CAPTOLOGY §Captology is the study of computers as persuasive technologies. §CAPT (Computers as persuasive technologies) captology.gif Design, research, and program analysis of interactive computing products (web, mobile phones, other interactive devices) for the purpose of changing people’s attitudes and behavior Current Captology projects §Persuasive online video § (Youtube – political campaign, advertising) §Psychology of Facebook § (how influence takes place inside a social network) §Peace Innovation & Technology § (Stanford researchers believe that, with the new digital tools, world peace is possible in 30 years) §Web Credibility Studies § (How to increase the credibility of your web presentation) facebook power.jpg “Alarm clocking” Watch this for better understanding: edded steepandcheap.jpg Captology amazon.jpg NEUROMARKETING brain 2.jpg §Neuroscience + Marketing = Neuromarketing §Study of consumer’s sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective responses to marketing stimuli by the means of brainscanning §fMRI §EEG § MR a PET obrázek eeg.jpg nike logo.jpg Neuromarketing §How do we react to in-store signs and promotions? § neuromark.jpg adidas logo 2.jpg Neuromarketing research on Super Bowl Ads neuromark 2.jpg EEG and questionnaires Pepsi vs. Coca Cola coca cola can.jpg pepsi.jpg Montague, 2003 1.Blind taste tests of Pepsi and Coke Results – neutral activity, both Pepsi and Coke had approximately 50% of preferences 2.Subjects were told the brand Results – 75% preferred Coke. WHAT’S MORE, Coke activated medial prefrontal cortex - a part of the brain that controls higher thinking. Possible explanation is that the brain was recalling images and ideas from commercials, and the brand was overriding the actual quality of the product. ¡Political communication and persuasion is HIGHLY context dependent ¡ debate.jpg otazky vm logo.jpg kim cong il.jpg bilboard.JPG starosta quimby.jpg ¡Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Fireside chats (1933 - 1944) fireside chats family.JPG fireside chats roosevelet.jpg polcom facebook.jpg polcom obama.jpg polcom obama long commercial.jpg ¡Incumbency Style §Symbolic Trapping of the Office § (legitimacy, competency, charisma of the office) §Creating pseudoevents to attract and control media attention §Consulting or negotiating with world leaders §Manipulating the economy or other important domestic issues §Endorsements by party and other important leaders § § DISADVANTAGES of Running as Incumbent: Run on own record Public may blame them for all problems Besides campaigning they have to do the job they’ve been elected for There are much bigger expectations from them than from opponents ¡Challenger style: ¡Attacking the record of opponents ¡Taking the offensive position on issues ¡Calling for a change ¡Emphasizing optimism for the future ¡Speaking to traditional values rather than calling for value changes ¡ ¡ Taking the offensive position on issues Probing, questioning, challenging, attacking but never presenting concrete solutions for problems. It is the incumbent who has to defend. Challengers are not expected to solve the problem; they just have to say that they have got a plan. Goldwater and McGovern did not understand the essential nature of the strategy and thus they lost. As they proposed specific proposals with details, they were subjected to intensive analysis, debated, refuted by opponents and media, and finally rejected as absurd. ¡Your campaign has to be seen!!! bilboard.JPG kampan cssd 2.jpg kampan cssd 3.jpg cssd kampan 1.jpg cssd kampan 4.jpg otazky vm zaber.jpg Political parties participating in OVM zelezny.jpg snked logo.jpg volby 2006 vysle.png otazky vm zaber.jpg Political campaign is mostly about mobilizing your usual voters and gaining undecided voters scales.bmp