Ways of Terminating Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi University of Venice - IRST-ITC Trento 1. Basic Facts The notion of telicity arises in connection with sentences such as those in (l)-(2), which seem to convey the idea that the relevant events reach a sort of privileged end point, or telos: (1) John ate an apple (2) John ran home. (3) John reached the top. (4) John died. In (1), it is not only the case that the event in question (the eating of the apple) is finished. It must also be true that a certain goal, the telos or terminus ad quern, has been attained—e.g., that the whole apple has been consumed in the course of the eating. Similarly, the truth of (2) does not only require that the subject was involved in an activity of running directed towards home. It is also necessary that the telos—namely, John's being at home—is obtained by virtue of that very running. Concerning (3) and (4), it may be observed that although they are similar to (1) and (2) in that they entail that a telos has been attained, they differ since there is no explicit mention of an activity leading to the relevant telos. For if it is obviously true that the telos of (1) was achieved by eating, it is meaningless to maintain that the telos of (3) and (4) are attained by reaching or by dying. University of Venice Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 10; n.l; 2000 18 Ways of Terminating Telos seem to be "privileged" end points of events in the following sense. If we are told (2), we do not only know that the event of running performed by John and directed towards his own place got to an end. We also know that that event could not have possibly continued any further. On the other hand, there are infinitely many ways an event of a similar kind could have finished: John might have stopped running halfway home, almost close to home, far away from home, etc. In each case a continuation (until the telos 'John is at home' is reached) seems to be possible. Atelic sentences contrast with telic ones since they do not seem to involve privileged end points: (5) John ate apples. (6) John ate. (7) John ran. (8) John pushed the cart. As in (l)-(4), these examples are about finished events. However, there is a sense in which the reported events in (5)-(8) might well have continued: John might have eaten more apples, he might have ran a little longer, he might have pushed the cart a lot further. In this sense, the notion of atelicity does not simply capture the fact that, e.g., in (5) no telos is specified. The point seems to be that a telos for (5) cannot even be envisaged. This intuitive characterisation of the telic/atelic distinction can be given firmer empirical grounds by resorting to the well-known for-X-timel in-X-time adverbial test. It can be observed that sentences, which have been classed as telic, can be modified by in-X-time adverbials while rejecting for-X-time ones. (9) John ate an apple in/ *for ten minutes. (10) John ran home in/ *for ten minutes. (11) John reached the top in/ *for ten minutes. (12) John died in/ *for ten minutes. Conversely, atelic sentences admit for-X-time adverbials and yield infelicitous results with in-X-time ones: 19 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi (13) John ate apples #in/ for ten minutes. (14) John ate #in/for ten minutes. (15) John ran #in/ for ten minutes. (16) John pushed the cart #in/ for ten minutes. Finally, the telic/atelic distinction is affected by the nature of the arguments the verb combines with. Thus (9), where the direct object is countable, is telic, whereas (13), with a bare plural, is atelic. Similarly, (10) with a prepositional locative phrase is telic, whereas (15), where such a phrase is missing, is atelic. The in-X-time/ for-X-time adverbial test seems to be a rather secure basis for telling telic and atelic sentences apart. Extending it to languages other than English, and to tenses other than the English simple past, yields interesting results. Thus, consider the Italian imperfect tense. When used with eventive predicates, this verbal form is usually ambiguous between a habitual/generic reading and a factual one: (17) (Alle tre) Mario m angiava una mela. (At three o'clock) Mario ate(IMPF) an apple. Depending on the context, (17) might convey that at a given past time Mario was involved in an ongoing event of eating an apple—a factual reading, also known as the continuous reading of the imperfect. Example (17), however, can also mean that it was an habit of Mario that, in given circumstances, he ate an apple (at the given time). The two readings can be disambiguated by either suitably fixing the time location, this way yielding only the continuous reading, as in (18a), or by means of an appropriate when-clause, which forces habituality, cf. (18b): (18) a. Ieri alle cinque Mario mangiava una mela. Yesterday at five Mario ate(IMPF) an apple. b. Ogni volta che tomava a casa, Mario mangiava una mela. Everytime he returned(IMPF) home, Mario ate(IMPF) an apple. 20 Ways of Terminating Now, the use of in-X-time/ for-X-time adverbials makes the factual, continuous reading unavailable, whereas, depending on the actional nature of the verbal predicate, the habitual reading might still be there: (19) a. Mario mangiava (una mela) *in/*per un'ora. Mario ate (IMPF) (an apple) in/ for an hour. b. Mario correva (a casa) *in / *per un'ora. Mario ran (home) in/ for an hour. (For our purposes, the asterisks in (19) mark the unavailability of the factual reading.) Factoring habituality out, these facts seem to show that the telic/atelic distinction simply does not apply to continuous sentences with the imperfect. So what's wrong with the imperfect? A possibility is that the problem is caused by the aspectual value of the imperfect—namely, imperfectivity—a conclusion strengthened by the observation that the same pattern as in (19) can be reproduced with the Italian present tense, another imperfective tense:1 (20) a. Mario mangia (una mela) (*in / *per un'ora). Mario eats (an apple) in/ for an hour. b. Mario corre (a casa) (*in / *per un'ora). Mario ran (home) in/ for an hour. Whereas sentences with most present tense eventive predicates are grammatical in Italian, yielding a continuous reading, the same sentences become ungrammatical when featuring an in-X-time or for-X-time adverbial. Therefore, it seems possible to propose the following generalisation: the telic/atelic distinction does not apply to imperfective predicates. This, however, is not completely correct. . We haven't reproduced examples with achievement predicates because they are ungrammatical with the present tense, irrespectively of the presence of in-time/for-time adverbials. This fact holds crosslinguistically and is but another manifestation of the intrinsic perfectivity of achievement predicates, which will be discussed below. For more on this point, and the reasons why perfective predicates are not available with the present tense, see Giorgi and Pianesi (1997; 1998). 21 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi 2. Perfectivity/imperfectivity In this section we defend the following two related theses: (21) a. the notional counterpart of morphologically perfective verbal forms is terminativity; b. the morphological distinction between perfective and imperfective verbal forms does not correspond to two distinct aspectual (notional) values, but to the presence vs. absence of the unique aspectual value of terminativity. The first thesis is rather simple and, in a way, uncontroversial. Sticking, for the time being, to an intuitive notion of terminativity, Thesis (21a) states that the events referred to by perfective predicates are terminated. The second thesis, on the other hand, says that the distinction between perfective and imperfective verbal forms does not amount to that between terminated and non-terminated events. Rather, perfectivity/ imperfectivity distinguishes between verbal forms enforcing terminativity, and verbal forms that do not impose any requirement to this effect. Using a technical term, the perfective/imperfective distinction is a privative one. Consider the following sentences:2 (22) a. (Alle tre) Mario mangiava una mela (e la sta mangiando tutt'ora). (continuous, non terminated) (At three) Mario ate (IMPF) an apple (and he is still eating it). b. *(Alle tre) Mario mangio/ha mangiato una mela (e la sta mangiando tutt'ora). (perfective, terminated) (At three) Mario ate (SP)/ has eaten an apple, and he is still eating it. In its continuous reading, it is possible to understand example (22a) as made true by an event e such that e was ongoing at a past time, and e is still ongoing at the utterance time. Such a possibility is not available if the imperfect tense of (22a) is l. Here and in other examples we resort to both the Italian simple past (the so-called passato remoto) and to the present perfect as cases of perfective verbal forms. Perfect tenses deserve a more complex analysis than the one we are going to provide here. In particular, they have been argued to involve reference to the consequent state of the event described by the past participle (see Parsons 1990; Higginbotham 1994; Giorgi & Pianesi 1997). For our purposes, however, we can neglect the stative component since it is clear that the eventuality described by the past participle falls under the generalisation we are going to draw—namely, that they are terminated. 22 Ways of Terminating substituted with a perfective one, as in (22b): in this case the intuition is that the event has terminated at a past time and that it cannot continue at the utterance time. Similar effects can be obtained if the accomplishment predicates of (22) are substituted by activity ones: (23) a. Questa mattina Mario spingeva il carretto, e lo sta spingendo tutt'ora. This morning Mario pushed(IMPF) the cart, and he is still pushing it. b. ?Questa mattina Mario ha spinto il carretto, e lo sta spingendo tutt'ora. This morning Mario pushed the cart, and he is still pushing it. While it is possible to understand (23a) as made true by one and the same event which is ongoing both at a past time and at the time of utterance, this is not the case with (23b). If accepted, (23b) requires two different events: a terminated event making the first clause true, and a non-terminated one, which is going on at the utterance time.3 These differences do not depend on the use of past tenses: (24) *Domani mattina Mario mangerä una mela. Alle tre del pomeriggio la stará ancora mangiando. Tomorrow morning Mario will eat an apple. At three pm he will still be eating it. To conclude, perfective verbal forms require events that are, in an intuitive sense, terminated, whereas imperfective ones may refer to non-terminated events. To completely establish Thesis (b)—concerning the non-committal nature of imperfective verbal forms as to terminativity—consider the following sentence: (25) Tre ore fa, Messner raggiungeva la vetta (*e la sta ancora raggiungendo). (*CONT) Three hours ago, Messner reached (IMPF) the top ("'and he is still reaching it). . The possibility is open for the first event to be a part of the second, in case we admit that non-terminated event can have terminated parts. The important point is that (23a) differs from (23b) since one and the same non-terminated event can make true both clauses. 