Hi, I entered full explanatory texts (blue, fine script) now. I choose not simplify it because you should get familiar with the ‘jargon’ used in cultural anthropological publications. If you need language assistance: You may apply Google translation function to understand the basic message of the blue texts. For inconsistent word-combinations: use a digital lexicon. This should speed you up. By and by you will get practice. Capture the main-idea. Details are less important. (Content will be ‘repeated’ in seminary anyway. You can ask questions there) Books: you can find them at the Dep. For the Prehist. Arch. of the Near East; plus: introductions, systematic presentations in Czech language, like Vaclav Soukup, Prehled antropologickych teorii kultury, a. o. Greetings Sub-topics of last lecture were: 1. What is a cross-cultural contact? 2. What types of cultural borders do exist? -one slowly blending into the other -marked contrast the means of transportation make a difference (feed/horse/carts/river-boats vs. trans-ocean shipping/aeroplanes) 3. The deficits of living somewhere else can lead to crisis and temporal disorientation (= the ‘protective fence’ is becomes damaged and ineffective). This makes it similar to initiation process) 4. Consolidation reactions are either directed -inwards (‘repair the fence’: Colonial Habitus) or -outward (to ‘step across the fence and look what is beyond’: Liminality). 5. Introduction to : What is culture? Culture is: learned/shared/symbolic/integrated/dynamic Basic ‘biological’ features can in fact look very different in other cultures. So the understanding of ‘parents’, ‘gender’, ‘good behaviour’, ‘fine food and trink’ etc. varies from location to location. There is no standard for this. You see this when you compare cultures worldwide. Contribution to next weeks seminary: Your contribution for next weeks seminar should be an ‘association’. The presentation itself need not be long. Main function: to provoke comments of the group. Choose your favourite topic (see below) 15 minutes is enough No limits to what form you choose: either a personal tale, film or photo, literature, fine arts etc. everything that expresses your opinion (The contribution should interest you and take you/us to the core of one of the 5 sub-topics of last lecture). Proposed seminary topics: We can find some related topics in our own culture. Especially ‘trivial culture’ is a good hunting ground to look for basic attitudes, besides it does not make much extra-work We will focus on classical ethnological examples in later lectures. You need not answer the questions below. They just show you what will be discussed in the seminary. ‘ * When Cultural Learning Fails’ - ‘Wolf man’ (e. g. the Film by Truffaut ‘The Wild Boy’, 1970), Kaspar Hauser, Autism. - What things does the community want these persons to learn? What problems occur on both sides, when they are forced into community? [Seclusion/Enculturation]. * ‘Stranded’ - How does someone ‘loose civilization’? What things they loose first, what things they preserve? What helped them? Look at cases of survival, far from society (Robinson Crusoe, ‘Castaway’/Hanks, etc.) [Seclusion/Total Institution] * ‘Mary Ann Talbot’s Sense of the Sea’ – When big British warships fought the with French warships in 1794, a woman in disguise fought among the British sailors. Look for evidence that gender definitions were not always so rigid as during the first part of the 20^th century. Or: Prsesent the Tale of Teiresias, the blind prophet of Ancient Greece, who for some part of his life has lived as a woman. Or: During/after WWII many woman did men’s jobs: Maybe you can find examples in Czech history? [Gender Definition] * ‘Mythological Beings’ - Either far away or hidden in the dark. What human-like beings did people believe life at the rim of (day-light) world (Antipodes, dog-headed, one-eyed creatures etc). We will analyze what traits made them ‘inhuman’. We will look what caused ordinary people’s fear [Old Ethnocentrism] * Born-Reborn’: In certain societies persons may symbolically die and be reborn several times. Can you find evidence of ‘life’-’death-life’ symbolism in the rituals of confessional groups, orders, so-called secret societies, professions and other ‘in-groups’? [Enculturation/Initiation] * ‘Oci to Oci: Exhibitions of ‘Exotic Peoples -Innuit/Azande/Pygmees etc.; Hagenbeck Exhibitions. etc.. When in history did this start? Who has organized the ‘exhibitions’, who has visited them? What did the ‘Exotic’ persons have to do? What did become of the individuals that were exposed? If you don’t find other examples: present us the events in ‘Man to Man/Oci to Oci’ (Fiennes/Scott Thomas) [Old Ethnocentrism] * ‘First Contact’: Describe exactly the phases of ‘cross-cultural contact’ in ‘Avatar’. How do the ones react that meet each other for the first time? Did some in the course of events join the other side? [Cross-cultural contact, Colonial vs. liminal reaction],