UNIT GRAMMAR The -it'o Form Classifications of Japanese verbs As discussed briefly in Unit 8 Grammar (p. 160), Japanese verbs are divided into three classes based on their conjugations: Regular I, Regular II, and Irregular. The stems of Regular I verbs (the part just before the - í ~ť ending) end with -i, and they change as the verbs are conjugated. The stems of Regular II verbs, on the other hand, end with either -e or -i but remain the same even as the verbs are conjugated. There are only two Irregular verbs: L í "f and í i "f. For more on verb conjugation, see Appendix E, pp. 244-46. How to form the — «i-f \ >fi»/j.V > read Jt*i + Jt«Í.H> play ihilSt-t turn off i-tUi-r l+Ä-i-v» REGULAR II eat rzKtir fc*«řv» see be »it show Atti-J- Attifo IRREGULAR come «á-r C*i» | do Lit U*xi' How the — ífi > form is used ex. Z C I: < -S i í £aoíi.^>T< /£i k». "Pleasedo not park your car here." A negative verb used in mid-sentence usually takes the — l/i ir^co í, č t 5-3 r + s'-zzfrt, í < b í/Ľ *oUít £'co<"b^ tf^'j ft'/: Ľf, 6ĽI: ^>Líí Ti-t+/C>$\, ír^tľí, : jtsto Ľľ> Í.L/: 6 Ľl-o bč/Lrí-^/U; o$íi-06Ľi: íh'Líí Tit. *^4 Iť^b í < b í/'Ľ nifrLÍT kO.V-Li'h^ ^ťr'Ji-fo Nakamura: Ms. Chan, how about going to the Sakura Art Museum tomorrow after work? Chan: That would be nice. Let's go. Nakamura: At what time should we leave the office? Chan: How long does it take to get from here to the Sakura Art Museum? Nakamura: It takes about forty minutes. Chan: Well, how about leaving the office at 6:00? Nakamura: OK. Tomorrow at 6:00, then. ■ Ms. Nakamura and Ms. Chan are going to the Sakura Art Museum tomorrow after work. They will leave the office at 6:00. It takes about forty minutes to get from the company to the Sakura Art Museum. Sakura Art Museum (fictitious museum name) (particle: see Note 1 below) shall we leave? leave how long take (time) 179 1,'N'ii^ ľmm:'. tŕ/CĽU íH^ff Ti Li it\ The particle í here indicates a point of departure. ex. 6UI: fri > L <• í T í i% "I'll leave the office at 6.00." L/tĽ^iíT T/Clťí is'J i-f „ "I'll get off the train at Shinjuku Station." The particle I:, on the other hand, indicates a point of arrival or a location toward which an action such as going, coming, entering, or boarding is directed. ex. 7ĽI: Í/C i*~?frLK o$ í -f. "I'll arrive at the art museum at 7:00." ciíliííT T'/CLfl: o.i^ (frL) 2 i: \lfrL :>•->*- (frd 15 ľ * ť c;^ (<'X^) 3 4 iLifrL Jt Ľ^A A-y fr (fr L) 1-ifr (frL) 20 i:Ľ»-?.S^ (frL) 25 30 í/,Ľ*o.s:/, (frL) 5 6 r ľ frL ^->fr (frA.) h<,\lfrL V^fr (frL) NOTE: í ^ Ľ frL\tL, three and a half hours (see also Appendix J, pp. 249-50) 1S0 ni) it fc'J i-f ->«S + get on (a vehicle), take get off (a vehicle) go out, leave arrive iS-j>-1) í-f take (time) ~.!-/C/.;:/C (/S%A) minuteis) ~U<->C hour(s) ~fr/\z% (tf-X,) day(s) (counter) WEEKS MONTHS YEARS 1 2 3 4 5 6 iwLrti J>NA i:4;_lf-5 (frL) íXVlfo (frL) Jt/UMfo (frL) ^t,ftL (frL) KhL (frL) iLtiL (frL) HaL (frL) Z'tiL (frL) 6->fr\1-> (frL) *>< ItlfrL NOTE: *-*t>fcL\iL, one and a half years (see also Appendix J, pp. 249-50) KEY SENTENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. XiXíXJi KiÍJtUíT T/Cín: (O'Ji-f. XÍXÍ/Cli l^Ľrj><)i-t <7)tT get off fc'Ji-f fc'JT go out, leave rt-t TT arrive lii-f -o\ *T take (time) frfr')i-t frfr-oX walk t>Zit-f *>Z^X ~ L rt> i frL week(s) ~«>lf-a month(s) (counter) ~HL (frL) yearfe) Í.-6S i-r walk 181 II. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given. A. State where someone will get on and off a means of public transportation. ex. X5X*/Ui níiUiT T/lĽr-lc <7)'Já-fo lX.Ln><;i í T XL L y í ri'ii-fo 1..................................................................................................... (*>^To) 2..................................................................................................... (7 7 •>-) 3..................................................................................................... ('«X) B. Sřflíř a person's departure and arrival time. ex. ŕzfr\il*U± 7Ľi: Ť^Ý Ti L/c. 8 Ľi: Mľi: o* i L/c 1..................................................................................................... (10 ĽK rtx/k 1 1 Ľic <ť:ť) 2..................................................................................................... (fcí KŤ* t 7. 1 ĽCí ÍJtlK) . Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined words with the words suggested by the illustrations. íj^í jJ> «fcTi^ flfflj—► pjiQ™nc—>ěi trm \* V a-if* 7:30 '"> 8:00 *>i'.r- UŤ * Jt •>** >^S—->^i>i--ft- a a o 20 a a a □ d a a a □ •> □ a a I I I 1> Jt :iiiii tŤ í Jt uí o j£^ [ľ]m|—» pf[aiDf-|t: — ^ 3 *T C-_. 8:00 a a a a a a n o a d □ o ono £* l K7 -a T how, in what way «M "í ^ Akasaka (district in Tokyo) íí & T Í t) Otemachi {district in Tokyo) iS í'.i' Azabu (district in Tokyo) A. Ask and give the route by which one commutes to work. ex. ŕzfrlil: X iXÍ/Ui if Ť ť-? T iH>Ľŕi: ^*ii"ií\ X i X: &±*JpT %frt-r>[Z (D r, X. ťfeTÍ^T ť'J±-fo fefeTÍM-b ivLííT *4íí-r. 1. fc^li L: -f- + y í AU...................................................................................................................................... ^ -V V: .................................................................................................................................................................... 2. /iriM±L:+-f í Í/Cli.................................................................................................................................... ■t-ľ'i: ....................................................................................................................................................................... B. Ask and answer what time one leaves home every day and what time one arrives at the office. ex. ŕzMil: ivi:£ íť/CĽi: 9^í Ti-M\> X = X: 7 Ľi: T í-f o /c^lil: tt/CĽU 4h»LvI: -^íi-ťK X ; X: 7_Ľ_l±/,i: -5$ í-fo 1. ŕzi-ltl:....................................................................................................................................................................... *\S: ...................................................................................................................................................................... ŕ:t-UL:....................................................................................................................................................................... •í--f>: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2. £4-li L:.................................................................................................................................................................... •t-f í :................................................................................................................................................................... ŕz-ó'ltl:..................................................................................................................................................................... -r ľ í: ..................................................................................................................................................................... IV. State how long one's commute to work is. Make up sentences following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. ex. ň%-h-y> inlííT M'T^T 4 0.ÍX ií^'Jíľo 1.....................................................................................................................................................(t% L <•- 1 Ľ 4^) 2. ('<*, 4 5.JX) V. Ask and answer how long it takes to get somewhere. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words suggested by the illustrations. ex. XiX: iíiíiŤ^b íiUít ť.')ťrt\ 1. X ; X: ...............................:.........:................................................................................................................. tti'Vh:......................................................................................................................................................... 2. 'j'í't'í,:.......................................................................................................................................................... f-+>: .......................................................................................................................................................... VI. Ask and answer how long one stayed in a certain place. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. ex. X j X: /ctfMilí/Cli EVX'ŕ,^ -i-3-;i: »>ÍL/;i\ 1. X i X:......................................................................................................................... (,t<>3>) ŕzfrlil:.......................................................................................................................... (2Ui 4-/C) 2. X ; X: .......................................................................................................................... (i^lí-z.) /c 4M i L:.......................................................................................................................... (5 *Mf o) 3. x ; x: .......................................................................................................................... (+*-yx7>vX3) /c 4-li L :.......................................................................................................................... (3 *lL) tt') ŕz < ■? C ô Narita Airport 1' * + be, stay — i — 3 — 7 New York t^7?^->XJ San Francisco VII. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. A. Talk about a summer vacation plan. ex. "f 1*3: ti.-3Ap-rAi: ^'Zlz ^íi"t^° fr^t'r,: '*'Jt: i>->T, IfĽ*-2^í* Ait, ■fľí: *iTirt\ E'coCbo ^£VJ: llítí%. -t-fi: ^\*T-tti. 1. "f-ťí: .......................................................................... 'jí'ľí,:.......................................................................(íi-3-;, ; i-'/*'t) Ť -f 3 : .......................................................................... (-1 - 3 - 7) íi'4-í; h:......................................................................... (6 4-) -ŕ-ť S: .......................................................................... 2. -f-f 3: .......................................................................... tt^ĽÍ»:........................................................................ (í Jf?K. fc'Tb) -T-T5: ........................................................................ (í Jt -7 iT) íi- 4-f b:......................................................................... (5 4^) -f ľ í:......................................................................... B. Jnvŕťe someone to an event and tell him or her what the departure time will be. ex. fr£ i: hltz 11Ľ4'i, E Ť * Jr. 9 -Ť- f" >l T fc^ L CO 7x7«' •f+>: li^o Íl"/C Ľ U ÍH-Lf? Títh T i-f o 1. frZŤ:............................................................................... (íi/ívlí) *•+>:............................................................................... 4<£-j:.............................................................................. (íi/c^lí. 30.;:>C. 1 OĽIJX) ŕ+>:............................................................................ 2. li-Ci:............................................................................... (J; C li ä) *+>:............................................................................... í'ti:............................................................................... (Jt Z li í . 1 Ľ*'X.(±/0. 9 Ľ UX) Ť+>:............................................................................... ' >' 'J Paris í n — x ij IV musical 7 x T fair Hfl Vlil. Talk about a flight itinerary. Complete the following dialogue using the information in the illustrations as a guide. 1. t-Y>: 2. I) Jr. C -?j51<>:-fÁá:-ti-/C, Ztf4-„ To grant permission, say li v ». £' i V ("yes, please [do]"), and to refuse permission, say tAí-tíií'. ŕ, x o t . . . ("I'm sorry, but that would be a little [difficult]. . ."). 188 ► PRACTICE WORD POWER CD I. Verbs: 1. oiH>i + 2. (ŕzíizí) -t^í-r 3. li^'Ji-ŕ II. Things available at the information counter of a museum: $?£ ggj-c l.žtldťí'í 2. A^K-VrtA K 3.'í>7l/7l- 4. #7o/ oA-wí-f use *li*«i (picture) postcard "V7W/h pamphlet /;lí:ř +V-Í+ smoke (a cigarette) -f+.t.-V^-f K recorded guide il 9 o 7' catalog £ If: cigarette "í"ť+—V earphones, headphones ling J-f enter #< F guide 189 KEY SENTENCES 1. Z (D i.i-t •3^T smoke -t^-í-t t^T enter li^'lt-t liwoT rest ť+Ai-f f-t/CT «& Ask permission to do something. Change the sentences below as in the example. ex. Z#0*ř -5*^>i-f. 3. c« *.l/; nAít. t ^J III. /Ist and griwí permission to do something. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example and based on the information in the illustrations. ex.-ft'i:Z a f— í LT t iH'T'tí- 1. -t f i: fr£ 1: 2. ti" Í:, frt 7: 3. -r-rí: «"Č i: ŕ> í Y> < í ^ customer, client (polite form of í f < ) 191 I > Li L'j^ IV. Ask and refuse permission to do something. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example and based on the information in the illustrations. 1. OK? "yU J :r 11 i r1 cV Nj ^-~Jj h ill/ Ky j- Vv / 7 •*■-' / -/ l É=3 / /^rA 2 OK? V ' \ \pÝ í / iL \v*/h J/\\ ^-^ \ ö J II l! / / Y/Jb \ ex. X ; X: .ZT &^l£ ŕ:^T"f^ &Xb V K: 3. X; X: tiXh ľ/t:. <» V. Get and give assistance at a store. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex. X í X: -fAi-tfX. Z CO ý- L^ĽCO tl 7 a ?>' iht)ftii\ 1. X i X: A-i+O yd X ; X: A-t+OT ířt: (.') i fcL. '<>7\sy r) 192 LESSON 20 2. X = X: A-tfCO [/ř: X = X: A-tfcO r>K: (UX I-77. #- K) O VI. Ask for permission to borrowapen. Look at the illustrations and make up a dialogue that reflects what is happening. 1. A-t+tf) Vt: 2. XÍX: 3. Xax: 4. A-tiCO yt: 5. X : X: CD VII. Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks based on the information you hear. X-Xi/Cli.................................................fr b.................................................£ oiJh > í -f. #— K (business) card 193 J SHORT DIALOGUES CĎ I. Mr. Green has gone to the hospital to visit a sick friend. He first goes to the reception desk in ■pa the visiting area. Titbit Titbit Z'Ľrtilxt ti* t*. Í $H>T<£íl< D-7ĽT i)H>Tt ppTtí)-. lio. receptionist: Please write your address and your name. Green: May I write in Roman letters? receptionist: Yes. romanized Japanese II. Mr. Green is visiting a friend. 7"')-y-.ZZ\z i:£-d? ti^Xi i»v»Tt^. £ tr£t>: lii\ cfi-ť, /'J —>: (after chatting for a while) tAÍ-tfL £>'TÍ>bi»í -3^-, T í, c: í,/:'*.: Iii\ ^Ť*'. Green: May I put my luggage here? friend: Yes, please do. Green: Excuse me. May I use your bathroom? friend: Yes, go right ahead. (-T form of K i i i") P'jt If you're in Japan, go to various stores or public institutions and ask permission to do something—to take a photograph, for example. BEING WARNED OR ADVISED C 1 TARGET DIALOGUE Ms. Chan and Ms. Nakamura are looking at a picture of Mt. Fuji in the art museum. + +y : z >M!3X,<7) xli £T& ÍK^Tt«. •f \v : tc^tľbíX,, z ix.? frŕzl tífrtJ b ■ 111 \ ^i>'JiL/;, í: 'J i i~ Jt o (rate a flash picture) tH'b : -f A i-ti:X,. fc^HJ i L/bo ■ ÍL-^bí/Cli .!> Ľ í /CÍX,W l ť l/C£ rJ'JíU:. Chan: This picture of Mt. Fuji is really lovely, isn't it? Nakamura: Yes, it is. Chan: Ms. Nakamura, please take a photograph of me in front of this picture. Nakamura: Okay, right. Are you ready? museum employee: Excuse me. Please don't use a flash here. Nakamura: I'm sorry, I understand. ■ Ms. Nakamura took a photograph of Ms. Chan in front of a picture of Mt. Fuji. VOCABULARY Mt. Fuji (said when you are about to take someone's photo) flash please don't use HUMS i. ;:t 777yií ifrh+£\*T< tz$\\ The "please do not..." construction is formed as follows: verb - ii'i * + T + < tži l \ This expression is often used by managers or officials when asking someone to refrain from doing something, although it can also be used by restaurant customers when requesting that a specific ingredient not be used. ex. í iL Ť í v »Hifi »T < tu v'. "Please don't put any sugar in it." 195 To make this rather strong expression sound softer, give the reason why you would like the other person to refrain from doing what they are about to do. ex. ZZi: <ítí í*i'/i'f<ťíi-. TCiiť+í-í,. "Please do not park your car here. (This) is an exit." RACTICE WORD POWER — ^P I. The -fcWomn: 1 -ti'i-f • -th'x^ Ttf^'i-f • -3frh*£\* ŕ: t, ft . /;/;í,H> oAif.ni'iv t'lit . Kř,íri> 4 £1+4+• üi+t-v Lrti-f • U'i'ľ iirtj-r • M'jľ í ä -f • c íi-i < Li-f • l<^' k t, ft stand up 196 9 Restrictions: 1. ÍLilL 2.^-jUíHL KEY SENTENCES 1. 3 Cli v*') <-ŕ,T-t^b. <ŕoT< fc'ív 2. -flu hí ľ/í i>-K.í:i»T forms. REGULAR I REGULAR II IRREGULAR - í "ť FORM - t£ I » FORM — í~t FORM — FORM - 4 Í" FORM — <ŕ \ » FORM ItLi-t Ä-tŕi-t v»K4f í 4-f L4-t ^;-<4-r *l+4-f OA4-T «^•J4-f »Í4» 1*4 + l*>ftv< >)-x. í>í:i» Aít A4v t.» Ť LvHL no smoking, nonsmoking no parking wasabi, Japanese (green) horseradish v-íti-t put in, add 197 ' II. Practicethe - forms. ex. $>^Í1~ -* &h+±\ > 1. ásiti-ť -*........................................................................... 2. WÍŤ — ........................................................................... 3.t:>)i-r—............................................................................ 4. iľ^ít -»........................................................................... 5. UÍŤ —............................................................................ 6.**i-t—............................................................................ III. Forbid someone to do something. Look at the illustrations and make up sentences as in the example. ex. í -ČÍ Jhtft-t -»ifcTÍ *>l-tti^T<ŕz*\\ i. UL/Lř í: u i -r —*................................................................. 