23 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi This example is parallel to (22b). Despite the presence of the imperfect the event is terminated—Messner reached the top at a past time—and the continuous/ ongoing reading is disallowed. Consider also (26): (26) a. #Mario raggiungeva la vetta quando un fulmine lo colpi (e lui non arrivö mai in cima) M. reached(IMPF) the top when a bolt stroke him (and he never got to the top) b. Mario stava raggiungendo la vetta quando un fulmine lo colpi (e lui non arrivö mai in cima) M. was reaching the top when a bolt stroke him (and he never got to the top) Example (26a) is odd because the first part asserts that Mario did reach the top, whereas the second implicitly negates that this was the case. However, if we replace the imperfect tense of (26a) with a progressive form, as in (26b), the oddness is removed. Now the sentence conveys that Mario was on the point/ about reaching the top, when a bolt stroke him so that he never got to the top. Examples (25) and (26) show that sentences featuring an achievement predicate in the imperfect tense pattern together with perfective sentences, in the relevant respects—namely, they yield terminative readings. Given that in other cases, e.g. (22a) and (23a), sentences with an imperfective predicate can provide for non-terminated readings, it is possible to conclude that: i) the facts in (25) and (26) are due to the actional properties of achievements, a point to which we will return, and ii) the imperfect is compatible both with terminative and non-terminative readings. This proves Thesis (b): imperfective verbal forms are aspectually neutral. Now, consider the following sentences: (27) a. Ieri Gianni raggiungeva la vetta in tre ore. Yesterday Gianni reached(IMPF) the top in three hours. b. Ieri Mario correva il miglio in un'ora. Yesterday Mario ran (IMPF) the mile in an hour. c. Due giomi fa Gianni leggeva la Divina Commedia in tre ore. Two days ago Gianni read(IMPF) the Commedia for three days. 24 Ways of Terminating Despite the presence of the imperfect, these three sentences report about terminated events, something which is possible according to Thesis b.4 Importantly, in this case in-X-time adverbials are allowed, showing that the predicates in (27), once terminative, are also telic. These facts are important because they permit to improve on the conclusion of §1, concerning the impossibility for the telic/ atelic distinction to apply only to imperfective predicates. The right generalisation now seems that telicity/ atelicity is restricted to terminative predicates, and that the restriction is independent of the (morphological) ways terminativity is realised—either by means of a perfective verbal form, as in Mario corse a casa in tre ore (Mario ran home in three hours), or by means of imperfective ones, as in (27). As expected, it is sometimes possible to force terminative atelic readings with the imperfect: (28) Nel 1995 Mario Rossi dormiva per tre giorni, battendo cosi il record. In 1995 Mario Rossi slept(IMPF) for three days, this way beating the record. Suppose that the topic of the discourse is how long people can sleep before awaking. Then (28) would be both appropriate and acceptable, reporting about a remarkable achievement by Mario Rossi in this respect. The event making the sentence true is terminative and atelic, as witnessed by the availability of the for-X-time adverbial. Thus in this section we have established the following three facts: (29) a. the notional counterpart of morphologically perfective verbal forms is terminativity; b. the morphological distinction between perfective and imperfective verbal forms does not correspond to two distinct aspectual (notional) values, but to the presence vs. absence of the unique aspectual value of terminativity; c. the telic/atelic distinction only applies to terminative predicates. 4. The sentences in (27) have a strong reportive flavour. We will not discuss what reportivity amounts to. For our purposes it is enough to notice that, meaning nuances apart, the imperfect is compatible with terminative readings. 25 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi As already observed, the relevant connection is that between telicity/ atelicity and terminativity/ non-terminativity (both being two notional/ semantic distinctions). Perfectivity/ imperfectivity is a morphological distinction, and plays a role only as a vehicle for the latter. The proposal permits to account for the range of phenomena discussed in §1—namely, the vacuity of the telic/atelic distinction with continuous predicates—while extending to such facts as (27) - terminative predicates built out of imperfective verbal forms - without resorting to such devices as coercion. If these conclusions are on the right track, the notion of terminativity is crucial for understanding the telic/atelic distinction. Thus, the next two sections, §3 and §4, will be devoted to a detailed discussion of the relevant phenomena, and of the proposals available in literature. This will enable us to present our own account in §5. Having set the stage, we will then return to telicity/atelicity in the last sections of this work, from §6 onwards. 3. Terminativity I In this section we address the following two questions: granted that the terminativity/ non-terminativity distinction is empirically well-grounded, is there enough evidence that the it should be countenanced by (event) semantics? In case of a positive answer, what kind of properties the distinction is a manifestation of: properties of events, of predicates, or of some other entity (e.g. propositions)? Concerning the first question, whether it is correct to take the terminative/non-terminative distinction as relevant for semantics, a possible answer is in the negative. To take the simplest cases, it might be argued that the differences between perfectives and continuous imperfectives do not involve semantics, truth-conditional issues, but express the different perspectives or points of view which a speaker/hearer takes when talking about events: an external perspective—typically supported by perfective tenses—whereby events are somehow presented as wholes; and an internal one—made available by imperfective forms. Thus, when using a sentence such as (30a) the speaker intends to report about an event as seen from the 'outside', whereas he would utter (30b) if meaning to talk about an event as seen from the 'inside': 26 Ways of Terminating (30) a. Gianni mangiö/ ha mangiato una mela. Gianni ate/ has eaten an apple. b. (Alle tre) Mario mangiava una mela. (At three) Mario ate (IMPF) an apple. It must be acknowledged that the two kinds of sentences (can) indeed enforce different perspectives on events. But we also think that this does not eliminate the need for a semantic account—that is, the perspective distinction does not exhaust the differences between the two sentences, which are, in the very end, truth conditional.5 Such a conclusion is supported by the facts discussed above. As we saw, imperfective sentences are not committed as to terminativity/non-terminativity whereas perfective ones are. The former can be made tme both by terminated and by non-terminated events, whereas the latter require terminated ones. In the particular cases exemplified by (31), there are events which can make true both (31a) and (31c), but no event can do the same job with respect to (31b) and (31c): (31) a. Mario mangiava una mela. Mario ate (IMPF) an apple and he is still eating it. b. Mario ha mangiato una mela. Mario has eaten an apple. c. Mario mangia una mela. Mario eats an apple. . The discussion does not mean to address such variants of the perspective theory as Kamp and Reyle's (1993) or de Swarts' (1998). These theories, in fact, do (more or less explicitly) acknowledge trutli-theoretical differences between the relevant verbal forms, usually in the form of different relationships between the (time of the) relevant eventuality and the temporal anchor: in continuous readings the eventuality is said to be temporally included within the temporal anchor, whereas terminated readings give rise to a relation of temporal overlap. Implementational details aside—e.g., the nature of the truth conditional differences between terminative and non-terminative verbal forms—our favoured theory basically agrees with Kamp and Reyle's and with de Swarts'. However, once we get to the semantic nature of the differences, we will maintain that there is ground to believe that non-terminated events ontologically differ from their terminated counterparts. One relevant case in this respect is the existence of non-terminated events that lack a terminated counterpart (and are not going to have any—e.g. so-called eternal processes). Also, it can be argued that being a non-terminated event, whatever this might turn out to mean, amounts to lacking some essential, individuating property—e.g., a temporal one—so that, again, the two kinds of events need be ontologically distinguished. 27 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi Events which persists at the utterance time can make (31a) true, whereas (31b) requires events which don't. This shows that terminative and non-terminative verbal forms can pick up different entities; therefore, that the differences between (31a) and (31b) cannot be reduced to a matter of perspective, but pertain to reference—that is, they are semantical. To be sure, the possibility of a non-terminative reading is compatible with a from-inside perspective. But the latter does not explain the former; rather, the perspective facts seem to be parasitic upon the semantic ones. Concerning the second question—what kind of property the terminative/non-terminative distinction is a manifestation of—we believe the right level of analysis is that of event particulars. However, it is possible to take a different attitude and argue that terminativity/ non-terminativity is due to the existence of different predicates. Some predicates, which correspond to the core meaning of 'ordinary' verbs, account for terminativity; the other, which are derivative on the former, account for non-terminativity. Crucially, both kinds of predicates can range on the same individuals. This is the core of the partitive account to imperfectivity, which will be discussed in the next section. Here we want to discuss another common proposal that assimilates such non-terminative verbal forms as the Italian imperfect and present tense (in their relevant readings) to the (English) progressive. Given the wide consensus concerning the intentional nature of the latter, the proposal ends up seeing the differences between terminativity and non-terminativity as one between extensional and intensional ways of talking about event particulars. It seems that the assimilation of non-terminative verbal forms to progressive ones is less than perfect. On the one hand, in fact, progressive and continuous imperfective sentences have overlapping, but not identical distribution. For instance, achievement predicates are not allowed with the present tense (an