UNIT GRAMMAR 10 Present Progressive and Habitual Actions I person li verb - T i » t -f ex. f i, 4 i Lit i'i ín>ÍLoT Ix,ť- h í J:/CT^Í1-,, "Mr. Grey is reading a report in the meeting room now." "Mr. Grey plays tennis every Saturday." A verb in the - T form followed by i»í i" expresses a present-progressive action ("is doing"), as in the first example above, or, when accompanied by an adverb like i i> L i» i ("every week") or t v» IC £ ("every day"), a habitual action, as in the second example. Current States I person li verb - T i»t ir ex.7'\s4*Lit Jtriltl: -t/CTw Ž -f o "Mr. Grey lives in Yokohama." 7'Mi/Cli i'LZniz ^!: «TV > i-f. "Mr. Grey is employed at a bank." *>Ti> i -f. "At that store, (they) sell TVs." 7"H iLit Jt l£3/Cí+. "Mr. Grey knows Mr. Yoshida's address." The -Tv»i-f form can also express a current state when the verb is one of those used in the examples above—+ A i -f, o £ *> i -f, -j 'J i 1", or L U í -f. NOTE: The verb L ') i -f ("know"), from which L-;Ti'it derives, is usually used in the - T form followed by v > í -f. But the form this verb takes when used in response to the question l o T ^i-f í' ("do you know?") varies, and in this way it is unlike other verbs. ex. Aa:l±v\ LiTi'it. "Yes, (I) know." An:tu»*, L <; ± -tt/vo "No, (I) don't know." 204 LESSON BUSY AT THE MOMENT C I) TARGET DIALOGUE Mr. Smith is looking for Ms. Chan. He enters the sales department office and asks Mr. Suzuki where she is. x i x : -fÄi-tŕ/U -ŕ-t-yí/Cli \*£-ft\ i-fí :AH»x. v»i 3>^*<7) ííh^í'Loi; v^i-f0 tfí :^i, tOfAf'<-h« /^Milí/Či:: í./:bU> Ijt96"/C<7) -t+o^n^ LT^i-fo x í x : ý ô Tttf\ b^'J ílŕzo ť n to ■ XÍXÍ/Cli *^*'jt Ť.i'IC ^íiL/:^', -f t > í/CH wM/CTL/:o Smith: Excuse me. Is Ms. Chan here? Suzuki: No, she's in the conference room on the third floor. Smith: Is that so? Suzuki: Yes, she's explaining new products to Mr. Takahashi of Nozomi Department Store. Smith: Is that so? I see. Thanks. ■ Mr. Smith went to the sales department office (to look for Ms. Chan), but Ms. Chan was not there. > VOCABULARY is/are explaining explain sales department (office) but (see Note 1 below) 1.XÍXÍ/CIÍ Jto-Vjt -j.r.U ^ÍíL/:íf. Ťt>UIÍ OÍ-tíXTl*:. This tf{ is a kind of conjunction that joins two clauses. It can be translated as "but." 205 r PRACTICE WORD POWER ' CD I. Verbs: C 1.litt'L£ lí-t 2.-tro*»>i>£ Li-r 3. í i Ľ ř lí-t 4,o*>$ L i i" explain í i Ľ í L i i" clean ^ < 'J i -T make o Ľ — lobby xK-f- elevator XX flu- y — escalator t^^tž/i stairs KSŠ&ciQK' KEY SENTENCES' 1. 2. 3. (i ť ŕ»i: ^itt/CTL/:. 1. 2. 3. Mr. Smith is reading a newspaper now. Have you already written the report about the meeting? Mr. Smith went to Mr. Takahashi's house, but Mr. Takahashi was not at home. EXERCISES' I Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their - T v > í -f forms, affir- \* mative and negative. - í ~t FORM - T V > Í "T FORM aff. neg. talk explain litt L £ Lí-t tfort^ř Lil- litt L í LTwi-r •tf-o*u>£ LTwi-r litt L í LTwi-t^ dean make ii Ľí LÍ-T filí LTi-it o< -,T^Í-tíX 4. State what someone is doing now. Change the following sentences as in the example. ex. x;xí/Cli LL.l'Lí J: A á "To 1. X • X í Ali i i ĽÍ L i-f. 2. XiXÍAli Tí<íi-To 3. xíxíaií 3e-ý lí-t. 4. x = x5/Cii /=>wíií/Cí: litt L í L i-r o 5. X JXSAli iJi -j U* T<']ít. t i already 207 . /J III. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples and based on the situations depicted in the illustrations. A. Ask and answer what one is doing now. ex. 1.A: f>)->$Ut ^i <řl=í U»>it^ TLh* LT^Í-to 1. A: B: 2. A:. B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B: 1 B. Answer what one is doing now in response to a question. ex. 2. A.frt 1 * L\± i'i \,$— r> £ 4^ >T^± "ťí1. B: .............................................................................................................. 8. A:'j'i'tti/.li i'í T/Cfcí ITi'á-M'o B:................................................................................................................................. 9.A:-f-t>í/Cll i>i 5Í5Í/CČ liíťlř Ui'iíi'. B:................................................................................................................................... IV. Ask and answer whether one has completed an action. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. Be sure to use the same grammatical form as in the example. ex. A: t Ť U í Z'HÁ. t tz<í Itzfro B:IÍW fz<í Ltzo ('J t ZŤ Hi: ^* i l/;. /ctfMi l í-Cli Ť *> i: oi-tfATL/c. Ťt,iZ \>Ht/LTlŕz. 1. *>/clli ii'i'ji.;:«) ft>Ui: T/L*?* LiU:. ft^Ull 2. fc/clli íoi ŕ'«-h U i>ÍH/:. ř»-Hi ľtATL/;. 1. A: B: 2. A: 209 VI. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given. Be sure to use the same grammatical forms as in the examples. A. Explain that one is in the midst of something. ex.^Ki: t i J ť- £ Li lŕzt\ ■Ť ľ* : -t A á -tŕ /C. o í LT±^t±4-h. t, i o -C ±-,X<ŕzZ\\ fr)Ĺ i: Up. 1. fctl i:.............................................................................................................................. (J-il, Uít) 1"ľ 5:........................................................................................................................... (Uít) <"£ Ť:.............................................................................................................................. 