XI. Listen to the CD and choose the correct answer to the question asked. b) ____________I -i'i Kobe (city near Osaka) iiH*?'£ Lťt hold a meeting £ /- .5 Otaru (city in Hokkaido) *-r* 167 68 SHORT DIALOGUES CD I. Mrs. Green is planning a party. She calls up Mrs. Matsui to invite her. El ?*)-V:\z\lL\i LP ZtK*>iz ixitlrz «'-r-f-i: nJi-fjK f + >; imx, »>í i-tr/C íť^iĽb: £*7 ITT-fiK -ŕ + y: ,t->ayí-b lilitf* íi-ŕ^b. Nakamura: Will you go to the party tomorrow? Chan: No, I will not. Nakamura: Why (not)? Chan: Because my mother is visiting [lit., "will come") from Hong Kong. fUT why I - (particle indicating a purpose) 168 Tell someone what you did yesterday. Then talk about your plans for the coming weekend. M MAKING A REQUEST 1 TARGET DIALOGUE Ms. Chan has come to Sapporo to attend a sales meeting. -f-f * : *>, f- + >i/C. fciiJt -7 ^tr^t-to f-fíT-ŕ. -fľí : l±v\ fr^'J i l/;„ ft > : ÝH^b, -y-yy/UW l^l/Ot í>. •t-fí : lii», -ti' ti< U i-To f-r-y : Ľ-r, fc*n}«i»li-r. ■ •f-tví/ji í-ojf^b (i/oĺvío -r-ríť5/Ci= rx,*?* Ij^íZ/CO J]9v<7't *t~/7°Jlá-r A.tilxi-t 5. iiTiít 6. £ fltit 7. i i; i-f '" itf"Ji-f turn Ľ*>i-f stop, park 'H.it say KLÜ + teach, show, teil t-?TÍÍ+ bring KťHtlr deliver t*>i+ wait II. Positions and directions: E22E5I ^® 5— -------$ A® ® 4 ® ^ J 1. Z -jí T,C 2. L A3'Ť 3. ^ť 4. Í'X, : j £0 Ti -t 5. i'Lz ií>X C Ť í T A intersection ix before Í-5+f straight ahead L X* C* i traffic signal Ä-cf corner T i X just before í í A*' ahead left right e 7 T v 7 X (particle indicating a point of passage) fax Z Ô < í If L airmail •MrCftC surfacemail fe < I±v*l//-< courier service KEY SENTENCES i. t -5 ^*>ť i'-jT< ŕziw 3. -?**co l/L,Z'Ť£ A**i: ií<-,T< «i>. 1. Please say it again. 2. Please send this luggage by courier. 3. Turn right at the next traffic signal. EXERCISES \* I. Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their - í ~f and - T forms. - í -f FORM - T FORM say wi-it ľoT wait tt,i-r íoT turn t * < <) í -t K-, T take lend tf-li-f 4'U show A-tri-r A-tťT stop t*>±-t č^t tell üuit íiLiT deliver Kťlti-f k tritr bring i-oTiít toTST «j}*» II. Ma/ce a request. Make up sentences as in the example. ex. í;*** í'íit -íi'Hí ^Tfc: i±,i-r —....................................................................... 2. I <• L X, í i: 'J i -r —....................................................................... 3. ti >'« o^á-f—....................................................................... 4. -<>í «-Lít -*....................................................................... 5. f Ví CiTIt i t -►....................................................................... 172 -}■*• next A-ttái- show f4f pizza k*JB m. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given, changing their forms as necessary. A, Make and accept a request. ex. A:-rAŽ^ŕ^o JSCO 1/Xr7>« fr í X £ fe L X T < fc* v '. B: 111' 1. A:.......... B:........... 2. A:....... 3. A (/-lir KUX. 7Í-Í i-t) (/-a.-, A-dä-t) (*n >*'(?) L U j: i. UTíít) B. Make and accept a request to send something by a certain means. ex. A:X-XŽ/Li: /-;LT L 'j Jt Ť £ fc'K>LLf<7) >"3>y>í/C. Z i < l HL. il 9'd 7') B' 3 A U :iii l L v L ,1 C Ť £ A Ý'U í 7$ tf> *- ť. A *') B. ex. y/C~ Ť<7) í XT £*")T < ŕ£í^„ 1................................................................................................................................ (í/ni'Lffl Ti x) 2................................................................................................................................ (rťii/Li x < íí) y ^ a.— menu L 'J J: i data, information, material, documents, literature rp -j Jr X. mail, post ■i>rz~3*) second ~- tf> (suffix that attaches to a number and turns it into an ordinal number) 173 lÜJB V. Give directions to a taxi driver. Tell the driver to follow the route indicated by the arrows and to stop at the point indicated by the X. "7 ŕ -^ 2. B 3. dl B 4. X ex. o í* co ZiiTLt Aí'i: í£: Ii^0 ^;X: JSl/cCO Z"C' ľ. cťltT < ťíi>. A-tŕco ZAČ: IH\ fctf>'Jí L/ž. T(i. «tti*.