imperfective, non-terminative tense), whereas they are possible with the progressive periphrasis: (32) a. *Mario raggiunge la vetta. Mario reaches the top. b. Mario sta raggiungendo la vetta. Mario is reaching the top. 28 Ways of Terminating The relevance of (32a) can be better appreciated if its ungrammaticality is contrasted with the grammaticality of other eventive predicates with the present tense in Italian. In these cases we have typical imperfective, continuous readings, which are (nearly) synonymous with the corresponding progressive forms: 6 (33) a. Mario mangia (una mela)/ corre (a casa) Mario eats (an apple)/ runs (home) b. Mario sta mangiando (una mela)/ correndo (a casa) Mario is eating (an apple)/ running (home) A contrast parallel to that exhibited by (33) can be found with the imperfect tense in subordinated clauses: (34) a. Mario ha detto che Gianni raggiungeva la vetta. (*SIMUL; SHIFTED) Mario said that Gianni reached (IMPF) the top. b. Mario ha detto che Gianni stava raggiungendo la vetta. (SIMUL; SHIFTED) Mario said that Gianni was reaching the top. Example (34a) has only a backward shifted reading—that is, the reaching necessarily precedes the saying.7 The simultaneous reading, according to which . The case of achievement predicates in the imperfect tense is only apparently more complicated. While discussing examples (27) we observed that those sentences have only a reportive reading. Such a reading is always terminative—that is, there is no non-terminative meaning for (ia): (i) Mario raggiungeva la vetta. Mario reached(lMPF) the top. Tlie non-terminative reading is available with the progressive: (ii) Mario stava raggiungendo la vetta. Mario was reaching the top. 7. Caveat: sentence (34a) is acceptable only if enough background is provided. For instance, suppose that Mario underwent an oral examination in history. Then you might ask what happened and someone reply with the following: Alessandra Giorgi and Fa bio Planes i 29 Mario reported about a reaching that was going on at his own time, is not available. Importantly, when the progressive is used such a simultaneous reading is available.8 Thus (32) and (34) show that the continuous readings of imperfective tenses, and the progressive periphrasis have a different distribution. Another reason for rejecting the attempt at assimilating continuous imperfective sentences to progressive ones is that the progressive is intensional (Landman, 1992), but continuous imperfective forms are not (Giorgi & Pianesi, 1997; Bonomi, 1998). Thus consider Landman's discussion of (35): (35) When Lucifer interrupted him, God was creating a unicorn. The main verb, create, is extensional and we might safely agree that in a sentence featuring such a verb the individual denoted by the direct object comes into existence as a result of the occurrence of the event itself. When the tense is a past one, such an object must exist, or have existed for some while after the end of the creation process. Thus an utterance of the following sentence is odd, since it commits the utterer to believe in the (past) existence of unicorns: (36) God created a unicorn. (i) II professore ha chiesto a Mario cosa fosse accaduto nel 1510 e Mario gli ha detto che (in quell'anno) Cristoforo Colombo scopriva l'America. The professor asked Mario what happened in 1510, and Mario told him that (in that year) Cristoforo Colombo discovered America. As in matrix contexts, tlie imperfective verbal forms of achievement predicates have a strong reportive flavour. 8. The reason why (34) is parallel to (32) is that in both cases the contrast is due to the behaviour of terminated events with respect to their anchoring event. Giorgi and Pianesi (1997) showed that terminated events cannot be simultaneous to their anchoring event/time. In matrix clauses, such as (32a) and (32b), the anchoring event is the utterance event/time. Thus, the terminated event of (32a) cannot be simultaneous with the utterance. However, simultaneity with the anchoring time is what the present tense requires, thence the ungrammatically of the sentence. In subordinated clauses, the anchoring event is the matrix one. The same constraint as before excludes the simultaneous reading of (34a): the terminated event of the subordinate clause cannot be simultaneous to the anchoring (matrix) one. 30 Ways of Terminating Example (36) contrast with (35) in this respect, since the latter does not require any similar commitment by the utterer. This shows that the position of the direct object of (35) is not extensional but intensional. Given that the verb by itself is extensional, and that the only difference between (36) and the relevant clause of (35) is the progressive form, intensionality must be due to the latter.9 Now, imperfective sentences differ from their progressive counterparts on the intensionality issue: (37) a. Quando Lucifero lo interruppe, Dio stava creando un unicorno. When Lucifer interrupted him, God was creating a unicorn. b. Quando Lucifero lo interruppe, Dio creava un unicorno. When Lucifer interrupted him, God created (IMPF) a unicorn. Sentence (37a), where the Italian progressive periphrasis is used, is like English (35) in the relevant respects: it doesn't commit the utterer to believe in actual unicorns. Example (37b), with the imperfect, does exhibit such a commitment showing that imperfective verbal forms differ from the progressive periphrasis in . Landman's discussion of (35) goes further to refute the extreme extensionalist. For instance, Parsons (198X) maintains that the progressive does not affect the extensional nature of the main predicate, arguing that the extensionality of create does not require that a whole unicorn be in existence when Lucifer interrupted God. It is sufficient that partial unicorns (pieces thereof, so to speak) were, and this is possible since creation is a typical stepwise process. Landman's reply involves considering a scenario in which (35) can be felicitously used to report on a situation in which the creation process was not stepwise, or not so in the way Parsons' argument would require. For instance, God might have been acting as a magician, pronouncing magic formulae, etc., with the unicorn expected to appear in a flash at the very end of this (possibly long) process. No partial unicorns, or unicorn's parts would be involved in this case. If Lucifer interrupted God amidst this process, nothing was there which can justify the extensional analysis. It can be noted that example (35) also provides a good counterargument to theories of aspect which emphasise the role of so-called incremental themes, and of the graduality of the thematic relation, as in Krifka (1989, 1992, 1998). It shows, in fact, that incrementality and graduality—that is, the existence of a regular relationship between parts of the event and parts of the (affected) object—is subject to contextual determination. In Landman's example, verbs such as create which typically have a gradual thematic relation to the object can be felicitously used in scenarios excluding graduality. In the same scenario telic sentences are appropriate. (ii) Good created the unicorn in three minutes. Suppose that Lucifer had not interrupted God, and that the whole process lasted three minutes. Then the unicorn would have come into existence, in the manner described above (formulae, etc.) which exclude graduality. In this case (i) are perfect, casting doubts on the hypothesis that telicity depends on graduality/incrementality. 31 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi that the latter are intensional, whereas the former remain extensional. That is, continuous imperfectives do not affect the intensional/extensional nature of the base verb. The different distribution of imperfective continuous forms and progressive forms with achievement predicate, and the differences along the extensional/ intensional dimension show that the attempts at equating imperfective verbal forms to the progressive is incorrect. In particular, if the right analysis of the progressive involves the presence of some sort of intensional operator, then such an approach cannot be extended to imperfective verbal forms. To summarize the discussion in this section: i) the terminative/ non-terminative distinction cannot be reduced to the different perspectives the utterer can take on the same event. On the contrary, the distinction has a semantic import, and the perspective differences are parasitic on such semantic facts, ii) attempts at explaining the terminative/ non-terminative distinction by equating non-terminativity to progressives neglects important empirical and conceptual differences. We therefore propose that the terminative/ non-terminative distinction is something that directly pertains to event, and that event semantics must provide means for telling terminated events apart from non-terminated ones. 4. Terminativity and non-terminativity: which comes first? Within event semantics, the terminative/non-terminative distinction hasn't received much attention. One possible reason is that English lacks a verbal form corresponding to the Italian (and Romance) imperfect, which is non-terminative and does not involve the quirks of progressives. More generally, following Giorgi & Pianesi (1997) it can be argued that English lacks imperfective verbal forms tout court, so that the terminative/non-terminative distinction hardly arises in this language.10 As a result, the kind of predicates and events discussed by most philosophers (including Davidson) and linguists correspond to the "terminated" . Contra a consolidated tradition, and for the reasons explained in §3, we crucially do not consider the progressive as an imperfective form. 32 Ways of Terminating events of the previous sections. The events making true sentences such as John ate apples, Jones buttered the toast, Brutus killed Caesar are all on a par with respect to terminativity regardless of the telic or atelic nature of the reporting sentence. Practically, all the theoretical set-ups proposed in the literature, including those rejecting event semantics, restrict their attention to terminated events. Consider, for instance the simple eventive sentences in (38). Adopting an event-based semantics, the truth conditions of the English (38a) and of its Italian counterpart (38b) are as in (38c). (38) a. John ate an apple. b. Gianni mangio/ha mangiato una mela. c. 3ex(eat(e) a Agent(e, John) a Theme(e, x) a apple(x)) Those truth conditions make explicit a number of commitments. In the first place, an ontological commitment towards events conceived as particulars. In the second, that verbs are predicates/ classifiers of events and that they introduce eventive variables. Finally, that most eventive sentences are existentially general over events. Current event semantics theories, however, do not have much to say about the distinction between terminative and non-terminative sentences. They can provide the (intuitively) correct truth conditions for the former, but are often silent about the latter-e.g., the continuous readings of the Italian imperfect or present tenses. Moreover, once the necessity for the terminative/non-terminative distinction is acknowledged, truth