(Petty, Cacioppo, 1986) ◦Elaboration – miera toho, ako veľmi človek premýšľa o argumentoch obsiahnutých v komunikácii ◦Likelihood – pravdepodobnosť ◦ } } }Model nám hovorí, za akých podmienok je pravdepodobné, že človek bude alebo nebude o argumentoch hlbšie premýšľať Low elaboration High elaboration }Dva spôsoby spracovávania informácií z persuazívnej komunikácie ◦CENTRAL ROUTE - osoba dôkladne zvažuje argumenty, premýšľa nad dopadom prezentovaných myšlienok a porovnáva tvrdenia so svojimi vlastnými vedomosťami a hodnotami. ◦PERIPHERAL ROUTE - osoba zvažuje obsah správy rýchlo a nerozvážne. Zameriava sa na jednoduché vodítka. road two.jpg Evaluácia argumentov ⇨ mysliteľ Heuristiky (physical appeal, speaking style, music, etc) ⇨ cognitive miser }The central route involves message elaboration, defined as the extent to which a person carefully thinks about issue-relevant arguments contained in a persuasive communication [USEMAP]liking.jpg cat.jpg puppy 2.jpg sexy girl car.jpg tom cruise.jpg sleva 1.jpg } bakedbeans.jpg P1060663mini.jpg MOTIVÁCIA & SCHOPNOSŤ Central route Peripheral route question mark.JPG }Zainteresovanosť (involvement) –Personally relevant issues are more likely to be processed on the central route; issues with little relevance take the peripheral route – (High I – Central, Low I - Peripheral) }Need for cognition –Personality characteristic – a need to understand the world and to employ thinking to accomplish this goal –Certain individuals have a need for cognitive clarity, regardless of the issue; these people will work through many of the ideas and arguments they hear. }People given the same information can process it differently. ◦When personal relevance was high, people evaluated the merits of the presented information. ◦When personal relevance was low, people counted the number of arguments presented and made a simple inference: “more is better” “Comprehensive final exam” experiment Personally relevant issue Personally irrelevant issue vs. Variables: Speaker’s expertise Arguments strength High involvement Low involvement Favorable attitude Unfavorable attitude 0 - 0.4 0.4 Expert source Non-expert source High involvement Low involvement Favorable attitude Unfavorable attitude 0 - 0.4 0.4 Strong arguments Weak arguments When you are highly involved you care about the arguments When you are highly involved you are likely NOT to care what source you have }Distractions (disrupt elaboration) }Knowledge }Kredibilita }Celebrity endorsers }Krátkodobá postojová zmena pepsi britney.jpg chef.jpg Low personal relevance……………………………High personal relevance High distraction……………………………….…………...…..Low distraction Low accountability……………………………….……….High accountability Low repetition………………………………………..………….High repetition Low knowledge………………………………….……………..High knowledge Low need for cognition……………………..………High need for cognition Elaboration continuum thinker.jpg }Stabilita postoja }Rezistencia }Konzistencia medzi postojom a správaním } Central route to persuasion Peripheral route to persuasion Dlhodobé Krátkodobé Ťažké zmeniť Ľahké zmeniť Vyššia konzistencia Nižšia konzistencia }If listeners are motivated and able to elaborate a message, you should rely on factual arguments }If listeners are unable or unwilling to elaborate a message, you should rely on packaging rather than content } } }WHAT ARE FUTURE TRENDS??? }Väčšie zameranie na periférne cesty }Zameranie na emócie }Rola kredibility, mentálnych skratiek .... mycky nadobi.jpg amazon.jpg yes we can.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjXyqcx-mYY&feature=PlayList&p=D94F4A0FBC23F0F5&index=0&playnext=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghSJsEVf0pU&feature=related }Rezistencia voči persuázii sa zvýši, keď je jedinec exponovaný malému množstvu protiargumentov, ktoré sú však oslabené ich bezprostredným znehodnotením paroubek.jpg topolanek.jpg needle.jpg } }Forewarning ◦Individuals generate a large number of counterarguments, strengthening their opposition to the advocated position needle.jpg } }Two-sided is better… } …but never use it when you are not able to refuse it! needle.jpg