THE NEW RELIGIONS OF JAPAN HANDBOOKS/REFERENCE BOOKS: GENERAL WORKS ON THE NEW RELIGIONS OF JAPAN: BODIFORD William M., Chronology of Religion in Japan, in: Paul SWANSON (ed.), Nanzan guide to Japanese religions, Honolulu 2007, 395- 432 CLARKE Peter B., Bibliography of Japanese New Religions. With Annotations and an Introduction to Japanese New Religions at Home and Abroad (plus an Appendix on Aum Shinriky) (Japan Library), Richmond 1999 INOUE Nobutaka u.a., Shinshky Jiten [Dictionary of New Religions], Tky 1990 INOUE Nobutaka (ed.), Neureligionen: Stand ihrer Erforschung in Japan. Ein Handbuch (Studies in Oriental Religions 31), Wiesbaden 1995 SPECIFICALLY FOR BUDDHIST TERMINOLOGY: INAGAKI Hisao, A Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Terms, based on references in Japanese literature, in collaboration with P. G. O'Neill, Kyoto 21985 MULLER, Charles u.a., Digital Dictionary of Buddhism/Dianzi fojiao cidian , on the CBETA CD-ROM () (vgl. SOOTHILL, William E./HODOUS, Lewis, A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms. With Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index, London 1937 (online: ____________________ BOOKS/ARTICLES: INOUE Nobutaka (ed.), Shinto - A Short History, translated and adapted by M. Teewen and John Breen, London 2003 INOUE Nobutaka, Recent Trends in the Study of Japanese New Religions, in: INOUE Nobutaka (Hg.), New Religions (Contemporary Papers on Japanese Religion 2), online: oue.html KISALA Robert, Prophets of Peace. Pacifism and Cultural Identity in Japan's New Religions, Honolulu 1999 KISALA Robert/MULLINS Mark (Hg.), Religion and Social Crisis in Japan, Understanding Japanese Society through the Aum Affair, Basingstoke 2001 LOKOWANDT Ernst, Shint. Eine Einführung, München 2001 MULLINS Mark R. (ed.), Handbook of Christianity in Japan (Handbuch der Orientalistik 5,10), Leiden u.a. 2003 NAUMANN Nelly, Die einheimische Religion Japans (Handbuch der Orientalistik 5/4/1), Bd. 1: Bis zum Ende der Heian-Zeit; Bd. 2: Synkretistische Lehren und religiöse Entwicklungen von der Kamakura- bis zum Beginn der Edo-Zeit , Leiden u.a. 1988­ 1994 READER Ian, Religion in Contemporary Japan, London 1991 READER Ian/ TANABE, George J. Jr., Practically Religious. Worldly Benefits and the Common Religion of Japan, Honolulu 1998 SHIMAZONO Susumu, From Salvation to Spirituality. Popular Religious Movements in Modern Japan (Japanese Society Series), Melbourne 2004 DDr. Franz Winter, University of Vienna, February 2010