conditions such as those in (38c) are correct only as far as we understand the eventive variable as restricted to terminative events. Taking these facts as reflecting some empirical generalisation, rather than a mere theoretical bias, one might think that terminativity is the default case, with non-terminativity as a derivative notion. A common implementation of such a view is the partitive account, which we exemplify by discussing Krifka's (1992, 1998) proposal. The basic ingredients of the partitive account of non-terminative sentences are that a) ordinary eventive predicates-e.g., eat-zxz terminative, and b) non-terminativity is due to.'derived' predicates whose denotation is related to that of the 'ordinary' terminative predicates by the part-of relation. Within a basic event semantics framework the 'non-terminative version' of the predicate Q is a 33 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi predicate Q-p such that Q-p(e) iff there is an event e' such that P(e') and Q(e, e'), where P is the part-of relation. Therefore, the interpretation of the non-terminative Italian sentence (39a) relies on the truth conditions in (39b), along with the condition in (39c): (39) a. Gianni mangia. Gianni eats. b. 3e(eat-p(e) a Agent (e, Gianni)) c. eat-p(e) iff 3 e' (eat(e') a P(e,e')) d. Mario ha mangiato. Mario has eaten. Sentence (39a) is true iff there is an event e whose agent is Gianni, and e is classified by the non-terminative predicate eat-p. In tum, such a derived predicate requires that there exists another event e' which is an eating and such that e is part of it. It is important to realise that (39b) does not require that e itself be an eating event; the predicate eat enters the semantics only through the condition (39c) where it classifies the larger event of which e is a part-of. More than this, for (39c) to work properly, and provide an account of the distinction between terminativity and non-terminativity it is crucial that the two variables be assigned different values. Were this not the case, in fact, a) (39c) would be vacuous, and b) nothing would prevent it from being used for terminative sentences too, e.g. (39d). In this case, in fact, (39b) would be tme iff there is an eat-p event e, where this amount to requiring that there is an even that is an eating and is part-of e. But e itself satisfies these two conditions, hence (39b) and (39c) would be adequate for terminative sentences. Eventually, the distinction that the partitive approach tries to capture would be lost. However, it seems that the two variables in (39c) can indeed be assigned the same value. Italian speakers have the clear intuition that events making true (39a) are as much eatings as those making true, say, the corresponding terminative sentence (39d). If so, a variable assignment for (39c) might well assign e' the same value as e. With this (39c) would be irrelevantly tme, and fail to distinguish terminativity/ non-terminativity. To counter this argument, one might reply that nmngiare (eat) is not the right kind of predicate to probe the theoiy with, since, in 34 Ways of Terminating isolation, it is homogenous. Things would be different if a non-homogeneous predicate is used, e.g., mangiare una mela (eat an apple), bere un bicchiere di birr a (drink a glass of beer), which are such that, once they apply to an event, they do not apply to subparts. Unfortunately, this is only partially true. As will be seen in §6.4, predicates such as mangiare una mela (eat an apple) are non-homogenous only in their terminative meaning, whereas all the predicates that appear in non-terminative sentences are homogeneous:11 (40) a. Gianni mangiava una mela. Gianni ate(IMPF) an apple. b. Gianni ha mangiato una mela. Gianni has eaten an apple. If e is the event making (40b) true, then no proper part of it is in the extension of the terminative ha mangiato una mela (has eaten an apple). As expected, the predicate is homogeneous. However, any part of the event making true the non-terminative (40a) is in the extension of the same predicate. Then we are with (40a), and its present tense version, in the same situation as with (39a): condition (39c) is always true, and does not help distinguish between terminative and non-terminative sentences. Another possibility to rescue the partitive approach might be to simply require that part-of be substituted in (39c) by proper-part-of. Apparently, this move is capable of avoiding the problems just discussed, since in no case the same event would be assigned to both variables in (39c). However, it commits the (extensional version of the) theory to the actual existence of a larger event of eating, e', of which e, the truth maker, is a proper part. But ordinary utterances of (39a) do neither assert nor presuppose such an entity. For all is known, e might 1l. We do not consider sentences such as: (i) a. Gianni corre a casa. Gianni runs home. b. Gianni trova un libro. Gianni finds a book. which, are not available with any continuous imperfective forms, because they are always terminative. 35 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi end exactly at that point (while the speaker utters the sentence); in this case e=e' so that resort to the proper-part-of relation is precluded. Nonetheless, in such a case (39a) is felicitous. Moreover, it is possible to use (41) at a later time, another non-terminative sentence, to describe what happened at the point when (39a) was originally uttered: (41) Gianni mangiava. Gianni ate(IMPF). Thus, the existence of an actual larger event is not necessary for the truth of (39a). At this point, the only way out for the supporter of the partitive view is to go modally, and hypothesise that the greater e' needs not be actual. But this threatens to make non-terminative verbal forms hardly distinguishable from progressives, a view which we have already discussed and rejected in §3.12 These criticisms address the basic features of any partitive account of continuous imperfective (non-terminative) verbal forms (within an event semantics). Given the reliance on the part-of relation, any such a theory need commit itself to one of the folio wings: a) besides the truth maker, e, non-terminative sentences require the existence of a larger event, e', of which e is a proper part, and which is classified by the basic predicate, b) simple part-of suffices, but then it is necessary to supplement (39c) with some further requirement in order to properly characterise the terminative/ non-terminative distinction. We have shown that the first requirement cannot be met. The second possibility is still open to investigation, even if it is not clear what could be added to (39c) to make it do the job it was proposed for. We, therefore, conclude that the partitive account of non-terminativity is incorrect, and, a fortiori, we reject the idea that non-terminativity is semantically a derivative notion.13 1 . Tlie notion of a 'possible' event continuation, often taken to show up in progressives (Landman, 1992; Bonomi 1998), is indeed modal. In this connection, the remarks in §3 should be understood as entailing that no appeal to such a notion is justified for non-terminative verbal forms. 13. This conclusion does not deny that tlie event in the logical form of a continuous imperfective sentence can be a part-of (or be somehow related to) that making true the corresponding perfective one. Thus the non-terminated event of Mario mangiava una mela (Mario ate-IMP an apple) is related to the terminated event of Mario mangiö una mela (Mario ate an apple). Tlie point in tlie text, however, can be rephrased by saying that the truth of tlie former sentence does not require the 36 Ways of Terminating Returning to the very idea that terminativity is the default case, it should be noticed that it is hardly tenable on morphological grounds. The discussion in §1 and §2 showed that morphologically imperfective verbal forms are compatible with both non-terminative and terminative meanings—that is, they are aspectually neutral/unspecified. On the other hand, morphologically perfective forms can never yield non-terminative meanings—e.g. continuous readings. Given that the perfective is the morphologically marked form, one is led to conclude that, contrary to the tacit assumption outlined above, non-terminativity is primitive and terminativity is derived by means of morphosyntactic operations. That is, bare verbal forms, as encoded in the lexicon, correspond to non-terminated events, terminativity being due to perfective morphemes, and to particular syntactic configurations (see below). Such a conclusion is strengthened by the observation that eventive nominals too usually introduce events that are aspectually un-specified: (42) La conferenza/ descrizione ě stata noiosa, quindi me ne sono andato. (terminated) The conference has been boring, therefore I left. (43) La conferenza/ descrizione era noiosa, quindi me ne sono andato. (non terminated) The conference was (IMPF) boring, therefore I left. The same eventive nominal, la conferenza/ descrizione (the conference/ description), can yield a terminative reading, as in (42), and a non-terminative one, as in (43), depending on the choice of the tense. That is, the event, as contributed by the nominal, is aspectually underspecified. So we conclude that the bare forms of event-introducing lexical items (verbs and nouns, and whatever else) are (universally) un-specified as to aspect, hence as to the terminative/non-terminative distinction. In languages such as Italian, verbal imperfectivity does not modify such a state of affairs, so that forms such as correvo (ran-IMPF-lsn), mangiavo (ate-IMPF-lsn) or canta (sings) surface as aspectually neutral. Verbal perfectivity adds a specification, let us call hperf, to truth of the latter, so that the event in the first sentence cannot be characterised in terms of that in the second. 