2. *^ i:.............................................................................................................................................................................. (ín>i'f) L'J i-J. -X'Jít) -f 1*5:............................................................................................................................................. (-? < U i -T) *>£ ť:.............................................................................................................................. B. Respond to a cellphone call by suggesting it is inconvenient or inappropriate to talk at the moment. ex. Mr. Smith gets a call on his cell phone from his friend Mr. Yamada. Since he is in a meeting, he answers quietly. K'tti: t li L. X i z*LT-tt\ X ; X: li^„ •C t ŕ;: ťifc'T-f. ť í Ac': Ľ v. á £ #> £ T T/Cb £ Lít. X í X: íittJi^li-ŕ. 1. V i /ŕ:............................................................................................................................................................ X í X:.............................................................................................................................................................. V i ti:.............................................................................................................................................................. X ; X:.............................................................................................................................................................. (KíHí-Cí: iľi'lí L i-ŕ) APifc*:.............................................................................................................................................................. X £ X:.............................................................................................................................................................. t f z í> £ T* see you later; talk to you later 2. Vtti: ............................................................................................................................................................. X ; X:.............................................................................................................................................................. •Cíti:............................................................................................................................................................. X £ X :............................................................................................................................................................. 'Čiti:.............................................................................................................................................................. X £ X:................................................................................................................................................... í O VII. Listen to the CD and choose the correct answer to the question asked. H a) SHORT DIALOGUES CD I. Ms. Sasaki is waiting for Ms. Chan's report on her business trip to Hokkaido. i í i: f+>i/,, 1/4?-Hi t 7 í-?ÍL/;i'. f+>:tAÍ{ŕA, tŕzT-to í.1 -tC L ÍoTfL-5Í -Jí^Tt wi>Tfi\ Suzuki: Excuse me. Is it all right to use the conference room on the third floor? Nakamura: Yes, since no one is using it now. Go right ahead. cEna 1. 1/4?- Mi... Although I/,if— h ("report") is the object, Ms. Sasaki is singling it out as a topic for discussion, so li replaces the object marker ŕ. 211 m 2. Ľ*- Mi ti -h-ií lŕz-t>\ It should be noted that the verb ending — í l fz, pletion in addition to indicating the past tense. when used with t i ("already"), expresses corn- Imagine that you are in a meeting or involved in some activity that you can't break away from, and a call comes in on your cell phone. Explain in Japanese to the person on the other end of the line why it is inconvenient for you to talk at the moment. 212 RESPONDING TO AN INQUIRY »1 TARGET DIALOGUE A customer from Nagoya has phoned to inquire about ABC Foods' new products. f'+vrliv, ABC7-x't:"i'^it, í f < : -tAi-tt/C.ABC7-X"c7) í,/:bL^ fa^lz-Hi Í <> < : X/t, ý i Ti"o ^ + >:£?Íj;ŤvO X—'*-E 3>ť-T -?oT^Íi\ í v < : ^ŤTi-^o hii^) i L/:. ■ ABC7-XV) r->3 37->3 n-7j li £ŤÍJt-?co x-><- Chan: Yes, this is ABC Foods, customer: Excuse me, about ABC Foods' new chocolates—where do you sell them? Chan: Do you mean "Chocolat-Chocolat"? customer: Yes, that's right. Chan: We sell them at supermarkets and convenience stores in Tokyo. customer: I live in Nagoya. Do you sell them in Nagoya? Chan: No, we do not sell them in Nagoya. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, customer: Is that so? I see. Chan: I'm really very sorry. ■ As for Chocolat-Chocolat, ABC Foods sells it in supermarkets and convenience stores in Tokyo. VOCABULARY 1 -jti-it sell i'lit sell •> 3 3 =j -> g 3 ý Chocolat-Chocolat (fictitious product name) %?<• Nagoya (city in centra! Japan) 213 live live I'm sorry to have to tell you this (politer way of saying 1~ A í -tf X,) very much, extremely (politer way of saying £ T t) 1. ABC7-X"C0 í>/cbU* fs3l/-HÍ cťZT ÍoHlííí\ Although -f h 3 U— h is the object, here it is being singled out as the topic and therefore takes the particle l± instead of £. 2. htzlit tCZ'^lZ -t/CT^i-f, The particle U is used to indicate the place where one lives or is employed. ex. Víti* Hi iL *>i: ihti max.