2. KTř L»ít -»................................................................................................................ 3. TX5Í It L i -t —.................................................................................................................. 4. <4if Wlf -».................................................................................................................. IV'. Forbid someone to do something and give a reason. Make up sentences following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined part with the alternatives given. ex. I Z11 o'J <'t>Tirfrh. <£££ £*f>4.'i»T TO*, V. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined part(s) with the alternatives given. A. Ask someone to refrain from smoking. ex. fv>: -fAi-tíX, Z y V.: \t\\ hfr1) í Iŕz. -fAá-tíX. 1. -ŕ-t-V: ....................................................................... (Zli í/Cx/CTt) £ t ; co y í: :...................................................................... 2. f-t>: ....................................................................... {hfrt>?LV i'it) ť t ; co y £:....................................................................... B. Order something at a restaurant and request that a specific ingredient not be used. ex. -ŕ-r-V: -fJ*HŽL. ">'<—#—ž fcHiHait. Ä-tfcO V £: l±^o *•+>: -f Ai-tŕ/U*. Vft77'? n*Hť^T< fc'ii». A-trW ÍA£: |iv\ fr^'J í L/co 1. ť -f >: ................................................................................................................ (t L) A-tícO y t:............................................................................................................... •f- i- >: ................................................................................................................ (4-) í V) A-tí-co y £:............................................................................................................... 2. ft>: ............................................................................................................... (ÍVFfví) A-tícO y K ;............................................................................................................... ^ -ť >: ................................................................................................................ (73Í--X) A -tí cO y £:............................................................................................................... 3. f- +■ V: ................................................................................................................ (TfX3-t-) A-tí-co y H:............................................................................................................... ť + >: ................................................................................................................ (í t i) A-tí-cO y £:............................................................................................................... VI. Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks based on the information you hear. C*Ob ..X'... ....................V í>'Já1% t>frt>rL baby 73*-* mayonnaise >**><—if— hamburger T 4 X 3 — t - iced coffee *■-f t-/"/ ketchup Í £ i 5uSar 62 SHORT DIALOGUES CD I. Mr. Smith got drunk at the Sasakis' house and spilled red wine on their clean carpet. The next day, he apologizes at the office. XiX:íť5í*/C. Íi cť-7-t" i C Líl'oT< /civ». Smith: Ms. Sasaki, I'm so sorry about yesterday. Sasaki: No, please don't let it bother you. VOCABULARY Si: Ľfri»Ti+£\*T3*C0 íi( ) L »J J: i £ UíL/-;. 2. :^ŕz-r>#> frť( )Uŕ£')( )±tiCli *y?>( )1L.*Ť^/C( 7. L/C^/C-tfr/Ui 8Ľ{ ) £7 3 J: 9 x í ( ( ) 3 Jt 7 KJÍŠ ( )-7Íít. 8. ::( )£rj>-?Lv>3/CLT-f( ). < £ i ( fc'jx, ' 1 tr>\Z( )í Lá lŕ:t\ ^ÍI^^T. 7}n»tCOÝ LÍL/:, 2. ( iťííí^LUi: TX.fc>£ LÍL/c5\ 0»V>3V) J*. U LÍL/;. 3. ( )*n»L^l: ^3 i-f>5\ lô'ťT ^^T-olc n-,1, 3'/CÍ*T íi'ii-t. SX3>í> Mi í T 10.S^ *>-53í-f. 4. K-iÍJfi^ŕ, íifeí^iT í/:iít( M^'Ját^,, mi§ Complete the table by writing in the appropriate forms of the verbs. — í "f FORM ^3i-f l#>£-f — T FORM It L T ^T *>ltT 3T LT — íf V * FORM L*>frn L*ťv Complete the sentences by filling in the blank(s) with the appropriate form of the word(s) given at the end. i. x;xí/Cli i ž>£T tttz^t x.^-'čť. ), lř/CC*IÍ/C£ f:<í L/co (Aít) 3. fcv»U> -flť£( ) < /i'íOo(íiLxi-r) 4. oí'co CŤÍT/CS Áriet ), io-f<*( )