37 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi the effect that the event must be terminated, as in the Italian verbal form mangiö (ate-SP-3sn). Following many other scholars, we hypothesise the presence of a functional category hosting perf, called ASP, which takes the VP as its complement.14 Thus, a perfective verb is associated with the structure in (44a), whereas a continuous imperfective form is associated with the structure in (44b):15 (44) a. T AspP Asp [per/] VP b. ^v T VP In Giorgi & Pianesi (1997; 1998), it was argued that such a situation is common to many other languages-e.g., French, German, Slavonic, etc. English, however, behaves differently. In the first place, English verbal forms don't exhibit an imperfective/perfective morphological distinction. Secondly, it can be shown that the eventive verbal forms of this language always pattern together with the perfective/terminative forms of languages such as Italian, German, Slavonic, etc. Thus, it must be concluded that verbal forms such as ate, ran, but also eats, and runs always enter the derivation with a perf specification—that is, they are always associated with the structure in (44a). Given the absence of any morphological opposition in English, it follows that the perf specification of English eventive 14. But see Cinque (1999) for a more articulated view of clause structure. . We also hypothesise that ASP can host the hab feature responsible for habitual readings. This would straightforwardly explain why such readings are always associated with verbal imperfectivity, in languages having the perfective/imperfective distinction. Moreover, it also explains some facts concerning the possibility of licensing temporal locating phrases in which perfective verbal forms pattern together with habitual ones, and differ from continuous imperfectives, see fn. 26. /\ 38 Ways of Terminating verbs is due to a process different from the morphological one of Italian, French, etc. The idea developed by Giorgi and Pianesi (1997) is that the specification is added to the feature bundle of the bare verbal form after it is extracted from the lexicon (where all eventive items are aspectually neutral, see above), and before it is inserted in the derivation. Such a process is due to the morphosyntactic properties of English lexical items, in particular to the poverty of English inflectional morphology. The underlying rationale (discussed at length in Giorgi and Pianesi 1997) is that languages can resort to (at least) two means to encode the categorial distinction between nouns and verbs: either by resorting to the formal ^-features, or by exploiting the substantive features of Asp—namely perf16 When inflectional morphology is poor or absent, as in English, it cannot provide an adequate basis for supporting categorial distinction—cf. English forms such as love, loves, dress, etc. which do not bear categorial distinctions on their sleeves. Thus, English must resort to aspectual specifications. From the point of view of the computational systems this means that each eventive lexical item, once extracted from the lexicon, must be endowed with the perf specification in order to be recognised as a verb. Thus, we have the following arrangement of features for bare verbal forms and tense morphemes in the initial numerations of Italian and English: (45) _ VerbdJorrn Tense morpjheme English [...; perf....] >.....>......■...............................■..... Italian [.......] [...;±past;....] [....;±past;.....] [.....; +past; perf] English eventive bare verbal forms are always inserted in the initial numeration with the feature perf, so that the tense morphemes of this language only contribute tense information. In Italian, on the other hand, the bare verbal forms are unspecified as to aspect; tense morphemes, in turn, can contribute perf besides their tense value, this being the basic difference between the Italian imperfect (no 16. That is, we believe that (at least) eventive items need not be distinguished in the lexicon along the ±N and ±V dimensions, the categorial distinction being the side effect of the interplay between other morphosyntactic properties, and the syntactic structures created in the course of the derivation. 39 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi aspectual specification, only anteriority) and the Italian simple past (anteriority and the aspectual specification). Ultimately, English bare verbal forms are always aspectually specified, whereas English tense morphemes are not; in Italian, the opposite is true: bare verbal forms are aspectually neutral, whereas tense morphemes can contribute the aspectual specification.17 In this section we have argued against the view that terminativity is the default notion and non-terminativity a derivative one, and have concluded that the basic aspectual value of bare eventive forms is neutral. To this end, we have discussed a proposal to serve as a framework for the morphosyntax of the perfective/imperfective distinction. We are now in a position to present a formal framework for encoding terminativity and non-terminativity. 5. Terminativity/non-terminativity: the formal framework In the previous two sections we discussed reasons to reject the idea that the terminative/ non-terminative distinction is to be explained as a property of verbal predicates. The alternative we are going to discuss consists in taking it as expressing properties of events. In this respect, there are two possible ways to proceed: the indirect way, which hypothesises that what matters are the properties of the times of the events; or the direct way, which takes the conclusion at face value and directly encodes the distinction in terms of properties of events. Concerning the first possibility, once expressed in an event semantics framework the basic idea is that terminative events are those having a bounded/ closed time trace, whereas non-terminativity involves events with non-bounded/ closed time traces.18 Therefore, if r is the function associating every event with its temporal trace, an event e would be terminated iff the interval x(e) is closed. It would be non-terminated if ifej is open, half-open, etc. As can be seen, the substantive part of the theory is not about time entities, but about the temporal . In a way, English tense morphemes are all imperfective, in the sense that they never contribute anything to the aspectual value of the sentence. Independent confirmations to this theory come from languages where, as in English, verbal inflectional morphology is very poor or absent - e.g., Haitian Creole, Fong Be, Vata and other languages discussed in Giorgi and Pianesi (1998). All these languages pattern with English. See Smith (1991). 40 Ways of Terminating trace function. Indeed, it is said that e is terminated iff x 'associates' it with a closed interval; e is non-terminated if x associates it with non-closed interval. Thus, unless something more is known about x, the theory really doesn't say much. In particular, the theory should clarify under which conditions e is assigned a closed or a non-closed interval. Ultimately, unless the pairing of an event with an interval is an entirely arbitrary matter (and hence unsuitable for our purposes), it must be constrained by the properties of the event—e.g., if e is so-and-so then x(e) is closed; otherwise it is non-closed; or, more explicitly, if the event is bounded then its temporal trace is so as well, etc. But then, why not considering directly those eventive properties? So it seems that, if the theory is to have any explanatory value, we can't but characterise the terminative/ non-terminative distinction by resorting to properties of events, a task to which we now tum.19 The basis of our formal framework are provided by an extensional mereology on a domain of events. Symbolising the part-of relation be means of P, the mereology allows us to talk about parts and proper parts of a given event, about overlapping conditions between events, and so on. As usual, mereology provides us also with the sum operator, + and the product operator, x.20 Turning to terminativity, we take the relevant distinction at face value, proposing that events are distinguished according to whether they are terminated or not. The connection between the two kinds of events can be formalised by means a function, ter, associating events with their terminated counterparts. Such a function has a number of interesting properties: in the first place, if event e is non-terminated, and if its terminated counterpart, ter(e), exists, then e is part of it. If e is terminated, the same relationship trivially obtains between e and itself. Thus (46a) holds: (46) a. P(e,ter(e)) . Another possibility would be to exploit to the notion of continuation: an event is non-terminative iff there is another event that is its continuation; otherwise, it is terminative. In many respects, this is a variant of the partitive theory, and is subject to basically the same criticisms. In particular, it must be shown that it is possible to provide an adequate characterisation of 'continuations' without resorting to intensional notions. 20. For mereology, see Simons (1985) and Pianesi and Varzi (1996). See also Link (1983, 1987) and Krifka (1989, 1992, 1998). The mereological set up we are exploiting is described in the appendix. 41 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi b. ter(ter(e)=ter(g) c. ter(e)+ter(e' )=ter(e + e') Secondly, if e is terminated; then we might safely assume that the function ter applies vacuously—that is, ter(e) = e. With this convention, when e is non-terminated we have that ter(e)=e=ter(ter(e)). Therefore, (46b) holds. Finally, if e and e' are two terminated events, so will be their sum, yielding (46c). The statements in (46) establish that the function ter, which models terminativity, is: extensive (every event is part of its terminated counterpart), idempotent (the terminative counterpart of a terminated event is the event itself), and closed under finite sum. That is, řer meets the axioms defining a topological closure operator.21 If the proposed characterisation of terminativity is accepted, we can take (46) as definitely, and conclude that the terminative/ non-terminative distinction is a manifestation of (some of) the topological properties of eventive domains. According to such a view, there are two kinds of events: those that are topological^ closed/terminated, and those that are topologically non-closed/non-terminated. The former are the e's such that teite)=e; the latter are those for which ter{e)^ e is true.22 Notice that this way of encoding the terminative/non-terminative distinction does not require heavy ontologically commitments. Beyond the original commitment towards events as particulars, we have simply introduced some structure in the eventive domain. In this respect, the situation is similar to that of traditional set-theoretic topology. Closed and open sets are not new entities with respect to those already countenanced—namely, sets. They are simply entities obeying different structural constraints. Before concluding this discussion of the topological properties of eventive domain, let us introduce some more formal apparatus.23 We symbolise with b(x) the boundary of a terminated event—intuitively, the totality of the parts of x which . The axioms in (46) are the mereological counterpart of the Kuratowskian axioms for operators of topological closure. For more on this topic see Pianesi & Varzi (1996). 22 We leave open the possibility that ter be a partial function on the eventive domain. On this point see Pianesi and Varzi (1996). 2 . For a more complete treatment of the mereo-topological setting, see Pianesi and Varzi (1996). See also Giorgi and Pianesi (1997) for further application of these notions to event semantics. 