Nouns Ac; ivilics part-lime job shopping class People and Things h § you souvenir child rice; meal picture; photograph desk letter cat bread person. Places $ f & $ h \s X h "7 > mm temple park supermarket department store bus stop hospital hotel bookstore town; city restaurant Time of. *vfe 3^0 yesterday a little while ago hour one hour if o X i If frXn If t^Xi If I < I i V* bLXiXf (/-verbs 1 < * |^ R u - v e r b * yv$ Adverbs f v> Location 1 £ ^fesSt last week when . . . ; at the time of . . . (~«) )=j Hi 0 Monday ^C^B Tuesday t}cb^ a Wednesday H Thursday £agH Friday # "? to meet; to see (a person) {person i~) there is . . . (~<&*) to buy (~&) Hr