* L at j t iiHň í:*Z 1>Í,Ť KÍ/L KEY SENTENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. /^Milí/Ji Ute Hii: -fX.T"^i-fo X;Xí/Clä ABC7-X"i: -ot^T^í-f. XíxUli i'íií/C? LoT^i-řo uvť-T 3V<7-rm ío.;:í ioT^it. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mr. Takahashi lives in Yokohama. Mr. Smith is employed by ABC Foods. Mr. Smith knows Ms. Ito. They sell concert tickets at convenience stores. EXERCISES ———————————— f J I. Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their mative and negative. T i > í -f forms, affir- - í 't FORM - X <■ ' í -f FORM aff. neg. live be employed -TA-ti- -fLX^i-t -tLT^ÍXL ->£*>t-f oí:aT>>í + icrtTitt know sell * •5 ')tir 1-iXm-t i -ox^i-r L '} í ~t—the affirmative present tense—is hardly ever used. ' The negative -íi>if form is L-jTi'i-tl/C, but this form is not used. i'£i Ito (surname) m Jí-, II. State where someone lives. Make up sentences following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex. K>t t £*Ht j i i El: -fLT^Í-f. 1..................................................................................................................................... (ŕ<) -'y i L, L X-f) 2.................................................................................................................................. (ífi-tľbí/C. I /C ľ *> <) t^J III. Ask and answer where someone lives. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex.h-.rzfr\±l*L\l cťci: -fLX^íirii\ B: J; Clí í i: tAT^ito 1. A:........................................................................................................................... CCtŕži/U) B:........................................................................................................................... (L.;:V) 2. A:....................................................................................................................... 0+7-ť F í A) B:........................................................................................................................... (3 -> (f A *') J|~. IV. State where someone is employed. Make up sentences following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex. rz±jilJjLii t'<- H: oi:*iTi>it, i....................................................................................................................................(f t ti i l. a: i) 2................................................................................................................................ (x;xi/C. ABC7-X") , IJ V. Ask and answer where someone is employed. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex. K-tti: yý-y>ÍHi cťZl: ^ £ *->Tv > í-f tf\> 1. f» i /í:............................................................................................................... (.t- 7 -f ťi^ X ; X:................................................................................................................ (JBP/ť^) 2. ť i/í:............................................................................................................. (i"f ? í X,« tii:v>3A,) X 5 X:................................................................................................................ ('JiO^a^) j^J JBP/ť>V JBP Japan (fictitious company name) 216 BP «Jk VI. State where someone lives and is employed. Use the information in the table to make up sentences as in the example. PERSON RESIDENCE EMPLOYER ex. 1. 2. 3. &Lťi iL y")-y i L +xfrVt,5L L.r-f ABC7-X ioir^ +. y 3 y *LZ i ex. Ü/CiTŤ í /Clí ľ/^fcU -f/CT^i-fo f LT. JBPyt';>i: o^rtTPÍt. tj^i VII. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. A. Confirm whether one knows someone or something. ex. A: 5 * j j L £ LoT^íť)1. Iít\ LoH'ÍŤ. (y"ý-yyiL) 1. A:............................................... B: l±v>.................................................................................................... 2. A:.................................................................................................................. (/ctfMÍ Li A« l»-)U) B: lil». ................................................................................................... B. Deny í/iaŕ one knows someone or something. ex. A: »7 4 r*/C£ L^TwifK B:uu^, I'Ji-tf:/,. 1. A:.................................................................................................................. (Ť+ y*L /—/IT K UX) B: i. »v >*. .............................................................................................. 2. A:.................................... ........................................... (-f?Í i L ť 7 i Jt 1 (D 7ry7X<7) liXCŤř LoT^i-ťí^ 1. X £ X:.............................................................................................................................................................. tr$:.............................................................................................................................................................. 2. X ; X:.............................................................................................................................................................. t-ťí:.............................................................................................................................................................. t*J IX. Ask where a product is sold. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given. ex. A: J V-»- h CO ?o.;:ii cťľ_T T-iT^i-tiS^ B: JVb'-T ŤTÍPit. 1. A:.......................................................................................................................................... (-r •• * /) B:........................................................................................................................................... (CO VA T'<— r) 2. A:........................................................................................................................................ (<-t'>) B:....................................................................................................................................... (*>CO A-tí-) 14 X. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given. A. Talk about a new product. ex. r77>: ABCX-X'cO &£r>Li' fc'^L£ l-?T^£-f#\ .t-X-7>: c-;T Ť -,T^i-tt\ 1. .t.7vy: •t.77>: (,i.U3>ťa-;-í) í)/:bU' y-A) (l/CĽrtt'i-7- Fuji Computers (fictitious company name) TL í ^ electronics store 218 2. .t.7 7 7:...................................................................... ... {/- -fil •> o y 7*) i oi v.............................................................................................................................. *77>:......................................................................................................................... ío>>:.............................................................................................................................. (*-'<-) B. Talk about a particular person. ex. Mr. Smith meets various people for the first time at a party. X i X: hLťi ÍL. Uistil +£LTirt\ hLťi: x>y-7Tt. JBP-/t'!>i: -? £ WT^i-f „ x;x: ýťtťK Ľv, J::iiiLUto ^i:i^i lot 1. X i X: .................................................................................................................................................. C Ľ i: .................................................................................................................................................. (tA L Jt) X = X: .................................................................................................................................................. (íiíJS^lLvco fiL/cSyC) 3 Ľ i: ................................................................................................................................................. 2. X H X: .................................................................................................................................................. C IfV L:................................................................................................................................................. { í x.) 3IXVL:................................................................................................................................................. C. Ta/íc about a particular person's telephone number or e-mail address. ex. X;X: JBP'/ť'yí) PfJŤ^ž LoT^i-fiK XíX: Ľy, i*E ? *,l<7) T/C fr I f/C C'-) Ý L^T^íti-. ^'H't: i»Pi. L 'J i-tt/U 1. X i X: .......................................................................................................................................... (7>Í/C) íť *< f b:......................................................................................................................................... X = X: .......................................................................................................................................... tc ^ Ľ h:......................................................................................................................................... / — ~ŕi{' '/Dy/ maple syrup ,-t". y z? > L L f Hong Kong (branch) office C U i Kojima (surname) 7 y Wang (surname) Y* i L ŕz Yamashita (surname) Z If V L Kobayashi (surname) 2. X 3 X: .......................................................................................................................................... (ihĽČŤiL) CD íťi-t'íj:......................................................................................................................................... X = X: .......................................................................................................................................... fc t- ť b:......................................................................................................................................... XI. Listen to the CD and answer the question based on the information you hear. SHORT DIALOGUE CD Mr. Smith wants to make a reservation at the sushi restaurant Sushimasa, but he doesn't know the phone number. x;X: -tÁi-ŕ/C -f LÍÍ« TyCfrlJXC'i £ l-> T^i-f >i\, Smith: Excuse me. Do you know the phone number for Sushimasa? Nakamura: Actually, I don't. Please ask Mr. Suzuki. VOCAEULARY tLÍÍ 5*. bi-1) i-tíX Ír, Sushimasa (fictitious sushi bar) I don't know (note: The 2 3h here expresses the speaker's hesitation about immediately answering, "I don't know.") Next time you meet a Japanese person for the first time, tell him or her where you live and where you are employed. Then ask that person where he or she lives and is employed. If you're in Japan, ask where something you are looking for is sold. :-Vd J