42 Ways of Terminating separate it from the rest of the eventive world. If we strip away the boundary from a terminated event e, what we obtain is the interior of e—namely, the maximal part of e that is completely unbounded, symbolised with int(e). As in set-theoretic topology, we can then prove the following statement: (47) ter(e)=int(e)+b(e) Thus (47) establishes that every terminated event can be decomposed into its interior part, and a boundary, the latter being conceived of as the entity delimiting the event.24 We are now in a position to provide different truth conditions for terminative and non-terminative sentences. Using a predicate t, true only of terminated events, the truth conditions for the terminative sentences in (48a) and (48b) are as in (48c):25 (48) a. Mario ha mangiato una mela. b. Mario ate an apple. c. 3e3x(eaX(e) a \(e) a apple(x) a Theme(e, x)) Abstracting away from tense, (48c) establishes that an utterance of (48a) or of (48b) is true iff there is a terminated event of eating an apple, where terminativity is modelled according to (46). . We can then define open events as follows: (i) Op(x) =df x=int(x) That is, open entities are those which do not contain any part of tlieir boundary. This way we have reconstructed the basics of traditional topology within our mereological framework. Notice, however, that the closed/ open dichotomy does not exhaust the terminated/ non-terminated one. As stated in the text, e is non-terminated as soon as tei{e)^e. This definition applies both to events which are open according to (i), and to events which are neither open nor closed—that is, entities that contain some, but not all of tlieir boundary. . The predicate ŕ is defined as follows: (i) t(e) =df ter(e)=e. 43 Alessandra Giorgi arid Fa bio Planes i The truth conditions for a non-terminative sentence do not mention the predicate t:26 . The truth conditions provided in the text for terminative and non-terminative sentences are not complete since they do not mention the contribution of tense and that of temporal localisations. Indeed, the two kinds of sentences crucially differ in this respect, see also Delfitto and Bertinetto (2000): (i) a. Alle tre Mario ha preso il tě. At three Mario had tea. b. Mario ha preso il tě alle tre. Mario had tea at three. In perfective sentences, e.g. (i), the initial vs. final position of temporal locating phrases does not affect the truth-conditions. Thus both (ia) and (ib) are true iff there is a past and terminated event of Mario having tea which occurred at three o'clock: (ii) 3e(have-tea(e) a t(e) a at(e, three-o-clock)) However, when we turn to imperfective sentences, the position of the temporal phrase does matter: (iii) a. Alle tre Mario prendeva il tě. (CONT;HAB) At three Mario had (IMPF) tea. b. Mario prendeva il tě alle tre. (*CONT; HAB) Mario had (IMPF) tea at three. Imperfective sentences with temporal locating phrases in final position lose their continuous reading, and maintain only the habitual/generic one. With achievement predicates, which always provide terminative readings, we have the same pattern as in (i): the position of the temporal phrase does not affect the truth conditions: (iv) (Alle tre) Mario raggiungeva la vetta (alle tre). (At three) Mario reached(IMPF) the top (at three). Thus, setting habituals aside, we can conclude that sentence final locating temporal phrases are allowed only with terminative readings. Those differences can be related to the fact that in terminative sentences temporal phrases fix the temporal location of the event, whereas this is clearly not the case in non-terminative, continuous ones. Both (ia) and (ib) can be paraphrased by saying that there was an event such-and-such whose temporal location is as specified by the temporal phrase. A sentence such as (iiia), in its continuous reading, doesn't mean that there was an event such-and-such and that its temporal location is three o'clock. More precisely, temporal phrases in non-terminative sentences do not serve to provide a temporal location for events. Rather, these sentences convey that the relevant time was one having a certain property—.namely, that it was a time at which a certain event was ongoing. An interesting possibility for accounting for these observations consists in exploiting the fact that the at relation in (ii) is asymmetric relation between a localisee and a localiser, and hypothesising that in terminative sentences the temporal phrase and the event provide the localiser and the localisee, respectively, whereas the situation is reversed in non-terminative sentences. 44 Ways of Terminating (49) a. (Alle tre) Mario mangiava una mela. (At three) Mario ate(IMPF) an apple. b. 3e3x(eat(e) a apple(jc) a Theme(e, x) a ....) To summarise, we propose to encode terminativity as topological closure in a (mereological) domains of events; non-terminativity simply amounts to the lack of such a requirement. The perfective aspect then is a morphological means to enforce topological closure on the reference of the predicate, whereas, as argued, the imperfective aspect is simply the absence of any such a specification. Before returning to the issue of telicity vs. atelicity, let us see how the topological framework just introduced helps in accounting for the fact, discussed above, that the event making a sentence such as (31b) true cannot be on-going at the utterance time, whereas that involved in the non-terminative (31a) can. We resort to an important difference between terminated and non-terminated events—i.e., the fact that the former enter a network of temporal relations, whereas the latter don't. A terminated event has a beginning and an end, thus it is possible to say that it precedes, or follows another event, or even localise it by means of localising temporal adverbials (e.g., at three, when Mary left, etc.). Non-terminated events, on the other hand, do not have such a possibility: if e is non-terminated, it can't be said of it that it precedes another event, or that its location is such-and-such. All we can say of e is that at a certain time it was/is/will be ongoing. Vice versa, if e is such that we can specify its position, by either relating it to other events, or by means of locating temporal phrases, then such an event is terminated. It is this basic difference that accounts for the data discussed in §2 and §3—see also the discussion in fn.26. Sentence (31c) is a possible continuation of (31a) because the event of the latter is not localised, hence it is possible for it to be still ongoing when (31c) is uttered. This is clearly not possible for the event of (31b), because it is localised at a past time. We can't pursue this topic any further here. Let us only add that, if correct, this account could explain tlie often otherwise stipulated asymmetries between the way temporal localising phrases work with continuous imperfective (and statives) and perfectives - cf. Kamp & Reyle's (1993) and de Swarts' (1988) use of temporal overlap with terminatives, and of temporal containment with continuous imperfectives. If the sketched account is tenable, those asymmetries could be reduced to the different ways the event and the temporal phrase enter the same relation, at. 45 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi Ultimately, event e is located at location x if and only if its starting and its ending points are located at (within) x. A natural way to express this fact within our topological framework consists in resorting to the notion of boundary introduced above: an event is located at x iff its boundary is at x. Together with (47), which established that only topologically closed events are guaranteed to have boundaries, this entails that the notion of localisation is restricted to closed events. These informal considerations do not exhaust the problem of the different behaviour of terminated and non-terminated events with respect to temporal localisation. However, they provide further evidence that the topological framework developed in this section is an important means to understand the distinction between terminativity and non-terminativity, and aspectual phenomena in general. In this connection, it should be noticed that it is crucial that topology be applied to events, rather than to temporal intervals (a possibility we already discarded). Indeed, resorting to closed and non-closed intervals cannot accommodate the different localisation properties of events we have discussed. With respect to them, in fact, open and closed intervals are on a par, all being part of the same network of temporal relations. Thence, if we were to model the terminated/ non-terminated distinction as due to whether the temporal trace of the relevant events are closed or non-closed time intervals, we would lose a simple and natural explanation of the contrasts in (31).27 6. Back to telicity/atelicity In this section we are going to see how an account of the telicity/atelicity distinction can be developed on the basis of the proposal for terminativity/non-terminativity put forth in the previous sections. The analysis to be developed departs from many current theories in that it does not take notions such as incrementality, graduality, or event measuring as the basic ones upon which the explanatory apparatus is to be construed. Our theory, based on Higginbotham (2000), rejects the idea that what underlies aspectual phenomena is the presence/ 11. One might endeavour to propose a non-standard topology for time intervals to account for the facts. However, why doing so, if standard (mereological) topology applied to events seems to work? 46 Ways of Terminating absence of regular relationships between the denotation of verbal predicates, and that of their arguments. Rather, we will argue that the telicity/ atelicity distinction is to be explained by means of the presence/ absence in the logical form of an eventive variable for the boundary (the telos) of a terminated event. We will also show that such a theory can account for the mentioned relationships between the denotation of verbal predicates and that of their arguments as derived phenomena. Given the crucial role that such the mentioned regularities plays in many current approaches, we start by discussing two well-known theories that implement such a general idea—namely, Verkuyl's (1993; 1999) and Krifka's (1989; 1992; 1998) trying to highlight the empirical and conceptual problems they give rise to. Then, in §6.2 we will present our proposal. 