4. Work plan Work plan of the project is harmonious with methodological steps as described in previous section and with dissemination plan which follows. Timing and list of deliverables submitted in particular activities in the project is summarized in the following table. The start month of the activity is provided together with the end month or the month of delivery of the result. The table is self explanatory, graphical presentation is provided in the Gantt chart bellow to make things more clear. Few explanatory remarks are provided in footnotes. Table 4.1: List of activities and deliverables Activities Deliverables Start month End month/ delivery date Start up/negotiations with an English Publisher Book proposal submitted to a publisher (Ashgate, Blackwell) 1 3 Book research ­ theory1 - 1 32 Document research - history2 - 1 5 Field work and data analysis - 1st round (1970s- 1980s) Conference presentation 1 6 9 Journal study 1 12 Reporting (1st year) Annual report 1 12 13 Field work and data analysis - 2st round (1990s) Conference presentation 2 14 19 Journal study 2 21 Reporting (2nd year) Annual report 2 24 25 Field work and data analysis - 3rd round (contemporary) Conference presentation 3 22 28 Journal study 3 30 Academic stay (LSE,OU) - 32 32 Book editing Book submitted to the publisher 30 35 Reporting (3rd year) Final report 36 373 Book publication Book printed out 35 ?4 Note to academic stay Three-weeks academic stay is planend in 32nd month of the project at time of intensive work on the book. The stay will take place in London, LSE and in Milton Keynes, OU. In London especially the rich library sources will be exploited (especially theory, and the sources on situation in Western Europe). The stay in Milton Keynes will be dedicated to consultations with the Open University scholars in contemporary religiosity and field research Marion Bowman and Graham Harvey. 1 The work plan expects that the book research in theory will continue throughout the project almost up to its end. This activity does not have any particular deliverable since the results of this work are presented in another scientific deliverables (i.e. journal studies, conference presentations, book). 2 Document research on the history of the Czech yoga since 1936 up to 1980s ­ as mentioned in Methodology section - is preliminary for the field research. As such it does not have a separate deliverable. The results will be presented in deliverables related to the fist phase of the field research. 3 Final report is submitted after the project is in fact finished. The same applies to the book publication bellow. Only the publication of the book to a publisher fits within the margines of the proposed research. 4 Depends in fact on publisher. Table 4.2: Timing of work (Gantt Chart) Activity Deliverable Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Proposal for the book Book research ­ theory Document research - history Field w ork and data analysis Journal study 1 Journal study 2 Journal study 3 Academic stay (LSE, OU) Book editing Reporting Annual report 1 Annual report 2 Final report Book publication Published book ? Start up/negotiations w ith an English Publisher 1st round Conference presentation 1 2nd round Conference presentation 2 3rd round Conference presentation 3 Book submitted to the publisher