*: ;'ľ*Ují 1- * í *: ............................................................................................... ('fya>) a -tí- ot y í: :............................................................................................... * ; x- ................................................................................................ (í £ Jt i U t::............................................................................................... x - * ................................................................................................ (i:£Jt i lí u) A -tŕ OT y K:............................................................... :' c i» i U i Tie (another person's) address by (the time) 174 Give directions to a taxi driver. ex. f--f>: ti Í Xi 91- íí>(ÍT fcfclrf^lä-r. 1 LT L L *: li^o -ŕ -t- >: (after a w/i/7e) o í* CO L A Z' i £ U ti') U í tffo T < /c' Ť LTLL : ll^o f-+ V: í, co L-5^ ŕ/lco žiT Ü*iT: li^o ^^T^L*: *>'J>í<£ Ť C'í'v^i L/co f- + >: ťii. 1. f- + >: .......................................................................................................... (^lí/CťCiiTX,) iiT/CU:.......................................................................................................... * + >: .......................................................................................................... (A í') Ť ATA L m:......................................................................................................... f- + >: .......................................................................................................... (3 > t"^OT X í ž.) j LT L L rt:.......:.................................................................................................. Ť X,T,<, L f. .......................................................................................................... ^•ť>: ..........................................................................-.............................. 1 LT L L rt>:..................................................................ľ....................................... f- -f >: .......................................................................................................... 2. f- -f >: .......................................................................................................... (L .ľ.*** í) Ť X,TX L u>:.......................................................................................................... ■f- -t- >: .......................................................................................................... (V/c''J) i /CT/C l *:.......................................................................................................... •f + >; ......................................................................................................... (V> •> 3 >OT í Í.) iLX L L *:.......................................................................................................... Ť /C"íX L rt:.......................................................................................................... f- + >: .......................................................................................................... i LX L L rt:.......................................................................................................... f- -ŕ >: .......................................................................................................... K ň í £ 1 9 7 — Tokyo Tower í T to, as far as (particle) L ^) w white \£ i t thanks ^olíAÍ'IŤiTA Roppongi Crossing l .i'Vrt. í Shibuya Station ■7 > ■> g > apartment (in a high-rise building), condominium (colloquial shortening of ť i t $>'}$'£ i) I VII. Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks based on the information you hear. ■f \- y Í Ht............................. #M >**<0 SHORT DIALOGUES CD I. Ms. Chan phones room service because her room is cold. fr7-/lT"-fí>?. £•?.>>£ T< A: í v», hotel employee: Yes, this is room service. Chan: This is Ms. Chan in room 201. Please bring me a blanket. hotel employee: Yes, will do. VOCABULARY ll — Atf—tfX room service Í, •) ,j. blanket t-?T* Ms. Chan is checking out of the hotel. ft>: -fÁÍ-Č/C 7D>rfl t>£:lii\ i/CTLni1. *- + >: 3(7) i:£o£ 5ĽÍT *f^oT<ťíi' Toy h(7) Ví: liv\ fr^'J i lf:. Chan: Excuse me. front desk clerk: Yes, how may I help you? Chan Please take care of this luggage for me till 5:00 (p.m.). front desk clerk: Yes, will do. VOCABULARY Íl'ATL iifr fr-ffr-,X < «p f>ľfr>)t-t how may I help you? (softer way of saying