6.1. The regularity approach The incremental/regularity approach to telicity/atelicity is motivated by contrasts such as those between (9) and (13). In the presence of the very same verb, properties of the direct object seem to play a crucial role in determining whether the resulting sentence is telic or atelic. Thus (9), with a countable direct object, is telic, whereas the mass term of (13) enforces atelicity. It seems natural to hypothesise, then, that some relationships between the denotation of the direct object and that of the resulting complex verbal predicate is at play so that the latter inherits (part of) the properties of the latter. Verkuyl (1993, 2000) pursues this program by giving up the notion of event, as endorsed in Davidsonian semantics. He resorts to (abstract) times structures and noun phrase denotations, using the tools of generalised quantifier theory. The idea is that the meaning of a verb phrase consists of a function relating the denotation of the subject to the denotation of the object at different (abstract) times, where time is given a discrete structure, basically akin to that of the natural numbers. Therefore, the role of VPs denotations is to relate the subject denotation with pairs consisting of a time and an abstract position in the object denotation, such a position being conceived of as a member of a given partition of the noun denotation. To use a metaphor, Verkuyl conceives of the verb as providing an abstract clock whose functioning specifies the, path the subject goes through in the object denotation. It is from this basic structure—the path in the object denotation—that aspectual phenomena stem, and it is this basic structure that 47 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi realises the regular/gradual/incremental relationship mentioned above. With respect to such facts as (50)—namely, the role of arguments in determining aspectual properties—in his 1972 work Verkuyl pointed out that what distinguishes objects which (in the appropriate environment) induce telicity, from those which (in the same environment) determine atelicity is some abstract notion pertaining to cardinality, which he called SQA (Specified Quantity of A, where A is the noun denotation). (50) John ate an apple/ two/most of the/all the apples in/ *for half an hour. John ate apples *in/for half an hour. A direct object DP such as an apple differs from the bare plural apples in that the former has a constraint on the cardinality of its denotation (one element) that the second lacks. Generalising this property to all the determiners to which the +SQA specification applies, and given that the verb denotation (the 'clock') works on members of a partition of the nominal phrase denotation, if the latter does not have a specified cardinality, the partition lacks a specified cardinality as well. But this means that it is not possible to determine when the clock stops. This, Verkuyl argues, is the basis of the distinction between telicity and atelicity: telicity reflects the presence of a final point for the path the subject goes through in the object denotation, whereas atelicity is due to the absence of such an end point. If in (50) cardinality information about the (denotation of the) direct object is available, the stopping point—that is, the point in the noun denotation wherefrom the path cannot continue any further—can be specified, this way obtaining telicity. When cardinality information is missing, no such an end point in the abstract path can be specified, hence atelicity. However, consider the following sentence: (51) John counted the reals in three hours. On the one hand, temporal structures are discrete—that is they have the structure of the naturals. On the other, Verkuyl's requires the verb to map such discrete structures into a partition of the object's denotation, this way making the latter discrete. Now, the cardinality of the direct object in (51) exceeds that of the 48 Ways of Terminating naturals. Countable partitions of the reals can be considered, e.g., by understanding (51) as saying that the counting went through a partition formed by the numbers which are less than 1000, those which are greater or equal than 1000 and less than 10000, and those greater or equal than 10000. But there is a clear sense of (51) in which the relevant partition is one in which each real is a singleton, and it seems impossible for the verb function to map a discrete structure into any appropriate partition of the reals preserving the intended meaning. Obviously, the sentence is absurd, and probably necessarily (analytically) false, at least if we intend 'counting' as meaning 'enumerating'. However, the point is not the oddity or impossibility of the depicted situation. The point is that the sentence is grammatical, contrasting with *John counted apples in two hours, which is not. In our understanding, this is a problem for the theory: there are cases in which the attempt at capturing aspectual phenomena in terms of a regular/discrete relationship affecting the argument denotation does not yield the desired results. Another well-known version of the regularity/incremental approach is Krifka's (1989; 1992; 1998). Contrary to Verkuyl, he has events in his ontology, and exploits an algebraic semantics framework with the part-of relation, symbolised by C, as the basic structuring device, to model the relationships between the denotations of the direct object and of the verb. The carrier of the model consists of two lattice-theoretic structures, one for ordinary objects and the other for events.28 He then defines a number of higher-order predicates and relations characterising different reference types. For instance, cumulative reference—the property holding of predicates which are closed under the join operation, + —can be used to model masses (e.g., wine, bread), bare plurals {apples), and, in the eventive domain, atelic predicates {drink wine, eat. apples): (52) VP(CUM(P) o Vjc,v(P(jc) a P(y) -> P(jc+y))) Cumulative reference The reference of mass nouns or bare plurals such as wine, apples, bread, etc., in fact, is such that given two quantities of wine, apples, bread, etc., their sum is still a quantity of wine, apples, bread, etc. Likewise, in the eventive domain the reference of run is such that given two runnings e, and e2, their mereological sum 2S. On the algebraic approach to semantics, see Bach (1981, 1986), Link (1983, 1987), and Landman (1991). 49 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi (the lattice join ex+e^) is still a running. Another relevant property of predicates is quantised reference: (53) VP(QUA(P) <-> Vx,y(P(x) a P(y) -> -occy)) Quantised reference A predicate has quantised reference if and only if for any two entities in its extension, it is never the case that one is part-of the other. To exemplify, for any two events in the extension of eat an apple no one is part of the other. Besides the eventive and the objectual domain, Krifka also consider a temporal domain T, also endowed with a lattice theoretic structure. The eventive domain E and the temporal domain T are connected by an homomorphic mapping t, the temporal trace function, associating an event e with its 'temporal trace' t(e). Concerning telicity, Krifka first introduces the notion of the terminal point of an event—that is, the last time in the temporal trace of the event: (54) Ve,t (TP(e)=t <-> tQX(e) a Vr' (ťex(e) -> ťe E(\i(x )>0 a 3ze E(x =v *z) -> \i(y )>0) commensurability In our case, the concatenation function is replaced by the part-of relation P. This requires some readjustments to (ib), due to the fact that, P being not commutative, if entities x and y overlap then the contribution of the common part should not be counted twice for the purposes of measurement. For instance, the sum of two overlapping quantities of sugar, each amounting to 3 and 2 kilos respectively, is less that 5 kilos - see Krifka (1998) and Larson (1999). Despite similarities, however, our treatment differs from that in Krifka (1989, 1998), who maintains that the measure functions of for-X-time adverbials is primarily concerned with time spans. More precisely, he takes them to apply to the temporal trace of events, as provided by the 58 Ways of Terminating for-X-time adverbials impossible with telic predicates? According to our proposal, the reason is that telicity is a property of two-events structures, whereas for-X-time adverbials can only modify simplex variables. Can (68) apply only to the processual part of a telic event? It could, but then we would have a presupposition failure, since the processual part, as it appears in the logical form, is not closed/terminated (recall that with telic predicates terminativity is due to the simultaneous presence of the processual part and of the telos; the two together form a terminated/closed event, but the former, by itself, is non-terminated). We might ask, then, whether the adverbial can apply to the second event, the telos. The following examples are evidence that it actually can, provided that we understand the second event not simply as a boundary, but as the resulting state of the processual part (which, in turn, bounds the latter):35 (69) John left for half an hour. Thus (69) means that John remained outside the room (the resulting state) for half an hour, and then re-entered. Ultimately, for-X-time phrases can combine with individual variables for every sort of eventualities, including states, cf. (70), temporal trace function T.E^T, Our measure functions, as explained in the text, directly apply to the eventive domain, and purport to measure the quantity of event of a given individual ee E. That is, for-X-time phrases measure event quantities rather than time quantities. Important differences between the two proposals, discussed by Larson (1999), arise in contexts such as the following. Consider two singing event: the first is performed by John, starts at 2 o'clock and ends at 4; the second singing event is performed by Mary, starts at 3 o'clock and ends at 5. Now the following two statements seem both correct: (ii) a. John and Mary sang for four hours, b. John and Mary sang for three hours. If for-X-time adverbials measure time spans, as in Krifka (1989, 1998), then (iib) is accounted for: the temporal trace of the event, which is the sum of the individual singing starts at 2 o'clock and ends at 5 o'clock. This is because the temporal traces of the two events share a part that, as said before, must not be counted twice. However, sentence (iia) cannot be accounted for, given that, as far as temporal traces go, the situation is the same as in (iib). If we take for-X-time phrases to measure event quantities, (iia) can be explained. Sentence (iia), on the other hand, reports about two distinct singings (say, at different locations), which do not overlap in the eventive domain. Tlierefore, the total quantity of event-stuff the two singings contain correctly amounts to four hours. . This observation is related to an important perspective on telicity and telos—namely, that they be more correctly analysed as requiring the presence of a resultant state which, in turn, bounds the processual part, as in Tenny (1994); we won't comment on this possibility any longer. 59 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi provided that they are closed/terminated, as the contrast between (71a) and (71b) exemplifies: (70) John loved Mary for three years. (71) a. Mario ha amato/amö Maria per tre anni. b. *Mario amava Maria per tre anni. Mario loved (IMPF) Mary for three years. What is excluded, if our approach is correct, is the possibility of for-X-time adverbials to modify telic predicates. This is impossible for the simple reason that they apply to simplex eventive variables, whereas two-event variables are needed for the purposes of telicity.36 ib. As Larson (1999) points out, an advantage of this approach to for-X-time phrases is that it naturally extends to measure functions which partition their domain differently than by resorting to ordinary 'time' periods: (i) a. John ran for two miles. b. 3e{r\m{e) a B(e, John) a t(e) a |imjies(e)=2) In this case, tlie amount of event-stuff contained by tlie relevant event is measured in miles, rather than in hours or minutes. Tlie possibility of resorting to functions which measure along different dimension is well known in tlie objectual domain, where we can talk about two spoonful of sugar, three tea cups of flour, one Kilo of salt, etc. This gives us the possibility of reconsidering an argument about the possibility of combining for-X-measure adverbials with in-X-time phrases, discussed in fn.29. There we observed that tlie impossibility of (i) can be explained by resorting to pragmatic reasons: if both in-X-time and for-X-time adverbials ultimately measure the temporal trace of an event, then (ii) would simply state tlie same fact twice: (ii) *Mario ha corso per due ore in due ore Mario ran for two hours in two hours. If so, we would expect something like (iii) to be acceptable: (iii) *Mario ha passeggiato per due chilometri in un'ora. Mario walked for two kilometres in one hour. Tlie unavailability of tlie sentence shows that in-X-time adverbials cannot attach to complexes of the type VP+for-X-measure. If, as we have hypotliesised, the possibility of accepting in-X-time phrases is criterial for telicity, we must conclude that VP+for-X-measure phrases are not telic, contrary to Krifka's proposal. This would not be a surprise in our framework: VP+for-X-measure 60 Ways of Terminating 6.4. Homogeneity Our approach to for-X-time adverbials apparently neglects a factor to which resort has been often made in the literature—namely, the role of the homogeneity of the predicates to which for-X-time phrases apply (Bach 1986; Krifka 1992, 1998; Higginbotham 2000). In our account, for an hour adverbials are felicitous only with terminative a-telic events because the two-event nature of telicity goes beyond the power of monoargumental for-X-time adverbials. Many theory, however, attempt at explaining the facts discussed in the previous section, by establishing some sort of relationship between one property, a-telicity, and the other, homogeneity, so as to logically reduce the former to the latter. In this section we investigate the status of the notion of (in-)homogeneity in the theory developed so far, trying to understand if and how it can contribute to improve the. Let us start by considering the relationships between homogeneity and telicity/ atelicity. It can be observed that the hypothesis (Higginbotham 2000) that homogeneity entails atelicity and/or applicability oi for-X-time adverbials is not supported by the data. For, (72) displays a seemingly homogeneous predicate, and yet the adverb is ungrammatical: (72) (Ieri pomeriggio) Mario dormiva (*per tre ore). (Yesterday afternoon) Mario slept(IMPF) (*for three hours). As already observed in §4, the event making (72) true, which is classified by the imperfective predicate dormiva, is homogeneous: any one of its parts is still classifiable by the very same predicate: (73) Alle tre/dalle tre alle quattro di ieri pomeriggio Mario dormiva. At three/from three to four o'clock of yesterday afternoon Mario slept (IMPF). phrases contain only one eventive variable, hence they are atelic, and unless sometliing supplies an extra eventive variable, they cannot combine with in-X-time adverbials. 61 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi The reason why the predicate in (72) is not atelic, we have argued, is that the continuous imperfective verbal form provides a non-terminated event, whereas for-X-time phrases and atelicity only make sense with closed/terminated ones. However, homogeneity and terminativity together entail atelicity. Any terminative event, in fact, is either telic or atelic, and as we will see in a moment, telicity entails in-homogeneity. If in-homogeneous atelic predicates did not exist, then homogeneity could still be a useful notion to predict atelicity in the presence of terminativity. The existence of in-homogeneous atelic predicates is clearly an empirical matter, and at present we have no positive evidence in favour of it. Pending a final word on the question, it seems fair to conclude for the time being, that homogeneity is by and large unnecessary to the characterisation of the telic/ atelic distinction. Let us turn, now, to the relationships between telicity/atelicity and in-homogeneity. In a framework such as Krifka's, the telicity of a given predicate is a consequence of its being quantised, the latter, in turn, stemming from the interplay between properties of the thematic relation (graduality) and those of the direct object (quantisation). Since quantised predicates are always in-homogeneous, it can be concluded that in-homogeneity is a prerequisite for telicity. In the present framework, where the telic/ atelic distinction is characterised by means of the simplex/two-events divide, it seems natural to go the other way around, and try to derive in-homogeneity from telicity (Higginbotham 2000). The idea is that, given the predicate corresponding to, e.g., eat an apple, if such a predicate classifies (the pair consisting of) the processual part and the telos of an event, then it cannot apply to subparts of the same event since no one of them has the same telos as the whole. That is, the in-homogeneity of telic predicates is crucially due to the telos and the predicate classifying it. So suppose that the predicate corresponding to eat an apple has the following f oral: (74) R=kee'.(P(e)AQ(e')) where P applies to processual parts and Q to their telos. To implement the intuition above, we must characterise Q so that the entire predicate R does not extend to parts. For instance, the following would not work as a spell out of R: 62 Ways of Terminating (75) Xee' .(eat(e) a Q2(e, x) a telos(e')) Let us understand the (thematic) relation 82(e, x) as meaning that the eating event e applies to the apple x. Letpi=(e], e2) be the eventive pair corresponding to the telic event of eating the whole apple, and p2=(e3, e4)be. the eventive pair corresponding to the telic event of eating the first half of the same apple, a subpart of the whole event. Then (75) could apply to both p} and p2. The processual parts ej and e?, in fact, are both events of eating applying to apple x, and the predicate telos holds of both e2 and e4. What is needed to implement the intuitions above concerning the relationships between telicity and in-homogeneity is a finer classification of the telos, capable of telling apart the boundary of pi from the one of p2. In the case of eat an apple it must enable us to connect the telos of pi to the whole apple x, and the telos of p2 to the half apple. If so, we can maintain that in a sentence such as John ate an apple, the predicate classifying the processual part is provided by the verb—i.e., eat(e). The classification of the telos, in turn, depends on information coming from other sources—e.g., the direct object (or locative phrases). To construe the complex telic predicate, we proceed as follows: let us understand eat{(eh e2)) in (64) as follows: (76) eat(-ing' entails the truth of the sentence with the perfective form.52 That is, given the truth of a sentence instantiating the schema (104a), we can truthfully utter a sentence instantiating schema (104b): (104) a. X washing b. X<|)-ed This is what happens with the following pairs: (105) a. John was running. John ran. b. John was eating. John ate. Not with the following ones, though: (106) a. John was running home. John ran home. b. John was eating an apple. John ate an apple. In general, it is said that activities exhibit the imperfectivity paradox but not accomplishments (and achievements). Notice that the following pairs are licit entailments: (107) a. John was running home. John ran. b. John was eating an apple. John ate. M. On the other hand, the unavailability of atelic terminatives with imperfective verbal forms shows that the t predicate of §5 can only be introduced by Asp when the latter has perf. . Here we use English progressive sentences as examples of imperfective sentences. This is not in contrast with the discussion in §3 concerning the differences between progressive and continuous readings. These difference remaining, progressives do pattern (in the respects which are relevant here) with continuous imperfective sentences. 81 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi Within our framework, the paradox of imperfectivity can be approached as follows: the meaning of a progressive sentence refers to both a non-terminated event, and to an intensional abstraction including the terminativity part, cf. (Giorgi and Pianesi 1997). Restricting our attention to the extensional part, and hypothesising that, in the sentences above, the main verb classifies the non-terminated event, e, the valid atelic entailments (105) and (107) follows under the additional hypothesis that the atelic sentences are made true by events which are terminated and part of e. On the other hand, our theory doesn't permit validation of the entailments in (106). Thus, the problem of the imperfective paradox can be recast in terms of the entailments from (108a), to (108b) and (108c): (108) a. 3e(ers (7) KX§X =df ax Vz (4>z -> P(x, z)) product of all <|)ers (8) x+y =df az(P(z,x)vP(z,y)) sum of x and y (9) xxy =df cz(P(z,x)AP(z,y)) product of x and y (10) ~y =df az(P(z,x)A-,0(z,y)) difference of x and y (11) ~x =df az(-.0(z,x)) complement of x (12) u =df oz (z=z) universe 84 Ways of Terminating Operators and terms defined by means of the fusion operator (6) may be partial; thus, the product of non-overlapping individuals will be undefined, and the universe will have no complement. The operators can be turned into total ones by introducing an appropriate term for the null individual that is part of everything. The axioms are the following: (13) P(x,y)^Vz(0(z,x)^0(z,y)) (14) 3xfy[x] ^3yVz(0(z, y) o 3x®[x\ a 0(x, z))) The first axioms secures that part-of is an extensional partial ordering. Axiom (14), the 'fusion' axiom, guarantees that every satisfied (non-empty) condition (predicate) picks out an entity consisting of all the (j)-ers. Topology I - Version based on the operator of topological closure The axioms are the followings. Note that, differently than in the text, we follow the common usage for the closure operator and indicate it with c. (15) a. P(e,c(e)) b. c(c(e)=c(e) c. C(e)+C(e')=c(e + e1) Let B be the relation 'boundary-for', defined in such a way that B(x, y) is true iff x is a boundary for y. Such a notion differs from the close relation of 'boundary-of, since the latter refers to a maximal boundary. In general, any boundary for something is a boundary of some part of that something. With these, we can introduce the following definitions: (16) b(x) =df oz(B(z,x)) (17) c(x) =df x+b(x) (18) i(x) =dt x-b(x) (19) Cl(x) =df x=c(x) (20) Op(x) =df x=i(x) the (maximal) boundaiy of x interior of x x is closed x is open 85 Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi Topology II - Version based on the notion of boundary The primitive notion is that of x being a boundary for y, B(x, y). The definitions are as in (16)-(20). The axioms are the followings: (21) B(x,y)->B(x,~y) (22) B(x, y) a B(y, z) -» B(x, z) (23) P(z, x) a P(Z, y) -> (P(z, b(.xxy)) <-» P(z, bU)+b(y)) References Bach. E., (1986). The Algebra of Events. In Linguistics and Philosophy 9: 5-16 Bonomi, A., (1998). Semantical Considerations on the Progressive Reading of the Imperfective. Talk given at the Conference on the Syntax and Semantics of Tense and Mood Selection. Bergamo (Italy). Borer, H., (1994). The Projection of Arguments. In E. Benedicto and J. Runner (eds.) Functional Projections, UMOP 17. 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